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Azure Blood

The dawn


Blue star calendar 25,000yrs ago Terra's scout fleet "Dawn" landed on Pangaea Proxima (Current Blue star), But the "Dawn" found the planet without intelligent lifeforms instead they found an abundance of "The energy" (The energy is what the cultivators use to strengthen themselves and increase their lifespan), the more energy there is at a time the faster and further the cultivators can train.

Faced with this treasure trove the high command of the Dawn decided to settle down there and send radio waves instead as a trip back to the Home world would take another 100,000yrs at 50% the speed of light, but little did they know that every 1 million years the planet gets pulled into a "hidden wormhole" that sends the planet to the orbit of a similar home star in an identical galaxy in which The home world(Terra) is a rogue planet(a planet that was thrown of it's orbit around a host star. When the realized they knew there was no way to get back to the Home world so those in power started to divide in factions and fight for resources and dominance, but the turmoil was quelled by the Dawn's Supreme High Command General(SHCG) Sir Priamus Sylver also known as the last true dragon of the Sylver family.

Priamus had the highest authority and cultivation base of the"peak stage High warrior",and because he was the Supreme high command general he had many privileges that allow him to maintain a state of superiority over the various factions,one of these were the Energy vein control plaque and the sovereign's guardian automaton with a the strenght of an early stage high general.

Priamus was able to control and maintain peace through his wisdom and noble heart for 5,000yrs until his death on the ninth lunar cycle of the year 5,000(Blue star calendar), upon his death his first and only son Sir Rhine Sylver

also known as the "THE coldblooded dragon", succeeded him us the Supreme high command general, but upon inauguration he strategically striped key powers of their authority and put them under house arrest, this action marked the start of the end of the Old Era, dividing the Dawn colony into several factions which will later merge into three powers, The Soaring Dragon Empire(The supreme high command general's faction), United Militaria(High command general of the right's faction) and The Five nations alliance(High command general of the left's faction), among these the Empire remained the strongest, but at the end of the strife, for some unknown reason the planet's energy density decreased and no one was able to train pass the level of High captain (cultivation base) anymore, and that marked the Era of The Three Powers.

...Flash forward...


 The empire's territory was vast and yet it continued to encroach on the other two forces with justification that during the OLD ERA their imperial family owned all the territory on the planet and all other powers are rebels, the empire is spread across various diverse biospheres on an almost united continent geographically. Although the SD Empire is the most tyrannical of the three, fears of the Alliance spreading revolutionary ideas into the territories of the two dictatorships caused the Alliance to be plotted against, in the year 20,000 after the end of the OLD ERA the Blue star was once again In turmoil. The conflict lasted for over 80 solar cycles(80 yrs) and during the war there were four major battle fronts, the Empire's four Marshall families (lancre, Martello, Spade and Brascia) pressed the Alliance from the North over the Crescent moon mountains commanded by the Guardian of the Northern Domain, Sir Felix Armstrong (MIDDLE STAGE KING LEVEL). On the Western front the Emperor's personal army, "THE EMPEROR HAND" pressed the Alliance, commanded by The Guardian of the Eastern Domain, Sir Rhone von Sylver(third Prince of the empire). On the southern and eastern front militaria put pressure on the Alliance forcing it to spread its forces thin, although the Alliance was weaker compared to the combined forces, they had key natural defenses that they utilized to impede the enemy forces, on the other hand the empire couldn't mobilize all the forces for fear of a backstabber and also because most powerhouses were forbidden from leave their domains unless there were foreign invaders(written in the Codex Priamus), so to protect the non practitioners from the immense and sometimes lethal pressure they exude during combat. These advantages allowed the Alliance to be able to drag the war for 80yrs against the siege of the two superpowers until finally surrendering on the third lunar cycle of the year 25,100(Blue star calendar).

The Imperial City

Militaria Base City

Alliance Capitol

Power structure

On Blue star the most influential and powerful people are the practitioners of the path of strength, but the path of the practitioner is not for all the walk, the techniques required to be a practitioner is not available to anyone but only selected few such as the aristocratic families, Marshall families, Energy Knights, and rich families(if approved by the emperor himself), but in the Alliance and Militaria, civilians can't practice the techniques(official and those in power are not considered civilians). There are eight known levels of cultivation and on every there are three stages, "Early", "Middle", "Peak". The peak level you can train to is determined most of the time by you talent which is designated from top to inferior as "A", "B","C","F", rank talent. All this is written in the Codex Priamus By Sir Priamus Sylver the father of Blue star and the progenitor of the Imperial family, with the knowledge brought from the home world Terra, that has become like a myth in the current era, it is written in the Codex Priamus:

[Cultivation level] [lifespan]

Warrior. 120yrs

Captain. 240yrs

Major. 500yrs

General. 1,500yrs

King. 6,000yrs

Emperor. 30,000yrs

HighWarrior. 60,000yrs

HighCaptain. 180,000yrs


peak of strength on Blue starr(3 and 2 nations era)].

The Emperor is at the Peak Stage HighWarrior and has been trying to break through for 3000yrs now.

The emperor has three sons, but because of fear that they might want to rob his throne he sent them far away only come to visit when he gave them permission. His first son Sir Randell Sylver was sent off world to a neighboring planet to govern and take forward the colonization and mining process and also to guard the interests of the empire as the other powers were vying for dominion of over the planet, but the planet didn't have enough energy density, so the energy knights had to make cycles to come to Blue star to train for while and go back until they finished their compulsory service, but Sir Randell as the High Commander had an energy gather array that allow him to train under the same condition as if he was on Blue star, so he was forbidden to come to Blue star unless order by the emperor.

Sir Randell Sylver "the mad dragon"

Early stage HighWarrior

The second son Clyde Calis Follen was also sent off world by the emperor, because he disobeyed the emperor and married a woman with "inferior genes", in fact Clyde's children were born with no imperial features and B rank talents so the wanted to execute them, but upon second thought he decided that because Clyde's was his son and also an accomplished warrior he will spare his grandchildren and daughter-in-law and also allow them to live as imperials but in exchange Clyde needed to guard the moon port, exchanging resources with Red star(the neighboring planet) and also to secretly serve as the vanguard if even Randell tries to siege the imperial city with his fleet, and if these conditions weren't met the guards that guarded his wife and children will execute them without on the spot without a trial. Randell could only visit Blue star twice in one solar cycle and Clyde's maternal family were banished along with him.

Clyde Calis Follen "the unlucky dragon"

Peak Stage Emperor

The third son was far younger than his older brothers by at least 3000yrs and so weaker, his father didn't consider him a threat but still the emperor ever so cautious kept him close not allowing him to mingle too much with his older brothers, by appointment him as the Guardian of the Eastern Domain (where the Imperial city is located). Sir Rhone von Sylver is a strong practitioner at the Peak Stage King level.

Sir Rhone von Sylver "the noble dragon"

Peak Stage King

The three brothers have one bastard sister that no one will ever come to know Sylvia Spade, the emperor doesn't sleep around in order the safeguard the superior genes they inherited from their above transcendent level ancestor but United Militaria device a plan to harvest and replicate the Imperial gene but since they had no way of knowing how to identify a compatible gene they naturally failed, but partially although the result was unfavorable it was still imperial blood, the result was a female with blond hair and blue eyes, only her blue eyes came closer to looking like an imperial, she had a B rank talent, so they decided to at least cultivate her and make her serve as a source genetic material. When a practitioner breaks through to the High warrior level they are able to sense the presence of those who carry their blood as long as they draw energy from the same energy veins, so the emperor was able to sense the extra unaccounted blood relative and in an enemy territory, following this the emperor sent covet Peak stage generals to go and bring back the mysterious new family he even sent the third Prince Sir Rhone, so he can identify the person. When the third Prince and his allies arrived they found out the blood energy signature the emperor felt was from a secret research lab meant to recreate and mass produce super soldiers with talent on par with the imperials, they decide to bring back the then young girl of 12 years and destroy the lab, as they were heading back into imperial territory they were cut off by a united militaria powerhouse at the Peak stage of King level, at that time Sir Rhone was only an Early Stage of King level and won't be able to defeat him even if he fought to death, they were in big trouble,

Covet officer 1:Sir Rhone you are the fastest go ahead we will buy you time!

Rhone: No! You two take the girl and run, I have a higher level I can hold him off longer maybe even chase him away.

Covet 2:But you are the.....

Rhone :Enough! Move

Covet 1 and 2 :Yes sir!

Enemy :You let your subordinates go do you think you can close the gap in level because you are younger?

Enemy:You are not my opponent 😠

Enemy :You think you can come and go as much as you please in our territory?

Rhone:hm we won't know unless we try🤔🤔😄😄😄

Enemy :oh, we will see how long you can laugh, after my men recapture the girl


The two lunged at each other breaking the sound barrier, and creating a loud boom upon impact disturbing the environment, as the fight kept dragging, Rhone started to lose the upper hand, get weaker and slow upon every impact, but he was mostly worried about the girl and the 2 covets. Rhone Los focus and was kicked hard in the abdomen breaking a couple bones, with the chance the enemy took the opportunity to stab Rhone to death, but at that moment the emperor that had secretly left the imperial city arrived blocking the sword,

Rhone : Father?

Enemy : you… are the emperor

Emperor :And you are my enemy

Emperor(Peak Stage HighWarrior) :scram if you don't want to die. 😈😈

The militarian scared out of his wits turned around immediately and leaped as far as he could trying to get as far as he can from the menacing "coldblooded dragon".

Rhone :father the girl might be in trouble!

Emperor :Don't worry I met them on the way and took care of the pursuers

Rhone:That's good then

Rhone: Did you let him go?

Emperor :If we stay too long, I will be sourrounded, i am not invincible on bluestar yet.

New Beginnings

The two turned towards the empire's territory and flew quickly in that direction, they were able to enter imperial territory before they were surrounded by Militaria's forces. Upon arrival the emperor ordered a gag about the night's happenings, even going as far as to threaten the families of the 2 covet officers, He had them send the girl to the Spade family, one of the Empire's four Marshall families. This girl will later become the mother of the chosen one.

Sylvia (The Silver Knight)

Nobility in the Empire is diveded into Higher and lower. The High nobles are descendants of powerful families, and government officials from the old era, meanwhile the lower nobles, are either public officials or energy knights. If you were not born into the High Nobility you can still become a High noble if you reach the Emperor level, and after you die the title can be passed unto your descendants for 200yrs, if after two hundred yrs you family doesn't have and Emperor level or higher knight, they will lose the title. The benefits of being a high noble is the allowance to personally train energy knights and buy energy training techniques. The lower nobles have to spend money, to send their children to the empire's energy training academies, which was extremely expensive, but as they were consider nobles, depending on your rank you would be given three free quotas for every year. Those who don't receive proper training will only be able to train to reach the Peak Stage Warrior level.

Ranks of Nobility(High)

Imperial Family

Duke (A High Captain Level)

Marquis(A High Warrior Level)

Count (An Emperor Level)



Marshall(A King Level)

Baron(A General level)

City lord( A Major Level)

Energy Knight (A Captain level)

The Spade family, like all other Marshall families, strive to climb the ranks of nobility, and so they studied the emperor's pattern of choosing the "compatible genes" that can activate the imperial genes, to give birth to offsprings that will be able to at least reach the Emperor level, without any material they could only speculate. Faced with this opportunity which is Sylvia the "bastard" daughter of the emperor, the patriarch of the Spade family didn't let it slide, he quickly singled out one of his sons that was most compatible, and had him draw closer to Sylvia, and as predicted by the Patriarch, the two became inseparable and the Patriarch's son, Luke Spade(The Bleeding heart) fell in love with Sylvia, but the same could not be said for Sylvia.

Spade Marshall family Patriarch

Ambrocious Spade (The Lion heart)

500yrs(Early Stage King Level)

The two did almost everything together, they trained together, they studied together and sometimes ate together, they practically grew up together.


MOUNT DURENDAL(The Highest point in the Spade Marshall Family's base city)

Luke and Sylvia stand opposite each other, eyes locked, and shimmering under the Starry night sky, on one side shown the moon with otherworldly light, on the other side twinkled the stars from galaxies away, as if to bear witness to this moment the night was silent yet filled with life. Luke kneels on one knee, his left arm on his chest as if to grab his heart, his right hand lifted to Sylvia, and in a low and soft voice asks her... Will You Marry Me...., an expected silence fell for a short moment, but for Luke it was an eternity of thoughts <> "Is this calm before the storm, or the silent aaffirmative should I break the silence?, am I allowed to blink?, with this amount of silence, could she hear my heart beat?". Sylvia finally gave her answer,

Sylvia: No, I am sorry

Luke :......

Sylvia : I see you as my brother

Luke:. But...

Sylvia :Besiddes I like someone else

Luke : who... is it?

Sylvia: [Shakes head and runs away sobbing]

At that moment clouds covered the last bit of moon on the horizon, and the sunrise from the side drowns out the stars. On that night something died and another was born. As Luke gazed at the retreating back of the one who held his heart, he didn't feel angry or betrayed, he just felt sad and weathering the further she got, and every time he took a breath he felt the abyss her absence created in him, gape and widen. No one knew of his pain, until months later when Sylvia and Tyson Spade( The Night Monarch), announced their intent to get married, anyone close enough to luke and Sylvia knew. The Patriarch didn't interfere with the two, because even if he wanted to it will be difficult, he knew that although guardians placed to look after Sylvia were not his match individually, together they posed a threat, and he knew that the emperor will get suspicious if he tries to force Sylvia to one of his sons leaving the other.

Luke Spade (The Bleeding Heart)

30 yrs old (Peak Stage Major Level)

No one in the Spade Marshall family manor could have ever guessed this kind of relationship between Sylvia and Tyson. Tyson was given the Mónica of Night monarch, because of his quiet and cold nature, those who didn't know him Imagined him as a cold-hearted and cruel person, and the rumors didn't help him either, some say on at the time of his birth it was a stormy night with no stars, and upon his birth he uttered no cries, and when entertained gave no laughter. He was born with the thunder and ice constitution which allowed him to be second only to the first son of the Marshall in terms of talent, though being the fourth in line himself, he boasted a strong cultivation base of the Middle Stage Captain Level, at 20 yrs old.

Note: Tyson is older than luke by four years

Author : What will you do if you we in Luke's place?

Author :And what if you were in Sylvia's


Next the image of Tyson will be revealed look forward to it 🔥🔥🔥🔥.

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