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Soulmates(Jikook, Sope, Taejin, Namson)


Jungkook's POV:

   I'm Jeon Jungkook who became the famous idol in recent times. As you all think that I didn't became an idol out of my interest. To be honest I wanted to be an idol after watching the interview of the K-pop's the most famous Kim Seok Jin the one and only CEO of Jin hit entertainment. When I attended the audition I wanted to see him in person, so I gave it a try and selected as the artist in their company. But soon I became a close friend of Jin Hyung. Even he is older than me, we had a great friendship rather than brotherhood or a employer and an employee.

On the other side:

   Jagiya come fast our son's live is about to start, Jungkook's mom shouted from the living room. Coming, his dad entered with fruits bowl in his hands.

Jungkook's POV:

 This is my first live interview after being a famous idol. I'm so nervous, and the room is filled with a great silence when the door is opened with a creak sound. I immediately run and hugged my Hobi Hyung. "Hyung you are here finally, I thought that you will never show up". "Why don't you ask your lovely brother to come here if you are so tensed"Hobi Hyung asked. "He.... I called him many times he didn't even bother to answer my call". Hobi Hyung busted with a laugh which filled the whole room with a different vibe. "Hyung why are you laughing?"."Don't you know your Hyung well? He can ignore anyone when he is in his work. To be honest he last contacted me like 2 days back"Hobi hyung sighed with a disbelief. "So your relationship with my hyung is still so slow. "I laughed teasing Hobi hyung. "Not thinking much I've proposed your brother I've given him all my attention, so now he started ignoring me. "Hobi hyung complained like a child who lost his candy."Hobi hyung let me tell you a secret... My hyung loves you very much that he sees your picture whenever he is too stressed with his work sometimes he sleeps by looking at your photo." "What then I think I need to give him a surprise".I'm so lucky to have hobi hyung as my best friend as well my brother-in-law. I was in deep thoughts when someone call me for my makeup. Soon I had my makeup fixed and they called me for the interview.

  " And the final question is", the interviewer took a short gap which had given me a slight shiver about the question, but she finally managed to complete it with"what is your ideal type". My mind blurred out for a second about what to answer but I managed to snap back and concluded my answer as"I never really thought about my love life I've spent my whole youth on becoming an idol.If I need to answer then my answer would be the one who can understand my career as an idol and support me and my fans"."Can I ask you another question you can think it as personal question from your fans", the interviewer asked with a uncertain voice, "sure you can", "Do you believe in love at first sight or in soulmates".I replied"I do believe in love at first sight but as per soulmates I barely believe it"."May I know the reason? "."I personally feel that soulmates concept is just a fairy tale. No one can feel their soulmate simply. ", with that we wrapped up the interview and prepared myself to return home when Jin hyung popped in front of me out of no where with Hobi hyung.

First meet

 Jungkook's POV

When I completed my interview I entered into the room where I found Hobi hyung with Jin hyung. "Hyung when did you come here? I haven't noticed you"I asked Jin hyung. I've been waiting for Jin hyung during the whole interview process. Jin hyung and Hobi hyung never miss my important days. "I'm quite busy with my work, so I arrived late to the venue and saw that the interview was already started,so I waited for you to finish it by waiting here. ", Jin hyung replied. He's been too busy with the company's work, he barely has time to spend for himself. So I immediately hugged Jin hyung, "Hyung you look pale, why don't we go to our regular café"."That's a perfect idea" Hobi hyung exclaimed.

  We had a favorite cafe where we can spend our quality time without anyone around, this cafe is a bit expensive and remote so not many people come here. We drove here in Jin Hyung's car. For some unknown reason I feel a bit different while entering the cafe. My heart is pounding in my ears, all I could hear is my pounding heart. My body was weak, all of sudden my vision is blurred. My legs got numb and I can't stand on my own. I was about to fall when Jin hyung caught me and took me inside the cafe. "Sir is everything alright? Do you need anything?"A voice that echoes in my ears all I can hear is that voice, when I tried to open my eyes, everything is blur except that one person who is standing in front of me with an white hooded t-shirt and black jean. "Can you bring us glass of water"Hobi hyung asked. A few minutes later I finally back to my original state. I wanted to take a closer look at certain one so I went to the order. But I think I'm late he is leaving with someone. I felt a sudden pain in my heart. I was trapped in my thoughts until I heard Jin hyung's voice.

Jin's POV:

We've been waiting for Jungkook to comebackk after ordering our food and drinks, he didn't return even after 10 minutes. So I went to check on him. His eyes we're fixed on someone, I looked in the direction and found a cute little boy. I can't see his face clearly, but he is cute from side too. When was trying to take a better look they left the place.

  Hobi called us soon I snapped back to reality, we ordered our drinks.

Jungkook's POV:

  We had our drinks, to be honest the food here is the best. Jin hyung paid the bill , we are ready to leave the cafe. "Hyung can you please wait for me in the car.I'll be back soon"I excused myself and went to the food counter. "May I know the name of that boy who left few minutes back"I enquired staff of the cafe. "His name is Park Jimin sir. "He replied. "May I know more about him? ""He is a new part timer,he joined here today, so I don't know much about him.", the boy replied. I felt bad for not knowing much information about him, but at least knowing his name was better. Soon I exited the cafe and returned home.

The concert

Jungkook's POV:

 From the day I've crossed paths with him, I had a strange feel. I tried to ignore it, I've been working on my schedule. I have a concert and a fan meet with in a month. Furthermore, I'm too busy to with my practice. And the month passed too fast. One day to my concert. Every one is busy with their works. "Jungkook take some rest tomorrow is a big day for you."Hobi Hyung suggested after a long dance practice session.

On the day of concert:

I'm finally on the stage with lot of fans waiting for me, I need to do my best but for some reason I have a strange feel that something is going to happen, I feel the same as the day I met him in the café. When I'm on the stage my eyes are searching for that one person. I've started the concert with still with you and at the end of the song my eyes met with his naturally dark brown hair covering the beautiful dark brown eyes. I don't want to miss the contact with him. A sudden sspotlightas flashed on him and when I look at the big screen it's him. A shy cute little boy with an innocent face, his eyes...

Why can't I get over them, I want to keep on looking into his eyes and a soft plump lips, he's totally looking like an angel fell straight from the heaven. And with that the concert was finally completed.

  I've been waiting outside the venue with the hope to see him. I waited for half an hour, but I didn't find him. "Park Jimin" the only name running in my head from the past one month. Today I've finally seen him. But I haven't talked with him. My thoughts were running wild with just a name. Then Jin Hyung and Hobi Hyung approached me. "Kookie it's not safe for you to wait here. What if someone harm you or what if someone photographed you!" Jin Hyung look worried. "Are you looking for the same guy we met in the café? ","Yes hobi hyung I have a strange attachment with him. I know I only saw him twice but I feel like we had a great bonding. But I don't know how to meet him or talk with him, he always disappears out of blue.

  "I think I have an idea", Jin hyung suggested us. "What is it hyung ?", "Kookie you know that we can conduct fan meetings right! ", "Of course hyung", "Then why don't we plan a fan meet! ","But Jin hyung don't you think that we have a limites tickets for fan meet? Are you sure that little cutie will come to meet our kookie!"Hobi hyung shattered my hopes with a simple question. "Then we can arrange a special fan meet for boy fans! don't you think it will work", I hugged Jin hyung with excitement. "Thank you hyung thanks alot, Then I can finally meet him. "

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