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JUST FOR HIM....[ Taekook ]


Blood spread All over the Underground basement Walls.....As The Man's Whole Leg was covered with Blood....
P-PLEASS.....L-Let me go !!! I w-won-
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Fires Bullet In the Air**
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
That You should have Realised before coming to Mess with me...**❄️❄️**
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
I don't think so...That he is of any use....**❄️❄️**
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Yes...We should Kill Him..**❄️❄️❄️**
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Points at The Man's Forehead**
And The Last Bullet In Taehyung's Gun was Fired at the Man.......Leading him to the spot...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Throws the Gun **
Taehyung cleans his Fingers which had Drops of blood ....
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Exales**..... Let's go **❄️❄️❄️**
Taehyung Moves out from their Secrets base ...More like set up as Basement...As Hyunjin and Jimin..Follows him....
Taehyung sits On the Back seat ....Of the Car...Resting his Back head Tiringly...
While Hyunjin sits on the Driver Seat and Beside him Jimin Seats....
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Straight to home ..**❄️❄️❄️**
**Nods** Yes..., Sir
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
( I just Want to Take a shower....I reel blood...)
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Closes his eyes**
Even Though Taehyung is in Mafia....He is a Clean freak...He wants everything Perfect ...Clean and Clear ...A little amount of dust can make him Mad....and This Blood....He hates....But when It's his enemies, He loves to see it...From A distance
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
**Looks Outside Of the window**
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
( Maybe It will start raining Soon.....)
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Ruthless Mafia.... His Ego in Underworld Is known By Every one..... His Money is precious To Him... Doesn't Tolerate Betrayal... The Person would Be Dead The Next Moment .... Trust His Right and Left Hand... Hyunjin and Park Jimin...
2nd Generation Billionaire and Mafia...


While On The Other Side...
A Whole Different Atmosphere was there....A Man was sitting In his working Desk....At His home ...
When he heard some noises coming from a Toddler.....
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook's Son
Aghhhh 😭😭😭😭😭 aggh😭😭😭😭 !!!!
Widening Eyes...The Man immediately Gets up...And Goes to the Child Which ...Is none other than his own son...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
**Takes His Baby In his Hands**
Jungkook Begans to swing his Baby Slowly In order to Stop him from crying....
After 10 Min...
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook's Son
**Looking at Kook with big doe eyes** 👀
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
You naught Kid !!! You just wanted to be picked up from your Bed ...
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook's Son
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
If you have waken up , Then let's make some food For your mommy..
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook's Son
Jungkook goes to Kitchen and Places his Son on his side and Began to Cook food....By first Giving his Son His Milk Bottle...
His Son Keeps Looking at the Food , As he cannot eat it Because he is too Small to eat....
Meanwhile Jungkook's Phone Rings...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
**Looks at the Caller ID**
A soft smile Appears on his face , His stops his work , And By wiping his hands ...He picks Up the Call...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
📞 Hi Love~~~
🗣️ :.......
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
📞Hmm~~ Come as soon as Possible !!!
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
📞 We will be waiting for you !! **Chuckles**
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook
Jeon Ji-Hoon / Kook's Son
**Nods** **Nods**
He keeps his Phone Aside and Continues his work...
On Taehyung's Side....
As Taehyung was Resting his head on the back...He was nearly Falling asleep when...
Eunwoo Had to take an Narrow route in order to reach Taehyung's House in Less time...
It's like a short cut... Because Taehyung's Temper is like playing with fire and He doesn't want to risk anything....It night time...And Mostly Taehyung is Tired from His daily activities...
Because Loosing his Temper over others...Also loosed his to kill ofcourse...
It was surely Night time...
When an Another Car stops Infront of Taehyung's car...
The Another car keeps giving Horns loudly.....
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
**Widened Eyes** ( Does he have a death wish or what )
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Lines Formed on his forehead**
Jimin Immediately gets out From The Car to negotiate with the Driver of the car Infront of them...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
What's Happening outside ?? **❄️❄️**
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Why did Jimin Get out ?? **❄️❄️**
To...Warn the Driver to Move behind so the road can be clear ..Sir...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Jimin Stands Infront of the car ....
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Excuse me ??!!
But For his surprise, A Woman comes out of the car being the driver ..
What's Your Problem ?!!
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
....Mam...Will you please Move your car a bit , We need to Go Urgently...
You are the Only one , Who is important citizen or what?!!
Do you even Know , Who am I ?!!
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
( This Bi*** Is testing Tae'e Patience now....)
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
I am Jeon Yoona , Wife Of The CEO Of The Jeon Empire !!!
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
**Grints His Teeth** It doesn't matter....It's better If you just Obey now ..❄️❄️❄️
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
The Audici-
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
( What the Heck is Taking time to this Jimin !!..)
Into This Chaos , Suddenly bullet sound began to come....and Even a bullet was going to hit Jimin but In time , He sees the shooter Lower his head ...To Dodge the bullet...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
( Those Bastardss....)
Now , Taehyung also Realised that There were men, Targeting them...
Jimin rushes inside the car...
Taehyung realises That , There some men who were Targeting them...Maybe Their Enemie's Men ....
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
**Widened her eyes**
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
( 😦😦😦😦...G-Guns??....)
Yoonna Immediately Sits inside her car , When Eunwoo Drives Taehyung's Car In full speed, By Leaving Crashing mark On Yoona's Car ..
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
( Those Freaks😡😡😡)
Inside The Car..
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Who was that Lady ?!! ❄️❄️❄️
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Don't you have any sense ?!!! Why did you-
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
She was Not Ready to Listen only !!! ❄️❄️
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Grints His teeth** .....I think, She was Planned......❄️❄️❄️
Me too......A woman at night , Won't take time To deal with this type of things...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
She was talking too much.....You said right ?!? ❄️❄️❄️
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Hmm ❄️❄️❄️
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Then....Make her Shut up for Forever....**❄️❄️❄️**
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
( Maybe , She was really a set up plan , So...She can )
( Stop us at a spot , And then The men Can take their time to come and Kill Taehyung sir....)
And The Same thing was coming Into Taehyung's Mind....He is a Mafia afterall.....He has To get suspicious on Everything little thing.... That's the Only reason He is Alive after coming into Underworld...


- At Jungkook's House -
Jungkook opens The door in a hurry , To see his Wife Standing at the door ...He lets her in , While removes her Scandals...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
What took you so much time , Love ???....
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
Don't ask me !!! And They even Leaved A crashing mark on my car...
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
And You know why , Just because they were in Hurry !!! **Scoffs**
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
What ??! Who ???
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
Those bast-
And Immediately Jungkook covers Her mouth slightly....And Pointing at the Couch ....
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
**Eyes shift to the Couch....And Sees Ji-hoon**
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
Oh....Sorrryyyy !!! 😩😩😩😩
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
**Removes his Hand** We need to be careful!!
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
**Nods with a smile**
Well, Ji-hoon Has a condition called , Hyperthysiam ... Where A person can Remember any event in his Life with a lot of Details .... Doesn't matter if the event takes place In his Young age or adult....
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Just go now...I have Already set up your Shower...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Fresh up...And Tell me Everything when will be eating ....okay...??
Jeon Yoona/ Kook
Jeon Yoona/ Kook's Wife
**Smiles Brightly** Thanks , Kookie !!
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
**Smiles **
Yoona Pecks Jungkook's Lips while he let out a chuckle, And She moves to the Bathroom....
And Like this Everything was Perfect In Jungkook's Life...
A lovely Wife, An adorable Son like him only..his father were little strict but because his father were strict he was able to be in his Stage of life....And He is Glad That His Mother and Father were alive ...But They live in Another city .... Because they wanted to Give privacy to Jungkook and his Little family....
Jungkook comes Before his wife at home...Meanwhile A nanny takes care of his kook comes the Nanny's job done for the day...And All the rest routine you know... Yoona is also a working woman..But her job place is far from her house...He is a Manager Of a Beauty Product Company which is Well-known all over the Country...
But.....Will the Things Will be same.....In Jungkook's Life Now...??
Will things Will be PERFECT ???....
~ In Taehyung's House ~
He just had taken a bath , And He was sitting in his couch....Holding a wine glass ...
In Living Room
No one Lives in this Huge damn Mansion... Except some Servants...Means Only THREE.....and One cook...Those three servants are male...While the Cook is. A aged Grandma like lady.... She's around 57-58
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
**Looks Taehyung sitting all alone**
Taehyung was life closing his eyes , In sitting position....
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
( I am afraid....If he keeps being like this...All alone..)
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
( Then...One day...His loneliness was eat him....up...) **sighs**
Taehyung opens his Eyes , As he feels a gaze ...As Ju-kyunb was standing at very much distance...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Smiles A bit** Hallmoni....( Grandma)
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Comes here.... Please sit beside me... Don't just stand there ..**Soft Voice**
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
**Goes Slowly and Sits beside him at a Distance**
Well, Those three servants goes home at a specific time together...But Hallmoni doesn't, Taehyung has Ordered her that She can stay there at night too...More like living with him only...but Taehyung never see her as a servant...
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
Kim Taehyung [ Vernon ]
**Lays his head on Hallmoni's Laps**
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
Han Ju-Kyung / Cook
She began to pat his head...Slowly...
Taehyung kept her as a cook , Because she makes Home cooked food Very nicely...She isn't a chef from a five star hotel or something...
She lives in old-age Her son doesn't want her in his house....
Taehyung knows that ..He isn't pitying her ..She resembles his Own Grandmother so much....That Why He loves her her his family...
Taehyung maybe a sinner in outerworld....But when he is with his Hallmoni...He softens up...He feels 'Home'....
Every One's Definition of "Home" Of Different, Like For Jungkook , It's his Wife , Son , Mother and Father.....Where as...For Taehyung It's his Not Blood Related Hallmoni.... ........
Okay I know this was boring update but...I am trying to go in details with the characters...

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