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Deadliest Obessession

Chapter One

Let's start
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In prison
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Finally these checking session is finished. *Cold*
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer take out his cigrate and start smoking without any care.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
So who is that girl? I hear someone younger is coming today. *Cold*
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
She is new here and inside the 365 cell. *Smirk*
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
After a 2 year a new girl is entered here. It's going to be fun.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
*Smirk* Let's go and do our inspection.
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
It's almost the time. F**k it's going to be fun.
Other side
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
I swear .... I didn't *crying and trembling*
Rose was not ready to leave from her cell. She was so scared from her atmosphere. When she was coming here, she saw how evilly everyone look at her.
She was not ready to accept her fate. but as she was not listening to the police man, he gets angry and drag her out from the cell.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Hurt *try to free herself*
He threw her out in the ground and announce loudly.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Scared and trembling*
She looked at everyone with shivery eyes, she curled herself into a ball and started crying.
As soon as the police man leave from there, everyone started coming near her and started to touch her and hit her while mocking her with different names.
Everyone bully her. But no one seem to see any sympathy with her. Of course, they all are criminal and heartless.
The Bell start ringing and everyone got into the line for the turn of their food. Leaving rose alone in her own situation.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Crying badly*
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
*Scoff* Pathetic women
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Freddie and Lucifer was sitting in the chair, totally unbothered about the girl crying in front of them. Lucifer was smoking while looking at her with an intense eye.
Few group of men come near them and give them their food. There food is totally different from other prisoner.
Lucifer threw his cigrate and start eating his food. Freddie was also enjoying his food while looking at Rose who was still crying but attempting to get up.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(Hurt) *Hold her stomach*
She followed the others and with trembling feet, she took the plate and stand in the line.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Looking at her surrounding*
She gives her empty plate with trembling hands but instead of getting food, she getting mocking laugh and taunt.
One female come and spit the water on her face. Everyone was laughing at her, but no one dare to help her..Feeling, so much humilation and helpless, she run back to her cell.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
*Raise his eyebrows*
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
F**k, she is acting innocent but I want to see how much she endure here. She will show her true color soon so we could play with her.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
(Innocent?) *Smirk*
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(Brother, please help me. I don't want to stay here forever) *Crying*
Rose was hungry and tired. She didn't eat anything since last few days. She was feeling weak but more scared.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(Brother I should listen to you, I'm sorry, please save me) *Crying*

Chapter Two

At Night in Rose cell
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Feeling hungry*
She was hungry but didn't dare to step out from her cell, afraid everyone will again bully her. It was quiet late and everything seem silent outside.
Defeated by hunger she decided to ask from someone. But her bad luck, She was locked inside already because the time is over.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(I have to wait till morning) *Stomach growling*
Early morning
Rose was sleeping in the cold floor when she heard the door opening. She looked at the female constable and sit quickly while rubbing her eyes.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Can... I...
Female constable:- Today you will get your duty. If not done properly you will be punished.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Scared* I'm... hungry... Can I...
:-You will get food only if you complete your daily task. Now get out from here and follow everyone in the garden area if you want food.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Yes *Nods quickly*
Rose get up from the floor and dust off her clothes. She quickly goes out from the cell, but she suddenly hit someone strong as rock and hurt her head
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
*Fuming in anger*
This is first time someone dare to even stand close to him and here rose, who just hit herself on his back in her ignorance.
Everyone looking at Lucifer silently as his anger is the worst then anyone could imagine. Because even if he killed someone here, no one will dare to question his action, Not even the high authorities of this place
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
*Turn around and raise his hand*
In anger, His eyes turn red, and he raised his hand to slap that person behind him, but his action stops when he saw the girl sitting in the floor crying and covering her face with arms in her defense.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Sorry *Scared and crying*
She said in the very low voice but in the dangerous silence in the place make it audible to everyone present there.
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
You pathetic women, it's not even a day you come here and already mess with him? Do you have a death wish? *Dangerously cold voice*
Lucifer eyes was darker and intense while looking at Rose. His gaze never left her, even when Freddie warn her, all his focus was on her. Her crying sounds like melody to his ears.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
She should know whom she dare to mess with on her very second day. *Cold*
Lucifer finally spoke few words from his mouth in the deadliest cold dangerous voice. Everyone gulps hard in fear because it could be the last day for Rose's life.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
You smell like a stink bug *Sit on his toes and bend to her level*
Rose got alert when she felt the presence of someone very close her. She started to go crawl back while looking at Lucifer, who was just few inches far from her face, in fear.
Her whole face was looking pale and red due to crying. There was dangerous silence everyone only Rose crying sound was audible in the entire place, which is again broken by Lucifer only in two words
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Get her *Cold*
As soon as he ordered, He got up and start walking somewhere. Few women come and grab rose from her arms and started to drag her while follow Lucifer direction.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Please... leave *Struggling and crying*
She was crying and begging from everyone to leave. She was looking for the police if they could help her. But for her shock there was no one there to help her. It's like they all are disappeared suddenly.

Chapter Three

Everyone drags Rose and threw her in front of Lucifer feet. He already decided how to punish Rose and point it near the water tank.
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
These women are always fun *Whisper to himself*
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Please... I wouldn't do this again *Trembling voice*
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
There is no next time *Rough voice*
The women come near the rose and hold her hair into his fist, she screamed in pain and try to free herself, continually look for help.
As soon as Lucifer gesture, The women forced her head into the water tank.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Lucifer was sitting in the chair with his widen legs. His elbow was resting in the thigh while his hands are playing with the ring in his hands.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Up *Stern voice*
As soon as he felt her getting drown, He ordered them, and rose started coughing and catching breath quickly. Her eyes are red and she was still proceeding why this is happening to her.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Taking deep breaths*
But when she thought it's now over and getting a stable breathing, again her head was getting pushed in the tank of water.
Again and again.... It was continued till 5 times, and finally they leave her. She fell on the ground and close her eyes. Her hairs are wet and her face was turned red. She was shivering because of cold weather plus the water was also cold.
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
Lucifer Bainchi (Ml)
No one will help her. *announce in cold voice*
Lucifer leave from there with rage. Some started to feel pity for her because she got on Lucifer bad side on her second day. And some start mocking and laughing at her situation. And some there was not even bothered after seeing her this situation.
Everyone started gossiping but soon get silent after hearing the another dangerous voice
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Freddie Grayson (Ml friend)
Want to die? *Glare at everyone*
Scared for there life, everyone left from there. Rose was now alone in that cold weather, struggling with her life. Her breathing rate was so low but no one seems to offend Lucifer Bainchi order
It's already afternoon and sun started shine bright and the ray of the warm sun fell on rose body, giving her warmth of the nature.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Open her eyes*
She open her eyes and look at her surrounding. She was having no energy left to even getup from there. Even she was hungry but her body not ready to obey her right now.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Help!! *begging*
But as usual no one is there to help her. She heard the food distribution bell ringing and got alert.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(Maybe I can get something today) *Gulp and try to stand up*
She got up, fighting with her own self and go in the same place as yesterday. She saw everyone was again the line for getting their food. But scared that she will again get hurt if she tries to get involved with them.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(What should I do? I don't want to get hurt again.) *Look at the police*
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(Maybe I could ask them for help) *Gulp*
Rose decided to ask for help from them. She went toward them and tell them everything while crying voice. Her situation is not good at all.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Please... I'm very hungry.... *Tears running out from eyes*
So you said everyone bully you here *Smirk*
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Come I'll get you the food, follow me.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
*Eyes shine* (Now I could finally have something)
Rose smile in innocence and hold her stomach in happiness. She followed the police man, and he makes her sit in his cabin. She was feeling uncomfortable but anything for the food.
That police officer come with some rice and beans in the plate and offer it to her. She looked at the food and then at the police man.
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Is this for me?
Of course, only for you Miss Cassidy. *Mischievous smirk*
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Thankyou so much *With teary eyes*
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
Rose Cassidy (Fl)
(He is good man) *Smile and take the plate*

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