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TRIBE Chronicles 1: Relic Of The Past



It was not by chance that this tragedy came to him.

Beverly Hills City had become a projection of his past losses. The city that was once his cherished and nurturing childhood home now stood as a mere reflection of his profound personal grief.

Yet, he was unwilling to move on, unwilling to leave the tragic past behind.

Over time, he even began to serenely embrace the distressing recollections and harrowing experiences associated with the city.

It was a tragedy that had become his inner demon, a catalyst for his profound hatred against those responsible.


MODRED: "[Studies Mako with an uneasy expression.] Using that foreboding skill was rather bold. It might stir concerns within the Chaos Force if he manages to endure the ominous seal in the future," Modred, the acting leader of the long-existing Chaos Force, noted with caution.

MAKO: "[Offers a confident response to Modred.] Fear not, sorcerer. While the iteration of this ominous seal remains unpredictable, none shall elude its grasp on sanity and the enslavement of will." His words carried a subtle undertone of both assurance and dark anticipation.


Yet, the motives behind this wicked endeavor remained shrouded in mystery, a revelation with the potential to impact everyone who has ever known him.>>

Mako turned toward his crying infant niece, Alexa Blaze, retrieving her from the clutches of one of the Chaos Force minions. In a heartless grip, he ensnared his palm around her fragile, little neck, his expression devoid of sympathy.

YOUNGER DAVID: "[Sobs in grief.] ....Why, uncle? Why do this?"

MAKO: "[Turns his gaze toward David's helpless and battered figure.] I can smell the profound grief and hate that emanates from you, little nephew, the absolute stench of despair! It's a good thing - embrace it." Mako spoke out in a dark and sadistic tone while maintaining his grip on Alexa.

DAVID: "[Grits his teeth.] Tsk... In that case, it's pointless to ask a heartless beast like you. If I don't meet my end today, rest assured that someday, you will all face your reckoning at the fiery depths of hell!" David's anguished voice resonated with a dark promise.

MAKO: "[Unveils a subtle sneer.] Humph. Someday, but not today."

Uttering these chilling words, Mako ruthlessly snapped the neck of infant Alexa before her brother, David, her lifeless body dropping limp and motionless, her haunting cries abruptly silenced.

This phenomenon struck David so hard to the very core of his being. He could already feel his sanity fading away and in the next moment, following his grieving cry for vengeance, a huge blast of reddish black energy engulfed everything......!!


~Main story: Seven years later~

Suddenly, David jolted awake, gasping in panic. Sweat poured from him, his body weighed down by an overwhelming exhaustion.

It was the haunting nightmare again, a companion to his harrowing past experiences that seared within him. It had now become a norm for his every night's slumber.

With a weary effort, he rose to his feet and made his way to the central table, where a relic called the 'Map of Mysteries' lay awaiting him.

His gray eyes fixated on the intricate details, his attention focused on uncovering the elusive clues that led to a mysterious gateway.

It was through this gateway that he believed he could traverse into the world of superhumans - the TRIBE. As he studied the map, mysterious symbols subtly appeared, etched in a corner, hinting at challenges yet to be unveiled.

DAVID: "[Scratches his curly dark hair as he struggles to understand the map's content.] Ah, never thought that uncovering the secrets of this relic would be a tough knot to crack. If only father was still alive to guide me." David's voice exuded a wistful tone while scanning through the confusing content of the map.

He expressed his boredom and lack of focus and safely stowed the relic in his backpack. Afterwards, he headed his way toward the bathroom, preparing for another day of lectures at Beacon Seed Academy, where he had recently admitted himself.

However, before he could reach his destination, a loud bang echoed in his ears, grabbing his attention.

DAVID: "By the heavenly one... Who the heck is on the door?" David's voice resonated with an agitated tone, demanding the other person's immediate clarification.

GARY: "Yo, dude, relax. It's me - your buddy, Gary Humbusberg. Seriously, man, are you ever gonna get it together? We're gonna be late for class again!" Gary stormed into the room, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

DAVID: "Tsk, Gary! I haven't forgotten about today's lecture. Well, if you've got time to spare, then I'm gonna go take a long shower." David replied with a subtle sigh before entering the bathroom.


His jovial and carefree nature contrasted with David's more calm and reserved nature. It was likely due to their different experiences in life.

But they both shared something in common. It was watching out for each other as well as those around them.

David had come to know about Gary when he rescued the school teenager from a ruthless squad of street thugs one fateful night.

It happened that despite Gary's carefree nature, he was often targeted by bullies. This plight had initially cast a shadow over his life, fueling thoughts of despair. It was only when he encountered David that his spark for hope resurfaced.

Grateful and awe-struck by his savior's prowess, Gary wholeheartedly embraced his self-proclaimed role as a loyal sidekick, eager to glean wisdom and techniques from his newfound friend. Ever since that fateful encounter, he had became a regular visitor, accompanying David on various outings, and eagerly absorbing every fighting trick and strategy he could glean from their shared experiences.>>

Thirty-five minutes later, David emerged from the bathroom, refreshed from his invigorating long bath. Adorned in a dapper ensemble, he donned a suave gray suit jacket paired elegantly with matching pants.

Completing his attire with a pair of polished brown boots, David appeared both stylish and confident, preparing for the day ahead. His backpack was securely packed and with Gary faithfully by his side, he readied himself to embark on their journey to the campus, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them with unwavering determination.


~Hours later at Beacon Seed Academy~

In the dimly lit corridors, the chemistry class finally concluded, much to the bored learners' relief.

The faint scent of lingering chemicals wafted through the air, mixing with the energetic hum of students transitioning between classes.

Meanwhile, David and Gary navigated the bustling halls, the echo of their footsteps resonated against the cold, polished floors.

The ambient noise of students chatting and laughter formed a backdrop, but Gary's infectious humor cut through, punctuating the air with bursts of laughter and witty remarks.

He delighted in weaving jokes that spanned an array of topics. His lighthearted banter extended to David's awe-inspiring prowess in effortlessly vanquishing a group of Chaos Force's minions that had foolishly dared to challenge him the night before.

Reflecting on that fateful night, the unholy squad of sorcerers, all at the mage level, had ambushed David in a desperate bid to claim the coveted Map of Mysteries that he safeguarded. They also targeted him for elimination.

But the following events that unfolded took a dire turn for the sent minions. They became scapegoats of David's newfound might - the 'Spirit Mode: Aura of the Divine.' In the blink of an eye, they were obliterated by the sheer divine prowess of their adversary, their fading consciousness unable to grasp the details of their demise.

Gary, still processing the intensity of David's abilities as well as the audacity of the Chaos Force, couldn't help but express his disbelief.

GARY: "Damn. I can't believe those sorcerers were daring enough to underestimate you. Were they tired of living?"

DAVID: "You can't blame their judgement towards me, Gary. After all, my super prowess as a brawler within the saint realm's hierarchy is considered trivial in their eyes. It's all thanks to this ability of mine that I was able to stand a chance against them."

David replied, his voice exuding calm confidence. But behind his composed demeanor, a complex expression danced upon his face, hinting at the intricate origin of his unique divine ability.

His mind drifted back to a time when he and his second uncle, San Pedro, got attacked by a group of Chaos Force minions. That time also marked the day he acquired the coveted Map of Mysteries.

Modred, their leader, had gained knowledge of David's resurgence from the tragedy that occurred seven years ago. The notorious sorcerer also discovered David's intent to secure the coveted map relic that he painstakingly sought for years. Unsettled and enraged, he issued a chilling degree for his minions to spare no effort in eliminating their teenage adversary.

David, who lacked the divine ability he now possessed, found himself ill-prepared to navigate such a perilous situation at the time. He struggled to effectively contain the ominous seal known as the 'Six Parts of Destruction,' imparted within him.

Outnumbered and unable to contend with the combined might of the sorcerers, David and San Pedro faced a daunting challenge. The memory of an intense barrage of magical spells lingered in David's mind, accompanied by the haunting fear and desperation that engulfed him in the struggle for survival. In a dire twist, David found himself compelled to yield to the ominous seal. It was his last resort for self-defense.

But in doing so, he inadvertently became a threat not only to his enemies but also to his ally, and most hauntingly, to himself.

San Pedro, witnessing the dark turn of events, desperately made an attempt to shield his nephew from the sinister influence of the Six Parts of Destruction. To succeed, he became the catalyst for unlocking the Spirit Mode: Aura of the Divine within David. This divine prowess became the turning point in the battle, allowing David to contain the ominous seal and fortify himself against the malevolent sorcerers. However, San Pedro's act, etched with selfless sacrifice, ultimately led to his presumed demise.

DAVID: "If there's one thing that I learned during my experience with the Chaos Force, it is that they cannot be underestimated. They lack honor and can be mischievous and shameless. The key things to watch out for is their unholy strength in numbers, as well as their abilities to disguise and summon dark creatures." David explained to Gary.

GARY: "[Expresses mixed emotions.] I see, mate. That's truly a troublesome situation. I'm sorry for your loss.

Moreover, the last thing I want is to find myself tangled up in such a tragic situation, constantly having to watch my back for those annoying cunts."

Gary had barely finished his sentence when he unexpectedly bumped into one of the school's arrogant bullies. It was Jeffrey Alocost and his seven squad, known for their notorious endeavors within the school premises.

The eight of them had created a reputation that preceded them. Tales of their ruthless encounters with students circulated like urban legends, making even the bravest think twice before crossing their path.

JEFFREY: "Hah! If it isn't the fragile Gary. So much for being watchful of me, huh? Do you really find me to be that annoying?"

GARY: "Damn it! I wasn't referring to you..." replied Gary in a solemn tone.

JEFFREY: "You've grown balls, you little twig! You dare talk back at me?" Jeffrey questioned Gary with a scary expression on his face, his voice etched with intimidation.

GARY: "I-l never meant for trouble! I was just having a conversation with my best buddy right here." Gary responded to Jeffrey with an uneasy tone, occasionally flickering glances at David's idle direction.

He hoped that the latter would intervene.

JEFFREY: "[Glance at David before redirecting his gaze back at Gary.] Humph. You already asked for trouble the moment you bumped into me, you fragile punk." Jeffrey cursed.

GARY: "Please Jeff...."

JEFFREY: "Hahaha! Boys, did you just listen to this twat? He dared to fucking look me in the eyes and say my name casually." Jeffrey turned to his gang with a sudden burst of hilarious laughter.

Dragging his gang's attention to what Gary had said, Jeffrey suddenly turned on the defenseless teenager with a punch, intent on knocking him out cold.

However, it was also at this critical moment that David snapped out of his idleness and intervened on Gary's behalf.

DAVID: "[Swiftly grabs hold of Jeffrey's fist.] Hey dude, cut it out. I guess you've done enough."

JEFFREY: "[Scowls at David.] What? Who the fuck do you smugly think you are? Fine! You asked for this!!"

Jeffery forcefully released himself from David's grasp, then reinforced with another punch, which was way focused than his previous attempt.

However, David casually evaded the punch without effort and countered back with a bone-breaking slam on Jeffrey's arm making the bully to wince in pain.

Not giving Jeffrey a moment for recovery, he unleashed a barrage of follow-up swift punches, each one connecting with the bully's ribs and leaving him gasping for air. And just as Jeffery thought David was done, he was met with a devastating uppercut that sent him flying backward and crashing onto the ground.

DAVID: "Anyone else?" David turned to the remaining gang of bullies to know who else might as well be daring to confront him.

The seven gangs appeared shocked and speechless by what they had just seen, hesitation palpable in their expressions. But shortly afterward, their speechlessness transformed into that of desperation.

In unison, they charged at David, some with clubs and hidden weapons while the rest relied on their fists. But still, nothing changed. Even with their combined efforts, they were clearly no match for him. Each and every one of them was effortlessly taken care of by him, and not even a single sweat was visible.

For cunts like this, David didn't need to rely on any fiery power or techniques. His 'Blaze-style karate-kick-boxing' was sufficient to handle a bunch of mere losers.

After swiftly dispatching all the bullies, David nonchalantly returned to Jeffrey's disoriented figure and seized him by the shirt collar.

The bully's pitiful figure lay helpless, his tired knees struggling to keep him upright as he knelt on the ground. Undeterred, David tightened his grip on his opponent as he prepared to deliver the final blow, his fist poised to strike.


Jeffrey was about to receive his final blow from David when a phenomenon transpired.

The sky suddenly lost its radiance and was replaced by dark thick clouds, rumblings were heard and the sun was nowhere in sight. David and Gary observed what was at play while every other person ran for safety.

GARY: "Hope this isn't what I'm thinking Dave?"

DAVID: "The Chaos Force." David mumbled under his breath, sternly staring at the rumbling clouds.

Silhouetted against the thick, rumbling clouds, three sorcerers defied gravity itself, their bodies suspended in an ethereal ballet. They were adorned in concealing black cloaks and their bodies were shrouded in smokes of menacing dark auras. These weren't mere spellcasters; they were living conduits of arcane might.

David felt the weight of their power, a palpable force that instinctively got him on guard. By merely looking at them, he could discern their true nature. They were 'High Mage' sorcerers, orchestrators of enchantments that transcended their lower counterparts, the 'Mage' sorcerers.

(Tsk! At first it was school bullies and now, this. Such a pain.) David's frustration was palpable.

Although he had anticipated the possibility of the Chaos Force sending more minions his way, given the fate of their brethren the night before, he hadn't expected to directly confront three high mages just yet.

This confrontation gave David a clue - their shameless leader, Modred, was undeniably desperate to have him killed.

His past adversaries, who were mere mage sorcerers in comparison, now seemed like illusions as he faced these new set of sorcerers. It was a Herculean task that even someone as capable as him couldn't underestimate.

Still maintaining his focus on the three levitating sorcerers, David simply tossed Jeffrey's body aside before instructing Gary to help take everyone else to safety.

GARY: "What about you?" Gary asked worriedly.

DAVID: "No need to worry about me, pal. I'd manage." David replied to Gary with a reassuring smirk that concealed his tension.

Gary's unease persisted even after David's reassurance. But eventually, he had to face the honest truth: there was nothing he could do for his friend at the moment. The least he could do was guide everyone to safety just as instructed.

Meanwhile, the triumvirate of suspended high-mage sorcerers gracefully descended toward the earth. The air pulsated with arcane energy as they narrowed the gap between them and David. Abruptly, one of them uttered a call that echoed through the mystical currents, reaching out to David with a haunting resonance.

SORCERER 2: "David Blaze, son of Zakael Blaze and the heir member of the Blaze fortune...."

DAVID: "Yeah! Thanks for the hype, that's me. Now get straight to the point."

SORCERER 3: "Humph, how arrogant you are for a mere brawler of the saint realm's hierarchy. You dared to kill six of our low-tier brethren a night ago. Retribution awaits you." The third sorcerer unveiled a menacing scowl, pointing an accusing finger on David.

DAVID: "Heh, if it hurts you that much, I can help you reunite with them in the underworld." David responded with a sneer.

SORCERER 1: "No jokes, kid! Surrender the Map of hidden Mysteries and beg that you die a painless death."

DAVID: "In your dreams, wanker. You'd have to pry it over my dead body."

SORCERER 1: "Humph! Then so be it. We'd happily grant you your death wish."

The three sorcerers chorused arcane incantations, channeling their mystic powers into the gathering storm clouds. Sensing the imminent danger, David swiftly snapped into a heightened state of alertness, igniting his brawler flames with precision and assuming a resolute defensive stance.

Even in the face of overwhelming odds, he did not relent. He was determined to face the challenge as a litmus test. If he couldn't hold his ground against the sorcerers in this arcane dance, he knew he would be ill-prepared to confront their malevolent puppet master, Modred.

Moreover, he still had his divine trump card. But he chose to employ it as a last resort.

SORCERER 3: "[Scoffs in disdain.] Hah! You dare to confront us with that useless flame? You really overestimate yourself. You will taste no victory,"

In unison, the sorcerers unleashed their spell - 'Arcane Art: Lightning Bolt!' - which manifested as multiple torrents of lightning bolts striking the grounds of the Beacon Seed Academy, all aimed at David.

The school's electric poles and appliances reacted to the crackling surge, magnifying the impact of the sorcerers' assault.

Faced with this dilemma, David clenched his teeth in frustration. If he didn't act on time, the institution's populace would be affected.

He mustered his courage, relying on his quick reflexes to evade the lightning bolts that relentlessly trailed him. Simultaneously, he sought ways of disrupting the sorcerers' levitation and keep them at ground level.

David, while assessing his surroundings, executed supernatural agility to leap over the institution's fences. He utilized this strategy as a means to direct the lightning bolts away from the frightened populace. Afterall, he was the target.

Amid the evasion, a bolt struck a school vehicle, sending it into a gravity-defying somersault toward David. But he saw his opportunity in this chaotic moment.

In a daring maneuver, he hopped onto the tumbling approaching vehicle, using it as a stepping stone to propell himself toward the spell-casting sorcerers in the sky.

This abrupt spectacle struck David's adversaries off-guard. They made attempts at elusive maneuvers, hoping to avoid him. However, one of them reacted too late to David's advance. The menace was seized by the teenager, and dragged toward the earth.

As for the remaining two sorcerers, they swiftly retreated to secure locations, acknowledging the unexpected turn in the aerial skirmish.

Meanwhile, David and his caught victim plummeted toward the ground below, the weight of the impending impact settling with David positioned atop his subdued adversary. In the ensuing aftermath, the air pulsated with electrifying tension, a lightning bolt arcing menacingly in their direction.

But David was quick to react. He swiftly rolled to the side, setting the disoriented sorcerer as an unwitting shield against the imminent electrical assault.

"AAAAARGH!!" The victimized sorcerer's anguished screams reverberated through the air as the bolt of lightning mercilessly assaulted his body with a loud rumble.

Tossing aside the body of his battered and disheveled victim, David turned to the other two hovering sorcerers, igniting his eyes with a fierce yellow light and unleashing an impressive beam of fire, known as the 'Ultra Flame Beam.'


The fiery beam burned through the air with intense heat, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake as it surged toward the third hovering sorcerer.

Hinging solely on the brawler flame, the fiery beam lacked the sheer potency to obliterate the high mage sorcerer in its sights. Nonetheless, its impact proved effective enough to forcefully eject the menace from the sky, inflicting temporary yet discernible damage upon him. As the dust settled, the sorcerer emerged battered and wounded, bearing the scars of the fiery encounter.

Witnessing his comrades incapacitated, the initial sorcerer seethed with instant fury. The prolonged resilience of David caught him off guard. This wretched kid wasn't bluffing! He wondered.

In a fit of anger, he intoned another mystical phrase, invoking the potent 'Arcane Art: Object Control.'

Within the confines of the school grounds, a captivating spectacle unfurled. Vehicles and an array of objects ascended into the air, revolving around the sorcerer in a tumultuous dance. A chaotic tempest brewed, casting an enchanting aura. The metallic ballet surged toward David, propelling him into a precarious state of evasion as cars from various angle; hurled toward him with a magical force.

As David evaded, the first sorcerer prepared another lightning bolt and struck at him while he was occupied.

However, the teenager's reflexes kicked in. He sensed the imminent danger approaching and quickly assessed his surrounding. Identifying a wrecked vehicle to his right, he acted urgently, seizing hold of it. He promptly severed the front door of the vehicle and raised it as an improvised shield against the impending attack.

In the heart of the academy, a tempest of magical energy erupted as the lightning bolt collided with the door shield. The air crackled with electrifying intensity, and with a resounding boom, the door shield shattered into a myriad of sparkling shards.

David was impacted by the onslaught and sent hurtling through the air. His silhouette briefly outlined against the vibrant cascade of magical remnants. He crashed into the solid wooden door of the academy building with a resounding thud, leaving a lingering echo in the wake of the dramatic spectacle.

SORCERER 1: "Hah! You were quite something but I bet you didn't see that coming brat, did you? Now the Map of Mysteries and your severed head would be ours to take." The first sorcerer bragged as he soared down to assist his two disoriented fellows to their feet.

DAVID: "I would not boast of victory prematurely." David's haunting voice suddenly chimed in from the wrecked building upon which he had crashed, his acquired injuries gradually mending on their own.

The three sorcerers halted still upon hearing David's voice, his resilient figure souring their expressions. Agitated, they chanted in infernal words, sending forth a huge combined blast of magical flames at their adversary. The magical flames erupted with formidable might, surging toward David's figure.

But David mustered his courage and assumed a calm composure. (It is time to use that.) He inwardly spoke to himself.

He was ready to unveil the element of surprise.

As the magical onslaught closed in on him, his body instantly glowed with a brilliant white light. Seven cross-like symbols gently revolved around him and in his palms, a pair of holy flames blazed. He had awakened his Spirit Mode form and was now ready to put an end to the battle once and for all.

Surprised by David's sudden transformation, the three sorcerers desperately increased the pressure of their unleashed magical might.

Defensively, the cross symbols of the Spirit Mode revolved speedily at a random pace around David, creating a dome-like shield around him as it nullified the magic attacks.

As retaliation, David summoned the full power of his divine ability, unleashing a devastating beam of fire from his eyes that was now sanctified by the holy flame. This was no mere beam of the brawler flame, but now a fiery beam of divine power that was sure to be fatal against even the three high-level sorcerers.

The sorcerers found it impossible to evade the encroaching fiery beam so they made attempts to block the attack with their unleashed magical shields.

However, their resistance were futile. The Ultra Flame Beam fatally sliced through their mystical shields like a blade, splitting their bodies like severed paper before engulfing their remains in burning flames.

The dust settled after the intense battle. Three formidable high-mage sorcerers had fallen to a brawler of the saint realm's hierarchy, dealing a significant blow to the Chaos Force. David's strategic deployment of the Spirit Mode as a last resort had caught the sorcerers off guard, sealing their fates.

It was clear that he would be a force to be reckoned with in the near future, and his enemies would think twice before underestimating him again.

With the echoes of battle fading, David descended abruptly to one knee, weariness evident in his posture. The extensive use of the Spirit Mode had exacted its toll, leaving him fatigued and exhausted. The once radiant cross symbols surrounding him quietly dispersed, and his glowing white eyes gradually reverted to their normal gray hues.

(Hmm. Since it has gotten to this point, then I wouldn't have to hesitate anymore.) A subtle scowl etched across David's weary expression, his ragged breath permeating the air as he immersed himself into deep thoughts of retribution against all his adversaries.

At this juncture, he stood poised to continue his quest for retribution, prepared to confront the malevolent forces accountable for the savage slaying of his beloved family. His resolve was unwavering as he also aimed to reclaim his primordial, long-lost power.

The Chaos Force, the Netherworld, and above all, his treacherous uncle, Mako Blaze, had become his unwavering targets, and he would stop at nothing to see justice served.

Readers Discretion

Dear readers, note that some contents in this book may contain nudity, violence, and sex. Readers discretion is advised.

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