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The Writer And The Smartest Detective

Poe's POV ( Ep.1 )

Poe's POV:

I woke up early in the morning, seven a.m., because Karl woke me up, so I got up, saying...

"Good morning Karl, Your hungry, well, come, let's get us something to eat, and we'll go outside for a little walk to the park, and we'll go to the library."

Karl cooed and hopped on my back and I walked straight to the kitchen, opened the cabinet, grabbed Karl's food and poured it on his pet plate and pet Karl, while his eating his breakfast, after that I went again to the kitchen, cooked myself a simple breakfast, eggs and bacon.

After I ate, I washed my plate, since i don't want my house dirty and untidy, so after that i went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, put my clothes on, and sprayed a sweet strawberry scent on me, my favorite, brushed my hair, grabbed my novel notebooks, only two, grabbed my keys, got outside my mansion, locked the door, and checked the doorknob, just in case, and walked for a while, and after that, I reached to the park, and I thought to myself of how beautiful the scene is...


The sky is bright as ever, flowers sway while the wind blows, everything is nice, until I bump into someone, my arms loose, my notebooks fell and I said...

"Oh... Um… I'm sorry, I should've watched where I was going..."

I said, while getting my notebooks, which fell on the ground, and a hand reached out, and he said...

"It's fine, here let me help you up"

"... Thanks…"

As I grabbed his hand, I thought to myself...

"... His hand is warm..."

I stood up, and I was shocked to see...

It's Ranpo...

It has been such a long time since...

We saw each other, we worked together as colleagues at the ADA and I went to America to help my sister, Ai Hoshino, with her career and her children...

I thought to myself...

"I don't think he knows me anymore... Since... It's been a long time..."

And I said...

"Um... Sorry, again for that"

"No, it's fine!"

And I saw two people standing behind him, one is a woman with purple hair with a golden clip butterfly, and a tall man with brown messy hair, with brown coat, red maroon eyes and covered with bandages, too.

I snapped out and said...

"Uhh... I should get going, I have to go and read some books in the library, sorry for earlier though."

"Um... Sure, it's fine... Oh, okay, bye then"

"... Yeah."

And we then walked past each other, and I thought to myself...

"... It's nice you're doing okay... Ranpo-kun..."

And after that, I went to the library, went inside and found myself my all-time seating table, what I would call and find myself some mystery books and some Romance books and Erotica books and read them, so I could have some ideas in making my novels.

But, I didn't know I would meet him again, in the library...

( Ep.2 )

"I didn't even imagine that he was going to be here too!"

I thought to myself, and I then thought again...

"But this time, he's alone, guessing that the two people earlier were his colleagues at the agency"

"Maybe... I should not make eye contact with him or anything, it might be weird... Like literally weird..."

And so I did not make eye contact with him, or anything, but suddenly...

"Hey!, It's You earlier!"

And I should have suspected this... I lifted my head up and saw him standing on the other side of the table, and smiled, feeling awkward...


"What's wrong?, Is it because of what happened earlier or what?"

He said while walking towards the chair and sat down.

"... Um…"

I wanted to ask him if he still remembers me, but it would be awkward or weird!

"Oh, yeah... Heh."

"Well, Come on, it's fine!, just watch where you are going you know!"


"Anyway, is this the library you were talking about earlier??"

"Well... Yeah, do you always go here?"

"Well, yeah!, it's nice and quiet"

"Oh, well same"

"I've been here for long enough, but how come I never see you, and I am guessing you came from the US"

Surprisingly, I never expected him to change, he is still smart as ever.

And I started mumbling to myself...

"... Still the same Ranpo-kun I know..."

Then Ranpo raised an eyebrow and asked...

"What did you say?"

"Oh, Uh- It's nothing... Hehe"

I stutter, It feels awkward, but at the same time, it feels nice, because I can see him again after such a long time.

But still, I asked, even if it's awkward or weird...

"So, Uh... Do you still remember me?, by any chance?..."


He then thinks... A few minutes later he opened his eyes and stood up, smiling, sayin...

"It's you Poe!, you came back!"

I smiled, and thought to myself...

"He still remembers me!"

"How have you been?"

"After all these years, I'm doing okay, the agency has a lot of workers now"

"Oh... I see..."

"How about you?"

"I'm fine"

"When did you come back?"

"Uh... It's been seven years since i came back to japan"


"It's because I don't usually go to different places, so you don't see me"

"So, you said you were going to help your sister, how is she?"

As he said, I stopped and the vision in my mind reminds me of the day...

There was blood on the floor in the apartment...

The kids were crying...

Their hands are filled with blood...

The blood of their mother...

My sister...

It was the day...

That I regret my whole life...

The day my sister passed away...

Tears coming out of my eyes...

Ranpo was shocked, and immediately came to me asking...

"Hey! Are you okay?, did I say something wrong?"

"... I think it's time to tell you the story of why I came back to Japan..."

Ranpo, then raised his eyebrows and is now listening to him...

( Ep.3)

"So, explain"

"... Okay..."

"My sister was an idol, she was only sixteen, when she was... Let's say in a family way... She gave birth to twins, Ruby and Aquamarine Hoshino, the kids were so young to see their mother, my sister, passed away, she was only 20, so as their uncle, I took care of them and thought about going back to Japan, and transferred them to a new school, doing things, it's so tiring..."

I said, and sighs, Ranpo then patted me at the back and said...

"Well sorry for your loss, Ed..."

"It's fine, I moved on, but I will never forget her..."

"... Well, to make you feel better, how about I treat you to dinner tomorrow!"


Well, first time, but of course, I will say yes, but I can't leave the kids, so I asked him...

"Can I bring the kids?..."

"Yeah!, sure"

"Okay, but to where though?"

"To my favorite restaurant"

"Who is paying?"


I laughed, and sigh, and I said...

"Okay, I will be the one to pay"

"Yay!, Hehe, sorry... I don't really have much money..."

"It's fine, besides, I want the kids to travel to other places rather than being home"

"Really?, why do they always stay at home though?"

"Oh, they go to different places, well the park is where they would always go, no other, so this might be a nice time for them to have fun"

"Oh~, I see, where are they now?"

"At college, living in their dorms there."

"Oh, so you live alone?"



"Well, before I go, can I have your number, so we can talk anytime?"

"Uh, sure"

I took a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote down my phone number and gave it to him...

"Okay then, I have to go, bye!"


I waved, he waved back, and after that I stood up, now knowing what to write for my story, and headed home.

I arrived home, seeing the kids waiting at the door, I went to them, asking...

"What are you guys doing here?, I thought you guys still have a lot of things to do"

Ruby, my niece said...

"Well, everything is so difficult, and we need a rest, and we miss you uncle!, can we stay here for a while?...

"Of course, you guys are always welcome."

Aqua, my nephew hugged me and Ruby, too hugged me, and he said...

"Thank you, uncle..."

I hugged them both, smiling, and said...

"No problem, kids, I miss you so much..."

They both said...

"We missed you too, uncle"

Then after that, I opened the door, Ruby went in first, then me, then Aqua.

And I said...

"Wait in the living room, and I'll tell you when dinner is ready"

Then Aqua said...

"Okay, we'll prepare the table"

"Eh, you don't have, too, I'll do it"

Ruby joined in and said...

"Come on, uncle, don't stress yourself, okay?, we'll do it"

I smiled and smiled and said...

"Thank you"

So I prepared food for dinner, and we prayed first before we ate, and after that, I said...

"I will wash the dishes"

Aqua said...

"No I will"

I was about to say that I will fix the table, but Ruby said...

"Uh-uh, uncle, I know what you're going to say, I will be the one fixing the table, no buts uncle!, you need to rest"

I smiled and sigh, I said...

"Okay, okay, I will go to bed, good night, Aqua and Ruby"

"Good night uncle"

Aqua said

"Good night uncle, and also, don't write in the middle of the night, okay?"

I laughed and said...

"You really know me much"

"And before I forget"

I said, Aqua and Ruby then where a questioning look, I said...

"We are going out tomorrow, so be ready, also don't ask, it's a secret"

They both nodded and got back to cleaning and I headed upstairs.

I brushed my teeth, changed to pajamas, and headed to bed, but before I sleep, I hear a "ping" on my phone and see what it is.

It was Ranpo, he chatted, and it said...

"Good night Ed!, see you tomorrow!"

I smiled and chatted...

"Good night, too, Ranpo-kun, see you tomorrow!"

And I sent it...

And after that I then drifted off to sleep...

Can't wait for tomorrow...

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