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The Unexpectedp Bond


Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Izzy baby, stop running
Izzy ran out the school door
Roxy, unlock the car door finally walking over to her.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Izzy, you could fall running like that
Izzy Reth
Izzy Reth
Sowwy aunt Roxy
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Is okay baby, I was just worried. Wanna go see mommy?
Izzy Reth
Izzy Reth
Izzy cheered making graby hands so Roxy can pick her up
Roxy giggled, before picking her up and putting her in the carseat
She then went sat in the drivers seat, and started driving.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Izzy, we’re here
Izzy Reth
Izzy Reth
Yay, I mwss mommy
Roxy, chuckled at her cuteness and come to get her out of her car seat after parking the car
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Let’s go
Roxy grabbed her hand and locked the car, then walked into a beautiful cafe.
They walked pass everyone while waving at the regulars
Everybody awed at Izzy’s cuteness as they walked pass
Izzy pulled her hand out of Roxy’s grip and ran to the office door, barging in
Izzy Reth
Izzy Reth
She ran into her mom’s arms
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Baby, I missed you
Izzy Reth
Izzy Reth
I mwssed you more
Roxy just stand and look at them
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Wow, I guess I am not needed anymore
She fake sobbed walking over to the couch
Izzy Reth
Izzy Reth
No, Izzy lwve you so mwch
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
And Rosie love Roxy very much too
They walked over to her sitting down next to them. Izzy lay on Roxy’s lap.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
So, how’s work coming along?
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
I think, I might die. I Problem would have if I didn’t have you
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Rosie don’t say that in front of Izzy
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Baby, you never heard anything
Izzy was asleep already. They laughed at that
Rosie put her head on Roxy’s shoulder
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
When are you going to take over the company anyways?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
My dad called me to meet with him before I picked Izzy up, he probably going to discuss about that
Roxy sighed putting her head back
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Why, aren’t you happy?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I would be, but there is no way dad would hand the company over to me just like that.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I will talk to him and see what he is trying to do.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Kiss Izzy bye. We’re leaving
Rosie kissed Izzy’s forehead and got up from the couch.
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
I will see you guys in few hours
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Okay bye
Roxy closed the door with the other hand while his right hand is holding Izzy on her shoulder
Roxy drove to her family house
The gates opened and she drove to the front.
Roxy walked into the living room carrying Izzy on her arm
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Sammy, get Izzy I have to go talk to dad
Samuel who was siting in the living room looked up annoyed
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
Stop calling me that
He got up and got Izzy off of her arm
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy blow a kiss to Samuel who gagged and walked away with Izzy
Then Roxy finally went to her dad’s office
She knocked before opening the door
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Hi dad
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Roxy, there you are.
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
I have to talk to you about something very important and I need your mom here too
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
It is that big?
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
He called the one of the maid to get Roxy’s mom
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
So, how do you like working at the company so far?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Dad, I am 25 already I am ready for the responsibility.
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Of course baby, I know you are that’s what I want to talk about
Wrenley walked in, as they both looked at her
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
What? Do I have something on my face?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Mom, no we’re just stuttered
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Anyways can we get to the point?
Wrenley came and sat next to Roxy
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Baby, I actually wanted to talked to you about this yesterday but you were busy
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What is it mom, it can’t be that bad!
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Roxy, you are getting married!
Roxy Osvaldo . Roxy is 25 years old. She is the oldest child. She is also a secret agent. Only Rosie knows about her side job. She love to tease people but can also be possessive when it comes to her loved ones.
Rosie Reth
Rosie’s 26 years old. She is a single mother. Roxy had help her since she become pregnant till now. Her parents live in Italy. She owns a cafe.
Izzy Reth
Izzy is 4 years old. She grow up with Roxy’s family. She sees them as her family. Rosie is her mother. She doesn’t know anything about her dad.
Samuel Osvaldo
He is 20 years old. He is still in college. Love her family dearly but just don’t express. He doesn’t like to communicate much.
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo is 50 years old. He is a very chill person but also smart. He is the CEO of Osvaldo corporation. He is retiring soon.
Wrenley Osvaldo
She is 49 years old. Wife of Enzo Osvaldo. She is a fun person to talk to. She is also chill and basically makes most of the decisions. She also loves her kids.


Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy got up, shocked by the news
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What do you mean dad?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Mom, are you hearing this?
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Baby, Listen me and your father discussed about this for over a week now. It’s for the best
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Your ready to take over the company but I want somebody trusted by your side
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Joining hands with the Rossi’s family is a win-win situation.
Roxy looks at her parents with unbelievable look on her face
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
You can’t be serious
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Why? I can handle the company just fine by myself. I have proven to you multiple times Dad. Did you even think what I wanted before arranging this mom?
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Baby, sit down real quick
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
I knew this was going to be your reaction. Baby, the Rossi’s family are nice people I want what is best for you and your future. You need somebody on your side to take over the company.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Mom, you want me to marry a stranger? I never met these people and I never agreed to this.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Dad, you can’t just go ahead and make arrangements without my consent. What if I am already seeing somebody? You didn’t even ask me?
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Roxy, you haven’t dated anybody since high school. At this point I am worried about you. This is good both for you and the family. He is a good boy.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Just because I haven’t dated anyone doesn’t give you the right to arrange a whole marriage for me. This is about me, I haven’t even met the person yet and what if we don’t get along dad?
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
I know you guys will click. I have worked with his father for few years now and that boy has shown his qualities and is perfect. If I know he is bad, I would never let him go near you.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Roxy go to your room. I will talk to your dad.
Roxy took a deep breath and left the office.
Wrenley turned to Enzo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Enzo, I can’t let you force her. If she really doesn’t want it, don’t push it. Let her take her time and decide.
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Baby, I just want what is best for her. I need somebody who can guide her to the right path.
Enzo said walked over to Wrenley and back hugged her
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
I know that. But this also her life. This is a big decision, she has the right to refuse.
Enzo sighed laying his head on his wife’s shoulder
Roxy went to her room
Throw herself on the bed
She couldn’t believe what just happened
She’s gonna marry somebody she never met before and he could be a mid age pervert for god’s sake
She was so frustrated
Her phone ring making her get up to get the phone
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
Can you come down to the cottage right now?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What’s wrong?
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
We can’t discuss this over the phone
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Yes sir
Roxy hung up the phone and went out to her car
She walked in the cottage in hurry
She walked in the office where she meet her boss and partner
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Sir what is going on?
Ben Bentheim
Ben Bentheim
Sit down first
Roxy sat down beside Den
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
Remember the Viper’s organization
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Yah what about them? I thought it ended
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
So did I
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
But turned out we had the wrong leader
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
He was just the clone and we were tricked
Ben Bentheim
Ben Bentheim
Should’ve known, the task was a little too smooth
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
Anyways, they’re back on top again
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
This time the head is leading
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
So far we haven’t gotta any lead yet other than his underground name DR
Matt Zhang
Matt Zhang
This is our number one task at the moment. We need to stop it before it gets out of hand
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Yes sir
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I will keep that in mind
Roxy got up and left the room. Sighing
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
*I knew that was not gon be the end of the organization
Roxy went back home
She laid down on her bed
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I’m exhausted
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What a day
Before long Samuel walked in
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
I heard what happened
He sat on her bed
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Which one
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
Your marriage?
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
What else happened?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Anyways, don’t worry about
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I will figure something out
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
You know dad, he knows what his doing. I disagree with this but how can you possibly get out of this?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
You watch and learn little Sammy
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
You are not funny at all
Roxy smirked looking at him with her eyebrows moving up and down
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
I can’t with you
Samuel walked out of her room
Roxy closed her eyes afterwards exhausted from everything that happened today


Roxy POV:
It has been a week since dad declared my marriage with Denzel
All I know of my soon to be husband is his name “Denzel Rossi”
Today evening is when we have dinner with the family to discuss about the marriage further
I hope we’re going to marry each other just in names.
What surprised me more is him not opposing the idea. I thought even if I don’t oppose he would but he LITERALLY AGREED!
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Rosie my love, marry me so I can escape this marriage
I clasp on her and cried on her embrace
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Roxy, just give it a shot.
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Maybe his doing it for his own benefit like you. You don’t have to see him again after marriage if u don’t want to
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What if he is ugly?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
And snitches
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
You’re overthinking
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
You can beat him or threaten him
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
I mean you are skilled in combat so why not
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
You’re right. Ima make sure he knows his place
I smiled looking up at Rosie
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I don’t know what I would do without you
I said hugging her
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
Rosie Reth(FL BFF)
There there. I mean what can I say. Everybody need Rosie in their lives.
She said flipping her hair
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I took it back
Rosie laughs
Roxy just came home from the company
Exhausted from the day already. And frustrated from everything
She decided to just go ahead and get ready
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What the hell am I even gon wear?
She talked to herself walking over to her closet
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Why do I care?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
She decide to just wear one of her floral dress
She walked downstairs and the rest of the family were already in the living room.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
…..nothing, you look like shit
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
We’re talking about me not you
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
Okay, that’s enough
Wrenley Osvaldo
Wrenley Osvaldo
You look beautiful Roxy
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
I just Node still pissed at this whole thing
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Okay, let’s get going
We all walked out to the limo.
And driver drove us to the restaurant
Dad start walking and we all followed behind as we reach the table where the Rossi’s family are seated
Enzo Osvaldo
Enzo Osvaldo
Good evening Mr and Mrs. Rossi
Matteo Rossi
Matteo Rossi
Good evening to you all
My eyes immediately starting wondering looking for the third person but it was only the two of them
Arleth Rossi
Arleth Rossi
Ah, you must be Roxy
Arleth Rossi
Arleth Rossi
You’re indeed very beautiful
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Thank you Mrs.Rossi
Arleth Rossi
Arleth Rossi
And you must be Samuel, nice to meet you two
Samuel Osvaldo
Samuel Osvaldo
You too Mrs.Rossi
Just like that everybody engaged in the conversation as I kept wondering where the hell is the person that I came to meet?
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Excuse me, I’m going to the ladies room
I excused myself walking to the bathroom
I walked in
Looked at myself in the mirror. The arge to scream at everybody that come to my face increased.
If it wasn’t for the inheritance, I would have never agreed to this bullsh*t
And the audacity of him to be late to the dinner made my blood boil. who tf does he think he is, I took time out of my life to come to this bullsh*t and he didn’t even try.
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
I groaned walking out the bathroom frustrated
While stomping out the door I bump into someone losing my balance
I accepted my fate to fall but I felt familiar grip on my waist stopping me from hitting the ground.
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Be careful wife, I can’t have you injured just yet!
I opened my eyes, and I felt my whole world crashing down on me
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
He made me stand and his grip remains on my waist
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Missed me?
I pushed him away from me still puzzled at the scene
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
Roxy Osvaldo/Rossi(FL)
What are you doing here? And who’s your wife
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Ouch, that hurt darling
Denzel Rossi(ML)
Denzel Rossi(ML)
You forgot me already? It has only been 2 years
I looked at him with horror on my face
The memories started playing on my head like a trailer
Age: 28. He is in line to become the CEO after marriage. He also has illegal organization that only few people know of. He loves his family dearly. He also has another side that many people don’t know.
AGE: 55. He is very passionate about his loved ones. He is very open person. He is the current CEO of their Corporation and soon retiring. He loves his wife.
AGE: 50. She spoils Denzel and Matteo a lot and always wanted daughter in-law and grandkids. She is also all about doing the right things

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