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Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Hello everyone 😃😃
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
So...I was getting bored and decided to write a story....
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
I don't know how this will turn out to be so let's go to an another journey with me ✨✨
Thousands of years ago there used to be many different races who used to cultivate themselves into human forms and roam around the world of the cultivation and magic.
The world where the power was everything. Everyone vae their all to become the most powerful person.
In the darkness of the night someone was running through the forest as if someone is chasing them.
The person who was chasing shouted loudly trying to stop them with whatever he could do.
Until they reached a dead end of the forest. Standing at the edge of the cliff the person who was getting chased laughed at his enemies mockingly
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
If not for this would have been begging me to spare your sorry lives!! *grit teeth*
*smirk* Taehyung it's not our fault that you made the whole cultivation world your enemy. We are just following their orders.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tsk!! betrayers don't get to talk to me. *clench on the jade pendent tightly*
*angry* It's yourr fault for being so useless *smirk* everyone who was close to you were all killed just because of you Taehyung.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*stunned* D..dead?
*laugh* a sight to your enemies.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Cough* Ugh!!! *dodge* *glare*
*glare* Looks like you still have some energy left to launch an attack.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Cough out blood* Ugh...(My meridians are destroyed and launching and attack forcefully will have a backlash!!)
TSK he is already dying let's snatch his core and then kill him. *wipe his blood*
As you say!! *attack*
Taehyung glance at the city behind the forest last time before throwing out a smoke talisman
The moment the smoke faded tae was already gone.
He won't survive much since his all meridians are destroyed and he can't use his power anymore.
Or else he will die from the backlash
But...he is still the most powerful nine tailed fox.
Don't worry someone much worse is after his life and this time he won't be able to get away from this!. *sinister smile*
In a mountain a big pavilion with beautiful courtyard was built which was surrounded by beautiful greenary and bamboo forests. A perfect and peaceful place for cultivation.
Taehyung appeared in the middle of the courtyard as the teleportation talisman burnt into thin air.
He looked around only to found dead animals and bloody courtyard and walls.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*trembling* W..why...*tears dripping down on the cheeks*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Wait...where are they...*run inside* Gukkie!!! Jimin!! where are you?!! *shouting*
He shouted and shouted till his throat burned with the dryness and dried blood. After almost one hour he reached behind the forest where his beloved disciple and friend used to cultivate with him.
He dearly wished to not find them because he was afraid to see what he never wanted to see. He believed as long as he doesn't find them then he can live with that hope that they are still alive.
Until he saw two young men bodies laying on the ground with wounded bodies. The floor was covered with dried blood.
Tae fell on his knees as he saw those bodies. he looked at the sight in front of him blankly.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Look at the sky vengefully* I will kill them all to avenge my dear ones deaths!! everyone will pay for their evil deeds!!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
( Just because I was the most powerful cultivator they wanted to snatch my core and destroy my cultivation!. Even after being this powerful I couldn't protect my love ones...whats the use of this power. )
Tae took out the jade pendent which he was holding till now anad broke it into two pieces. He put those jade parts in his friend and disciple's body with the help of his power.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*caress both of their cheeks* I am's all because of me if you didn't meet me then your fates might be different..
Suddenly he heard some shuffling sounds from the forest he looked up and saw many cultivators surrounding him.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Blood red eyes* You humans are such an ungrateful creatures!! i did my all to protect you and help you but now that I am at my worst you want to kill me ? *Snickers* Your greed is really endless!!
Soon he felt his heart warming up as he felt his dear friend's body disappearing...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*smile to himself* ( Lets meet in another life Jimin...) *pick gukk's body up* ( humans does not have many lives like us foxes...and their revival is almost impossible) *look at the cultivators angrily* I will avenge you as your master!!.
*laugh* What can you even do? now that your cultivation is destroyed. You are just a pathetic fox with that pretty face .
*look at him enviously* ( If not because of this creature I would have become the most powerful cultivator!!) *grin evily* But it's not too late...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*look at the women* Do you think they will let another fox become the top cultivator just because I am dead? *laugh* You deserve that if they kill you one day too.
Listening to his open provocations made others ragefull. They attacked him with their all power but before it could reach till tae a formation appeared beneath him
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Grin at them* Too late...*whisper*
A huge blast occurred which shattered the whole mountain where the forest resided
Everyone and everything nearby was destroyed in the blast
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
mmm.....*open eyes*....where is this....and why do I feel so light....
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*gasp* Where are my ears and tails!! *touch his head and back* 😧😧 it can't be...I am a human? *horrified*
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
I know this chapter is long...😶 but forget it was writing it for almost whole day since I caught cold and now I am resting
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
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Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )


Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Hello everyone 😁
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
One more update for you all before I go to sleep.
Taehyung looked at the blue sky and the greenery around him
He was shocked not because he is in a different or an unknown place but because he did not feel any energy in the nature or at least not that much that someone can cultivate.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*shocked* ....this how could this happen? The world is now devoid of any cultivation energy it's almost non-existent....
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
If someone doesn't have the spiritual root then they won't even be able to sense this little amount of energy...
Tae looked around and saw it was the forest where he was laying down but it was beside a road....he looked around and saw a car.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*close eyes*
Taehyung close his eyes and tried to look through his memories.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*surprised* Heh 😆 these humans never fail to surprise me with their endless greed.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
This poor boy was died in this car accident....but the sad part is he knew his dear sister was behind this accident. What a fool even though he knew he was going to die he still went in this malfunctioned car?.
he was talking to himself when he heard another voice
Don't tell me you are going to keep standing here like a fool....just go and find something to eat cause I am hungry
Taehyung looked around in shock his eyes were filled with tears
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
J...Jimin is that you? *gulp*
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
*happily* Ofcourse or who else other than me dared to be with you the most annoying fox 😆
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*Teary eyes* Good...good . You are still alive 🥺🥺
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Ofcourse I am ! I am a red fire fox! 😤 how can I die so easily? it's just I am still recuperating and cannot take any form so I am residing within your consciousness.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*smile bitterly* Do you blame me for what happened?
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
.....I don't and I never will.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
But he must be blaming me...I am such a horrible master who couldn't even protect his disciple *feeling bitter*
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Hush!!! he would never blame you Taehyung!! Caus...
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Nothing...just go and find some food I am hungry.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
Uhm *nod* I don't think I can use this car anymore so I have to walk till I find a place to eat.
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
*groan* It better be nearby or i will die from hunger.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*chuckle* Don't worry i wont let you starve.
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )


Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Hello everyone 😁
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Good morning 🌄
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Let's start the story 😸
Taehyung followed the road and after walking for atleast two hours he finally reached the city
He looked around curiously and was surprised that how much the world is developed and no one is dependent on any magic anymore
He look around and saw a cafe he put his hand on his pocket and found nothing
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Forget about me drying from starvation. You will die first before I die from hunger *look at him with pity*
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*annoyed* Nobody is dying from hunger 💢 . it's just this world is too modern and that mobile thing has all the money on it.
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Then use it you fool. 😩 i am hungry!!!
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
As if I don't want to use it!!
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
I can't use it because it's not with me...I think we left the mobile in the car.
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
I don't want to wait for another four hours to walk there and then come here again
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
As if I am going to go back. *tired* if it was our time I would have used my sword to fly there but now I have to walk all the way to this city .
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Then what should we do 🥺
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
Do you have any gold or silver with you?
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Tae do you think a spiritual consciousness like me can carry anything with me ? ☺️💢
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
But this spirit can talk quite well 🙂💢
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*sigh* What to do...
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Steal the money from someone 😃
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*groan* Shut up! *look at his hand watch* Umm this looks expensive ✨✨
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
Sell it ✨✨
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
uhm let's see if the cafe owner will agree to give us food for this watch...
Tae went inside the cafe. It was a small cafe with few customers. The cafe owner was making a coffee when tae walk towards him.
*look at tae*
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
umm...This sir...can you give us some food in exchange for this watch ? *shy*
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
PARK JIMIN ( Rare fire fox spirit)
*rolling on ground while laughing internally* ( hahahaha 😂😂🤣🤣 to think that there will be a day when the great kim Taehyung will be embarrassed to get some food because of not having any money...haha this is hilarious)
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
( 💢💢 You aren't getting any food now!!)
*look at watch* 😶 this young master...are you sure you want to give this expensive watch just for some food?
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*nod two times*
*chuckle* Sure...
The owner brought a milk tea and cake for tae.
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
*start eating* Wow ✨✨ this is so delicious. more delicious than those mooncakes and sweets.
after eating till he was full he stood up to leave when the owner stopped him.
Um this young master....*give him some money* I don't know what happened but your watch is very expensive so I hope this little money can be of some use to you...
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
( This human is so kind...even after knowing that the watch was very expensive he didn't lie to me and is even willing to give me money. ) *bow* Thanks for the money. 😊 may I know your name ?
It's Jhope 😊 actually I am handling my uncle's cafe for today...
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
KIM V (VINCENT)/Fox spirit/Taehyung
Hello. 😁 let's meet again in future. *leave*
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )
Little author ( 🥺 )

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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