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My Alpha

How I becamya slave

Alicia's POV

I've always wanted to live a normal life but how can that happen? My dad left me when I was 3 years old ever since then my mom became a slave, both of us became slaves. My mom was an omega while my dad was an Ultima, I wasn't an omega but people saw me as one cause my mom was an omega.

My mom always cried in the middle of the night and then if I ask her the next morning she'd tell me she's ok. She suffered a lot.

My mom died when I was 13, I cried so much, she has always wanted love from her mate which was my dad but he ran away.

I became a slave, I was sold from one master to another, it felt so sad.

All my master's maltreated me, no one cared about me because they thought I was an omega. I endured everything.

My only happiness after my mother died was Valerie, a little girl I found after the alpha cams to attack d omega's. I survived because I was a child then. Valeria has been my main source of joy, she's always made me happy.

There was something special about her, she could hear and see things, sometimes I wondered if she was a wolf. Valerie is 10 years old and she was 5 when her parents died. It was so sad when I heard her story. Aside from Valerie I had another friend who has always been by my side, Her name was Camilla. She was a brunette, she was very pretty with the perfect body and short curly blonde hair. Well I had long black hair, a blue eyes, pointed nose, a round face with small lips, curved waist, I had curves everywhere it was needed. Camilla has been by my side through everything. She has suffered a lot because of me.

I've been bullied by other maids but Camilla was there for me, she told me everything I needed to know. Camilla told me something that scared, she told me every full moon the Alpha would come to the hall and all the omega's above 18 would gather, He picks any random Girl as his sex slave or Maid. I was 17 years old, and my birthday was in 3 days and the full moon was after my birthday. I became very scared and anxious, Camilla told me not to worry but I wouldn't listen. What of if he picks me? Who'd take care of Valerie, I can't leave her alone, I'm scared.

Valerie was so excited for my birthday, it was mine not hers but yet she acted like it was hers, she's so cheerful, I wonder who'll play with her If I'm chosen.

3 days later.......

"Happy birthday" Valerie says

The alpha is coming tomorrow, what will I do if I'm chosen, will everything be ok?

Beginning of Misery

Alicias's POV

Alicia celebrated her birthday happily,, but she was worried, she was worried about what will happen tomorrow, if she'll be picked. She was just so scared, she tried to get her head off it and enjoy her birthday.

Connor's POV

Connor kept talking about how he hated omega's with passion, he had his reasons, but he shouldn't hate all of them, they're different. As alpha Connor was talking, his beta, Dolphus, entered the room. He asked Connor what happened, but Connor told him not to worry that he's just excited about tomorrow.

Dolphus sighed and left the room, Alpha Connor didn't care he just wanted to have sex, lust and hatred filled his eyes.

I'm sure you must be wondering why he hated Omega's, let me take you back to 5 years ago.....

Connor cried and screamed, he told them not to kill his father but the Omega's wouldn't listen, they killed his mother and father and tortured his younger brother till he died, Dolphus tried to comfort Connor, but he cried, they tried to kill Connor but his beast side awakened. His beast was screaming "Kill and destroy" Connor transformed into his Lycan form and killed everyone that blocked his way. He and Dolphus ran away,, and they returned to their kingdom. Ever since then Connor hated omega's and he vowed never to let any of them be happy.

Flashback Ended.

Alicia's POV

It was already night and Alicia kept pacing around her room because she was afraid, she just laid on her bed and fell asleep.

She woke up the next morning, her master told her to hurry up that the alpha will soon arrive, She quickly got ready. Everyone was scared, many female omega's were panicking.

Connor's POV

Connor got ready and mind linked dolphus to inform the omega's that he'll arrive soon. Connor smirked, he couldn't wait to make them suffer, he transformed into his normal wolf form and ran to the Omega's part of the kingdom.

Alicia's POV

Alicia heard people saying he has arrived, she hurried into the hall and all the female omega's lined up, before that she told Valeria goodbye in case she got picked.

As Alicia was looking around, she saw 2 demi gods walk in, they were so handsome, at that moment everyone bowed including Alicia.

Connor's POV

Connor walked up to a girl, he told her she was chosen to be his sex slave but she said no please don't pick me, I have a mate and a pup, I need to take care of them. Connor got angry, no one had the right to tell him what to do, so he asked for a sword and he killed the lady, she struggled before she finally died. After he killed her, he heard a girl scream.

Alicias's POV

Alicia screamed immediately he killed the girl, she knew that was the alpha, the alpha looked at her and walked up to her.

Will everything be ok? Will he kill her? Is she his mate? Will she be stubborn?

Rejected Mate

Alicia's POV

Alpha Connor walked up to her, she felt so scared, the suddenly she heated him say "Mate" in disgust. She was his mate. Connor told his guards to take her, and they were done for the day.

When they finally arrived at the alpha's house, Connor dragged her out of the car. Alicia knew she was going to suffer because was an omega.

Immediately, alpha Connor took her inside his room.

Connor's POV

"I was so shocked when I found out she was my mate, it felt like an arrow had been shot into my heart. I hate Omega's but yet the moon goddess still chose to give me an omega as my mate. This is the first she's paired People wrongly" Connor thought.

He asked his guards to take her, and he was done for the day. When he arrived at his house, he dragged her out of the car and took her to his room. "I'll never see you as my mate, you're a curse to me, I'll be your worst nightmare, I'm not your mate" Connor said but as he said that his inner wolf became sad because his mate was also Alicia's wolf, Connor's Lycan wolf was happy because he hated Omega's with passion and was so ashamed to have one as his mate

Connor rejected his mate. He saw tears fall down from her eyes, his inner wolf was sad but his lycan wolf didn't care so Connor didn't care too.

Alicia's POV

He took me to his room and locked the door. He told me he was never going to treat me as his mate, he said I was a curse to him, he rejected me. Tears fell from Alicia's eyes because she always dreamt of having a nice and caring mate not the one who hates her.

Just right then, she felt a sharp pain on her waist, he was hurting her, she cried and screamed but he wouldn't budge. He was torturing her. He threw her across the room (Remember it's a non-human story), she hit her head and scratched herself.

Connor's POV

I threw her across the room, I felt hurt, but I just acted like I didn't. She was hurt, but I just left the room. I called Linda to attend to her. Just then lust filled my eyes, I was craving for my mate, I thought I hated her. I decided that I was going to have her this night.

Alicia's POV

I cried so much, I did nothing to deserve this, just because he hated omega's for some reason I don't know doesn't mean her should treat all of them bad especially his mate. I got rejected because I was an omega, I'm not even an omega but yet I get treated as one.

As I was sobbing, an old lady came inside the room, she looked like she was in her late 60s.

She came to help me thank God, at least someone's nice

He rejected her, for no reason, what will happen as the story continues, read more to find out

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