NovelToon NovelToon

Where's My Mama

chapter 1.

This is Kim Taehyung a very well known businessman who runs a well known music company in Seoul, he is very famous all around the world.....

first he is the ceo of is also known as producer, song writer, a model, an actor overall he is evrything we can say. Third, cus of his boldness, hardwork, his looks, his handsomeness. He is the world's most handsome man in a row for five years.....

he is well known for his kindness, humbleness, and straight forwardness. He don't likes keep grudges and he don't like cheating and lies. These 2 things he loathe the most in his life.

Meet the 2nd main character Jeon jungkook. Sassy, bubbly, dangerous, daring, naughty and free-spirited guy..... He likes to live like the way he wants.....Never listen to anyone. Just do whatever he feels like.....he is an introvert... Don't like to interact with people much....but wants be an idol.....

Lets see will he become an idol or fate is planning something else for him....













Meet the 3rd very precious and the most important main lead "Kim taegguk (2y/o)" and " Kim hanual (8months)" both are very naughty and mischievous, but the apple of everyone's eye. Both are very smoll but they understand everything...... Guk is extrovert like his dada while hanu is introvert like his mama both are different from each other but love eachother the most.............

So let's see what's happening in their they meet their mama n how the story begins.....















The morning comes, taehyung is very busy in these days, cus he is working on his new project and that's the reason he didn't went home last night, he is continuously working from past week and God knows how many more weeks to go....

"Good morning Mr Kim"(miss sia taehyung's secretary wish him)....

"morning miss sia, can u tell me what's my today's schedule...(while typing something on his laptop....)

"Yes sir, today you don't have any meetings, but have one appointment and you have to take interviews...(when tae heard about interview his eyebrows Farrow he immediately asks her), what interviews miss sia...

Sia: sir 1st is for the nanny's and 2nd is of the idols...

Tae: ooh, i guess i forgot, thanks sia for let me know, btw where's the files of soon-to-be-idols....

Sia: that's with Mr choi, Mr Kim currently he is checking every detail...

Tae: ooh that's nice.. soo you can go to your cabin sia.. just tell me the time of interview.

Sia: that's around 1pm sir

Tae: hmm, ok you can go now

Miss sia went to her cabin and taehyung watch the time.... it's currently 11am so he decides to do more work until the time passes.....

On the other hand 2 precious babies are sleeping without any worry without any tension.... Currently they are in their grandparents house because their dada is very busy from past few weeks soo their grandparents decided to keep them until their dada gets free... Soo here they are sleeping soundly while hugging their grandpa.. while their grandma is preparing breakfast for them n recalling some beautiful memories and smiling through teary eyes with heavy sigh she went towards the babies room..when she opens the door she sees the beautiful sight guk is hugging his grandpa while sleeping and hanu is sleeping on grandpa's chest while thinking it's his muma, Mrs Kim with teary eyes approach them n 1st try to wake Mr Kim who is light sleeper who wakes up immediately, he was going to sit up bt then he remember hanu is over is chest soo he carefully try to put him beside guk who immediately hug his Lil bro while Mrs Kim was watching the scene with love n teary eyes...Mr Kim embrace her n try to sooth her cus it's their daily routine when they took them (guk n hanu) to their home they didn't know it's gonna be this much difficult to see them in the morning while sleeping, because they r very naughty whole day, bt when they r sleeping they always try to find their mumma cus of that Mrs Kim can't control her emotions bt to feel sad for these 2 innocent souls....

Here the naughty n carefree bird our jungkookie is getting ready for his's his dream to become an idol... And today he is going to achieve his dream he is not nervous not even a bit bt very happy cus he is preparing for this interview for past 6 months n finally the most awaited day comes... So here he is going towards the music company to fulfill his dream n well there's some things which he isn't well aware bt gonna find out during his idol journey which gonna change his whole life soo let's see.....

To be continued......

chapter 2.

Here jungkookie is getting ready for his interview the most awaited day of his life according to him... anyways let's see what's happening here.....

Jk's pov:

What should I wear.......idk I'm really confused plss god pls help meeeeeeee I don't want to be late for my interview it's my very 1st interview n now I'm getting trusfrated i don't understand wht should i are u plss help meee see I'm getting late plss tell me wht should I wear......

Third person pov:

Clothes are scattered all over the bed n floor when jk's mom enter...

Jk's mom : Omo this boy...wht should i do with you boy what happened why r u yelling and why your clothes are on the floor not in cupboard....(she got frustrated by see pile of clothes scattered on floor)

Jk : mom plss tell me wht should I wear I'm getting confused you know it's my 1st interview n cus of this ig I'm gonna be late...

Jk's mom : (grab jk's hand n make him sit on the sofa) wht happened baby why r you taking stress you know it's not good for your health..n ok let me help my baby bunny...well my Bunn looks pretty in everything bt cus it's ur 1st interview n i know you want to impress them soo umm ig this is perfect....

Wow you are looking like an idol, soo beautiful baby give me a kiss (pout)

Jk : (pout)mom 1st I'm not beautiful I'm handsome n 2nd I'm not a baby I'm manly muahh (giving her kissi)

(He go towards the mirror n see himself) wow jk you r out of this world, mom I'm gonna killing it i swear...

Jk's mom : yeah ik my baby gonna killing it I'm soo proud of you baby make eomma appa more proud go n don't be nervous ok we are here for you always just give your 100%

Jk : yes eomma, where's appa I want his blessings too

Jk's dad : Did someone called meeee...

jk :ooh appa yeah I called u where were you I was waiting for your blessings...

Jk's dad : aish, did u thought i forgot about your interview no bub I was preparing your bag n getting ready your car

Jk : ok ok now give me blessings so I should go n killing it..

Jk's dad : come here

Then jk's dad hug him n tell some encouraging words to his ears then his mom also join the hug n jk give both of them kiss n went towards his car for his interview mybe for his new journey or new life....

Jk's parents standing there watching the car disappear then jk's mom said "i just hope everything go smoothly" Mr Jeon reply "don't worry everything gonna be alright n it's his fate who is playing with him let's just pray"

Third person pov :

Mrs Kim is running behind both the naughty devils who r running here n there cus they don't want to take a bath bt Mrs Kim Yuna is also stturbon like them soo she is chasing them

Mrs Kim : guk, hanu baby come lets take bath see I'm tired

Guk : yee me no bath(running away)

Hanual : me no me no..(copying his hyung)

Mrs Kim : pls babies let me give you a bath then we will eat yumi yumi breaky I'll make whatever you want to eat plss baby see yee is very tired (huff, sitting on the sofa) when she sit on the sofa guk thought she is really tired n tried to check on her n seeing him hanu also copy his hyung bt they got tricked n their yee( Mrs Kim) caught both of them n start tickling, both r laughing loudly...

Guk : nwo nwo yee nwoo twikl

Hanu : nwo nwo hihi hihi ma ma ma

Mrs Kim : see you smoll devil's I told u I'm gonna give you bath no matter what now wht you will doo (in baby language)

Guk : nwo yee nwoo leawe haaaaaa

Mrs Kim : ok I'll leave but you both gonna take shower Okie

Guk : otey otey yee me swr(shower)

Hanu : mew mew

Guk : buth yee i wanth tu shee dada pees ( puppy eyes)( hanual copy his hyung)

Hanu : mew mew yee

Mrs Kim think for a while then she calls her husband ok bt 1st let's take a bath get ready n then we will go to see dada ok

Guk,hanu : otey

Then she took them both for a bath n dress them...she was feeling happy n nervous at the same time she didn't know why, she goes in the company once in a while with the babies bt today she was feeling like something gonna happen it's her gut feeling bt she came out her trance when hanu throw water on her....

Mrs Kim : uuuuuuu I'll not gonna leave u now

She took him towards the bed dry with the towel n started tickle him again while guk is still playing inside the tub..she came n took guk towards bed too n get him ready as my devils are looking soo handsome...

Now u both rest here ok let yee go n get ready too..she instructed two maids to keep  eye on both while guk started dozz off n hanu started drinking his milk.



while the maids r standing there watching both of them with heart eyes n sorrow...

Maid1 : Hey see both babies are soo cute bt i feel sad they can't spend time with their dada who is very busy nowadays

Maid2 : same here yeri, I can feel that, I also have kids you know, soo their pain n sorrow I can understand them, how much they miss their mumma you know they have dad who is always busy in his work bt these smoll babies don't understand wht work is they just want some time n attention poor babies

Maid1 : yes you r right bt wht can he do he is handling very big company n we know it's not easy to handle company n babies both at the same time...

Maid2 : yeah that's y i feel really bad for both i wonder where's their mumma went he was very good humble n kind bt after that day i didn't see him we really miss him he was very sweet bt mischievous like these 2...

Maid1 : shhh don't talk about him we are forbidden you know that, i don't want to loose my job...

Mrs Kim came at the same time n cut her off wht happened who's gonna loose their job.. she fold her arms over her chest looking intimidating, they both got startled n reply while stuttering...

Maid1 : nothing mam we were talking about her house problem

Mrs Kim : then it's ok you both can leave now. She ordered them to which they now down n they both went from there. Even she didn't believe in them bt let it slide......

Mrs Kim went towards hanu n clean his hands cus he was drinking messily, while his face, neck was covered with milk, she pick him up then went towards guk who was zoning out, she forrow her brows n ask him " wht happened baby wht r u thinking" he didn't said anything cus he knows he asked them countless of times bt they never answered him so it's useless to ask 'where's his mumma' he just shrug his shoulder n said "notin lezzgoo to dada yee" Mrs Kim observe him then for a while,"ok, hold my finger" then they went towards their car she put guk 1st in his baby seat n the put hanu too, she sit besides them n said "to the company"....

Third person pov :

after half an hour later they reached to the company. She saw hanu was sleeping peacefully bt guk was still staring outside like he was in deep thought. She took hanu n went towards guk side n open the door, guk got startled.. Mrs Kim see him n asked " wht happened baby did someone said something to you hmm tell me I'll scold them or r u angry with dada" he didn't said anything just shrug again. She got worried cus guk is behaving very strangely today, otherwise he is very bubbly child who never stop blabring like his mumma.(She thought 1st take them inside then will ask him again what happened cus she getting more worried when guk is very silent)..

On the other side jk reached to the company n now he after watching the company building he is more excited he isn't worried or nervous of anything he knows he is good n he is well prepared bt the problem is he is very introvert guy soo he is just praying "plss god don't let there many people come yk I'm not worried about the interview ik I'm gonna Clear it very easily bt I'm feeling nervous cus i don't want there lot of people staring at me cus I'm looking soo beau.. no no no handsome yeah I'm looking soo handsome i don't want people to drool over me n make me embarrassed aish wht I'm even thinking let it cool down u r jk let's go inside n see what happens"!!!!. He went inside n went towards the reception. The receptionist asked him " yes sir how may i help u" jk saw his badge n asked him " hello sir I'm here for interview" the receptionist didn't asked him which interview he just said "sir 43 floor left side there's CEO is conducting interviews u can go this side pls" jk said thanku n bow to the receptionist n went inside the lift he put 43th button n he was just praying to be alone bt thats not possible, cus he is super level of introvert he reached at 43th floor in some mins he followed the instructions n go to his left side where the all interviews are happening soo he just went inside the lawn n sit on one of the sofa he is super duper anxious...

Meanwhile, Mrs Kim n both babies reached inside the building. Everyone was doing their work bt when they caught Mr Kim's babies are coming they stopped wht they were doing cus they all r now scared both r devils n they just don't want their hardworks to got ruined again.. u guys r thinking why they all scared soo leme tell u it's because last time guk went to cantine for his drink bt on the way he saw people r doing typing something fast fast on computer he thought they r playing some games n he took hanu's hand n went towards the employees who saw both babies n started chatting with hanu bt they didn't saw wht guk was doing..... Meanwhile guk started typing i mean copying the employee n delete his important file n the guy was like shocked he was in delmia cus he couldn't say anything to them they both are Mr Kim's son n he can loose his job if he even try to open his mouth, soo he just sat there n started cursing himself in frustration cus now he have to do the work again...

on the other hand guk took hanu's hand n ran from there like nothing happened... That's the reason everyone run n sit on their desks cus they don't want to take risk moreover they can't believe in these 2 mischievous kids........

Mrs Kim took both of them towards her husband office 1st cus thats near soo yeah..they went inside n meet their papa who hug them both kiss their cheeks. Bt Mrs Kim was only observing guk who was still not behaving like his normal self. She called "yeobo i have something to tell u" he just nod n took both babies make them sit on the sofa n give them something to drink. He went back towards his wife n ask "what happened" "it's just I'm observing guk is very silent today" "wht do u mean by silent did something happened" "no no nothing happened it's just when I went take bath n came back, he is behaving very odd like very silent if I'm asking he just shrugs I'm getting worried plss do something i don't want that happen again" she is literally beginning. "Don't worry nothing gonna happen I'm here let me ask him what happened ok just sit here".

Mr kim took glass of water n give it to her "drink this let me talk to him don't worry" he went towards guk n crotch down his level"wht happened baby why r soo silent today" guk glance at his papa n shrug again "plss baby see ur yee is gonna cry tell me what happened do u want something tell me baby papa will give you i promise" "chu pomis" "yes pinky promise, now tell me wht happened" guk give his pinky to his papa n with teary eyes he asked "guki wan mama, whele guki mama papa".........

Both Mr n Mrs Kim got shocked from the sudden question cus guk stopped asking them this question they thought he forgot or something bt they were wrong he didn't forget he knows n he understand everything..

Mr Kim with worried face asked again " wht-wht hap-happened baby who told u this" guk suddenly started crying n seeing him hanu also started crying too now both Mr n Mrs Kim staring at eachother with lots of questions......

In the interview:

Hello sir I'm hanual are u here for interview... "Aah yes yes I'm here for interview can you tell me plss which room".."yes sir plss follow me". Jk Started following him n reached.. the guy went back.

Jk got nervous for the 1st time n he knock on the door..they heard faint"come in" from inside.. Jk went inside n said "good afternoon sir I'm here for the interview" he saw the ceo was back facing him soo he just said"my name is Jeon jungkook sir n I'm here for the interview" when taehyung heard the name he got freeze on his seat n all the memories started coming infront his eyes n tears started gathering in his eyes bt he shrug everything n thought it can be anyone there's soo many people with this name.. soo he just shrug n decided to see who's this guy bt when he see who's this everything goes blank he got unconscious............

To be continued.......

chapter 3.

When guk started crying hanu also started crying n Mr n Mrs Kim got scared cus of sudden crying competition so now they r thinking wht they should do, should they call tae or should they handle it themselves bt seeing the situation choosing 2nd option no chance cus it's impossible for them to sooth both at the same time n they don't even know what they gonna answer guk once he stop crying soo all n all they r very worried... Bt they have to do something fast cus they can't let them cry too much it's not good for their health especially guk's so they decided they will bring them to tae they will see whatever happen after that cus tae strictly asked them to not take both babies at company cus he is busy n can't spend time with them so he did restricted them bt still they did, now they have to suffer from tae's scolding bt now they r not thinking straight they r only seeing their guk n hanu cry nothing else so they both glance at each other n nod, Mr Kim pick guk n Mrs Kim pick hanual they both ran towards tae's office.......

Meanwhile in office:

After watching the face tae got unconscious. When jk saw he got freeze and his head started hurting like hell as like someone is throwing hammer on his head bt he didn't care about his head he went towards taehyung n started shaking him "Mr Kim what happened hey hello Mr Kim plss get up wht happened."he took glass of water n throw on his face. Tae get concious slowly when he slowly open his eyes he got shocked again...

Tae's Pov :

M i dreaming, m i in heaven what's happening how can I, how, i guess it's stress yeah, mybe, I'm doing too much work that's why I'm seeing things, noo noo things bt him my love my life my everything....

No one's pov:

Tae's eyes got teary when he saw jk's face 1st he thought it's his dream n he stood up from his seat n run towards him, hug him tightly while mumbling "where were u love, you know i missed you soo much, I got so scared, are u alright.. tae started checking jk's body do he have any injuries or not or is he real or he is hallucinating but jk was standing there like a statue cus infront him is the most handsome man in the world soo he just kinda out of this world he forgot where is he standing n why is he standing here in the 1st place he isn't even listening what tae is saying....

When tae was checking jk they heard loud cry voices specifically baby voice jk come out from his dream world n see what's happening tae leave jk there n run towards his sons he got scared, worried wht not cus he is seeing his babies crying after soo long which he never expected he will face this situation bt not now this early, when he see he run n ask "wht happened mom, wht happened dad, why they r both crying, i told you don't take them here at any cost" meanwhile jk was listening everything dumbfounded he was like freezing when he heard the babies voices, their face were red during cry very loudly nobody notice new presence in the room bt someone did......

Who's that someone.....





















that someone is guk, he saw someone is staring at him without blinking despite being a baby he understands everything and a child can still recognise their mother no matter what age they have. So here hanu recognise his mama (jk) n make graby hands towards him he was like want to throw himself on his mama but bt his yee (grandma) was holding him tightly bt still he was wiggling in her grip soo at the end she leave him on the floor n with fast speed guk went towards his mama n hug his legs while jk was still standing there dumbfounded he didn't understand what's happening n y this baby coming to him, hugging him n calling him mama n he didn't notice he was crying too.

Mr n Mrs Kim also noticed jk standing there they didn't believe they too thought it's a dream or they hallucinating. But when guk saw his mama he run towards him n hug his legs. They both were crying n mumbling mama mama. Jk was standing there like a statue he was like WTF is happening, slowly he got courage n with shaking hands he crotch down n hold guk n hanu's face in his hands n observe them he can clearly see they looks like him and man standing there..



bt the question is he don't remember anything, he don't remember him getting married, he don't remember anything. He didn't get it how these babies looks like him and the CEO....

He again started feeling pain his head. He held his head in his hands n started shouting ''aaahhh stop this plss it's hurting it's hurting very much eoma plss it's hurting'' when tae heard it he went towards jk n hug him tightly while mumbling some soothing words jk got unconscious both babies got scared bt they stopped crying or they were crying silently...

Tae took jk towards the couch n lay him down gently he called the Dr who came immediately n check jk..

Dr : Mr Kim I can't say anything clearly 1st have to take some tests

Tae : bt idk if he gonna agree or not Dr plss tell me wht happened to him i just got him today n he got unconscious suddenly when guk n hanu went towards him

Dr : sorry Mr Kim bt yk I'm a doctor not a magician I can't just predict anything ig he will be concious after some time let him rest let his brain some rest if I'm guessing correct then mybe it's something related to internal injury bt I'm not sure I want his reports or some tests then i can say clearly what happened to him. Btw if may i ask who's he..

Tae : he is my wife Dr something happened 6 months ago n i thought I lost him bt today I got him he came himself to me I was so happy

Dr : i can understand sir bt if u can arrange his medical reports then I can tell u. If u can pls ask his parents mybe they know something...

After listening to Dr tae started thinking what happened with his wife n did his in-laws knows about jk, did they hide him from him, from his son's. He got angry while thinking everything meanwhile jk was getting concious slowly "water plss" tae heard him went towards jk. Make him drink the water. Tae again hug jk like he gonna disappear. "Are u alright baby what happened is it hurting" he ask jk in low voice while caressing jk's head who is watching tae silently he is feeling like this thing happened with him before too wht he don't remember he again grab his head. Bt tae hold his hands n ask" baby why r u not saying anything, wht happened to u, y r u behaving like strangers, see, I'm your taehyungie hyungie hyung, plss, love say something" jk again got confuse he knows he heard these things before too bt y can't he remember anything, this man, this face, this voice. "Who r u, do u know me" when jk ask tae got shocked he never expected his bun to forget him this easily. Tae again try to ask jk "don't u remember me bun I'm ur hyungie, I'm ur taetae, I'm ur babybear, I'm ur husband, see that's our babies (he point towards guk n hanu), Don't u remember me" jk got shocked again he response in shaking his head in "no" and got unconscious again,

it's bit shocking news for him cus tae blast everything together that's y jk felt overwhelmed n now unconscious. Tae got worried n sit beside jk waiting for him to get concious again, while thinking how will he question him now, how will he tell him who's he to him.....

To be continued..........


There's gonna be m/breastfeeding too I hope nobody minds.....

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