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Sell My Body to a Beautiful Sorceress

Episode 1

...At the Morning Star Sanctuary, Devyl's heart pounded with a longing to escape poverty and find a way to overcome his mysterious illness. However, above all, he needed to gain the trust of Adept Kairos, who was watching him carefully...

...Kairos was seated in an imposing red leather armchair, legs crossed, chin resting on his right hand. His eyes scrutinized the young man kneeling before him. Devyl, aware of the respect that man inspired in everyone there, kept his eyes fixed on the floor, avoiding looking at him without permission...

...The Adept's deep, authoritative voice echoed through the room, filling the space with an aura of decisiveness...

..."Come on, boy, convince me to let you in..."

...Devyl felt the pressure of the challenge, and without hesitation, replied:...

..."I am willing to do whatever it takes to get in. I don't have a penny in my pocket, let alone know how to read or write..."

...Kairos, unperturbed, continued his assessment...

..."How do you intend to pass my tests if you don't have what it takes to enter?..."

...Payment of the registration fee was mandatory in Laer or Digos, and Devyl did not even have the necessary money, let alone attended a school...

..."How old are you, boy?" Kairos inquired, adopting a kinder tone...

..."I am twenty-five..."

..."Never been to school?..."

..."I was abandoned on the streets of Suanam. Since then, my life has depended on the mercy of strangers..."

...The sincere answer did not seem promising. Kairos stood up, ready to end the conversation when Devyl's determined voice made him turn his attention back to him...

..."I offer my body to you!..."

...This time, Devyl looked at him directly, without permission. Kairos, initially surprised, let a sly smile play on his lips. The boy's audacity, coupled with the frank offer, revealed a direct challenge, as well as a willingness to pay the 1000 Laer with his own body...

...Devyl, still keeping his defiant gaze, faced Kairos. He wanted to make it clear that he would do anything to escape misery, even if it meant giving himself over to an Adept of Lucifer, that is, selling his soul and body...

..."Then start what you proposed!..."

...Upon hearing the authorization, Devyl stood up and walked towards Kairos. With a gesture, he opened his mouth and closed it, demonstrating the integrity of his teeth and the absence of contagious diseases. The only affliction he carried was the Menticus, which plagued the world...

...A magic user like Kairos could easily detect any illness. He used his powers to verify the veracity of Devyl's words...

..."Can I start?..."

..."Whenever you want..."

..."Consider me enrolled and accepted here, by giving myself to you. But know that it will only be this once..."

...Another sly smile curved Kairos' lips as he heard those words...

..."If you do a good job, consider yourself approved. And we'll never mention this again!..."

...With determination, Devyl climbed into the armchair, settling in front of Kairos, their eyes meeting in a mixture of challenge and expectation. The proximity between their bodies was palpable, a promise of a sealed deal. Little by little, their lips met in a soft kiss...

...Then they broke apart, looking at each other intensely. The tension between them was almost tangible, an electricity charged with anticipation. A second time, their lips met, this time with more fervor and ardor...

...As their tongues intertwined in a passionate dance, Devyl could barely string a coherent thought together, lost in the overwhelming sensations of the moment. It was as if the world narrowed to that passionate kiss, and all he could think was, "Damn, this is so good!"...

Episode 2

...A few days ago, through the winding alleys and backstreets of Suanam, Devyl wandered, a destitute figure amidst the urban gloom. For as long as he had been conscious, he had found himself in this painful condition of begging. Whether he had been abandoned or born into this state, he could never tell....

...Strangely, despite his depressing situation, his physical form did not match the reality he faced. Underneath those ragged clothes lived a body that seemed to have been nourished with care and trained with vigor. This had always been the enigma that surrounded him....

...Life on the streets was arduous, but it reached unbearable levels with the spread of a disease called Menticus among magical beings, humans capable of manipulating anything from the rudiments to the most complex magic. And Devyl was among them. The disease corroded his mind already fragile from a life of solitude....

...One night, while resting in an abandoned house, he felt a sudden change in temperature. In that city, the weather was invariably hot, with no defined seasons. However, that night, something was different....

...The nocturnal heat was abruptly replaced by an icy coldness, waking him up immediately. He got up and hurried into the street, trying to understand what was happening. It was then that he saw a mist snaking along the pavement....

...— What the hell is that?...

...Devyl hurried back to the makeshift shelter, diving under the covers, but still the mist enveloped him, making him pass out....

...The next morning, many beggars lay dead, as well as people from different social classes. The mysterious plague had taken over the world. Many succumbed, and the survivors bore the scars left by the disease....

...He too had been afflicted by Menticus. Every night, he was tormented by terrifying nightmares, and during the day, he faced hallucinations if he did not keep his mind focused on some activity....

...Every day was a battle to resist the temptation to take his own life, for the distorted visions urged him to commit this act. At times, the disease seemed to fry his brain with its intensity....

...One day, while looking for job opportunities on the streets, he was approached by a familiar old woman....

...— Boy, I've been watching you for quite some time and I've noticed you're in need of a treasure....

...Devyl looked at her confused, but also intrigued, lowering himself to the old woman's height....

...— Are you going to give me a present? I've never gotten one before!...

...She smiled and handed him a sealed box....

...— Here, young man. What's inside will help you reach a new home and provide the life you've always deserved!...

...Grateful, he took the gift and excitedly asked if he could open it. However, as he focused on the box for an instant, he realized that the old woman had disappeared....

...Later, back at his old hideout, he decided to unveil the contents of the box. He found a new outfit with boots, a letter, and a ring....

...A smile of pure happiness lit up Devyl's face. He had never received anything like it, and that gift truly seemed like a treasure, as the old woman had stated....

...The letter, although he could not read it, contained something he could understand: a map. It showed the way to a place full of structures, a kind of sanctuary, which he deduced was the indicated destination. Devyl had always been skilled at navigating the city and its surroundings....

...The ring, at first glance ordinary, revealed itself to be magical when he breathed near it. Small words seemed to appear and disappear....

...— A magical artifact, how interesting. I never imagined having something like this....

...As he brought his face closer again, letters became visible, but he could not read them....

...— Damn it! I can't read....

...As for the clothes, he assumed they would be reserved for some special occasion....

Episode 3

...Determined, Devyl focused back on the map, recalling the old woman's words about a place that could change his life. The sanctuary of Lucifer, where pacts between humans and archangels were sealed, seemed like the ideal refuge to break free from this desolate existence....

...— I have nothing left to lose. I am destined to perish at any moment because of this illness....

...Carrying everything he needed for the journey, Devyl set off without hesitation. He would not waste any more time. It was his chance to enter that place, whatever the cost....

...The journey was not easy. He had to spend the night in trees and escape from wild animals, but he glimpsed, in the distance, two angels of black stone, their imposing wings seeming ready to take flight, and flaming swords raised as sentinels of the place....

...— I like this!...

...He climbed down from the tree and followed the long road to the gates....

...As he approached, he thought about how to approach the guardians and request permission to enter and speak to the person in charge. However, to his surprise, he arrived precisely on the day of registration. The old woman would be his spiritual guide, he thought....

...The black stone angels, in addition to the flaming swords, watched him carefully as he approached. Gently, they lowered their weapons and knelt in submissive reverence....

...Entering the iron gates, he paused to absorb the unique architecture of the place, starting with the five-pointed star, a symbol of the Adepts of Lucifer, as the rumors said. ...

...Further on, he could contemplate the complex of ancient buildings, erected in stone and metal, replete with arcane symbols....

...A smile of anticipation lit up Devyl's face....

...— So, this is the secret and sacred place for candidates for adepts of the fallen archangels? I feel my life changing just by standing here....

...A man emerged from the main building, addressing the candidates with a polite greeting....

...— Please, candidates, proceed to the smaller building on the east side. There you will find everything you need for today and tomorrow....

...Devyl followed the instructions, grateful to find a place where he could wash himself. A luxurious shower, something he had never seen before, was a surprise to him. He put on the clothes given to him by the old woman, enjoyed the meal offered, and settled down on a soft, fragrant mattress, an unprecedented luxury in his life....

...Almost falling asleep, he whispered to himself:...

...— I'm living like a king!...


...The next morning, Devyl woke up with the first ray of light that entered the room, eager to explore more of this mysterious place. After enjoying the free meal, he went out to investigate, discreetly listening to the conversations of the other candidates as he walked the corridors....

...He acted with dexterity, like a thief, keeping a safe distance from the others. He wished to avoid appearing desperate in front of the other contenders for the Basilica. As he explored, he gathered valuable information about the Sanctuary, its divisions, and purposes...

...The candidates whispered about the various buildings dedicated to the teaching and worship of the fallen archangels. A library held knowledge in the form of ancient and rare books, containing secrets and stories of the celestial masters who had defied the laws of Paradise. A chapel impressed with colorful stained glass windows depicting the images and names of the seven infernal princes: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Mammon, and Azazel. There was also a majestic hall, with a marble altar, where candidates sealed their pacts with the fallen archangels, receiving in return powers and arcane marks....

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