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TRIBE Chronicles 2: A Wink Of Fate


NOTE: The story's character-driven protagonist, David Blaze, will be returning in the later chapters of this sequel alongside some new talented and compelling characters.

Hence forth, I'll be updating a chapter for this sequel twice every week—Wednesdays and Fridays. This is due to my other work schedules so please bear with me. However, if I get some impressive commitment of reviews, likes and interactive comments, I'd definitely update 4 chapters for that particular week.

Dear readers. Please do not mind any grammatical error that this story may have. I am still improving myself and my work is still under revision.

Information on characters arcs, their roles, and the general TRIBE world-building can be found after the last chapter of this sequel 👉. You can check it out later if you are interested.

Also, note that some contents in this book may contain elements like nudity, strong language, violence, and sex. Readers discretion is advised.

Please continue to vote and support my work for more interesting updates. Your support is very crucial to my motivation in writing. And trust me, I would not let you down as you do so.


~Hidden Hills city of L.A~

A month and three weeks had passed since the events of the Chaos force's terror that took place in Beverly Hills, Long Beach, and Hidden Hills cities.

Now, at Hidden Hills City, rumors of a new rising, but anonymous organization had come into the hearing. The FBI, relentless in its pursuit, poured sweat and diligence into gathering information about this organization's name and motive. But despite their relentless efforts, they could only find reliable Intel on the organization's name and location in the end.

This anonymous organization went by the name of 'Scale Shield.' They operated in the shadows, engaging in covert activities that eluded the grasp of the U.S. government. Their clandestine maneuvers raised eyebrows at the FBI, sparking suspicion and intensifying the quest for understanding the motives behind this mysterious organization.

Numerous efforts by various police forces and investigators in Los Angeles had been made to unveil the machinations of Scale Shield, but each attempt proved futile.

After a series of unsuccessful endeavors, the FBI suddenly halted its investigation of the Scale Shield organization. It was rumored amongst them that the Scale Shield had the protections of some unknown governments and forces. Whoever got in the way of the organization ended up facing dire consequences.

However, Sarah Clockford, a young, dark-haired orphan and ex-FBI lieutenant turned private detective, bravely embarked on a mission to uncover the real agenda of the enigmatic Scale Shield organization, all at the request of an anonymous client.

During nightfall, Detective Sarah and her former cop ally, Richie, drove through the winding roads of Hidden Hills City, heading toward the lair of the Scale Shield organization.

SARAH:  "Something's not right with the Scale Shield, Richie. Somehow they remind me of the encounter we had a month ago against the Chaos Force. You think this could be a ******* coincidence?"

RICHIE:  "Who knows, Sarah. The Chaos Force hasn't made a move since their last strike, a month ago. No one's heard of them ever since."

SARAH:  "Hmmm! Easy to believe. But who can say if they have something to do with the Scale Shield." Sarah expressed her suspicion.

RICHIE:  "Humph! That would be your fantasy to deal with, Sarah. I am more concerned about the risk of aiding you infiltrate the Scale Shield. You know, we FBI personnel ain't supposed to be involved in this. There are consequences for any unauthorized action we take."

SARAH:  "I know dear Richie. I'll make this up to you once this is over. Moreover, someone's got to do something. We can't keep welcoming potential dangers to our cities, can we?"

RICHIE:  "[Rolls her eyes.] Sighs… Whatever, just got to make sure we don't get caught, ok?"

SARAH:  "Now, that's what I'm talking about, pal. Trust me, I have everything under control." Sarah assured.

~Moments later~

Sarah and Richie soon reached the Scale Shield's hideout and halted the car's engine. Together, they both armed themselves with shotguns before stealthily stepping down from the car. They were both united in their mission to infiltrate the building without drawing attention.

However, once they got closer to the building, they noticed numerous guards and security cameras that were stationed around the large building. It was initially a huge concern for the two teenage girls as they had to figure out a way to bypass the security without being noticed. But then, Sarah displayed her resourcefulness and retrieved a compact tech gadget from her jacket. It was called the Temporal Surveillance Hack system(TSH), said to disrupt network and security signals at a limited amount of time.

This device became their key to circumventing the watchful eyes around them.

RICHIE:  "[Sighs in relief.]… You really came prepared, Sarah."

SARAH:  "I always come prepared, Richie. We've got fifteen minutes to get done with this shit, or we're both done for."

Sarah skillfully activated the TSH device, blinding the watchful gaze of the cameras, and with Richie's strategic collaboration, they discreetly evaded the vigilant security guards.

Triumphantly, Sarah and Richie infiltrated the building, navigating without raising any alarms. As they meticulously surveyed for traces of illicit activities, Richie astutely identified a concealed route within one of the passages. She signaled to Sarah and together, they opted to explore this clandestine path to unveil the mysteries hidden within.

Upon reaching the path's end, Sarah and Richie became drawn to a metal door adorned with a warning sign. The warning's content prohibited any non-scientists and non-lab officials from passing through the sealed door. However, the two girls, fueled by curiosity, pressed forward.

Inhaling deeply, they swung the door ajar, only to be met with a sight that left them thoroughly perplexed.

Within an expansive laboratory bustling with busy scientists, numerous incubators harbored both unconscious human and superhuman experiments. Sarah and Richie stood in astonishment, their senses overwhelmed by the surreal tableau unfolding before them.

Unlawful tests and experiments had been clandestinely conducted in this expansive space by various groups of scientists. Sarah and Richie, piecing together the puzzle, now comprehended the reason behind the recent surge in missing persons reports. It became glaringly evident to the cop and detective that the Scale Shield organization was the one behind those disappearances.

Some mysterious forces or unknown governments was indeed, covertly supporting the organization by orchestrating a cover-up for their illicit activities.

Sarah diligently captured photographic evidence and recorded videos, intending to amass proof against the Scale Shield organization. Yet, amidst her documentation, the building's security alarm abruptly erupted into a piercing wail, signaling the organization to the presence of intruders.

In a moment of confusion, Sarah gazed at her TSH gadget, only to realize that their temporal advantage had come to an abrupt end.

SARAH:  "Damn it! Richie, it's way past fifteen minutes already. We've got to move away from here as fast as possible!!" Sarah exclaimed in alarm and panic.

She swiftly stored the recorded evidence in her drive, concealing it within her jacket, as she and Richie hastily retreated from the lab. Unfortunately, their attempt to escape was thwarted, as the vigilant Scale Shield guards and security personnel had already spotted them, initiating their pursuit.

Equipped with cutting-edge tech weaponry, the adversaries opened fire on the two young detectives. Sarah and Richie valiantly fought back, returning fire in an attempt to hold their ground. However, they soon found themselves overwhelmed and outnumbered, as the Scale Shield guards encircled them from all directions, systematically closing off every avenue of escape.

At this point, Sarah and Richie realized the gravity of their situation, and desperation set in. Fear and guilt enveloped Sarah as she stared helplessly at her friend, burdened by the weight of dragging Richie into this perilous situation. Yet, Richie's gaze bore a different intensity, a resolute determination to confront their oppressors. There was no way she was willing to get herself caught and used by these heartless beasts.

Unveiling her intent, Richie made a bold decision—to counter their foes with a self-destruct grenade, a drastic measure that hinted at a willingness to sacrifice herself for the greater cause.

In a sudden surge of action, she forcefully pushed Sarah away, preparing to activate the explosive device.

But just before Richie triggered the grenade, she hastily conveyed a message to Sarah, extracting a promise that her sacrifice would not be in vain.

RICHIE:  "This should buy your way out, Sarah. Make this moment worth it." Richie spoke with a sad smile on her face.

'BOOM!' Richie detonated the grenade, dragging down with her, a significant number of nearby Scale Shield securities. Sarah, who happened to be a safe distance from the explosion, screamed her friend's name in anguish. She blamed herself for Richie's death, believing that if she hadn't involved her friend in this dangerous mission, Richie might still be alive.

Devastated, Sarah struggled to summon the strength or courage to stand, let alone contemplate escaping the building. In a short span, additional Scale Shield securities closed in on her, surrounding her inescapably.

The guards forcefully brought Sarah down, pinning her to the ground, while another guard aimed a gun at the back of her her head. Yet, just as the guard prepared to pull the trigger, a commanding male voice resonated from the building's intercom, intervening abruptly.

The voice directed the guards to spare Sarah's life but insisted on delivering her to the laboratory for an urgent test run.

Following the male voice's command, the guards handed Sarah over to a group of awaiting lab doctors. Swiftly, the medical team administered a sleep-inducing dosage, injecting it into her neck before transporting her to the test laboratory.

Regrettably, Sarah yielded to the effects of the sleep-inducing dosage. In her fading consciousness, the final image etched into her vision was that of a remarkably beautiful young girl with cascading silver hair, lying motionless within an incubator. She could see that a flurry of scientists were working feverishly around the enigmatic girl, fervently attempting to extract her DNA.

The unconscious silver-haired girl, possessing extraordinary superhuman abilities, was designated as the pioneering subject for a DNA alteration program. In a twist of fate, it was none other than the victim, Sarah, who was to undergo the testing of this unique genetic transformation.



Perched atop one of the highest hills in Hidden Hills City, a blonde-haired, teenage Crestivenian surveyed the city below, his blue-eyes reflecting the crescent moon's gentle glow. He was called Bernard Deity, known as the latest scion of the esteemed Deity family. Additionally, he was a superhuman of the saint realm's ranks, who wielded the cyan sky flame.

Wearing a stern expression, Bernard pondered the audacity of Scale Shield, wondering what kind of death wish they sought by infiltrating the Land of Flames and seizing its people.

Alongside four comrades, Bernard had embarked on a journey out of Crestivenia through the TRIBE's gateway, venturing into Hidden Hills City with dual purposes—to free his sister from the Scale Shield's hold and secondly, to mete out unrestrained chaos upon the organization for the grievous actions committed against Crestivenia.

BERNARD: "The Land of Flames will never accept losses from a couple of mere humans." Bernard muttered to himself in utter disdain.

His comrades, including Shadow from the Bane family, Boid of the Daywalker family, and Donald Sunaro, stood with patience on the hill, awaiting the return of their fifth ally, Bethany Penablintze. Bernard had entrusted her with the mission to consult a private detective, extracting information about the Scale Shield's location, agenda, and the whereabouts of their captive people.

In the hushed moments that followed, Bethany finally graced the scene, her presence a graceful dance toward the hill where Bernard and the eager group stood in anticipation. Her eyes, glowing like sapphires, locked onto Bernard and a mischievous smirk played on her lips, revealing a hint of playful secrets. Closing the distance to the team with an effortless elegance, she delved into the current situation, her words echoing forth without hesitation.

BETHANY: "I've got both good and bad news, which do you guys wanna hear first?" she asked with a dramatic expression, weaving the strands of her blonde hair to the side.

BERNARD: "[Unveils a scowling sidelong glance.] Either is fine, so get on with it already." Bernard replied with his back facing Bethany, ignoring her dramatic attitude.

BETHANY: "[Rolls her eyes and sighs.] I'll start with the good news, then. The detective got both the location and an evidence of the Scale Shield's agenda.

According to my calculation, their hideout isn't far from our current standing location."

BERNARD: "And what's the bad news?" Bernard asked with a hint of impatience in his tone. He needed to know his sister's condition.

BETHANY: "Well, the bad news is that they are conducting illegal experimentations on humans using our superhuman genes and DNA. Also, the detective got busted in the end and now, the damned Scale Shield has taken extra precautions concerning this incident to heighten their security."

From the depths of her pocket, Bethany produced a sleek smartphone, propelling it toward Bernard with a flick of her wrist. With a masterful ease, he snagged the device mid-air, his right arm effortlessly snatching it without so much as a glance, as if snatching fleeting moments from the air itself.

BETHANY: "The detective sent a clip before I lost contact with her. I think you all should see for yourselves."

Donald and Boid joined Bernard as he delved into the contents of the detective's transmission. Soon, frowns etched across the faces of the trio as they absorbed the revelation—a recorded video laying bare the unsettling experiments Scale Shield conducted with superhumans. In an instant, the atmosphere shifted when Bernard, fueled by sudden anger, unveiled his frustration. He emitted a low groan, his hand clenching the smartphone to shattered fragments as soon as he bore witness to the distressing sight of his sister within the confines of a lab room.

Meanwhile, Shadow, who stood silently behind, wore a scoffed expression with crossed arms. His expression of apathy held firm as he observed Bernard's enraged reaction, a contemptuous sneer playing on his lips. Unfazed, he seized the moment to taunt his angered comrade, his words dripping with disdain, echoing through the charged atmosphere.

SHADOW: "Humph! Your overbearing reactions disgusts me, Bernard Deity. Do not tell me that the only thing the so-called 'Best Extreme Amongst Us' is capable of doing is to squirm at trivial situations?"

BERNARD: "Choose your next words carefully, rodent!" Bernard warned Shadow as he casted a stern sidelong glance in the latter's direction.

SHADOW: "Ooh, should I be threatened?"

BERNARD: "[Locks into Shadow's concealed eyes.] It's a warning! But you won't be privileged to get another if you continue to anger me."

Offended by Bernard's perceived arrogance, Shadow's countenance darkened, revealing a profound scowl that mirrored the storm within. With an air of fury, he ignited his own sky flame. In response, Bernard, catching wind of the escalating tension, mirrored the gesture, his expression growing equally grim as he awaited Shadow's initial move.

But before the situation could escalate into a physical confrontation, Bethany swiftly intervened, preventing the heated clash that threatened to unfold between her comrades.

BETHANY: "Both of you, this is unnecessary right now. It would be wise to save your energies for the coming fight ahead. You both shouldn't let your arrogance get in the way of our plan!" Bethany nagged at Bernard and Shadow.

BERNARD: "[Scoffs.] Humph, whatever! I'd let the rodent live today, for the sake of the mission." Bernard replied in reference to Shadow as he reluctantly withdrew his flame and casted his face aside.

With the immediate conflict defused, Bernard deftly descended from the hill, followed closely by the rest. Their collective trajectory aimed toward the Scale Shield's settlement, and a tempest of wrathful fury loomed as they prepared to unleash a bloody assault on the organization.


Upon reaching the vicinity of the Scale Shield's imposing structure, Bernard once more entrusted Bethany with a crucial task. With a commanding tone, he directed her to carve a path, a clandestine route that would draw out the Scale Shield's minions and allow the entire group seamless infiltration into the building.

Bethany nodded in silent approval, flashing away in a burst of cyan flames that danced with the wind, leaving the team behind as she seamlessly disappeared from their sight.


But It was also widely known that she and Fiona were arch-nemeses, constantly seeking opportunities to clash whenever they crossed paths.>>

Bethany seamlessly arrived at the forefront of the Scale Shield's fortress. She surrounded herself in a blazing halo, flames licking the air in defiance. In a daring crouch amidst the tempestuous fire, she became a living furnace, enticing the impending adversary to take the bait and step into the fiery trap she had meticulously laid out.

The blazing spectacle summoned a battalion of agitated Scale Shield guards, their urgency mirrored in the glint of weapons gripped tightly. Drawn towards the swirling cyan inferno, their vision veiled by its hypnotic dance, they approached cautiously, unwitting pawns in Bethany's fiery gambit.

As one guard dared to breach the radiant boundary, Bethany's predatory finesse came into play. Like a phantom amidst the blaze, she swiftly snaked her hand around the guard's throat, effortlessly lifting him from the ground with one arm.

The guard, trapped in Bethany's relentless grip, fought desperately against the unyielding force that held him captive. As seconds ticked away, his futile struggles echoed in the night as Bethany, with an almost poetic cruelty, commenced a slow, deliberate incineration upon him.

She orchestrated the transformation of her victim into a swirling vortex of smoldering ashes. The anguished screams of the guard harmonized with the crackling symphony of his incineration, until only the haunting silence of his charred bones remained.

Speechless, the other Scale Shield guards stood frozen in a surreal tableau, their eyes transfixed on the macabre spectacle unfolding before them. A symphony of disbelief played on their faces as Bethany's unholy grip turned their comrade into a haunting dance of ember and dust.

In the hushed theater of their minds, a collective damnation echoed—a recognition that they were dealing with formidable adversaries. (Damn, it's the superhumans!) they thought to themselves. (At first, it was a human detective trying to infiltrate the building, and now, a superhuman had decided to follow suit.)

A symphony of aggression erupted as the armed guards, sensing danger, snapped into offensive alertness. Bullets sliced through the air like angry wasps, aiming for Bethany, who stood undeterred amid the storm of metal.

With an audacious embrace of the onslaught, Bethany metamorphosed into a living conflagration. Her cyan flames roared to life, enshrouding her in an infernal dance. Like a ghostly wisp, she effortlessly sidestepped the lead rain with a phantom's grace, leaving nothing but fiery afterimages in her wake.

As she closed in on the attacking guards, a beastly grace possessed her. With savage precision, she brutally began to dissect their bodies. Limbs and joints succumbed to her blazing fury, a dance of destruction that left a trail of incapacitated foes in her wake. The battleground became a bloody canvas, painted in hues of fire and the shattered remnants of those who dared to stand in her way.

In a crescendo of savagery, Bethany destroyed her enemies with a primal fervor that left no room for mercy. Amidst the lingering echoes of destruction, she casted a fiery glance at the approaching figures of Bernard and the others, a silent signal that indicated her success of their adversaries' demise.

As Bernard and his companions arrived, they were greeted by a scene that defied the boundaries of the macabre. The ground was a canvas of dislocated bodies, fractured joints, and seared flesh—a tableau of destruction wrought by Bethany's ferocious might.

Among them, Boid, who disliked a bloody scene, had no choice but to express his discomfort.

BOID: "Damn it, Bethany. Since when have you become this diabolical?"

BETHANY: "Did you have a better way of making them pay for what they did to Crestivenia?" Bethany argued with Boid, directing a scowl in his direction.

BERNARD: "[Suddenly interjects.] Enough! The fight isn't over yet. Moreover, there'll be a lot more of this bloody shit, so, you had better get used to it, Boid!"

Bernard and his formidable team strolled with an effortless elegance through the sprawling corridors of the Scale Shield's stronghold, indifferent to the cacophony of wailing security alarms echoing around them. The discordant symphony of sirens seemed to serenade their audacious intrusion.

As if choreographed by chaos, another legion of armed security guards surged through the building's floors, a relentless tide seeking to converge upon the teenage intruders. Their coordinated movements aimed to encircle and entrap Bernard and his allies, attempting to stop their audacious march through the heart of the Scale Shield's bastion.

Stationed before the five teenagers was a sealed door that could lead them to the hostages' location. However, the door was already guarded by a formidable phalanx of Scale Shield's security guards. The guards were heavily armed to the teeth and pointed various firearms pointed at the advancing, undeterred teenagers.

For Bernard and his team, all they could see were a horde of weak humans preparing to throw their worthless lives away.

A sigh escaped Bernard's lips as he stared at the pile of weasels blocking his path. He issued a nonchalant directive to his team, instructing them to take care of the obstructing guards.

BERNARD: "Hey guys! Keep this pile of dead-walking bastards busy. They ain't worth my effort."

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