NovelToon NovelToon

My Rude Alpha Taekook

chapter 1: beginning

15 years ago... in a deep forest.. a family was running to save their lives.. It was era of choas werewolves clan were at war..
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
(panting)joon what will happen now,where will we go..?
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
i-i will do something.. don't worry i will keep u all safe ..
tae started to cry after seeing his appa in tear he approached his dada for help with wobbly steps
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(5yrs old)dada, why appa crying 🥺🥺? why r we running?
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
tae baby ,dont cry ,appa is just a little scared.. as we r going to a new place.. okay u r my brave boy right
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
pls.. don't cry.. u have to stay strong for appa...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
otay dada,taehyung will stay strong for appa..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
appa (holds jin's hand) here i will protect u.. don't cry..🥺
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
ohhhh my little warrior.. now i won't cry..😊
jin looked at namjoon ,and namjoon blinked his eyes in assurance that everything will be okay...
present kim house 🏠.. the family of kim namjoon (alpha) have adapted the lives of human.. they have developed their way of living according to their needs.. living among humans have always been a challenge, specially when there is a young alpha among taehyung just turned 20 ,a alpha by rank,very closed, reserved and quiet personality.. but everything goes smoothly because of his husband kim soekjin ,a male omega in rank..very loving and supporting...
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
tae, r u ready or not .. jungkook will come any minute?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
yes appa, m ready..
door knocks ...
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
door opens revealing jungkook..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
good morning appa..
jungkook calls jin as appa and namjoon as dada as they both like it that way... they treat kook like tae...
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
good morning honey how r u? come have brkfst ...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
is taehyung hyung ready?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hmmm.. m ready..
taehyung and jungkook are friends .. they grew up together.. when taehyung was 7 he met jungkook 5 yrs old toddler who looked at him with his doe eyes . jungkook's family had just transferred to kim locality as their new neighbour,from then until now they are friends...
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
kook what r the plan for ur birthday,these week..?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
nothing much appa ,just us family...
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
by the way where is jimin ?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
he went to clg early,he had some work 🙄
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
r u excited for ur birthday 🎂 (he eyed jungkook from head to toe)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
ummhmmm its my 18th birthday... m gonna be an adult..
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
ohhh really honey ,if i were u I'll watch it!!🤨
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
appppaaaaa i mean a good indipendent adult.. right hyung..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
enough of this birthday talk let's go...
jungkook was about to get up from his chair but his foot slips and to gain his posture back he hold tae hand...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
growlsss ....
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
(scared)🥺 hyung.... m sorry i didn't...mean...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
its fine ... lets go ...(walks away)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
sniffle... appa i really didn't...😭
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
i know honey .. shush.. don't cry.. its just , he's a bit cranky nowadays...
its been six months since taehyung turned 20 and from then he's acting a bit distant towards everybody specially kook..
he had stopped initiating any kind of touch with kook ..
first time when it happened jungkook didn't think much of it but after repeated times he took notice of tae's behaviour.. he asked him about it but taehyung just ignored him.. jin saw all this and consoled kook he told him that tae's is going through some changes .. he will get back to his old self soon ...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(his eyes flashed red indicating his wolf wanted to be in control..) not now ... he doesn't know!!!!!
Flashback ~~~
the moment taehyung turned 20 his eyes clicked red and in instant his wolf was in control.. his wolf search for his fated mate..but he couldn't find his mate.. his scent soured in disappointment.... then:
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
dad,i cant sense my mate anywhere?
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
don't worry son maybe its because we are among humans that's why u couldn't sense them..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
but what if im a mateless alpha...?
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
no! it can't be like that .. moon goddess will not be this Harsh on us... she already took our home from us now she can't be this heartless..(started to cry)
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
pls jin dont cry ... everything will be alright... have faith in moon goddess... as i have!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
taehyung didn't said anything further.. he just hoped he will find his mate soon... he wants someone special to show his real self to...
being an alpha for taehyung have been difficult because unlike his parents he never shifted to his wolf form .. so seldom he have problems controlling his inner wolf.. both are dominating,both wants control.. so sometimes it becomes hard for taehyung to maintain balance with people.. and he really don't want to hurt his close ones specially his childhood friend jungkook... jungkook was someone who have always been there for taehyung.. although he is unknown of taehyung true self,he support him, respect him... ...
amidst their talk.. theirs door Bell rings.. and taehyung's world stopped..the smell of of lavender surrounded him ... immersing his consciousness into this bloss scent ... his wolf howled in joy ..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(wolf): mate! mate!....
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
(shouts)taehyung ,jungkook has come to see u...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
what!!! jung.. jungkook...
taehyung ran up to his entrance
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
yes hyung...😊
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
do u feel anything kook?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
huh!no hyung why ?is everything alright?
taehyung moved close to kook and caged him in his arms...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
tell me the truth!!!!!
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hyung🥺🥺🥺 what r u talking about???
taehyung held jungkook hand rather harshly.. and a electric Spark ran into both of their body.. making jungkook scared...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hyung... u r scaring me..😭 did i do something wrong....😭
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
no.. no...(leaving kook) nothing.. m sorry... its my fault...
taehyung left from there...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
what happened to hyung ? why did he behaved so strangely... (sniffle)...
kook went back to his home after that....
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
he is my mate!!! but i thought he was a human... but i have never sensed his wolf... then how come.. i need to talk to father about this...
after discussing with his parents he came to a dicision that he will syay away from jungkook untill he turns 18.. they wanted to know the reason behind absence of jungkook's wolf ...
present inside college
park jimin
park jimin
hi jungkook ,
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hello hyung..
park jimin
park jimin
what happened little brother.. why the sad face...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hyung got angry again...
park jimin
park jimin
why ,what did u do..?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
i didn't... i just touched his hand by mistake.. i swear hyung it was a accident....
park jimin
park jimin
okay .. no big deal... he will come around.. he is angry anyway... cheer up okay...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
really hyung .. we will be alright right?


Taehyung walked around campus trying to clear his agitated mind ... the presence of Jungkook around him makes his wolf to lose control… His wolf who had never come out from his inner thought, but whenever he senses Jungkook or his scent he becomes restless… His will to come out multiplies, and it causes Taehyung difficulty in keeping his wolf in control… that's why he stopped touching Jungkook after their first encounter on his birthday… But today when Jungkook mistakenly held his hand … It was sudden blow to his senses and At that moment his wolf fought for dominance… His wolf was ready to take charge and shower his mate with love and his scent....
min yoongi
min yoongi
What happened Taehyung ? U looked tense…
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Ahh suga, when did u come, it's nothing just thinking about something....
min yoongi
min yoongi
you are thinking about kook right?
Taehyung wolf growled in anger upon hearing someone else calling his mate with pet names ....
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(in mind) calm ourself down… He doesn't have any feelings towards Jungkook… Jungkook is like a brother to him… No need to get jealous over this...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
How do u know, I was thinking about him?
min yoongi
min yoongi
Jimin told me about it... maybe kook is upset that you are mad at him..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
jungkook..... (sigh) I'll go and check on him ..
at cafeteria….
park jimin
park jimin
Come on kook have something its already noon and still you are upset… I told uright that he will come around.....
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
No.... u said that in morning but its already noon still he is nowhere to be seen ..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
he hates me now... he will not talk to me ever again 😭
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
jungkook turns around...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
ohhhh... seeing tears in his mates eyes made his scent soured...he never liked tears in those abysmal eyes 👀 ..but he doesnt understand why jungkook is crying.. he is a very strong boy ...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
why r u crying?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I-i don't know 😭
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
what do mean u don't know, come on say why r u crying?
Taehyung said those words like a command and Jungkook weirdly felt himself obeying to it…
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Hyung i... don't know but m feeling very sad .. i think m getting sick...😭 r u still upset with me .. i swear it was just a mistake...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
jungkook, come on don't cry okay... I don't lIke when u cry... and m not upset with you so don't fret
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
okay Hyung...(sniffle)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Jimin, pls take care of him..
park jimin
park jimin
Okay but r u going somewhere?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hmmm .... I have some work to finish...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Should I wait for u after college ends?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
No... go home with jimin..
with that he was out of the cafeteria…..
park jimin
park jimin
See I told u right…. He was not upset.. he can never be upset with u ...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
park jimin
park jimin
What why?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Hyung u said he can never be upset with me … But Why ? why did u say that ..
park jimin
park jimin
because my little brother… he is ur bestfriend… He has been with u all his life… his day starts with u and ends with u calling him to wish good night 🌃.. now u tell me do u think He will stay mad or upset with you for a long time….
park jimin
park jimin
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
park jimin
park jimin
kook can i ask u something?
park jimin
park jimin
why did u started crying suddenly... i have never seen u cry like this before?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
i myself don't know the right reason
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
but when the image of angry hyung came in my mind.. my heart felt congested... i didn't like it .
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
i know he's a bit cold when it comes to show emotions but his eyes are nice ... they are always warm towards me...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
but today i saw them changed... maybe that's why i felt like crying...
park jimin
park jimin
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
park jimin
park jimin
nothing... let's get back to classes..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
okay see u
park jimin
park jimin
he has started to show changes... i should inform them.. we need to prepare...
college ends.. jk and Jimin went home 🏠
Door open....
park jimin
park jimin
Amma appa we're home 🏡
hello my babies how was college?
jungkook back so soon I thought u will come with TAE
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
appa he had some work...
hmm that's why there's so much noises in the household... every brat is present at once...
Huh!(clutches his heart) u mean m a Brat too...
you're the biggest of them all...(laugh)
park jimin
park jimin
hahaha .... appa ... amma roasted u ...
Look who talking... Jimin how come suga let u go this early usually he has thousands of reasons to make u stay with him....(wink)
park jimin
park jimin
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Hey come on… Don't tease my son... he is his first ever crush...😜
park jimin
park jimin
appa u too, he's not my crush we're just good friends…
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Okay Hyung we believe u...😉
okay … Enough both of u go and fresh up… M getting dinner ready...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Jungkook left to his room..
park jimin
park jimin
yes appa
is it true?
park jimin
park jimin
Yes amma… He has started to show changes….
park jimin
park jimin
But there's somethIng i don't understand...
park jimin
park jimin
oh! umm nothing major… I confirm first then will say..
okay then we should start preparing….
after they all had dinner with little fun and gossips about college..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
good night 🌃 appa,amma … m going to sleep….
Okay baby sleep well
Yes and don't play with your phone 📱...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Okayyy(walks up to his room)
park jimin
park jimin
I'll go to sleep too...
Same thing applies to u too jimin...
Good night 🌃 baby 😚
park jimin
park jimin
yeah amma ... i get it...
In Jungkook room
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
(laying on bed)... weird day...
phone rings...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Hmmphhh took u long to call .(pouts)
phone rings again....
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
were u asleep?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
what if i say yes..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
then I'll cut the call…
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I hate you
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(laughs) really I didn't know...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
what important work did you had that u went home early?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Hmmm.... can't tell u
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
why?(bites lip in annoyance )
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
It was nothing serious… Just dad wanted my help with something….(he lies)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
oh okay... yawns...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hmm,,, It's late now ... go to sleep okay...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
Hmmm okay... good night Hyungie...(yawns again)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
good night 🌃 kook...
Jungkook smiles … its the only time when his Hyungie calls him with pet names… And he loves it so much... he likes when Taehyung calls him kook....
Jungkook goes to sleep
other side with Taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
sorry kook, I didn't meany to lie to u but … Now I can't tell u the truth… The reason why I went early because I wanted to stay away from you and your scent...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
i need time to think straight.... i don't want to scare u.. u were my best friend...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
but nowadays i can't say same about it.. my feelings are a bit jumbled...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
i hope someone was there to help me...
taehyung said all this looking at moon 🌙 goddess...

emotion part-2

Jungkook getting ready for college
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I'll be 18 in less than a week, m so excited… But there are certain things that i Don't understand…
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I'm getting a lot sensitive these days… Just yesterday I cried but i was never like this… I was strong boy... i don't thinks its bad when a boy cry but i don't cry ... maybe because I've always been loved... but i don't know what happened out of all sudden I started to feel like my heart will explode with this weird emotions
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
maybe i should talk to amma about this
saying jungkook ran downstairs
careful jungkook , u will fall if u run like that...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
umm sorry,but amma i have something to ask
go on m listening...
sumi said stirring the noodles..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
amma look at me... (kook whines)
okay m done (turns to kook) now ask ?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
umm ,do i look changed to u?
changed? as in? yes u just changed ur hair colour from blonde to this blue...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
no amma ,not about my hair colour.. something else...
ummm, (thinks) i dont think so baby
why do u ask? do u feel a change?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
no amma i dont .. but u know there's something i feel inside.. i dont know .. its probably nothing
okay ,if u say then....
go call everyone for breakfast?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
(salutes) aye aye captain...
jungkook runs to call jimin first..
hmm so now u have started to feel the change... (smiles) i guess its early then expected...
what happened honey.. why r u smiling all by urself?
nothing just jungkook have started to notice the changes...
ohhh its good then...
jungkook at jimin's door
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jimin hyung wake up already or we'll be late
park jimin
park jimin
(groggily) 5 more minutes
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hmm hyung won't wake up like this... think something else kook...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hyung look suga hyung have come to see u...(smile secretly)
park jimin
park jimin
(wakes up abruptly) huh what suga's here.. wait . tell him i be there in 5 min..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
laughs loudly 😂😂😂😂😂
park jimin
park jimin
understands the prank... 😡 u jungkook , I'll not leave u come here...
jimin open the door and starts to chase jungkook...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
its not.... my fault.. hyung .. u were not waking up ..
park jimin
park jimin
oh yeah ...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
park jimin
park jimin
u just wait I'll tell taehyung about this
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
stops !!!! what why??????
park jimin
park jimin
now I've got him....(whisper)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hyung ,pls don't say anything to him... u know he doesn't like prank and if he get to know then he'll call me childish...
park jimin
park jimin
u should have thought before doing this...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I'll make ur favourite pancakes
park jimin
park jimin
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
park jimin
park jimin
then tomorrow pancakes party'... m calling everyone...
wait wait why r u shouting early in the morning..
park jimin
park jimin
nothing appa ,m just excited for tomorrow's pancakes party...
m invited right..?
no... u have to attend a reception party with me...
damn man...(pouts)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
giggles... no worry appa I'll make special pancake 🥞 for u ...
and what about me...?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
for u too amma... how can i forget u...😊
park jimin
park jimin
ohhh so much melo drama happens in this household 🙄
everybody laughs at that...
soon they all finished their breakfast and leaves for their respective destination...
outside jimin's house...
min yoongi
min yoongi
uhh hi.. jungkook ,hi jimin...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hi suga hyung... what r u doing so early here?
min yoongi
min yoongi
uhh i.. (looks at jimin)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
i think i should leave..
min yoongi
min yoongi
uhh kook taehyung called for u...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
ohh okay...
jungkook proceed towards taehyung house 🏠 which is just 1 minutes away...
park jimin
park jimin
r u going to say something or not..?
min yoongi
min yoongi
uhh jimin , let's go college together..
park jimin
park jimin
uhh umm okay.. (smiles)
min yoongi
min yoongi
(in mind) u're an idiot suga..
park jimin
park jimin
did u had breakfast?
min yoongi
min yoongi
yeah...did u?
both went talking and smiling...
with jungkook
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
rings doorbell
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
hey honey come inside, tae is still sleeping!
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
huh but.. (suga hyung said)
understood suga hyung plan...
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
hmm u said something..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
uhh nothing..
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
hello dear how r u..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hello dada 😊 m super good how r u ?
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
u're not upset about yesterday right?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
no dada .. see (twirls) m all fit and fine ..
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
kook honey do me a favor go and wake tae up...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
okay ..
kook went to tae's room
jungkook had visited tae's room countless times.. he knows all the hooks and nooks of tae's room... he know where tae hides his beer 🍻 bottles ,he knows why taehyung keeps right side of his closet empty... he also know that the little Star lamp is very precious to tae .. that star lamp was taehyung's first present 🎁 from kook....
jungkook looks at the sleeping features of taehyung..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
he looks so peaceful like this... who can say that this cute looking man is not cute at all..
jungkook bends now his face is directly 3 inches away from tae's face..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
u know hyungie u look like a child sleeping like this...(whispers)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
and hyungie i know u are awake..
taehyung opens his eyes staring directly at kook...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
how did u know i was awake..?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
ummm .. i just knew ..(wink)
taehyung jaw harden seeing kook's wink..
jungkook moves away and scans tae's room...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
what are u looking? u have been in this room countless time... everything is same nothing new...
tae get up to freshen up but stops when...
jungkook started to roam his hand on the walls .. touching everything in the way...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
hmm (turns and looks at tae..(tilt his head ) nothing,i haven't visited this room for a while so it felt a little cold... so m giving it my warmth...
unknowingly jungkook was scenting tae's room.. the room was now flooded with lavender smell.. and slowly it surroundedd tae's entire room.. from his clothes to his wall painting... everything soaked with lavender scent felt as if jungkook is showing possession about his mate .... it was like jungkook was scent marking his mate .. so that everyone will know that this wolf 🐺 belongs to someone...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
tae smiled at jungkook's behaviour..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
why r u smiling?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
nothing, go downstairs... I'll come after getting ready...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
(pouts) hmmphh
taehyung flops on bed.. covering his eyes... he takes a long whif.... masking himself in his mate scent ...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
what r doing jungkook??
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(his wolf) mate's smell nice..and happy
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(tae to his wolf) yeah... do u like this smell?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(his wolf) yess ,it calms me down.. makes me wants to cuddle with him...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
really,its makes me feel weird.. i can't clearly say what?
taehyung is skeptical about his feelings towards jungkook as he has always treated him like a friend... he cares for him but he never had thought that jungkook will turn out to be his mate . now he don't know how to behave with him.. his wolf feels different as his wolf only wants its mate but his human side just can't change his thoughts in a second right.. taehyung needs time... and on top of that jungkook is unaware of him being a wolf 🐺.. and that's a major problem...
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
let's not think about this now .. or he will come again and shout at me..
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
(smell the overpowering lavender scent) why jungkook's scent is so strong
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
i don't know..
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
he is awake now amma..
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
did he say something to you honey.. r u sad?
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
no.. why..
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
uhh nothing just...
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
maybe be he had done this this unknowingly (whispers to jin)
kim soekjin
kim soekjin
yeah maybe...

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