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Princess's Choice

chap 1

Hello guys
it's my first story if any mistake please tell me
let's start
A candlelit chamber within a mystical castle depicting ancient tales of magic and bravery. The room is bathed in a soft, ethereal glow from enchanted sconces on the walls. A large, ornate bed draped in silks and velvet takes the center stage, where the mother lies in labor.
A balcony overlooking a moonlit courtyard, adorned with blooming mystical flowers and guarded by statues of mythical creatures. The night is calm, and the stars shimmer brightly in the sky.
In the birthing chamber, the anticipation was palpable. The soft glow of magical sconces cast enchanting shadows on the tapestries, creating an otherworldly ambiance. The mother lay on the bed, her face reflecting a mix of pain, hope, and love.
[ Anxious, waiting on the balcony]( whispering to himself) Let them be safe. Let our child enter this world with blessings.
Nanny rushes outside, her face lighting up with joy.
It's a wondrous sight, my lord! A miracle has happened! [Eagerly]
Suddenly, a cry of joy echoes through the castle, reaching the ears of those waiting anxiously.
The father's heart skips a beat as he rushes back into the chamber, where the newborn lies with a serene smile, as if knowing a beautiful secret. The mother, exhausted yet radiant, looks at the child with awe and love.
ishani maya baby/teenage
ishani maya baby/teenage
[Innocent smile, eyes closed, drifting to sleep]
In that moment, a sense of wonder and enchantment envelops the room. The family, united and forever changed, smiles in sync with the sleeping newborn, knowing that this child is destined for greatness in the mystical realm they call home.

chap 2

hello sunshine's
let's start
The newborn baby girl lay serenely, swaddled in a warm, golden blanket, nestled in her crib.
The room is filled with a magical glow, and the parents, overwhelmed with joy and relief, turn their attention to each other.
(teasingly) It's my turn, you know.
(gently elbowing him) Oh, is it now? Didn't you have your turn just a minute ago?
The baby stirs, opening her eyes for the first time, revealing bright, inquisitive eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of ages, despite her innocence.
Well, it's my turn to hold her when she first opens her eyes.
Nope it’s my baby I will hold and hug her . u know right I am baby’s maa now shoo shoo
What?!!! Oh how come I never knew that (provokingly) is it a new spell which u learnt ,oh I know what that spell is ,. it is being disillusion …did u forget I am baby’s papa
The baby giggles softly, as if enjoying the playful banter of her parents. Her tiny, delicate fingers twitch in the air.
Alright (>__<+) it's my turn to cradle her when she smiles her first smile.
[Pretending to sulk] Oh, fine. But I get the first laugh.
Deal! We'll just have to wait for her to wake up.
The parents share a loving, amused look, their play-fighting turning into a warm embrace as they enjoy this precious moment of unity and joy, their hearts filled with love for their extraordinary baby girl. The baby girl watches her parents, her eyes twinkling with an ancient wisdom, as if she knows her birth is a turning point in the destiny of their magical world.
Your majesty .. many official and ministers have come
Many officials and ministers, you say? Very well, I'll be there shortly.
As the Emperor was going to step away to attend to his duties, the Queen takes this opportunity to slip away to a secluded room with the baby.
Shh, my little princess, we shall have our secret adventures while your father tends to his kingdom.
Meanwhile, the Emperor reacts dramatically to the Queen's disappearance
Cheating... Cheating... How does she always manage to outwit me?
(muttering) This woman...
A month passes, and the day of the public appearance and naming ceremony arrives. The grand hall is adorned with magical artifacts, toys, and heirlooms, creating an enchanting and vibrant atmosphere. In this mystical kingdom, the naming tradition is upheld, and the people believe that the chosen name holds a special destiny for the child. Princess's journey as a royal heir begins, her destiny intricately tied to the name she playfully chose.
let's end it here for today
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ishani maya baby/teenage
ishani maya baby/teenage
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and give lots of love plz


Hello sunshine's
let's start
Mythical empire
it has 3 partitioned kingdoms's
Mythical snow kingdom
King Orion Leontius Maximus, Queen Lysandra Nocturia (fl’s home )
Consists of all kind of magician, but majority are of snow and water element magician
A happy place which melts the snow with the people’s warmth
Mythical coral kingdom
King Seraphus Vindictus, Queen Titania Astraea
Consists the majority of water, air and light magician
A mystical place which is full to adventure at every turn
Mythical forest kingdom
King Valerian Imperious , Queen Morgana Vespera
Consists the majority of wood, fire and metal magician
Mysterious people with a lot of deep thinking people (complex in short)
So complex that they themselves don’t understand it
Demon empire:-
Sometimes gets divided and united depending on the ruler, for now the empire is united under one person know as demon king
Demons wants to unite all the lands under the sky
Divine empire
Divine celestia kingdom Divine ethereal kingdom
Common citizen of the both empire don’t know much about it and only know that the ruler is merciless and ruthless
Eternal void lands :- Starless depths Void heart enclave No one rules this land, and it has become a legend /myth for the people as they have slowly forget its existence None knows about this place, but the kings of divine empire have some relation to the land
Types of magician Fire magician Water magician Metal magician Air magician Wood magician Earth magician Snow magician Light magician Dark magician Most people are born with only one element Very few and rarely people are born with multiple elements
Levels of an magician Beginner level Earthen level Green level / growth level Purple level Sky roaring level Star level Space level Saint /Sage level Immortal Sub levels are Low level  Low start  Low mid  Low advance Mid level Advance level Same as sub level for mid and advance as follows

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