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Their Marionette


Hello my dear readers ♥️ This is my new story, I hope you will love it, " Their Marionette " By MISS ROY
Warning ⚠️ This story is merciless story! Don't read it, if you feel uncomfortable! Reporters should stay far away from my story please!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I hate three
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
They ruined my life!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Why me Why??
James Walton
James Walton
Baby I can't live without you I have told you, don't ever come in front of me, it's your fault!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
No, go away (crying)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Jack Allen
Jack Allen
You are my wife I have rights to torture you!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
No, please leave me please
Jack Allen
Jack Allen
Aarav Tripathi
Aarav Tripathi
I love you all by my heart!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I know, but we ain't meant to be together!
Aarav Tripathi
Aarav Tripathi
I know (tear drop)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I am sorry!
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
Great looks like, I need to take some action!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
No you are getting us wrong, please don't tell him, I beg you!
🤗 Story will officially start from the next episode~


Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Hello I am Ashley Buckingham
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
My family used to be very rich, but tragic happened
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
My mother flew away with half of our company assets!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I don't know where is she now?
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
She was not a bad mom! Because deep down I know why she did it?
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Even my dad was with my mom, he had a mistress, now they are finally married after my mom flew away! My mom used to love my father a lot, she used to cry a lot! She was going through immense pain & depression! Finally, she is free!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Only one thing I want to ask my mom, does she ever considered me too in her life? She left me with this b*thy mom!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
My dad & His mistress have a son! He loves me a lot like a real sister! Because I used to play with him when he was small! I didn't know that time he is my half brother! Even my mom never stopped me playing with him!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
We both have good brother sister bond! Although my stepmom always manipulate him about me! But he never gets manipulated, he trusts me!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I have loving grandparents
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
My dad throw us out of the mansion! After getting rest of the asset of my grandpa's company & the mansion!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Now I live with my grandparents. My half brother sometimes comes to meet us secretly here!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
My grandparents run a small flower shops. I helped them too! I am really happy with them!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Oh yes, I have a boyfriend
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
James Walton
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
He is so much caring & handsome!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
He is rich!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Sometimes I get afraid, he will leave me!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I am studying in prestigious university as my dad still giving me money for study!
James Walton
James Walton
Babe, sorry I didn't pick up you today?
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Never mind (kiss on his cheek)
James Walton
James Walton
I am James Walton
James Walton
James Walton
My GF is too naive & simple! At first, I approached her because I love the way her body her figure look! I really want to hear her screams under me!
James Walton
James Walton
Never mind, time flew I started loving her childish behavior!
James Walton
James Walton
She is not like others, she is pure Angel!
James Walton
James Walton
I want her for rest of my life!
James Walton
James Walton
In fact I used to be Playboy! After meeting her, I stopped looking at others!
James Walton
James Walton
Well she makes me hard every day, I can tear her down there hard! But I control myself! Me, the ruthless one doesn't want to ruin her innocence!
James Walton
James Walton
She is mine, sooner or later we will do it!
James Walton
James Walton
Well I am scared, she doesn't know I am the son of the biggest mafia leader Leo Walton & his only heir!
James Walton
James Walton
I enrolled myself into this college just for her! Well my younger sister studies here too!
James Walton
James Walton
Otherwise, I already got my degree at 19!
James Walton
James Walton
If she knows I am a mafia too! She will leave me! Because what she hates is lie, bad things!
James Walton
James Walton
I will cage her if, this ever happened!
Rest of the character I will introduce throughout the story

Story begins

Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Come again mam (smiley face)
After the customer left!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Sigh! I am tired of fake smile
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Let's call my bf!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
James Walton
James Walton
Yeah babe, miss me? (flirtatious)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Oh common, I want to eat something delicious, take me out!
James Walton
James Walton
Eat me, then!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Blush* Shut up James, I am really feeling hungry!
James Walton
James Walton
Ok, coming wait for me!
Ana Backingham (fl
Ana Backingham (fl's grandma)
Sweetheart, you are going out?
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Yeah grandma, I am tired let's close the shop today early!
Jack Backingham (fl
Jack Backingham (fl's grandpa)
You are going out with that br@t again?
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Grandpa (pouts in anger)
Jack Backingham (fl
Jack Backingham (fl's grandpa)
Don't believe person easily sweetheart!
Ana Backingham (fl
Ana Backingham (fl's grandma)
Oh common honey, it's her age let her enjoy!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Yeah, grandma tell him to stop already! I am not kid anymore!
Jack Backingham (fl
Jack Backingham (fl's grandpa)
You will always be our small kid (sigh)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Grandpa (hugs him)
Ashley is a spoil br@t, her grandparents loves her a lot! Gives her almost everything. Ashley to help them with flower shop! Although, they are not rich anymore! They support each other! Also, her studies fees are covered by her father! So it's easy for them to live!
But Ashley's father never comes here to meet them. He is busy with his mistress & son! Only her half brother comes to meet her secretly.
At first Ashley used to cry for her dad love, but then she realized, only she has her grandparents!
James Walton
James Walton
(blow horn)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ok I am going granny!
Ana Backingham (fl
Ana Backingham (fl's grandma)
Take care dear
Jack Backingham (fl
Jack Backingham (fl's grandpa)
Tell that br@t I will beat his shit out if he ever hurt you!
Ana Backingham (fl
Ana Backingham (fl's grandma)
Stop it already!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Honey (hugs him)
James Walton
James Walton
(while hugging smell her) You literally smells delicious!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Stop it (hit him)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Let's go to eat something!
James Walton
James Walton
Yeah, but I need to pick up my sister today from her violin classes!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Oh (make a sad face)
James Walton
James Walton
Don't worry, she will not say rude words to you! I am here ok?
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I know, but she doesn't like me! You should have considered it, before picking me up. You should have pick up her already!
James Walton
James Walton
Relax? Ok she has to accept, you are also our family!
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
(Smiles) Ok!
They get there to pick up his sister!
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
Hi brother (cheerfully)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
(After looking at Ashley her cheerfulness vanished)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
(sit on the back seat of the car)
James Walton
James Walton
How was your class darling?
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
I also wanted to learn violin, but my dad doesn't allow me! (smiling)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
You can't afford it (murmurs)
James Walton
James Walton
Emma (warning tone)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
(caress Jame's hand saying him no)
James Walton
James Walton
(Calms a bit)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
It's perfect to s*duce men with good looks right? Pretty face b*tch (mock her)
James Walton
James Walton
(stop the car suddenly) Emma Walton (shouts)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
James, calm down! (flinched)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
(got scared) I am sorry! (murmurs)
James Walton
James Walton
Louder (shouts)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
I am sorry! (screams, a teardrop)
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
Ashley Bakinghamm FL
It's ok, let's go to eat something? James, please (look at him in pleading eyes)
James Walton
James Walton
Ok (got melted)
Emma Walton
Emma Walton
B*tch (clenched her teeth, in mind)
The relationship between Ashley & James is perfect. Many girls get envy of Ashley! Boys stay away from Ashley, as everyone fears James!
Emma hates Ashley, because she thinks, she is with her brother because of money! Also, her brother James dotes on her like a lot, sometimes ignores Emma as per her! But the reality is he loves them both!
Times flew,,

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