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Loving My Mate!


The wind howled relentlessly, chilling the atmosphere. A girl laid in a pitiful state. Her body was covered with bruises, scars, some healed, some fresh. Her breathing echoed unevenly.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*looks at the figure standing* Are you done with this b*tch??
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*grins* Not exactly. But she will die today so I will be generous to give a slow death.
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Hmm *nods*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*breathing unevenly* Why are you doing this Leo? Why did you played with my emotions?? Why? Pl.. Please st.. Stop it.
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*smirks* Your only fault is that you are mate of Atlas.
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*disgusted* Why the f*ck are you mate of my Atlas?? You are just a filthy human. I can't even punch you because of that stupid spell protecting you.
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
Ughhh. *starts beating with her whip* But this is fine too. Your helpless, painful screams makes me happy.
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*doesn't make any noise*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
(I hate myself... I hate it. Why did I listen to you all?? Just because I wanted you to treat me as family?? Because I loved Leo sincerely?? Was it my fault??)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*laughing* Stop it Avery. *looks at Arabella* Oh dear, don't worry. Tonight everything will be over. *smirks* Because tonight, master asked to kill your dear husband, Atlas Romero.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*shouts* NOO!!
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Pl.. Please do.. Don't hurt him anymore. Y.. You have already hurted hi.. him so much. *crying*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Aww my poor darling, why do you care?? Don't you despise him??
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*crying* I.. I regret l.. Loving you. Why did I fell for you??
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Since you are dying today with your husband, I will tell you why you fell for me. Babe, It was never love. *grins* I took help of your mother, Grace Simon to hypnotize you and make you fall in love with me. Grace controlled your mind and made you believe that you love me a lot.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*shocked* N..No... No!! Y.. You are lying. The love was not real?? N..No... This is not possible.
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*smirks* And I made you hate atlas. How could you be so naive sister?? *laughs* But it was good for me that you were stupid.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*listening everything* You all will pay for this. Do you think you can get away with this? *screams in anger*
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
But you dear will die soon.
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
When will Atlas come? *comes in* We have to kill as per master's order.
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
It's pity that I will have to kill my Atlas. But he doesn't wants to be mine then no one can have him. He needs to be punished for not loving me. And the punishment is his life. *laughing*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
(Pl.. Please d.. don't c.. Come Atlas.)
Arabella was praying to God for Atlas. She felt betrayed again when she understood the truth from Leo. She felt pity on herself. But then Arabella saw a person walking towards them. Her heart clenched. The man had so many emotions on his face.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*crying* Why did you come Atlas?? Why?
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
You should've left me to die.
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*rushes towards chained Arabella but is stopped by Grace's spell*
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*angry* Let her go. Let my Arabella go. Pl.. Ple.. Please I.. I beg you. I.. I gave you ev.. Everything. My business, My po.. Powers. I don't have anything left. Pl.. Please let her go.
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*grabs his hair* NO
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
How can we let her go? She is the reason why you are on you knees, begging to me. *laughing* I am not satisfied yet. I want to torture you more before killing you.
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*smirks* Look how I kill your f*lthy human mate.
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*screams* NO!! NO
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*shivers in fear*
Leo started hitting Arabella with whip. With every whip, Atlas felt pain. He cried in horror of how his mate was being treated. Leo laughed while looking at Atlas's state. In the end, he shot Arabella in stomach.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*screams in pain*
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*shoots again*
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*gets out of spell and runs towards Arabella*
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*gets shot*
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*looks at Arabella* I am so.. Sorry my love. I.. I am sorry I couldn't pro... protect you, my love. I.. I took so l.. long to co.. Come here. B..But still you died be.. because of me. I.. I am sorry. *crying in pain*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*hugs him* No..No I.. It's not your fa... fault Atlas. It.. It's all mine. I.. I am so.. Sorry for h.. Hurting you, leaving you. I am sorry for everything. You suffered through because of me, because I was your mate. A disgusting human mate.
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*hugs back* Shh!! No you are not disgusted. I am so.. Sorry you understand ab.. About werewolves, mates, vampires through this way. B.. But you are not human. You are werewolf Arabella. Your wolf is dormant. I can sense it. B..but it's sleeping and has less strength.
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*irritated* ARGHH!!! This stupid werewolf strength. Why did I forgot that werewolf can't be killed by normal bullet? Because of that filthy human, I was about to commit grave mistake. *shoots atlas with silver bullet*
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
*continues shooting*
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*screams* NO!!
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*hears a snap sound*
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
Argh!! Why is this b*tch not dying?? *angry*
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*takes gun from Leo and shoots Arabella again*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*screams* Ahhhh *feeling intense pain due to the silver bullet*
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
Jett Simon (Fl
Jett Simon (Fl's dad)
*comes there* Master asked us to meet at his home.
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*low breathing*
Leo Ricardo (Fl
Leo Ricardo (Fl's ex bf)
Throw their dead bodies in river nearby.
Jett Simon (Fl
Jett Simon (Fl's dad)
Mhm okay
Jett took Arabella and Atlas's body with help of grace outside. He put them in car and drove towards a ocean. Arabella was shocked by the voice inside head. But she had no strength, she felt her life draining slowly. Grace and Jett threw them in ocean.
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
Done. Let's go back now.
Jett Simon (Fl
Jett Simon (Fl's dad)
*nods* Yeah
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
(I.. It's odd. The ocean is not suffocating, it feels peaceful like inviting me towards it. I feel good. I am sorry for everything. I reg.. regret everything. I.. I want a.. a chance)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
*blurry vision*
ARABELLA *swimming towards her*
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
(Huh? W.. Who is it?? But I have no strength. This silence is so good. I.. I want to sleep like this.)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
Arabella Simon (Fl)
To be continued
Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
Thank you for reading my dear Cupcakes. *winks*
Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
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Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
This is my fourth book and I hope you will enjoy it.

Where am I?

In a old, discarded room, a girl was lying on the worn out bed. A single dim light was struggling to be awake. The wallpapers on walls were half peeled. Her breath low and silent that one would think the girl is dead. All of a sudden, she woke up while breathing heavily. Her eyes blinked in fear.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*blinks* Whe.. Where?
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*feeling thirsty*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(My throat is dry... Where is water?)
Arabella saw a jug of water, and she took the jar. She felt the jug was familiar. She drank the water emptying the whole jug. Her eyes travelled around the room.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(What the h*ck?? Am I alive?? Did they bring me back to Simon's bungalow?)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*gets up and walking towards door*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*sees mirror by mistake*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(My.. My hair... My eye.. My eyes)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*observing reflection in mirror*
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*kicks door and comes in* ARGHH!! Why are you still sleeping?? How can you be so careless sis? It's your marriage today. *snorts*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*trembles due to the memory of her beating*
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
You are so unlucky to get married to Atlas. You don't deserve him. He was only good to you, so he can have s*x with you. Now he wants to marry you and make you his slave.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*confused* (What is she talking about? Marriage? My hairs?)
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*goes near her and touches cheeks* Atlas is worse person. He is playboy who flirts with every woman. Don't be good with him. You need to be rude, so he will let you go, and you will be able to marry Leo.
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
Continue hurting him like you did till now. Don't worry, I support you. I will do everything I can to help you *in sweet voice*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
I will get ready sis
Avery Simon (Fl
Avery Simon (Fl's sis)
*rolls eyes* Good *leaves*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(I married Atlas 5 years before they tortured me. Then what's happening?)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*feels intense pain in head*
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/The things are repeating/
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*shocked* Who? What?
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/Can you hear my voice??....I am Nyx, your wolf. I think we time travelled back to the day we are about to marry our mate./
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/Did you forget me??/
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*looking in mirror* (If what you say is true then will the future repeat? No!! I won't let the future repeat.)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(I am back to the time when I knew nothing about supernatural beings)
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/Finally, it's good to communicate you. There was invisible barrier preventing me from talking with you or transforming. Finally, I feel free/
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(Invisible barrier?? I need to read about all supernatural beings so I can understand. After marriage, let's research on it, as everything was secret and fiction for me till i got kidnapped by Leo.)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*remembers his death*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(H..He died because of me. He was tortured because of me... I.. I was the reason why he died like that. W..Why was I so cruel with him? Why was I so naive)
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/*angry* We should save our mate and take revenge for torturing our mate and us. *growls* I will kill him when I figure out how to transform/
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*takes deep breath* Yeah, you are right nyx. We can't let the history repeat again. This time, I will be the one who will torture them. I will take revenge. *confident*
Arabella met Atlas in college when she was being bullied by her classmates. It was only Atlas and his friends who were nice with her. She was happy with them. She felt very close to Atlas. (Due to the mate bond, she didn't know about werewolves)
After three months, Leo came in to picture. He controlled Arabella and made her fall in love with him. Arabella in past life listened to whatever her adopted family would say. She wanted to be accepted by them, she wanted to be a part of them. On their advice and in mind control, she hurt Atlas when he was in college and also after marriage.
After her marriage, Atlas wanted to tell Arabella about him being werewolf. He wanted to introduce her to his pack and to tell her about existence of supernatural beings.
But Arabella stayed away from him. She loathed him. Arabella did everything she can to get away from him. She talked rudely with him, she tried to run away to Leo. Even after being hurt Atlas still kept Arabella by his side. He loved and didn't wanted to leave her.
In end, Arabella threatened him with his life. So, Atlas let her go. But Arabella was soon kidnapped by Leo. He tortured her with Simon's. They sent video of Arabella being beaten to Atlas and coveted his wealth. They even sucked all his magical abilities that he had to themselves and their master.
In end, Atlas was killed. Arabella was used as tool as she was Atlas's weakness.
To be continued
Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
Thank you for reading cupcakes
Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
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Arabella went to the living room. Grace and Jett were leaving for the wedding hall. Avery was already sitting in car. Grace looked at Arabella and snorted.
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
*irritated tone* What took you so long?? Ugh!! Now let's go. Can't you behave properly on your wedding day?? Sit in car.
Jett Simon (Fl
Jett Simon (Fl's dad)
Be grateful to be able to ride in car. *rolls eyes*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*looks at them* You go ahead. Selena called me, she will pick me up.
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
*rolls eyes* Whatever. Come soon to the venue. Don't you dare run away to your so-called lover.
Grace Simon (Fl
Grace Simon (Fl's mom)
Jett Simon (Fl
Jett Simon (Fl's dad)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*sits on sofa*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(I was so blind in past life to believe that they will ever love me.)
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/How will we go to the wedding venue?/
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
I will call Selena in few minutes. First, let me feed myself. I feel weak and hungry. Maybe due to the whole rebirth thing.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
I feel thirsty too.
After 25 minutes, the Simon's reached the wedding hall. It was buzzing with the crowd who came to attend the wedding. Grace looked at the crowd. The crowd was actually pack members of Atlas's pack. Simon's went straight to the bride room as they didn't want to get involved with the pack members.
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
*walks in groom's room* Arabella is not with them. I asked them where is she. They told that selena is going to pick her up.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
Me?? *surprised* I thought she broke our friendship....
Kai Taylor (Ml
Kai Taylor (Ml's bff)
Is she trying to run away? *worried*
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
*rolls eyes* Ugh seriously?? Again?? *looks at Atlas* Atlas, do you really need to marry her??
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*looking in mirror* She is my mate. I don't care if she hates me. I love her and can never see her being hurt. So, I will marry her to protect from that vampire Leo. *grits teeth*
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
But she doesn't even love you....
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
Are you sure she won't run away? *irritated*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
What? I am being realistic
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*takes deep breath* I have guards around Simon's home. If she tries to run away, they won't let her.
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
*looks at Selena* Sel, I know you are hurt by Arabella's words but can you check on her? *in sad voice*
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
Arabella hurted her. I don't want Selena to be more hurt. Just like arabella is your mate, Selena is mine. I won't let her be hurt again. *angry*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
Noah, calm down. I am fine. I will check on her.
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
Ugh.. Babe listen to me.
Kai Taylor (Ml
Kai Taylor (Ml's bff)
Okay guys calm down. I will go check on her.
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
*rolls eyes* Do you still think she is your little sister?? She is not. She is a different person now. She hates us. *looks at Atlas* Atlas, we don't need a luna who doesn't even love our Alpha.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
Noahh .... Stop it *sad*
Kai Taylor (Ml
Kai Taylor (Ml's bff)
She..she is my s.. Sister
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Noah, don't say ridiculous things. Or I will punish you as your alpha.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*rubs kai's back* Calm down Kai...
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*drags noah to side* Noah, don't be heartless. I know Arabella has hurted us..But now she will be our Luna. We need to respect her.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
And please, think about Atlas. He is suffering a lot. His mate loves someone else. He is in pain that we can't think of. And don't talk like that to Kai too. You know he is emotional about this topic.
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
*feeling guilty* Finee...
Suddenly a phone started ringing. Selena recognised her ringtone and took the phone. It was Arabella calling her.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
It's Arabella
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*picks up* 📞 Hello
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
📞 Hello Selena *in low voice*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*trying not to cry*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
📞 Where are you Bella? *soft voice* Grace aunty said you want me to pick you??
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
📞 Yeah if i.. it's possible for you. *hesitant*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
📞 Sure. I will be on my way.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
📞 Thanks Selena. Selena.. I... *hesitating*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
📞 Yeah?
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
📞 Umm.. No.. Nothing
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*worried* 📞 Okay
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*ends call*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
I will pick her up.
Noah Kingsley (Ml
Noah Kingsley (Ml's bff)
Let me come with you. *serious*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
No stay here and help Atlas. I will come soon.
Atlas Romero (Ml)
Atlas Romero (Ml)
I am fine *broken voice*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/What happened Arabella?/
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(Nothing. I hurted selena and broke my friendship with her. But still she is so sweet with me. I.. I fe.. Feel so guilty. I was so st.. Stupid.)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*starts crying*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/Stop crying Arabella. You have a second chance now. Use it. We will work together and make them pay for what they did./
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*wipes tears* Yeah you are right
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Nyx, stay silent when we will be marrying our mate. I don't want him to know that you are active wolf. I want to learn about werewolves more. Then we can tell him. I don't want him to surprised in the wedding and cause a scene. Okay?
Nyx/ Fl
Nyx/ Fl's wolf
/Fine. I will stay silent like before./
Few minutes later, Selena showed up at the door. Selena was hesitant to knock on door. But Arabella's hearing ability was improved, she opened the door.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*hesitant* Um.. Are you ready to go Bella?
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*bits lip* Se..Selena
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*looks at her* Yeah?
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
*breathes and hugs her tightly*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*surprised by sudden hug*
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
I.. I am s.. Sorry selena. *crying* I.. I am really sorry. I know what I did hurted you and I don't even deserve to say sorry. B.. But I am re... really sorry.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*feels tears rolling down cheeks*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*rubs her back while hugging* Shh it's okay. It's never late to realize your mistake.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
I am sorry. I am guilty of what I did.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*smiles* Okay Bella. Then call me sel again.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Won't you punish me? *looks at her*
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*smiles* It's okay
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
(Why are you so nice to me sel after everything I did to you?? Why?? I feel worse. I am really sorry)
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
Let's go now. *serious and hesitant* Umm.. Eventhough you don't like this marriage, um still it's good for you. U..Um.. We should reach soon or Atlas will be worried.
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Arabella Romero (Fl)
Okay. *wipes tears and hugs her* Thank you for talking back to me.
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
*smiles and rubs back* You are my best friend, how can I stay angry for long time??
Selena Kingsley (Fl
Selena Kingsley (Fl's bff)
To be continued
Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
Thank you for reading cupcakes
Author (Austin)
Author (Austin)
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