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The Tycoon's Unexpected Proposal


Audrey's pov *

Just a few months ago, life was perfect, I had my younger sister with me and we lived in a fancy house with the maids on our beck and call.

I was the rich queen beau at school with the world revolving around me. Life was great, however, my source of joy and happiness was cut short immediately my parents left for an important business trip only to be ambushed and killed on the spot by unknown men. My uncle who was the director of my parent's company embezzled a huge sum of Five hundred billion dollars and fled to an unknown country, leaving the company in shambles and bankruptcy.

My little sister, May was soon diagnosed with brain tumor which cost $50,000 for a surgery. And at that moment, I couldn't afford to pay my rent, neither could I afford two square meals per day.

Where and how the f**k am I gonna get such money from!

I needed to search for a solution fast and it didn't take long before solution came running towards me, however, I was going to give something precious in return for my sister's recovery.

A young woman who was sat next to me in the hospital, upon hearing my distress struck a deal with me. The Young woman introduced herself as Melissa, the wife of a rich tycoon but unfortunately, found out that she can't bear him a child because she was barren.

So she asks me to be with her husband every night for one week and if I was able to get pregnant in one week, I would be paid one hundred thousand dollars. I didn't think twice before agreeing to her offer.

After all, my sister's life was on the line and one hundred thousand dollars was an amount that was too much and too good to refuse.

And here I am, Sitting on the red king sized bed, heart pounding inside my chest like I just ran hundreds of miles without a stop. I clenched my trembling fingers as a move to brace myself up for what was to come.

My brown hair is a mess from running my fingers through it. My eyes are wide. I’m a little afraid. Terrified, really. The clothes I’m wearing are nothing sexual. Melissa told me I didn’t have to dress up at all.

Staring straight ahead, there was a massive dark wooden bed that took up the center of the room, with a mirror overhead and one behind the headboard.

I feel my heart pound, the fear is back which gets worse as I hear a knock on the door.

I glance around the room. Should I answer?

“I'm coming in”

His voice is dark and deep.

My heart rate triples.


This is really happening.

I had always fantasized about what my first time would be like. Touching the man i love, being touched..

The man standing by the door is indeed older; late thirties maybe. Not that I can tell all that much from staring at him. He looks at me, his hands by his sides, but he doesn’t seem nervous.


Staring into his deep grey eyes, I am taken aback by how he watches me, assessing.

There is something dark beneath that gaze that keeps me on the spot. This is the man Melissa spoke about.... Her husband!

“Stand up and Strip.” he says.

I do exactly as he said.

Bowing my head, I wonder how long the carpet’s been laid. It looks old, almost vintage. Maybe that is the appeal here. It reminds me of something you’d see in an old movie where the girl was put up for sale.

Okay, now I’m just trying to pretend my fantasy isn’t that fucked up, far from it.

Kicking off my sneakers, I start working on the buttons of my shirt and in the next second, my clothes and undies were a pile beside me.

After i was done, The man walked towards me and pinned me on the bed in a swift move then i felt his hard d*ck pressing against my ***.

He didn't pull off his clothes?

“Wait!....I... ”

I couldn't complete my sentence because i felt his d*ck slamming into me brutally sending waves of pain coursing through my whole body.

He didn't stop even for a moment to let me get use to his pace or size, instead he increased his ruthless thrusts, not bothering if she was hurt or not.

The painful night lasted for some hours until it was midnight. After ejaculating inside me once again, he walked into the bathroom and then i heard the shower running which meant he was taking his bath, Probably trying to scrub and get rid of my scent or any evidence that proved whatever had happened this night.

I took a deep breathe in before standing up, however, i was so tired and sore all over that i fell back to the bed immediately i tried to stand up. That man didn't go easy on me even for a second. What an animal!

I clenched my fists for a second before pulling the white bed sheets which had been stained with my v*rgin blood.

Staring at the bed sheets on my arms, i had no regrets knowing fully well more time wasted are like a ticking time bomb!

The door to the bathroom was pushed open and he walked out. He crossed his ankles while staring directly at me. He was barefoot and freshly showered, his hair still wet and droplets of water lingered over his bare chest and thick arms, as if he hadn’t bother to dry himself. His dark jeans hung loosely around his hips, halfway zipped, unbuttoned and unbuckled. My eyes lingered over his wide chest far longer than I intended. I could see his perfect chest tainted with marks from my long nails.

I flushed at the reminder. My gaze lowered to his hard-cut abs and the perfect trail of hair, a shade lighter than the hair on his head, leading from his navel to his… Oh shit, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. My head snapped up, but it was too late. He noticed me staring but never did anything.

I took a deep breathe in before opening my mouth to speak “Uhmm.... uhmm can I have the money now?”



I took a deep breathe in before opening my mouth to speak “Uhmm.... uhmm can I have the money now?”

I watched as his eyes darkened for a split second but in the next two seconds, it was gone . He walked towards me and grabbed my wrist in a dead grip, yanking me out from the bed.

“I don't know what kind of dirty games you're playing but if you ever think of running away without completing the job assigned to you, I would track you down and make your life miserable ” his words were dripped in a layer of ice.

I tried yanking my hands away from his dead grip but my efforts proved to be infertile, after all, my strength was never in par with his.

“Don't worry, I won't run away and just like you said, if I run away, you would still track me down” I spoke while meeting his gaze calmly.

He let go of my hands and reached for his phone, making a call for a few minutes. After making the phone call, he walked towards his wardrobe and grabbed a neat bedsheets which was white In color before draping it around my shoulders, covering me from head to toes.

And immediately my nakedness was covered, there was a knock on the door, “Sir Kent, Can I come in?”


A young man on a black suit walked in with a briefcase in his right hand. He handed the briefcase over to Kent who took it and dismissed him.

Kent opened it exposing countless bundles of cash. Upon seeing the money, a gleam flashed across Audrey's eyeballs, my sister's life can be saved immediately!

Just thinking about this was enough to put a breathe taking smile on her face.

However, Kent knew nothing about her suffering and emotional turmoil so he misunderstood her, thinking that she was a gold digger/ money lover who could do anything at all to get Cash even if it was to sell herself. Kent didn't know why but thinking about this possibility made him so angry that his eyeballs turned red.

He walked towards her with the suitcase in his hands and didn't stop until he was right in front of her. Audrey stretched out her right hand to collect the briefcase, however, Kent raised the briefcase filled with cash above her head before flipping it over and the bundles of cash poured around her , some hitting her face.

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“Don't you need money? Bend and pick them up one by one” He spoke coldly and that was when Audrey knew his agenda, he was trying to embarrass her.

In his eyes, she was nothing but a toy who could do anything for money and Audrey didn't really care what he thinks of her, she didn't care about her dignity that was being trampled on by him because if she did, she wouldn't have made up her mind to be here.

Audrey bent down and started picking the money one by one while placing it back into the briefcase until the complete amount was kept and locked in safely. By the time, Audrey had raised up her head after a very long time, Kent was gone.

Audrey hugged the briefcase filled with money and walked out of the room after putting on her dress. She quickly hailed a cab to the hospital where her sister, may was admitted.

And after many hours of waiting, she was finally allowed to see the doctor responsible for may's health and surgery.

“Doctor, hah, Thank God I've finally seen u, I managed to get the money for may's surgery!. The surgery should start today, we can't waste any more time!!” Audrey spoke stretching the briefcase filled with stacks of cash towards the doctor who stopped her.

“Miss Audrey, I'm so so sorry but Your sister just passed away a few hours ago, early in the morning at 01:00AM” Doctor Mark shook his head in pity.

“What?” Audrey felt her whole being freeze up in both shock and Regret.

The briefcase fell from Audrey's hand and she felt like could feel the world spinning through her peripheral vision. Her sister was dead??

Audrey's vision blurred terribly, the beautiful moment she shared with her little sister and parents flashed before her eyes before her surrounding turned dark.


Audrey opened her eyes slowly and the first thing she stared at the pure white ceiling, then the next thing that hit her was the strong smell of medicines. She was in a hospital ward and Immediately she sat up, she recollected every thing that occured yesterday.

Not only did she, agree to that contract and sell herself so that she could see her little sister everyday, healthy, sound and happy, however, the news of her death was what she received in return. Audrey sat down, curled up like a ball, crying like a new born baby.

Audrey didn't want to stay anymore, she needed to take her sister's ashes and bury her in a safe place. Then cancel the deal once and for all. What's the use of resuming the deal when the reason was no more.

With that in mind, she rushed to find doctor mark and fortunately, she was given the ashes of her little sister on time.

Audrey hugged it to her chest before exiting the hospital. As she hailed a cab to the hotel where she met Kent, she looked like a mad woman with disheveled hair, dirty clothes, and no shoes but she didn't care because she was determined to cancel their agreement.


Audrey waited for more than five massive hours before Kent showed up.

He looked attractive in his dark suit, matching his cold and distant personality. The tailored fit emphasized his strong frame, while his piercing eyes and aloof expression added to his mysterious charm.

Audrey flushed bright red. F**k! What was wrong with her? It've been only two days since they met so why was her Expression so massive whenever she saw him. At that moment, she wanted to slap herself.

Audrey quickly cleared her throat to cover her embarassment, “Uhmm, can we talk please?”

Kent didn't say a word instead reached the center of the room, his gaze fixated on a dark couch beckoning him, he exudes confidence as he settles onto the dark couch, his legs casually spread. With a hint of seduction, he lights a cigarette, placing it between his lips, casting a mesmerizing charm that captivates audrey who was present in the room, creating an irresistible atmosphere of allure.

“I want to cancel our agreement!” Audrey looked away from him as she spoke.

Seeing his posture now made her to remember the night before. Something she doesn't want to remember even for one second.

After Audrey summoned courage to speak whatever that was on her mind, she expected him to shout or break her legs for wasting his time or something. However, there was silence, deadly silence that got cold sweat dripping down Audrey's back.


When Audrey thought the silence would drag on for a very long time, Kent parted his lips and spoke,

“You really have some balls to tell me that without my money in your hands”

That was when it occurred to Audrey, she had the briefcase in her hands before she fainted and when she woke up??



This can't be happening.... This can't be happening!



“I think I forgot the briefcase in the hospital.... I... I fainted and the briefcase ” Audrey struggled to find the right words, her gaze eventually lifting to meet his, her nervousness evident in her stare.

The imposing man in front of her remained quiet, his intense gaze penetrating Audrey's very soul. She could feel a change in his emotions, a subtle shift from indifference to something more dangerous. His presence filled the room with a threatening power that seemed to tighten its hold around her, ready to crush the life out of her.

Slowly, he stood up, every movement sending a shiver down Audrey's spine. Before she could speak, he grabbed her throat, pushing her against the cold, unyielding wall. Panic surged through her, making it hard to breathe even a bit.

"I wondered why you broke our agreement," he hissed, his lips brushing her ear, his voice a low, menacing growl. "And it seems you foolishly wasted all the money I paid you, daring to avoid your responsibilities."

His fingers slipped beneath her top, touching the delicate lace of her bra as if inspecting her for remorse. Audrey struggled against his suffocating hold, desperately grasping for dear life. Frantically, she gasped for air, her voice escaping in raspy, broken pleas. "Please..I... I never meant."

But her words were lost in the darkness of his anger, drowned out by the frightening reality of her situation.

After a few seconds, he pulled out his five fingers which were wrapped tightly around her neck. Audrey gasped and coughed hard, her face bright red from nearly being choked.

“Take off your clothes”

Audrey froze and her breathe hitched after hearing his cold words. What?. No. Audrey quickly wrapped her arms around her upper body while staring at him with fright and at that moment, He looked like a panther ready to pounce and rip his prey into shreds.

“Remember, you owe me and it wouldn't be the best decision to double cross me” his icy tone echoed around the room sending scary shivers down her spine.

Audrey sent her trembling fingers to her button then she began to unbutton it slowly while maintaining eye contact with him. She didn't stop until her black top slid freely down her upper body.

The next second, before Audrey could say or do a thing, the man's slender fingers had already grabbed her chin, and his gaze seemed to be evaluating the goods in his hand.

"Uh... it hurts..." Audrey's mouth let out a soft, delicate ****.

As soon as the sound fell, she herself was startled. She never knew that she could make such a coquettish sound.

But this sound, which surprised her, clearly pleased the man. The force of the man's grip on her chin slightly eased.

He turned his head to scrutinize her face for a second. The petite woman had a face no bigger than a palm, and due to a cold, it was unnaturally flushed. Her face, without any makeup, looked even more like a tempting peach.

"Forget it, remember for next time, I like clean women."

He lightly opened his thin lips and bent down to pick her up.


Audrey's entire body was supported by the man's large palm, pressed against the just-closed door. He raised her head and tightened her hand on his chest. Wait, He was drunk?

The alcohol on his breath added to the atmosphere between them. The cold and pleasant scent of the unfamiliar man mixed with the hormones of the opposite sex instantly filled Audrey's mouth. The kiss was gradual and intense, his agile tongue prying open her teeth, as if trying to swallow all her fragrance.

"Sir, please listen to me first."

Her sobbing explanation was swallowed up by the man's lips and teeth.

The man's kiss was fierce and brutal, and Audrey, who was inexperienced, couldn't resist. She was kissed by the man in front of her until her legs went weak, and her whole body hung weakly on him.

"Remember, I don't like women who talk too much at times like this."

The man's big hand suddenly slapped her buttocks, not too hard, but with a warning.

Audrey's whole body couldn't help but tremble. She raised her tearful eyes to the man in front of her, but the light in the apartment was too dim, and her eyes were blurred with tears, so she could no more see the man's face clearly.

"So sweet... the smell on you is so good."

There was a special fragrance on her body. It was a light, sweet scent, not too strong or pungent, with a hint of mysterious orchid in the aftertaste.

"Be good, don't move."

The man pinched her waist with his big hand and said in a low, hoarse voice in her ear.

Audrey's body stiffened, feeling the man's hot breath spraying on her ear. She suddenly realized that the man holding her was burning hot, and his state seemed abnormal, with a strength that made her unable to break free.

"Um... sir, you're not normal..."

Audrey wanted to struggle and stop him, but before she could finish her sentence...


A sound of tearing fabric!

Audrey's last piece of modesty cloth was torn apart fiercely!

Suddenly, the man's narrow and deep eyes were filled with a valley of emotions, and he suddenly sank.

"After this... Would you try to escape again?" He squinted at her, thinking that the woman in his arms would try to escape again just like she had done before.

Audrey shook her head while sobbing and fiercely bit his shoulder, crying until she choked.

After what seemed like forever, Kent let go of the disoriented Audrey who passed out immediately after some hours of mind blowing s*x.


Audrey woke up all wet and sticky down there so she had to take a shower at 2:00PM!

After doing so, she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, confused on which clothes she was going to wear since the last one she had was torn into pieces by sir Kent, not once but twice!.

Audrey wrapped a white sheet around her body before sitting down on the bed. Her mind wandering back to what had transpired between Kent and her last night. No!

Things couldn't stay the way they are now, she needed to pay back the money she owed him as soon as possible, that way she could regain her freedom but..... How??


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