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"Rose Valentine is a 17 year old girl who lives with her mom & step dad who she considers her biological father. Since she could remember he's been her father figure. She's an only child, until her step brother has no choice but to move in with her and her parents. He's having trouble back at home with his mom, so moving in with dad it is. Find out what happens when bad boy Justin and good girl Rose realize that there love for each other is stronger than they thought"

...It's been a couple of days since Justin & I had that moment. I can't stop thinking about it. I wish I could but I can't. I keep trying to bring my self back to reality. He hasn't treated me any different. I mean why would he, that was just a step brother, step sister moment... Right? Yeah it was. He cares for me as his step sister & nothing more... & I care for him as my step brother, nothing more....


AUTHOR: hi guys 🙋🏻‍♀️

let's start this new story I hope you guys will like it ☺️

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My mom & my step-father have been together 15 years, & married for 14. I hate calling him my step father because he's the ONLY father I've ever had. He's raised me, respected me, supported me financially and emotionally. He's only treated me the way a dad treats a daughter that he loves uncondionally. We live in a decent house in New Jersey, since I could remember I've always lived a pretty decent life style. Nice cars, nice clothes, nice shoes. You know! A pretty good life, NOT rich just really comfortable. Mom, 5'4, light skin Columbian, long brown hair & brown eyes. She's a day care owner. She's always had a passion for kids, but has had trouble getting pregnant. I'm a miracle baby, that's what she calls me. As for dad he's white, tall about 6'2, blue eyes, brown hair. He owns a successful restaurant in New York City. So yeah money isn't an issue.

I have a step brother named Justin who I only saw during summer vacations. Up until we we're 11 & 12. After that I never saw him again. Justin has always had a really bad attitude so we've never really clicked. Today my wonderful parents decided to drop the bomb on me that exactly a week from today Justin will be moving in with us. I asked why about 100 times and all they did was ignore the question, or just tell me that there's no reason at all. But I don't believe it, he's always been a troubled kid. He's probably running from the law or something.


To be completely honest I'm not really looking forward to this. That means I'll no longer be an only child anymore. UGH! Just the thought of it really does piss me off. But I'm willing to make things easy for my parents and not be such a *****. But the moment he thinks he's gonna talk to me how ever he feels like it with no hesitation I'm gonna put him in his place.

******4 days later******

Today dad is painting one of the extra bed rooms for Justin. He's painting it all grey, one of the walls with red stripes. He bought new black furniture, a queen size bed, we already had a flat screen in there. We have 3 guest bed rooms and out of all rooms they give him the one across from mine. How annoying right? Having to share my home with a "sibling" annoys the living shit out of me. But what ever, I really am trying my hardest to be positive here!

******3 days later******

Is 9:30am & both my parents woke me up about 10 minutes ago like ******* maniacs. They want me to clean my room, take a shower, and get dressed before Justin gets here. They are going so hard, as if we we're waiting for Obamas arrival!! Is not that serious. But what ever I guess they're right I wouldn't want my "BROTHER" thinking I look like a bumb after 6 years of not seeing each other.


I'm finally showered, my room is clean, and I'm all dressed. I'm not wearing anything spectacular. But I do feel pretty in my high wasted faded Jeans, a tight white cropped top, a thin red belt, a gold necklace, & white Steve Madden simple sandals. My hair is how it usually is, loose, brown, long, and kind of wavy. Just how I like it.

I'm sitting on my hot pink computer chair looking out of my window. I see dad's BMW drive up in the drive way. He beeps the horn about 5 times, meaning come down stairs prince Harry is here! Let me just go down stairs & put on my best smile. As I'm walking down the stairs I pause as I see dad open the house door with two luggage. Behind him is this tall guy, exactly dads height. Short but kind of spikcey dark brown hair, the sun from outside is hitting his face I can tell he has really light hazel eyes. If you ask me he's pretty handsome. That's Justin. He has tattoos all over his right arm. I continued walking down as soon as they realized I was looking. I have a huge smile on my face.

I run to my dad.

"Hey daddy!" I give him a huge kiss on the cheek.

"Hey sweet heart!" He puts the luggage on the floor.

་་ You two have obviously met before but it's been so long. Rose, Justin, Justin, Rose."

Dad walked towards the kitchen and we just stood their staring at each other. He seems to be mesmerized I can tell by the way he's just looking at me. Mom interrupted the staring contest as she yelled happily walking from the kitchen.

"Oh my God Justin it's been sooooooo long, you've grown up to look just like your father!" She pinched his cheek as if he was 5, gave him a huge hug and a kiss.

"Hey Nancy is really nice seeing you, beautiful as always!" He said as he hugged her back. Of course he thinks my mom is hot, who doesn't. But ew!

"Well welcome home hunny anything you need, I mean anything you can just let me and your father know!" She said as she was walking back to the kitchen, still smiling like a clown. "Rose don't just stand there, help Justin with the rest of his stuff!"

I rolled my eyes, forgetting about the fact that he's standing right in front of him. I don't even care. We both walked towards the trunk, not even saying one word to each other. I'm definitely not gonna be the one to brake the silence.

"So Rose 6 years huh? You haven't changed a bit."

He said as he was walking in the house with some bags. Of course it had to be him to brake it. I stood their confused, rolling my eyes. Not sure if to take it as a compliment or an insult. Not sure if he was being serious, or playing around. I can already tell this is gonna be a very new, interesting, stressful life.

Fúck it....



It's already been two months. Summer is almost over. Living with Justin isn't always peaches and cream. Sometimes him and dad argue for a few days straight. Him & I don't get a long as much as my parents wish we did. The only one he treats with respect in this house is my mom. I can tell he loves her.

He holds this huge grudge on dad, & I wish I knew what it was. Today I'm being forced to take him to the mall with me. With summer almost over and senior year almost here, I have a lot of shopping to do. Justin will be starting senior year with me, he failed 4th grade so he's a year behind from where he's suppose to be. I'm not really looking forward to starting my senior year with him. At all.

As I'm getting dressed to go to the mall I realize that Justin is still laying his lazy A$$ in bed. I walk over to his room..

"Um are you ready?"

"Um do I look ready?" He said while changing the channels, not even looking at me.

"Um obviously not, can you get ready so we can leave?"

"Um, can you give me 15 minutes!" This time he looked at me, I can tell he's annoyed. But I can give two shits. He can tell I'm annoyed to.

I rolled my eyes & slammed his door. "Fúckiñg Dïck!" I said it loud enough for him to hear me.

"I heard that!" He yelled.

"That was the point!"

30 minutes later this a$$hole is still not ready. I'm sitting in my Jeep that mom and dad got me for my 17th birthday 3 months ago. I've beeped the horn about 20 times now. Right when I'm about to pull out of the drive way and leave his a$$, he opens the house door. He's literally taking his sweet A$ time walking towards the passenger seat. Impatiently I beep the horn about 5 times in a row.

Why must he be so obnoxious? He opens the car door as if somethings funny. "What's so funny?" I asked as I'm looking back making sure I don't hit anything. I had a habit of doing that. "You!"

"I didn't know I was a joke."

"I never said that, but seeing you mad has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen!" He has a stupid smirk on his face. He really does know how to get under my skin. He seriously does.

"HA HA!" I said sarcastically. "Is fúckiñg hysterical right?"

"Pretty much."

We we're about half an hour away from The Garden State Mall. And the whole time there the car ride was pretty quiet. No noise, just music. I liked it that way. I didn't want not one word to come out of his mouth, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about me.

At the mall I ran into some friends, bought lots of shirts, a few shoes, Jeans, you know just new stuff to start off the year. He did the same. He actually has pretty good taste. I'm kind of surprised he even bought shirts, he's ALWAYS shirtless around the house. We finally arrive at the house.

"ROSE, JUSTIN?!" Yelled mom from her room. As I'm getting closer to her room I can smell the sweet smell of the Burberry Britt perfume. That has been moms signature scent for a really long time now. Justin and I stood in front of her room door watching her put on a beautiful pair of diamond earings. She's wearing a beautiful tight short but very classy Burgundy dress, with really high black heels.

Justin's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Wow, you look beautiful Nancy!" He brought a bright smile to my mothers face. "Thank you Justin, that's so sweet." I stood there kind of annoyed with my arms crossed.

"Yes mom?"

"Your dad and I are going out to meet with a few friends in a little bit. We'll be gone for a while, we left money on the counter order what ever you want." I rolled my eyes "Great." I said under my breath. Justin stood there smiling with his hands in his pocket. He's so cool, well at least he thinks he is!

"Cool, have fun. Be safe, and don't do anything that you shouldn't do!"

My mom bursted out laughing. Because to her and everyone else besides me and dad, everything he says is so funny & so charming. When in reality is so annoying. I walked away. I couldn't take the cornyness any longer.


Mom & dad have been away for a couple of hours now. Justin and I haven't exchanged words. I've been in my room reading and he's been in his doing what ever it is that he does in there. As I'm reading my phone starts to ring. Wondering who it is I flip my phone over.

"What the fúck does he want?" I said to my self. Is my exboyfriend Sebastian. There is nothing that we need to talk about so there is absolutely no reason for him to be calling me. Thinking that he will get the point that I don't want to talk to him I throw my phone on the bed. Not even a minute after it stops ringing, it starts ringing again. The same thing happened a few more times after. Finally....

"Hello!" I answered with an attitude.

"Hey Rose." Sebastian always had a way with his words, a lot like Justin. Maybe that's why I hate Justin so much because he reminds me so much of my ex.

"Hi Sebastian.. Why are you calling me?" I said with a voice of boredom

"Because I've been thinking about you a lot lately, is there a problem with me calling you?" He sounded concerned.

"Yes Sebastian there actually is a problem."

"Can you tell me why.."

I stood quiet for a second, threw my book and stood up from the bed. "Sebastian when you broke up with me for another girl I was torn, I was broken I was hurt. But I moved on and I'm happy without you simply because your not worth anything and you will never be worth anything. Now I'll appreciate it if you forget about me, & never call me again."

I didn't scream, I'm not even arguing. I'm done with the arguing, arguing would only give him hope because he'll think I still care. I don't care about him anymore. I don't care, but I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I have a huge knot in my throat. I can feel my stomach getting tight. I'm trying so hard to fight back the tears. But who am I kidding? I can't.

Sebastian and I once had something beautiful, brief but real. At least I thought so. Until he left me, right when I started to fall hard. He left me for someone else. I thought my world was over when we we're.

"Do you want pizza?"

Fúck Justin is in my room. Has he ever heard of knocking. Thank God my back is turned towards the window and he can't see me crying.

"Sure." I said as normal as I could. I don't want him to see me crying, I don't want him to hear it in my voice. Fúck I can feel him getting closer. I wiped my tears as much as I could. "Cheese or pepperoni?" He asked with his cell in his hand getting ready to call Pizza Hut. At this point I can't even speak, I hate when someone catches me crying I start crying even more. He's noticing, I feel it.

In a soft voice he asked. "Are you crying?" Without even looking at him I sat on my bed, looked to the floor and said "No." He slowly sat next to me. "I accidentally over heard your conversation an-

Very defensively I responded. "You we're spying on me?"

"No, no is not even like that. I was gonna knock, then I heard you on the phone and couldn't help but listen."

A frustrated laugh came out of me. "Now I can't even be on the phone in my own room, great!"

"Point is that, he doesn't deserve for a girl like you to be crying over him. If he left you is because he didn't appreciate what he had."

I'm honestly surprised, Justin trying to make me feel better it just doesn't sound right. But surprisingly it feels so right. He's right. I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked at him and gave him a small smile. "Your right." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here." He smiled back at me.

"I want pepperoni pizza!" I said, we both laughed a little. I guess living with Justin won't be that bad after all.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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