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Heartfelt Chronicles: Echoes Of Affection

"Important Update: Story Rewrite and Unforeseen Challenges"

**Author's Notice:**
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
Dear readers,
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share a quick update regarding the publication of my work on MangaToon. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen technical issues, updates to the existing chapters have become temporarily unavailable.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
In light of this situation, I've decided to take the opportunity to revisit and rewrite the entire book. While the essence of the story will remain, there might be some changes and improvements to enhance the overall reading experience.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
I sincerely appreciate your understanding during this process. Your support means the world to me, and I'm committed to delivering a narrative that captivates and resonates with you. Please bear with me as I work through these adjustments, and I can't wait to share the revamped story with you soon.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
I wanted to share a quick update on a recent development as well. In an attempt to resolve some technical issues, I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling MangaToon. Unfortunately, this process resulted in the unintended loss of my story draft, and regrettably, I now find myself unable to recall the exact details of what I had written.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
I understand that this might raise concerns, but please rest assured that I am committed to recreating the narrative with the same passion and creativity. While there might be some changes, I believe this presents an opportunity to refine and enhance the story.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
Your understanding and support during this unexpected turn of events mean a lot to me. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to sharing the reimagined tale with you.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
Thank you for your patience and continued support.
Author (Leanna)
Author (Leanna)
Warm regards, Your Author

"Hearts Across Eras"— 1

In the crisp autumn of 1940, the world was ensconced in the shadows of war. The echoes of distant battles and the rationing of everyday goods painted a vivid picture of the era. As the year unfolded, the people are trying to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of a world gripped by the tumultuous events of the time.
Hey, my lady!
Kim Taehyung called, jogging towards her. She rolled her eyes at him playfully as her cheeks began to burn a slight red color. Their paths crossed constantly due to Taehyung's "clumsiness." However, by his tenth trip to the medic tent, she was starting to believe that he just enjoyed company outside of their unit.
Yes, Sergeant?
She questioned as his arms quickly wrapped around her, his natural scent of pine and roasted coffee beans surrounding her. He placed one arm around her waist, and the other came up to her cheek. She could feel the butterflies swarming in her stomach even though this was not the first time he had held her tightly.
It's Taehyung, doll, *he chuckled, softly gazing into her eyes* I'm taking you dancing tonight. I will meet you outside the medic tent at 7 o'clock.
But Taehyung, I—
I will see you then, my lady.
He smiled mischievously, then planted a light kiss on her cheek. His kiss made her face burn a darker shade of red, silently wishing he had kissed her on the lips instead. He let her go and started jogging towards the other men that made up their unit, looking back one time to send another mischievous smile her way.
Butterflies danced in her stomach as she reentered the medic tent. She made sure to be faithful to her duties, but her eyes kept glancing over at the wall clock, greatly wishing for it to tick faster.
Kim Taehyung's jaw dropped as he approached her standing outside the medic tent. She wore a stunning daffodil yellow dress that ended just a little bit above her knees. The top of the dress had three white buttons going down, and the dress collar was perfectly flat. She had on small black flats that had a cute little bow on top of the toes. For makeup and hair, she wore a bright red lip stain with a little bit of pink blush placed on her cheekbones. She had planned on curling her hair, but she had run out of time. Instead, she left her wavy hair down as it ended just a tad below her shoulders.
Look at you, doll!
Taehyung exclaimed, grabbing her at the waist and lifting her up, spinning her around in the air. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
You look very handsome, Taehyung.
She said with a bright smile once he had placed her back onto solid ground. She balanced onto her tiptoes, giving Taehyung a small kiss on his cheek. She watched as blood rushed to his cheeks, his hand caressing the spot she kissed.
You are one amazing woman, Jeon Eun-Sook.
He smiled while he wrapped his right arm around her waist and began escorting her to the Jeep.
Keep the bourbon flowing to her table, and get the lady whatever she asks for. Put it on my tab, the name is Sargent Taehyung.
Kim Taehyung told the bartender with a big smile. He waited as she ordered her favorite cocktail, then he walked her to a booth against the wall. He scooted in, and she sat right next to him.
The bar Taehyung took her to was overflowing with people, some she recognized from the camp. The bar stools were completely packed, and so was the dance floor due to the actual live band playing. The bar itself had a wilderness theme to it. There were several animal mounts decorating the walls, and a mural of a forest painted behind the bar. It smelled like every bar she had ever been to; a toxic mix of vomit, sweat, and cheap perfume.
So, Taehyung, *she began, practically shouting in order for him to hear her over the live swing band* How did I get so lucky to be picked as your date tonight?
Well, my lady, I thought you deserved a break. You have been keeping me and the boys alive these past few months, so I figured I would take the time to thank you by spoiling you!
He chuckled loudly, throwing an arm across her shoulders and pulling her into him.
Besides, I have been wanting to take you out for a while now. I didn't have the confidence until now with the whole 'suicide mission' going on tomorrow.
She rolled her eyes playfully at him, stealing his glass of bourbon from his hand and taking a small sip. Her nose scrunched up slightly from the blunt taste of alcohol dancing around on her tongue.
You are not going to die tomorrow, Taehyung. I forbid it! We are all going to make it home safely in a few months.
Taehyung grabbed his drink back from her and finished the remains in one swallow.
C'mon now, let's dance!
He set the glass down loud enough to hear it make contact with the wooden table. The two of them made their way to the dance floor, Taehyung staring daggers into any man who dared to look at her wrong. Taehyung pulled her close to him as they both swayed to the upbeat music. Every once in a while, he would take a step away from her and twirl her around, watching as her sunshine yellow dress would flow like petals on a flower during a light breeze. She felt so happy from constantly being in Taehyung's strong arms.
Are you enjoying yourself?
Taehyung whispered into her ear, holding her body close to his as they swayed to a slow song. She nodded her head, keeping her eyes closed to fully enjoy this moment.
When we get to go back state-side after this war is over, I am going to take you dancing all the time, Eun-Sook.
Is that so? *she asked with an eyebrow raised* Will you be picking me up from my home in Busan, or are you expecting me to go to Daegu with you?
We can compromise. We'll get married and settle down in Daegu!
Taehyung, *she laughed lightly* That's not a compromise!
My lady, I'd do anything for you.
For now, get back safely from your mission tomorrow. Then—
Taehyung cut her off mid-sentence, placing a desperate kiss on her lips. She kissed back, running her hands through his short hair. She felt as if she had been kissing for eternity when he finally pulled away with a small smile dancing on his lips.
I promise, Eun-Sook, I'll get back to you. Wild horses wouldn't be able to drag me away from you, my lady.
He spun her around one more time before escorting her off the dance floor.
For the rest of the night, the two of them drank too much and dreamed of a life together. Eventually, the bar closed and forced everyone inside to get out. Taehyung's good friend, Hyungsik, took the Jeep keys away from Taehyung and drove them all to the camp. She laid her head on Taehyung's shoulder in the back seats of the Jeep while he rubbed her back and occasionally placed gentle kisses on her forehead.
C'mon, Dove.
Taehyung smiled, opening the car door for her and offering his hand. He walked her to her tent, and he wrapped his muscular arms around her one last time.
I can't wait to be back in your arms.
Be good, now.
She giggled as she felt Taehyung's hands wandering a little lower than they should have been. She began leaning onto her tiptoes to give him one final, passionate kiss. She felt cold as he pulled away from her and began walking back to his barracks. However, a smile was plastered on her face as she got ready for bed.
That morning, she found several notes that Taehyung had placed into her Bible on the nightstand. One was a sealed letter addressed to his mother and sister back in Daegu. The other letter was unsealed, but addressed to her. It read:
'Thank you, Jeon Eun-Sook, for the wonderful night. I plan on having many more wonderful nights with you. Love, Sergeant Kim Taehyung'
She folded the letter into a neat, little square and placed it into her chest pocket, keeping his note close to her heart. She worked diligently every day, praying that Taehyung and the other men would make it back to camp safely.
Finally, she saw Hyungsik and several injured men walk into camp several days after they had left. She ordered the able-bodied men to help carry the injured to the medic tent while her eyes searched for Taehyung. Her heart began to hurt, fearing that something had gone wrong. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind as she worked on her patients.
Hyungsik, *she started while finishing a stitch on one of the Howling Commandos* Where is Taehyung?
Hyungsik's eyes avoided hers, content with looking at his friend's stitched wound instead.
"He's MIA."
Her heart sank to her stomach, and tears began to sting her eyes. She finished the stitches before excusing herself from her friends, and she began walking towards the bathroom. There, she finally let all of her emotions out. She sobbed, screamed, and cursed Taehyung's name. However, she never gave up hope that he was still out there.
As the 21st century dawned, the world underwent a transformative shift. The early 2000s marked the intersection of new technologies, cultural revolutions, and global challenges. It was an era where the rapid evolution of the digital landscape reshaped the way people communicated, while society grappled with the impacts of geopolitical events and environmental concerns. Against this backdrop, the beginning of the 21st century unfolded with a dynamic blend of optimism, uncertainty, and the promise of an interconnected future.
Seated on the porch in her seventies, the woman occupied a grand wooden chair. The lines etched into her face painted a vivid tale of the passage of time, each wrinkle narrating a chapter of her age.
Her eyes, though weathered by the years, sparkled with a timeless wisdom. The soft creak of the wooden chair echoed the stories held within its sturdy frame. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the porch, memories unfolded in the quiet moments, and the woman reflected on a life rich with experiences.
Her wrinkled hand, weathered by the passage of time, gently caressed her grand nephew's hair. The touch carried a tenderness that transcended generations, weaving a silent connection between past and present. In that simple gesture, love and wisdom passed through the gentle strokes, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of family history.
The four-year-old boy looked up at her with shiny doe eyes and a bright, bunny-like smile. In the innocence of his gaze, curiosity and admiration danced, creating a heartwarming scene on the porch that bridged the generations between them.

"Hearts Across Eras"— 2

The cube was left in mid-air. But not for too long. Wooyoung grabbed it. He screamed as it burned his hand. Kim Taehyung tried to rush over to him, but he wasn’t fast enough. The moment Wooyoung dropped the cube, it burned a hole in the flooring, causing both it and Wooyoung to fall through.
Kim Taehyung screamed in anguish.
Not even a week ago, he watched his unit’s commander fall to his death in the mountains. Now he was watching his best friend fall to his death into the ocean. He watched until he couldn’t see, or hear, him anymore, crying in anguish.
He looked over at the front console, remembering that he still had a job to do. Kim Taehyung unsteadily made it over to it, taking off his helmet and setting the gun by the console. He sat in the pilot’s seat and saw that it was in autopilot towards China. He looked out at the clouded sky, knowing what he had to do.
Come in. This is Sergeant Taehyung.
Kim Taehyung called over the radio.
Do you read me?
“Sergeant Taehyung, what is your lo—“ Jung Seok started before he was cut off by Hyungsik.
Taehyung, is that you? *Hyungsik rushed* Are you and Wooyoung alright?
Hyungsik! Mawang is dead!
And my dongsaeng?
There was a long moment of silence before he answered.
He’s dead too.
Everyone in the room with Captain Hyungsik could hear the heartache in his voice. Hyungsik's body went numb when Taehyung mentioned that his dongsaeng was no longer alive.
Fell into the ocean. Captain I am sorry.
Taehyung said, choking on his sobs. Hyungsik and Wooyoung might be blood-related brothers, but Wooyoung and Taehyung were brothers by choice. It's extremely difficult for Taehyung to convey the news of his brother's death to Hyungsik. With tears brimming in his eyes, Hyungsik attempted to muster strength for his men and country as he spoke.
What about the plane?
That’s a little bit tougher to explain. *he answered while flipping switches*
Give me your coordinates, I’ll find you a safe landing site.
He looks at the screen showing the ship, there’s still too many bombs on it.
There’s not going to be a safe landing. But I can try and force it down.
I’ll—I’ll get Ha-joon on the line, he’ll know what to do.
There’s not enough time. This thing’s moving too fast and it’s heading for China. I gotta put her in the water.
Please, don’t do this. We have time. We can work it out.
Right now, I’m in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die…Hyungsik…this is my choice.
Kim Taehyung then positions his compass, which holds Eun-Sook’s picture, and forces the plane to head down, towards the ice.
I’m here, brother.
I’m gonna need a rain check on that dance with Eun-Sook.
Hyungsik can't contain the tears forming in his eyes. He is about to lose both of his brothers in one day, and no one can truly comprehend the depth of his sorrow.
A week, next Saturday, at the Hwaryohan Light Club.
You got it, brother.
Eight o’clock on the dot. I’ll convey message to Miss Jeon. Don’t you dare be late. Miss Jeon doesn’t like men who don’t respect her time. Understood?
You know, I still don’t know how to dance. Wooyoung tried to teach me once, didn’t have the patience for it. Either of us.
Hyungsik let out a small chuckle.
I’ll show you how. Just come back.
The water was getting closer, but Taehyung knew he had to keep talking.
I’ll have the band play something slow. I’d hate to step on her—
Before he could finish, the plane hit the ice. Cutting the signal off.
Brother? *Hyungsik cried* Kim Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? Brother?
Not very long after Wooyoung and Taehyung were lost, the world celebrated the victory over Nazi-Germany. The Howling Commandos, Kim Taehyung’s team, still mourned the loss of their Captain’s brother and Sergeant Kim. While the celebrations were happening, Ha-joon was searching for the wreckage and two Sergeants out in the sea. Hyungsik told Ha-joon that Kim Taehyung had told him that Wooyoung fell into the ocean. There was no way that he was going to be alive, let alone that his body was going to be found. But Ha-joon didn’t care about what Hyungsik had to say. He was going to look anyway.
He stood in his ship, staring at a picture of himself with Taehyung and Wooyoung. It had been taken one night they went drinking. Wooyoung had been so stressed about his SSR training and his brother, that Ha-joon insisted they go. They were laughing in it. Wooyoung’s head was thrown back as he drink with his arms around his best friend, who was clearly looking at him with admiring eyes. He’s kept the photo in his pocket ever since.
“Sir?” One of Ha-joon’s engineers called, pulling Ha-joon’s thoughts away from the picture.
Ha-joon stashed the picture into his jacket pocket before stepping beside the engineer. His eyes examined the screen the engineer was looking at. Their machine in the water had grabbed a glowing purple cube.
Take us to the next grid point.
Ha-joon commanded, eyes not leaving the screen.
“But there’s no trace of wreckage,” the engineer stated. “And the energy signature stops here.”
Just keep looking.
He couldn’t give up on looking for the Taehyung and Wooyoung. This was not how their stories were supposed to end. He could feel it.
And oh, how right he was.

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