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Half-souls Of Wangxian

1~ Wangxian

Hey guys now let's start..

18++ ahead, skip if you are uncomfortable

Don't think that I'm a pervert to start a ff with smut, but it had go like this as this fanfic is one shot.

Don't report as i am informing beforehand


After all the struggles, lan wangji and Wei Wuxian peacefully happily married in the presence of elders.

After marriage Wei Wuxian was living in Jingshi with Lan wangji.

One day after the marriage the couple came back to Jingshi after their pleasant dinner with lan Qiren, lan Xichen and the other Junior disciples.

Finally i can sleepy after all the whole tiring day (yawns) - Wei Wuxian

Wei Ying fresh up first !! - Lan wangji

Ok lan gege - Wei Wuxian

As he says he goes the other side of the Jingshi where he found the warm water is already set in the bath tub,

He removes all his robes and set himself free in the bath tub.

He found lan wangji coming inside so he dug himself deep into the water where water touch his n*ck

Lan wangji removes his all robes leaving his trou*ers still on himself and lay beside Wei Wuxian

(Note: This is their everyday routine)

Wei Wuxian knew that lan wangji will

not do anything to him, but he doesn't trust his lan gege for this.

Wei Ying!! - lan wangji

Lan zhan please not today - Wei Wuxian

Everyday is everyday - lan wangji

Please lan gege, you know i was teaching the juniors sword fight the whole day, i don't have energy anymore - Wei Wuxian

You don't need energy Wei Ying (smirks) - lan wangji

(Red face) Ayya Lan wangji, from when did you became this perve*t??- Wei Wuxian (blush + angry)

Since i married my love whose name is Wei Wuxian - Lan wangji

(Covers his face) stop it!! - Wei Wuxian

Want me kiss you till you drop then?? (Proud) - Lan wangji

(Hehe don't mind this,i just want to use this dialogue)

Bleh, you just say this but i never drop (laughs) - Wei Wuxian

Challenging me?? - Lan wangji

As he says his grabs Wei Wuxian's n*ck joints their li*s.

Wei Wuxian knew how stubborn his husband is, so he just gave himself to lan wangji. He loves it though.

Lan wangji later deepens the kiss, he bit*s Wei Wuxian's lower li*s, with this Wei Wuxian hi*s and part his li*s, taking this chance lan wangji started expl*ring Wei Wuxian's m*uth.

Wei Wuxian was out of breath, he tapped lan wangji's shoulder.

Feeling Wei Wuxian's hand tapping his shoulder lan wangji let go of Wei Wuxian's li*s.

Without letting Wei Wuxian catch his breath, Lan wangji lowers his head to reach Wei Wuxian's ne*k.

Lan wangji gave a long sm*och on Wei Wuxian's Ad*ams apple, he started s*cking Wei Wuxian's c*llar bone while his long slender fingers travelled Wei Wuxian's tu*my reaching his pink ni**les.

Wei Wuxian left a m*an when he felt Lan wangji's fingers around his left ni**le.

Lan wangji left the collar bone of Wei Wuxian and went to the right side of Wei Wuxian's n*ck.

He started s*cking Wei Wuxian's right ne*k where he left a h**key yesterday.

Wei Wuxian's yesterday's h**key was reddish purple.

Lan wangji with this gave a hot b*te as well he also pinched Wei Wuxian's left ni**le which made Wei Wuxian m**n and he also hi*sed.

Just then Lan wangji again reached Wei Wuxian's li*s, he again started ki*sing Wei Wuxian very passionately.

The movement of Lan wangji's li*s explained Wei Wuxian how much he missed his Wei Ying these years, knowing this a tear escaped from his left eyes which didn't go unnoticed by lan wangji.

Lan wangji left Wei Wuxian's lips and wipes the tear with his thumb.

(Smiles) I'll never leave you again Lan zhan - Wei Wuxian

I love you more than you could imagine Wei ying - Lan wangji

With this Lan wangji carried Wei Wuxian, in bridal style ofcourse.

He placed Wei Wuxian gently on the bed and started s*cking Wei Wuxian's right ni**le.

Lan wangji while s**king Wei Wuxian's right ni**le, his left hand was travelling on Wei Wuxian's exposed body, making Wei Wuxian tickle.

This was the first time Lan wangji making Wei Wuxian tickle with his hands while s**king his ni**les hard,

This was too much for Wei Wuxian.

While Wei Wuxian was pleasing Lan wangji not to tickle him anymore,

Lan wangji got an evil idea which made Wei Wuxian both m*an and his* in pain.

What Lan wangji did was, he in*erted two of his long fingers inside Wei Wuxian.

Lan wangji started thr*sting his fingers inside Wei Wuxian,

He slowly increased the pace to thr*st.

All Wei Wuxian was doing is m*aning mess and trying to catch his breath.

He know Lan wangji is a soft side for Wei Wuxian but he also know that Lan wangji his Lan wangji is a deadly beast in this no matter how much he begs to stop.

What Wei Wuxian doesn't know that,

He turned on Lan wangji with his m*ans.

Lan wangji took his fingers out off Wei Wuxian gently making his Wei Ying to know that he cares of him.

Lan wangji parted Wei Wuxian's legs and settled between his legs, he took off his trousers and threw it away just to expose his already hard sh*ft.

He kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead assuring him that he will be gentle.

Wei Wuxian just smiled in response

Which made Lan wangji's heart skip

Lan wangji slowly entered Wei Wuxian and he hit the spot with one go. (Poor Wei Ying)

Lan wangji just smirked internally

With this Lan wangji started moving

He slowly increased his pace to thr*st.

He was thr*sting fastly and deeply.

Everytime he thr*st, he touch Wei Wuxian's spot.

The whole Jingshi has covered with the m*ans of Wei Wuxian and gr*ans of Lan wangji.

Wei Wuxian collapsed in between as everyday, Lan wangji stopped in between 6th round and wrapped his arms around Wei Wuxian making sure that his Wei Ying is safe near him.

Wei Wuxian who felt warm which is familiar to him hugged him back and smiled in sleep.

Good night Wei Ying - Lan wangji

With this he drifts into the sleep


Gosh such a long chapter *sighs* 

I'm dead..

Hehe i was just joking I'm still alive.

But Wangxian moments are making my poor single soul dead.

The main theme starts from the next chapter.

Stay tuned on guys

Hope you love it guys.

Bye bye

Love you all ❤️❤️😘

2~ Night hunt

It was nearly 6:30 am in the morning, when Wei Wuxian heard the chirping of birds, and a familiar music.

The music was coming from the other side of Jingshi,  very familiar that he hears it every morning. This music has a name Unrestrained which Lan wangji was now playing using his guqin.

Not opening the eyes, Wei Wuxian just smiled for such a pleasant morning with a lovely music.

He opened his eyes and turned his head just to see his lan wangji playing the pleasant music

A smile occurred on his face, a smile which makes any person melt in their right place, a smile which makes anyone's mind feel lovely.

As he saw his husband Lan wangji playing his favourite music ever,

He said good morning Lan gege.

The one who was the master of guqin when heard a familiar voice greeting him good morning and calling him Lan gege which he loves, gave a smile.

As he smiled he raised his head just to find his love Wei Wuxian smiling at him, which was most precious smile ever, replied while smiling

Good morning Wei Ying - lan wangji

Wei Wuxian who was busy admiring his husband's beauty popped out when he heard the reply.

He got up and sat next to his husband Lan wangji.

Lan wangji just kissed Wei Wuxian on his forehead saying

Go fresh up Wei Ying, let's start a new day - Lan wangji

Wei Wuxian just nodded his head and moved to the other side of Jingshi.

Time skip to evening.

After training the juniors Wei Wuxian and lan wangji are ready to go the night hunt.

On their way the couple found few of Lan clan disciples coming towards them. They both stopped, the disciples greeted them and was pleasing the couple to take them for the night hunt too.

But Lan wangji and Wei Wuxian being them just said, this night hunt is dangerous for them to come and left.

They both came out and entered a deadly forest back of cloud recesses.

They were walking side by side searching for something and also concious about eachother.

It was very quite excpet the sounds of cricket and leaves rustling

Lan wangji spoke out of breaking the silence mood

Wei Ying - lan wangji

Yes lan zhan - Wei Wuxian

Are you happy to stay with me in cloud recesses??- lan wangji

Yes lan zhan, more than happy to stay with you anywhere you want to take me (smiles) - Wei Wuxian

Mn - lan wangji

Suddenly there is a rustling noise.

Wei Ying, there is some noice, be careful, just stay by my side - lan wangji

Ok lan zhan - Wei Wuxian

A huge creature shows in front of them, it was quite big that it's palm size is the hight of Lan wangji and Wei Wuxian.

Wei Ying any idea - lan wangji

No lan zhan, it's the first time to see this huge monster, and it's shape??

I never saw even in books- Wei Wuxian

Right - lan wangji

The monster is very huge, brown black coloured, just as human shape,

It's feet are too huge, the leg thumn finger is in the size of one man's fist.

It came running towards them more like walking fast with heavy steps,

And suddenly was about to attack them both, but knowing what the creature was doing both of them back of and flew in the air.

It was sometime, lan wangji took his guqin out, attacking and not letting the beast to move, Wei Wuxian took out his flute started playing it, just trying to make it's mind in control of him.

Wei Wuxian was succeeding, but failed, he kept on trying to take the monster's mind in control and lan wangji was blocking the monster from attacking them both.

Suddenly the monster growled in too much anger which caused too much pain for both Lan wangji's and Wei Wuxian's ear.

The beast took it's chance and attacked them both, before they could move the hand of the monster attacked them both which made heavy wounds on their chest and it caused to lose the control of themselves.

Before the both could fall on the ground and close their eyes called eachother more like a shout in worried.

WEI YIING - lan wangji

LAN ZHAN - Wei Wuxian

They both fall on the ground before loosing consciousness.

Seeing this the beast disappeared


That's it for this chapter guys, hope you all liked the fight.

Don't worry they both will be alright.

Don't forget to like the chapter

And share your thoughts with me

Love you all guys ❤️❤️

Bye bye

3~ Different world

(Sleepy voice) Lan zhan where are you??- Wei Wuxian

Wei Ying - lan wangji

Hmm - lan wangji

We are not in our world - lan wangji

What ??- Wei Wuxian

These are not our bodies!!- Lan wangji

What?? - Wei Wuxian

Our souls travelled to AU (another universe) Wei Ying - lan wangji

Lan zhan?? - Wei Wuxian

Lan zhan i can see you but you are transparent?? What happened to your body ?? - Wei Wuxian

Wei Ying, our half souls are left in our original our universe bodies, when i opened my eyes i found myself on the other Lan wangji - lan wangji

But how did you came out?? - Wei Wuxian

Just focus on your mind Wei Ying, do not panic, don't think of anything, just do it- lan wangji

Wei Wuxian does the same as lan wangji said, and within seconds Wei Wuxian focussed completely he came out of AU Wei Wuxian.

[In this universe there is no clan of Wen's and no dwelling about Yin iron as it was already destroyed by the past cultivators]

Wei Wuxian!! Why are you talking in sleep, don't you want to sleep here, should I kick you out of the room ??-AU Jiang Cheng

[No one can see or sense the half souls of  Wei Wuxian and lan wangji and they cannot even hear them]

Lan zhan i saw AU me but your AU ??-wei Wuxian

In Jingshi - lan wangji

Let's go - Wei Wuxian

Why?? - lan wangji

I want to see your AU self - Wei Wuxian

You can see him tomorrow (face turned to jealous)- lan wangji

Hmm hmm, i can sense someone is drinking vinegar?? - Wei Wuxian

Let's go sit on the roof Wei Ying - lan wangji

Ok - Wei Wuxian

The two half souls just roamed around the whole cloud recesses to find any differences from this universe and the universe they lived, but unfortunately no, they did not found, both of them were surprised but understood.

Later the both duo settles on the roof top where they both fought once, the time when Wei Wuxian broke the rule of the first time!!

Lan zhan do you remember the scene here?? - Wei Wuxian

Yes Wei Ying - Lan wangji

Time really does fly fast lan zhan, it seems like we fought just yesterday on this roof top but years had passed - Wei Wuxian

Yes - lan wangji

Lan zhan do you know you broke the rule now - Wei Wuxian

(Frowned) which rule?? - Lan wangji

Usually you all clans used to sleep exactly at 9 and woke up at 5 early in the morning, isn't it a rule for you,

You aren't sleeping now, besides you also roamed (flew)the whole cloud recesses with me at night and you obviously know that roaming is prohibited hehe - Wei Wuxian

"Another universe" Wei Ying - lan wangji

Time passed quickly with the chatting of Wangxian.

They both saw themselves again, just as somewhat similar to their past


That's it for this chapter guys

Don't forget to like the chapter

I'll upload one more chapter soon enough

Love you my dear readers

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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