NovelToon NovelToon

The Goddess Is Awakened : Mr. Li Dotes On Her To The Sky

Chapter 1: Rebirth into an Unknown World


Only the sound of machines was audible. At the center of the operating table, the heavily anesthetized woman suddenly opened her eyes.

Mu Sheng frowned as she studied the environment, and memories flooded into her mind.

Mu Sheng was about to get up when she suddenly heard a sound at the door, so she quickly closed her eyes.

The door opened, and a man and a woman walked in.

“Ming, will my sister suffer any side effects from kidney donation? Will she be in pain?” Mu Xiao frowned with tears welling in her eyes as she leaned into Li Ming’s arms delicately.

“She was the one who made you so sick. If taking her kidney isn’t enough, I will draw all the blood from her body to cure you.” Li Ming could not help feeling sad when he saw the tears in Mu Xiao’s eyes. “She did this to you because you were too nice, you know? There there. Stop crying. It breaks my heart to see you cry.”

“Boohoo. I’m sure that’s not what she meant to do. It was a pure accident. I’m certain she didn’t purposely push me,” said Mu Xiao as she lowered her head and looked somewhat worried. She looked utterly frail and pitiful. “Will she blame me when she wakes up?”

“No, she won’t. It’s her honor to donate a kidney to you.” Li Ming hurriedly comforted the love of his life.

Mu Sheng could not bear listening to them and frowned. What melodrama was this couple up to?

The moment Mu Xiao saw Mu Sheng move, she looked worried. “Ming, is she going to wake up? I’m leaving. I’m afraid she might get angry if she sees me.”

“Uh huh. Makes sense for you to leave,” said Li Ming as he saw Mu Xiao out the door. By the time he returned, Mu Sheng had sat up.

Li Ming was instantly stunned.

He grew up with Mu Sheng and knew that she was good-looking, but her domineering personality and poor sense of style made Li Ming find her distasteful and ugly.

Mu Sheng quietly sat in bed dressed in only plain colored hospital robe with her hair scattered behind her shoulders.

It finally dawned on Li Ming that Mu Sheng had such exquisite features and beauty. Her cold eyes were particularly stunning.

Li Ming was stunned for a second before he smiled and walked over to Mu Sheng. “Sheng, the test results are out. You and your little sister are a match. The operation will take place in three days.”

“Is that so?’ Mu Sheng was feeling giddy from all the memory flooding her head, so she automatically frowned.

Li Ming hated Mu Sheng but inexplicably had the urge to help Mu Sheng smooth her brow. “Uh huh. Sheng, you certainly are as kind as ever.”

Mu Sheng said nothing, so Li Ming added, “Don’t worry. My engagement with Mu Xiao isn’t real. She’s just doing it to help you save your spot as Mrs. Li. Once you have divorced Li Hanchen, I will marry you in no time.”

Since Mu Sheng was trying to get accustomed to this new body, she felt a little sick. Now that she had heard this pretentious little speech, she could not help feeling disgusted. “What do you love about me? My kidney or my blood?”

Li Ming panicked. Had she heard their conversation? “Sheng, what do you mean by that?”

“I’m telling you to leave,” said Mu Sheng as she got off the bed.

“Sheng, it’s not what you think.” Li Ming reached his hand out to hug Mu Sheng. Instead, Mu Sheng kicked him so hard that the cabinet beside him toppled to the side from the force.

Li Ming clutched his chest and looked at Mu Sheng in disbelief as she left the operating theater.

The frail-looking Mu Xiao stood at the door and walked up to Mu Sheng when she saw her. “Sheng, are you okay?”

Mu Sheng glanced at Mu Xiao. She recalled how the original owner of the body had so-called accidentally pushed Mu Xiao down the stairs and smiled.

An accident? It was more like a set-up, right?

“Come here. I have something to tell you.” Mu Sheng raised her head and looked around before she walked over to a blind spot of the security cameras.

“What?” Mu Xiao followed behind her. “Sheng, I’m not trying to snatch Li Ming from you. Please don’t be mad. Our engagement is just for show.”

“You claimed that I pushed you down the stairs.” Mu Sheng’s cold voice echoed within the fire escape as she turned to look at Mu Xiao frostily. “Did I push you like this?”

Before Mu Xiao realized what Mu Sheng was up to, Mu Sheng had pushed her down. Mu Xiao rolled down the stairs in horror as she screamed.

Mu Sheng retrieved a piece of tissue from her pocket, wiped her hands, tossed it into the trash can, and left briskly.

The hospital ward was located on the tenth floor, and Mu Sheng decided to take the stairs. She quietly organized these unfamiliar memories in her head as she went downstairs.

The original owner of this body was the Mu family’s eldest daughter. Her mother was her father’s first wife, and Mu Xiao was her younger stepsister.

Since Mu Xiao had a weak constitution, everyone in the family doted on her more. Hence, Mu Sheng ended up increasingly short-tempered and kept accidentally pushing Mu Xiao down the stairs, into the water, or even ripping her intravenous drip from her arm.

Mu Sheng’s family increasingly hated her because of this vicious cycle, so when the firstborn son of the Li family fell ill and needed to marry someone to counteract his bad luck, they made Mu Sheng marry Li Hanchen.

Her family completely deserted Mu Sheng, so the only hope she had was for her childhood friend, Li Ming, to save her.

However, Li Ming’s lover was unexpectedly her delicate little sister, Mu Xiao.

Li Ming pretended to love Mu Sheng so that Mu Sheng would willingly offer her organs to Mu Xiao.

After Mu Sheng had gone through the memories, she shook her head sadly. The previous owner of the body failed to discover their plot and lost everything.

She used to be an accomplished winner in her past life. Why did she transmigrate and end up becoming this sad, foolish woman?

The moment Mu Sheng left the hospital, her phone rang like mad.

“Mu Sheng!!! Don’t you know we are filming ‘Every Day Is an Inspiration’ today? Where the hell are you? If you don’t get your a*s here in 30 minutes, you will get kicked out of Sunny next week!” roared the talent agent furiously into the phone.

“Okay,” replied Mu Sheng before hanging up the phone. She hailed a cab and told the driver where to go.

“Why am I so unlucky to have to work with an artist like her?” The talent agent was furious after Mu Sheng hung up on him. “If she’s late, I’ll ensure she gets kicked out. Or else, I will change my surname to hers!”

The largest ski resort in the country was located midway up the snowy mountain, and the filming for this episode of “Every Day Is an Inspiration” was taking place there.

The guests had arrived at the ski resort, so the film crew did a headcount before they started filming.

There were three hosts and four guests in total. Other than Mu Sheng, all of them had arrived.

“Where is Mu Sheng? Why isn’t she here yet? Ruan Yingying, do you know where she is since you are closer to her?” The person in charge looked at a stunning girl beside him.

“Mr. Wang, I don’t know either.” Ruan Yingying opened her eyes wider. “I already reminded her to wake up early today.”

On the surface, nothing seemed unusual about what she said. However, she was implying that Mu Sheng had woken up late.

The film crew only agreed to let Mu Sheng appear on the program on account of Ruan Yingying. Instead, she failed to appreciate the opportunity, so the film crew had an even worse impression of her.

“Why isn’t Mu Sheng here yet? Is she crying in some corner and afraid to show her face?” said one of the girl band members, Chen Jiao, furtively.

“Haha!” Su Tao covered her mouth and looked at Chen Jiao. “She is probably upset because Yingying managed to become the female lead. Tsk tsk. What made her think she stood a chance? That is Director Yang’s biggest project this year. How dare she secretly go for the audition? Haha! Who does she think she is?”

“Call her again.” The film crew checked the time annoyingly. “If you can’t get her, let’s start filming without her. In any case, she is unimportant.”

“Don’t bother. I’m here.” A cold female voice rang from behind.

Everyone turned to look and was instantly stunned.

Mu Sheng stood in the snow. She lifted her chin slightly and looked at them somewhat loftily. Her black ski wear complemented her face and made her even more gorgeous.

Even though she looked the same, she felt like a new person.

She used to look like a coward, but she gave off a glacial aura today and seemed like a cold blade standing confidently in the snow.

Despite his anger, the film crew unexpectedly panicked when Mu Sheng looked at him coolly. He waved his hand. “I’m glad you’re here. Standby everyone. We will start filming.”

“Sheng, are you okay?” asked Ruan Yingying gently with concern.

Mu Sheng glanced at Ruan Yingying before she lowered her eyes and ignored her.

“What’s wrong? Are you angry with me?” whispered Ruan Yingying.

“Yingying, ignore her. Sheng must be jealous of you. Just look at her. How could she have the audacity to go and audition for Director Yang’s show?”

“Don’t say that about her.” Ruan Yingying forcibly smiled as she comforted her bandmates. This made her bandmates console her again.

Everyone was here, the film equipment was in place, and filming started.

“Welcome to ‘Every Day Is an Inspiration’. Today, we have with us the girl band Sunny. Let’s put our hands together to welcome them!”

The host introduced each of the band members. The other girl band members greeted the audience enthusiastically when the camera landed on them.

Mu Sheng looked up when it was her turn. The bangs by the side of her forehead fluttered and landed on her curly eyelashes. She was a natural beauty.

“I’m Mu Sheng.” She spoke concisely.

The director quickly waved his hand for the cameraman to move the camera. After all, Mu Sheng was just a burden in the band. No one would miss her if he did not film her.

Mu Sheng was cut from the picture as she stood by the side while the three band members were surrounded by the hosts and given a 360-degree shot.

Ten minutes into the filming, everything was going according to the director’s plans.

Ruan Yingying found it odd that filming was going so smoothly. Why did Mu Sheng not kick a fuss this time? In the past, she was in the habit of stealing the limelight. Why was she so quiet this time?

Ruan Yingying glanced at Mu Sheng from the corner of her eye. Mu Sheng was calmly making snowballs as though the filming had nothing to do with her.

Something was up with Mu Sheng today. Did she finally get smart, or was she pretending to be strong?

Ruan Yingying looked at Mu Sheng’s exquisite profile and felt upset. Mu Sheng was certainly gorgeous. If not for her lousy reputation and pushover personality, there was no way Ruan Yingying would have been made the bandleader.

“Yingying, we know you were once a provincial-level competitive skier, so you are an excellent skier. You absolutely have to show us your skiing today.”

The camera focused on Ruan Yingying. She veered her eyes and smiled shyly. “You’re too kind. I haven’t practiced in a long time, so I’m a little rusty.”

“Yingying, you are so modest. We invited some professionals to help today, so please ski for us.”

“Okay. If you insist.” Ruan Yingying stepped forward but halted and suddenly turned to look at Mu Sheng in the corner. “Sheng loves to ski too. Why don’t we do it together?”

The moment Ruan Yingying finished her sentence, the camera landed on Mu Sheng.

She was making a snowman, and her fingertips were slightly red.

Mu Sheng did not make a scene like she did in the past. Instead, she was as quiet as ice and seemed absolutely composed as she gave off a cool aura.

She glanced at Ruan Yingying quietly and smiled. “Sure.”

Chapter 2: Competing with a Champion Skier

Mu Sheng had learned how to ski for the sake of Li Ming, but she was a fool who could not tell snowboards and skis apart. It was as clear as day that Ruan Yingying wanted someone to make her look good.

However, her ruse was going to fail badly today.

The new Mu Sheng loved to ski. Also, she had come in champion in several skiing competitions.

Ruan Yingying imperceptibly frowned when she saw how calm Mu Sheng was. Something was amiss with Mu Sheng today.

The ski resort consisted of the professional course and the recreational course.

Despite being a provincial-level competitive skier, that was all in the past seven to eight years ago. Since Ruan Yingying was out of practice, she was only considered an amateur.

Hence, the film crew chose to use the recreational ski track to be safe.

“Are you ready?” A camera was set up at the bottom of the slope.

Ruan Yingying waved to indicate she was all set.

In a second, Ruan Yingying bent her knees slightly, used her feet to control the direction of her skis, leaned into the slope, and gained speed.

Although Ruan Yingying was out of practice, her foundation was still there.

Ruan Yingying’s black hair fluttered in the wind. Even though she usually had a gentle image, she was still beautiful with this somewhat contrasting sporty air.

Since Ruan Yingying did not warm up properly, her legs started to cramp after she did a 180-degree flip, so she slowed down and stopped.

“I hope that was okay.” Ruan Yingying smiled at the camera gently.

“It was fantastic! You certainly live up to your name as a provincial-level competitive skier. You are still as good.”

“Uh huh. Yingying, you are too modest.”

Ruan Yingying’s skiing was amazing compared to an average person, so everyone circled her as they exclaimed excitedly.

Ruan Yingying lowered her head shyly when everyone praised her. She looked at Mu Sheng by the side. “Sheng, why don’t you give it a go?”

“Okay.” Mu Sheng smiled before she turned to walk away.

“Where is she going?” The film crew hurriedly gestured for the cameraman to follow her.

“What’s she doing? It’s just skiing, right? Even if she can’t ski, she can’t just leave. It is such an embarrassment for our band,” muttered Chen Jiao in her heart.

To everyone’s surprise, Mu Sheng had not left the filming location. Instead, she went over to the professional obstacle course by the side.

Everyone was puzzled. What was Mu Sheng doing?

The moment Mu Sheng reached the course, an employee stopped her. “Miss, this is a professional facility and might be too hard for you. Why don’t you use the recreational track over there instead?”

The film crew had followed behind Mu Sheng.

The film crew suppressed his fury. Mu Sheng was not only late, but she also delayed the filming by making trouble. “Mu Sheng, get over here. Stop holding us up!”

Mu Sheng turned around and asked, “Director, didn’t you ask me to ski?”

“Do you know where you are standing?” Chen Jiao stepped forward and looked at Mu Sheng in contempt. “Who do you think you are?”

The commotion made some ski team members come over.

Mu Sheng looked at a man dressed in red ski gear. “You made a mistake when you did the ski jump.”

“Sheng, stop it.” Ruan Yingying stepped forward and walked over to the man dressed in red ski gear. “Instructor Qin, I’m so sorry. She tends to be blunt but means no harm.”

Ruan Yingying looked at Mu Sheng. “He is the instructor for Province A, Qin Lei. He’s a renowned local expert. Hurry up and apologize.”

The team member who came over with Qin Lei found it funny. “Instructor Qin’s moves were perfect. I didn’t see any problems with it.”

All eyes were on Mu Sheng, and they were waiting for her to apologize.

Only the film crew noticed that Qin Lei did not look angry at all. Instead, he was astounded.

Sure enough, in a second, Qin Lei unexpectedly laughed and clapped. “You have keen eyes. Even my ski team failed to see it, but you shockingly did.”

The flatland length of the ski track had a minor difference from the one he usually used, so he made a small error.

Since he was highly experienced, he merely swayed slightly. It was so slight that even his team failed to notice it. However, this young woman astonishingly caught it.

Qin Lei’s acknowledgment left everyone looking at Mu Sheng in shock.

How did she know? Was it a wild guess?

Mu Sheng looked at Instructor Qin. “You jumped too early.”

Qin Lei looked stunned when Mu Sheng said this.

He only jumped half a second early. The problem was so minuscule that his ski team had failed to notice it, but the lass managed to detect it even though she was nowhere near the ski track.

“You have really sharp eyes.” Qin Lei admired Mu Sheng’s talent, so his eyes lit up. “I’m sure you love skiing too.”

Mu Sheng glanced at the awkward Ruan Yingying before she smiled. “I love skiing.”

“Why don’t you come in and ski?” Qin Lei invited Mu Sheng to join them enthusiastically.

Everyone went up the professional course at a loss.

An odd feeling rose in the director’s heart when he saw Qin Lei walking side by side with Mu Sheng.

The highlight of the show was probably going to be Mu Sheng.

He furtively told the cameraman to focus on Mu Sheng.

The professional ski track consisted of a slope and a ski jump zone filled with obstacles.

The skier had to overcome each obstacle, and the length of the ski jump was built following the standards for national competitions.

Everyone felt scared just looking at the jagged ski track, but Mu Sheng was going to ski down the course.

Even a highly skilled amateur might not be able to land safely, let alone a girl like Mu Sheng.

A ski team member felt bad for Mu Sheng, so he stepped forward and helped to talk them out of making her ski. “The slope here is so hard that even I have trouble finishing it. If you want to ski, why don’t we do it over there instead?”

Since Ruan Yingying used to ski competitively, she was keenly aware of the track’s difficulty. She glanced at Mu Sheng, who was talking to Qin Lei, before she stepped forward and said, “It’s really dangerous. I don’t think you can finish the course. Why don’t we go back to the other course instead?”

“It’s fine.” Mu Sheng raised her head and glanced at the track. She had practiced countless times in her past life, so the ski track was like home to her.

Ruan Yingying lowered her head and concealed the smile on her face.

Sure enough, she was an idiot that always got goaded into action.

Qin Lei was the only person who looked at Mu Sheng with anticipation. After he chatted with the girl, he realized that she sounded very professional.

Mu Sheng had gone to change her gear and did not come back for a long time.

A member of the film crew came over and secretly said to the director, “We have to finish editing the episode by tomorrow night. If we keep waiting, we won’t have time to finish it. Why don’t we cut Mu Sheng’s parts and stop waiting for her?”

The director checked the time. “Fine. I…” Before he finished his sentence, he stood dumbstruck.

He abruptly stopped mid-sentence. The film crew was puzzled, so he turned to look in the same direction and went stunned.

A light black silhouette was gliding towards them at high speed.

Mu Sheng’s exquisite profile could be seen when she came close to them.

In comparison to Ruan Yingying’s slow, graceful moves, Mu Sheng was utterly swift and lithe as she glid past them like the wind.

Mu Sheng jumped right onto the rails after gaining speed using the slope.

The rails were long and narrow, so they were hard to stand on to begin with. However, Mu Sheng looked like she was walking on flat ground in the skis.

She looked like a nimble snow leopard as she looked on with her eyes narrowed while she went over the wall of snow and glided over the slope.

Mu Sheng’s black ski gear was in stark contrast to the snow and brought out her speed.

She skied smoothly nonstop.

Mu Sheng quickly skied through the obstacle course and gained speed once more.

She leaped from the ski jump and did four continuous backflips before she somersaulted 1440 degrees and landed. The momentum was so strong that she left snow flying in the air.

Mu Sheng stood still.

The crowd went silent.

Chapter 3: Proud Little Brother

Only the sound of flags flapping in the wind was audible on the ski track.

Mu Sheng skied over slowly. There was some snow on her face, and her eyes were filled with pride and confidence. It felt as though the grounds beneath her feet were not a training ground but an Olympic podium.

“That’s incredible.” Qin Lei’s excited voice broke the silence.

He had an inkling that Mu Sheng was a great skier, but he did not expect her to be so agile and smooth. Even he was incapable of achieving this.

Qin Lei had an appreciation of how flawless Mu Sheng’s every move was. However, the laymen were simply floored by the four continuous backflips she did. After all, the visual impact was immense.

The director suddenly snapped out of his daze and slapped the cameraman’s arm. “Do you have that on film?”

The cameraman was stunned as well. “Yeah. All four cameras were on her.”

The director smiled so hard that there were wrinkles on his face. “Focus on Mu Sheng For the rest of the episode. Trust me. The ratings are going to go through the roof.”

The director was keenly aware of the importance of such highlights in a program.

Mu Sheng’s remarkable skiing was genuinely cool and eye-catching. The audience would certainly love it if they used it as a highlight.

“Miss Mu, do you want to join the provincial team?” Qin Lei admired Mu Sheng’s talent so much that he wanted to poach her right away.

“Let’s go on filming. Can you tell us what kind of training you do? How did you manage to do the backflip?”

Qin Lei and the director surrounded Mu Sheng and fought over her.

“I will talk to you after I am done filming.” Mu Sheng stopped them decisively.

“How is this possible? Why is she so good at skiing?” Chen Jiao’s face was filled with jealousy. “Yingying, did you really mean it when you said she was a good skier?”

Ruan Yingying watched as everyone surrounded Mu Sheng. She gritted her teeth and forced a smile. “Uh huh. She has always been a great skier.”

“Tsk. She is such a showoff. Is she worried that no one knows she is a good skier? Even though she is a singer, she is bad at singing. Instead, she is good with all this other nonsense.” Chen Jiao felt upset when Ruan Yingying affirmed the truth about Mu Sheng’s skiing skills.

“Enough. Let’s continue filming and stop talking.” Ruan Yingying put on the airs of a leader.

For the rest of the filming, it was clear that the production team liked Mu Sheng and kept focusing on her.

The filming was finally completed in the evening. After waiting at the hotel entrance for half a day, Qin Lei finally spotted the film crew coming back.

Mu Sheng was wearing a broad black hoodie. Her chin was visible under the brim of the hood and seemed fair in contrast. The director spoke to Mu Sheng excitedly, but he abruptly shut up after Mu Sheng replied him.

Qin Lei immediately walked over when Mu Sheng approached him. “Miss Mu, let’s talk.”

Mu Sheng checked the time before she went to the front desk and wrote her number for Qin Lei. “I have to leave. We can talk over the phone.”

“That works!” Qin Lei happily took the piece of paper.

Mu Sheng went back to the hotel room to pack up her things. The original owner of the body had gaudy clothes, so Mu Sheng did not like them and left them in the hotel closet without taking them.

Mu Sheng put on a simple black coat before leaving through the door with her backpack.

The moment she opened the door, she saw a pair of pure innocent eyes that were synonymous with fake bitches. “Sheng, I didn’t know you were so good at skiing. Why didn’t I know this? Since we are sisters, why did you hide this from me?”

“The Mu family from the capital only has two girls. The first one is me, and the second one is Mu Xiao. Are you one of them?” Mu Sheng glanced at Ruan Yingying coldly before she left without turning back.

“Damn it!” Ruan Yingying almost broke her freshly done nails.

She was the only person in the entertainment industry who knew of Mu Sheng’s true identity.

Even though Mu Sheng kept working as an extra and got ordered around all the time, she was unexpectedly the eldest daughter of the Mu clan.

Despite having no status in the family as the unloved daughter of her father’s first wife, Mu Sheng was still a member of the family.

Mu Sheng’s true identity and good looks worried Ruan Yingying.

For the past few years, everything had been under Ruan Yingying’s control. Everyone knew how talented and beautiful the band leader of Sunny was. In comparison, Mu Sheng was known to be unrefined and had a bad temper. Ruan Yingying even managed to win the lead female role in Director Yang’s latest project.

However, everything changed today. A flash of hate swept in Ruan Yingying’s eyes. “I am the band leader and the female lead. No one can take it from me.”

It was already past 9:00 pm when the flight arrived at the capital. After Mu Sheng left the airport, she checked her bank card.

The original owner of the body only had $60 left.

“…” Mu Sheng went speechless.

The original owner of the body cut all ties with her family after she was abandoned and married to Li Hanchen. Li Hanchen did not give her any money either.

She joined the entertainment industry to make a living. Instead of making a living, she ended up becoming a public enemy.

Since Mu Sheng did not have any money, she could not even afford to stay at a hotel, so she hailed a cab and headed to Li Hanchen’s place.

It was a villa located some distance away from the city center.

Li Hanchen was the son of his father’s first wife. He and Li Ming were abducted ten years ago for an astronomical ransom, but the clan gave up on Li Hanchen and chose to save only Li Ming.

Li Hanchen miraculously returned to his family last year after ten years. However, there was no place for him in the family anymore.

The Li family did not want to draw attention to themselves, so they tossed Li Hanchen a villa in the suburbs and found him a wife from an eminent family before sending him on his way.

Since the villa was very far from the city, she had to spend her last $60 on the cab fare.

“Sigh. Now I’m really broke,” said Mu Sheng in a self-deprecatory tone as she looked at her account balance.

Mu Sheng suddenly missed the feeling of being loaded. She only realized how useful money was after it was gone.

There was only one maid in the villa. The moment Mu Sheng came home, Auntie Li instinctively frowned. “Young Madam.”

“Uh huh.” Mu Sheng walked right in.

“Auntie Li, please make me some noodles.” Mu Sheng had not had a bite since noon, so she needed to eat.

Auntie Li was startled by how polite Mu Sheng was. Was she ever this pleasant? She used to be insufferably arrogant when she came home and would throw her temper around. When did she become so quiet?

“Is there a problem?” Mu Sheng turned around when Auntie Li did not reply. Her bright unsullied eyes looked beautiful under the light as a cold powerful aura radiated from her.

“Nothing. I’ll get right to it.” Before Auntie Li wrapped her mind around Mu Sheng’s change, her body had already automatically obeyed her.

Mu Sheng washed up and lay in bed after dinner.

She had been working all day, so she wanted to close her eyes and have a good rest.

Moments later, Mu Sheng opened her eyes.

She had a keen sense of hearing. Despite the excellent soundproofing in her room, she could hear the earth-shattering sound of video games coming from next door.

She combed through her new memories and learned that Li Hanchen’s little brother, Li An, stayed next door.

Li An was Li Hanchen’s only biological brother. He was only a few years old when Li Hanchen was abducted. Li An gave up the luxuries of living in the Li residence and chose to live with Li Hanchen when he returned home a year ago.

Since he was a 15-year-old teenager, it was normal for him to be rebellious and obsessed with video games.

The sound of video games kept coming through the gaps of their doors and felt annoying.

A minute later, Mu Sheng got up and put on a jacket to go next door and opened the door.

“Damn it! Why can’t I clear the level?” Li An’s exquisite face was filled with annoyance.

Even though he was one of the best players of the game, he always got stuck at the hardest level.

Li An tried again. He tapped on the keyboard swiftly, but he was not fast enough to clear the level.

“Stupid game.” Li An kicked the chair beside him, and it gave off a shrill sound as it scraped across the ground

“Get up.” said a voice from behind suddenly.

Li An was so startled that he jumped from the chair. He exhaled in relief when he noticed it was just that irritating sister-in-law of his. “Are you nuts?”

Mu Sheng ignored him and sat down in front of the computer with her hands on the keyboard.

“Hey! What are you doing? If you damage my computer, are you going to pay for it?” said Li An before he abruptly stopped talking.

Mu Sheng had pressed start.

Mu Sheng stared at the computer in front of her as her fingers moved so rapidly on the keyboard that only a shadow could be seen.

More importantly, she was not blindly pressing the keyboard. Li An watched as Mu Sheng destroyed all the enemies that he failed to finish off with astounding skill.

It was so quiet in their room that only the sound of the keyboard could be heard as special effects exploded on the screen.

Ten minutes later, the keyboard went quiet and the screen turned gold with the words that Li An had been dying to see.

“Congratulations for passing the level. You are the first person on the server to clear it!”

Li An stared at the screen before looking at Mu Sheng’s cool profile.

Oh god! This was incredible!

Mu Sheng stood up to turn off the computer. She turned to look at Li An as he stood dumbstruck. “Go to bed.”

“Huh? Oh, okay.” He was probably astounded by Mu Sheng’s gameplay. Also, Mu Sheng was giving off a powerful aura and he did not dare retort, so he went to bed in a daze and covered himself with the blanket.

Mu Sheng turned off the light, walked out of the room, and yawned. Finally, some peace and quiet.

Li An lay in bed in the room while thinking about Mu Sheng’s technique.

Moments later, he exclaimed in the dark, “Damn, she was good!”

It was late at night and the flourishing capital had quietened down.

The lights at the offices of Flourishing Age Group were still on.

A tall man stood by the huge French windows. His custom suit accentuated his perfect figure.

He looked at the night sky quietly. It felt as though the darkness had taken shape and was about to swallow him whole.

The man stood by the window for some time before he sat back at the desk and continued working.

The lights in the office stayed on all night.

The weather was great the next day. Mu Sheng rested well and only opened her eyes when the sunlight shone down on her face.

Li An had surprisingly woken up early in the room next door since he had an unusually early night. He lay in bed for a while before he jumped up and turned on the computer.

After turning on the game, the rolling banner read: Angry Little Lion, congratulations for being the first on the server to clear the hell-level difficulty.

It was a reminder that the events that transpired last night were not a dream.

Li An ran downstairs without even washing up.

Mu Sheng was eating breakfast in the dining room. Even though she was dressed in a white sweater, the gentle color failed to soften the coldness on her face.

“Hey.” Ever since Mu Sheng married Li Hanchen, Li An did not talk to her much. He detested the seemingly stupid woman, so he never acknowledged her as his sister-in-law.

It was way too easy to impress a gaming nerd. Mu Sheng’s mastery of the game was enough to make Li An transform from an angry little lion to a docile kitty.

“Ahem ahem.” Li An attempted to gain Mu Sheng’s attention. However, Mu Sheng kept her eyes lowered as she concentrated on eating the polenta with no intention of talking to him.

Li An could not bring himself to call her his sister-in-law, but he wanted her to teach him how to clear the level. He found it unfathomable how Mu Sheng managed to avoid all the wide-range attacks from the last boss.

Mu Sheng started on the small steamed buns as she ignored Li An.

“Isn’t the polenta a little too sweet today?” After Li An took a bite, he pushed the bowl aside and said to Mu Sheng, “Don’t you think it’s too sweet? Doesn’t it taste awful?”

Li An was always a difficult boy. Despite how upset Auntie Li was, she did not dare to complain.

Mu Sheng finally looked at Li An. He felt inexplicably cold when he looked into her frosty eyes.

“Don’t waste food.”

“I’m not wasting food. Can’t I even complain if it tastes bad?” Li An started to get bratty and felt angry. “What gives you the right to stop me from complaining?”

Mu Sheng did not bother to get angry with the kid. Since she promised to give Qin Lei a call, she pulled out her phone to see that it was already time, so she stood up and left the dining room.

Li An was always the one giving people a bad attitude. This time, someone did the same to Li An, so he was furious. As Mu Sheng disappeared from the staircase, Li An shouted, “Hey! How could you do that? I was trying to talk to you but you ignored me. You are so rude.”

“I don’t talk to people who waste food,” said Mu Sheng.

“PFFTT! Who does she think she is? It was just a game and it’s no big deal.” Li An threw his temper at the empty table. “Humph! Who cares about her?”

Li An stood up and went upstairs huffily. “Does she think she’s a big deal because she is a good gamer?”

Auntie Li looked at Li An’s big bowl of leftovers and sighed in her heart. Young Madam was unpredictable and Young Master An had a bad temper. It was a tough job working as a maid in this household.

Auntie Li gathered the empty dishes and was about to throw the polenta away when a hand grabbed the bowl.

Auntie Li looked up in surprise. Li An looked awkward and did not dare to make eye contact with her. “I’m not done yet. I want to eat more.”

Li An seemed to feel embarrassed, so he took the bowl and ran upstairs with his ears clearly blushing red.

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