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My Criminal - (TAEKOOK)

1. introduction of myself

author yemi
author yemi
. hi guys again welcome to some mafia shi*t again
author yemi
author yemi
It will be more cruel than any story i wrote. If you're weak to handle sh*ts then please leave. Door is always open
author yemi
author yemi
And if you're being loyal only then read the story or else no.
author yemi
author yemi
cause I can't ask for likes and gifts again and again. and vote? I stopped asking anymore
author yemi
author yemi
anyways I'm yemi named as Mikasa. Author here from 2 years.
author yemi
author yemi
This is is... Uhm ... Maybe... Wait let me see and tell you
author yemi
author yemi
Its 33rd chat story . 😀😀😀😀😄😂😂😂😂
author yemi
author yemi
anyways let's go and see what I made the plot as
author yemi
author yemi
And I won't change tops for your satisfaction because my storyline will get ruined if I do so
author yemi
author yemi
If you want I can write new story as per your requirements
jungkook Jeon ( mafia)
jungkook Jeon ( mafia)
I'm Jeon jungkook maida world's king Do lots of impossible, imposter, hateful works which triggers police so much but who cares ?
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
I'm kim taehyung Police I'm 26 years old. I really love to kill criminals cause they don't deserve to live
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
I have fiance who is money sucker a pure fker
Eileen ( jk
Eileen ( jk's lover)
I'm jk's lover. I am beautiful for this world. he loves my body 😍
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
I'm Tae's admirer. Work as guard
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
I'm Tae's fiance his parents selected as.
Start the story...
author yemi
author yemi
Welcome and let's see
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi


someone 2
someone 2
you fking miss what?
someone 2
someone 2
You rayan??? Are you even ... Fkkkk *groan*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
sir tae. Please calm down
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Calm down? The FK you're talking about???
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
I need his location in 10 minutes you understand?
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
How can you miss a wanted criminal???
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*go out leaving angry tae who is ready to kill*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
Yes sir*enter tae's cabin*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Prepare my guns and bulletproof suit. I'm going to kill
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
And inform Mr kim that I am in mission to kill that wanted criminal
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
Sure sir 🙂
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
Come back safe
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
*getting everything ready in minutes*
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
" he is such great gentleman until someone messes with him"
Tae getting ready and filing an encounter case of that criminal
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
Sir he is near ### area. He is trying to leave
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*nod and get his guns* let's go
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
I'm going first. you come fast with team
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*nod and salute*
Carlee ( tae
Carlee ( tae's admirer)
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*take his bike keys and run out*
Rayan go and urge his teammates to get ready before tae kill them like criminals
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*driving fast to the location rayan shared*
someone 2
someone 2
😂😂 that kim bich thought he can make me sit behind the bars
someone 2
someone 2
FK him
He is gay na we can FK him
someone 2
someone 2
For sure
someone 2
someone 2
Next time kidnap him. I want to eat his juicy a$$
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Then I'm here for that ❄️
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*shoot them before they react*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*come with team and shot the team members of criminals*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Mission successful and criminal is forgetful 😂
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*gulp seeing tae's face*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
let's go?
teams members take bodies laying there and go back
Tae and rayan examining the location to get any trace of the criminals got in contact with that dead criminal
*run from there*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*smirk* another prey
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
looks like another criminal want to be safe.
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Then we won't let that happen
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Ask team to have close look on all wanted criminals. Get the special force to get track of redwood dealers
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
Sure sir kim
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Rayan . let's go and have coffee
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
Sure sir *smile*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*smile softly*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
you're cute rayan
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Too bad you've gf and I've fiance
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*pull ratan with him*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
" woah mr kim pulls both girls and boys like magnet"
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
"i become gay for him!"
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
hoop on rayan. today I'll drive
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
sure 😊
Tae get on bike and rayan get on back side of bike
Tae started to ride. rayan just holding tae's shoulder
they both go to have coffee after a super killing
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
that person is following us
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
What to do?
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Act like you didn't see it and have coffee
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Rayan how is your gf?
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
She want break up *sigh*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Why so?
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
because I am spending more time with you than her and my job is something that I can die anytime
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
I won't let anything happen to you
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
don't break up. If you love her dearly then ask her to accept you as who you ar. E
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
And if she want to have date with you. Then ask her to join us. You know i can't go out with my fking fiance
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
sure . I'll ask her
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
good 😊
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
He is gone after taking your pics
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
don't care about it. I'll just have some good record of killing criminals
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*chuckle* you're unbelievable mr kim
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
that's why i become police to make everyone believe it 😂
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*chuckle happily seeing tae's boxy smile*
they both head back to office
In this gap team take care of the matter of killers encounter
And give back their bodies to their family for final view
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi


it's night time
Tae and rayan sitting have wine in a club
Tae needs to freshen up his mind which is mess because of some family issues.
So he came often to drink with rayan
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
your mom is calling you
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*not giving FK*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Decline the call
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
She is calling me now
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
Tell her I'm dead
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*answer the call*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
📱 hello?
mrs kim
mrs kim
📱 where is that brat?
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
📱 sir is happy. he'll be back to home.
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*hang up*
mrs kim
mrs kim
📱yah--- 😶😶
mrs kim
mrs kim
He hang up on my face???
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*just looking at particular someone*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
He is handsome
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*sigh and started to drink again*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
" he needs someone who can love him.. But why madam kim selected a bastard for him?"
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*get up* let's go before I give myself to someone
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*nod and take tae to his car*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
I'll --
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
no you're not driving
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*make tae sit and put on seatbelt*
taehyung kim( police)
taehyung kim( police)
*suddenly peck. Rayans cheek* thanks bro.. you're a saviour
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
you're welcome bro
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*peck tae's forehead*
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
" it's so cruel that he need love when got none"
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*get in the car and start it*
rayan drive tae to his home
He ignored presence of tae's so called fiance and his mother and take tae to his room
He lock the door securely and leave through window because he don't believe tae's fiance or his mother
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*get inside the house*
mrs kim
mrs kim
Why you locked the door?
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
Hey I can take care of my love. You don't need to lock it
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
I'll go--
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
*take his gun out* i don't mind to kill you if you try to go to his room.
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
And madam kim open his eyes and see your son's happiness.
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
is he really happy with him?
mrs kim
mrs kim
He will be
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
Then let me tell you something.
rayan (tae
rayan (tae's assistant police)
I'll make this guy disappear so soon *smirk and left*
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
Mom 🥺
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
What is this? 🥺
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
How can tae back stab me?
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
How much I love him ? 🥺🥺 can't he see my love?
mrs kim
mrs kim
Son please don't cry. I'll make tae Marry you in just a week
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
how? 🥺
mrs kim
mrs kim
I've my ways
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
" soon that beauty will be under me.. I'll make him mo@n and use his body till I get all the property. I'll use him till he depress to the point he kill himself"
Erich ( tae
Erich ( tae's fiance)
" then I'll use this mrs kim as my slave."
mrs kim
mrs kim
*planning to make tae Marry that so called fiance*
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi
author yemi

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