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Fantasy Becomes Reality

It was more than a decade ago.
When "Black World" suddenly appeared in the sky one day.
It was a gate that opened and brought cataclysm on Earth,
dealing a significant damage and terror to the inhabitants of the blue planet.
The Earthlings, who had been living in peace, quickly fell into the hands of monsters.
The government was useless.
The military were losing.
And the people were dying.
On this day, explosions rung in the child's ears.
While screama of horrors and loud howls of monsterd continuously sounded not too far away.
Everything was in total chaos.
Greeneries are destroyed.
Everything around was left in devastation.
That includes the dreams and hope of the young, replaced by fear and trauma.
For a moment, I saw the end of the world.
But the end was only just beginning.
...In the middle of the ruined city. A child sat there, looking at the corpses of both human and monsters that littered the road.
The strong smell of burning flesh and asphalt was unpleasant and nauseating.
Although fire and turmoil was all around, the heart of this young child only went cold, as the warmth she's hugging slowly slipped away.
Tears silently streamed down her dirty cheeks. However, the innocent silver eyes of hers reflected the figures of those creatures that did not belong to this world,
killing and destroying everything on sight.
It was chilling.
But it was hell.
Her home was invaded by species that looked almost identical to tje fiction she had seen before —
Big, strong, and monstrous characters that resembled nightmares.
However, this time, it was real.
Reality had become fantasy.
And fantasy had become reality.
A world where nightmares are real.
The things I believed in crumbled like dust.
Uncertainty of the unknown arose.
Fear of death becomes the norm.
Survival was becoming harder each day.
Aether remembered the stories she had read. The anime she had watched...
All those things that were only supposed to exists in the imagination started taking roots in the real world.
From this moment onward, humans began to live in the apocalypse.
But all hope wasn't lost.
After that catastrophic event, some people evolved, mutated, and gained abilities.
This was the hope that give humans a little sense of peace.
The ability to fight beings that will try to invade their planet.
Years later, the human race was able to recover. But the face of tragedy remained in their land and lingered on their minds.
They become the hope of ordinary people.
Heroes in the eyes of children.
And aspirations to a lot of people.
These people that wield special energies and elements of nature gather under the flagship of Strict Order.
Unfortunately, even with talented people and courageous individuals,
the same peace wasn't easily obtainable.
Just like from past histories,
peace always comes with a heavy price.
In this kind of world, it is uncertain if you are the hunter or the prey.
But it was a known fact that the powerful got it all.
Even mercy is in their hands.
Humans are weak.
It was the reason why other planetary species desired and looked down upon earth.
They are emotional creatures.
They despised humans who look strong but are weak.
And have this baggage called emotions that shackles and weakens their potential.
All this so-called higher beings judge our fate by instilling fear and killing the brave.
Just because they were stronger.
Just because they were different.
For them, it was natural to see the weak suffer.
It was natural for the frail to die.
These supernatural beings laugh at the humans who were determined to protect their own.
When they, the humans themselves, have puny strength to begin with.
It was truly laughable.
They could not understand such a serious and selfless mindset.
They are confused as to why these vulnerable mortals love to suffer from such complex feelings.
Not daring to abandon humanity that further baggage them.
But to humans, their emotions are what makes them stronger.
Species thar are naturally strong and gifted are indifferent to such humane emotions.
Power and gaining strength is all that matters to them.
Emotions that makes one weaker were useless in this brutal world.
Although the value of life is way beyond any power.
And life itself is the purpose of one’s existence…
It didn’t matter to those who didn’t care.
Because these superior species only live for the present.
If death is today.
Then today is the end.
That’s how arrogant and confident they are.

At One's Mecy

After humanity suffered the initial onslaught of the unknown,
some were unable to escape death, while others learned from their near-death experiences.
A few survived the monsters and harnessed the beast within themselves.
As the saying goes, the only way to avoid being preyed upon is to become strong, which is precisely what the younger generation under Strict Order believed.
And Aether Mir isn't any different.
They have to be stronger.
That's the only way out when facing the strong.
Aether Mir.
She's an outstanding lady recognized for her strength and considered one of the best in their association.
She is currently leading S01 South District's expedition team to a planet that suddenly appeared near Earth.
However, unbeknownst to them,
Aether and her group are in serious and imminent danger.
A situation that will make Aether and those left behind a lifetime to recover from.
Covered in scars and deep injuries,
a young lady dragged her small and battered body towards her friends, leaving a trail of blood behind.
Following her was a demon watching with extreme amusement.
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
Well, isn't this a bit touching?
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
You, reuniting with your friends in death?
The demon stepped on Aether's head, rendering her immobile.
Despite the pain, Aether remained stubborn and refused to scream.
Eventually blood flowed from her eyes as red veins popped all over the white areas of her pupils;
and her lips bruised and dripping wet with red liquid from biting too hard.
It was because she cannot give in.
She abhorred seeing the demon's proud and delighted face, and did not want to show him any expression he was eager to see.
Most of all, she did not want him to feel pleasure seeing her misery.
'It feels pathetic.'
'I'm so pathetic.'
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
Still stubborn, I see.
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
You should relax, Captain.
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
We have a lot of time to spare.
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
A lot of time to show you hell.
The demon chuckled delightedly, savoring each and every moment.
After all, he was pleased that the Earthlings he often heard of decided to pay him a visit first.
Looking down at the worm that was wriggling under his feet,
Adeon let out a silent laugh and began to move.
He kicked Aether, sending her flying through the air.
Without wasting every opportunity to have his fun,
The demon bolted towards her, appearing right beside Aether while she was still floating mid-air.
The demon raised his long legs and gave his prey a downward kick, eliciting a guttural groan from Aether’s throat.
Though Aether could feel the pain physically,
The pain in her heart was more torturous than one could ever imagine.
She had been hit.
And punch, but her attention continued to stare longingly at the lifeless bodies of her comrades.
‘You told me to run. But if I could meet you again this way, then I’d rather die today.’
‘Please don’t go…’
‘Don’t leave me alone…’
Her trembling hands extended toward their direction.
They were so close, yet so far.
Seeing this, the demon stomped heavily on her elbow, causing Aether to scream out a bloody piercing cry, trembling in immense pain.
Satisfied by his actions, Adeon grabbed a handful of Aether’s jet-black hair and watched her expression closely with much expectation.
He could clearly see the coldness tearing away from her face, replaced by a twisted expression of pain that much suited his taste.
The reaction he was aching to see finally emerge from the face of this woman.
He was a demon that loves to watch others’ misery and inflict these sufferings himself.
His deeds are something he takes pride in.
It filled him with exhilaration, but at the same time, Adeon felt that it wasn’t enough.
Despite all the damage he had inflicted on her,
he had the urge to destroy every bit of the human he was holding,
even those that remained of her –
Her anger, her sadness, her hope, her pride.
And disperse this burning spirit that deeply disgusts him.
Aether Mir was a damned thing he wanted to destroy!
He wanted to ruin her, and turn everything about her into dust.
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
You have no idea, how excited I was to see you.
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
“Your vigor and the way you fought captivated me.”
Adeon Kerus
Adeon Kerus
“It moved me to the point I have to fight you myself.”
Gripping her neck tightly, the light body of the damned woman was raised easily.
Her feet moved as she struggled.
Weak and trembling hands grasping the fingers that were strangling her.
But to no avail.
On the other hand, Adeon reel in the sight of her face turning red, to blue, and finally going purple.
He watched amusedly at the bulging veins that were rapidly palpitating under her skin,
and the rapid beating of that tiny thing inside her chest.


Aether let out a loud gasp and took deep, heavy breaths as soon as her eyes snap wide open.
Her vision was initially full of dark spots before she saw the familiar white ceiling, and the strong smell of medicine and disinfectant penetrated her nostrils.
Her fingers flinched unconsciously as her eyes cautiously surveyed the surroundings.
The only sound in the room was the heart monitor, which continued to beep beside her ears.
She was confused and did not know how she ended up in the hospital.
Gulping to ease the dry throat, Aether began to recall what happened.
As the memories started to become clearer,
Aether slowly began to panic.
Her voice cracked and sounded completely hoarse.
‘That’s right, I remember.'
'I'm alive. I...I was saved.'
Aether could feel her chest growing heavy,
And her quivering lips turned white as her eyes slowly went bloodshot.
She remembered everything that had happened to her and her group.
And at the realization that she survived alone.
These terrible memories made her mind and body woke instantly,
she tried to move but unfortunately, her body won’t let her.
It wasn’t a surprise that she ended up like this after being rescued.
'I was...utterly destroyed.'
Her real body was badly beaten until she was at death’s door.
Under the white dressing that wrapped around her carefully,
Aether felt torn, numb, and dead all at the same time. 
Because even with these thick bandages, it cannot hide what she experienced. 
It was painful.
‘It hurts.’
She was exhausted and scared.
But even after giving everything she got on the line, Aether still lost.
They won’t return.
'They won't come back.'
Her colleagues.
Her friends.
Yet here she was.
Rescued and breathing.
Given another chance at life.
Aether knew.
It wasn’t a miracle that she was alive.
Mercy wasn’t from god but from a demon.
The Demon King spared her life.
The moment he appeared, everything about this battle changed.
He turned the tide against the captain of a squad. With him present, the said captain realized there were no more chances of escape.
Earlier, Aether could still see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
However, his arrival in the midst of war was like darkness itself descended.
At the same time, morale on the other side boosted to a frightening degree.
Hellfire spread, followed by the smell of burning blood and tension. 
All soldiers! Solidify your positions! Group yourselves! Persevere and do not hesitate! Prepare for battle!
Aether shouted, the light in her eyes were like burning embers – soft but intense.
They had no choice.
They had to fight to preserve their lives and protect each other.
To live until everything was over.
‘The only option was to commence an all-out attack and defense.'
'However, the enemies are well-prepared. Were they waiting for us, the expedition team, or are they about to attack earth?’
‘No. That’s not right. This planet is still too far away to open an axis gate.’
‘But if the former was correct. How did they know we were coming?’
When their jet appeared, they were immediately surrounded. It was as if they were already expecting them.
‘What should I do? Everything about this situation leads to death.’
‘We should retreat.'
'But where?... And how?’
Aether scanned the area.
Comrades and foes collapse one by one.
And most of all…
‘Who could stand against this terrifying and overwhelming being?’
Under the cold brilliance of the moon,
He stood above the human with arrogance, looking down upon her.
Even if dust and rocks flew along with a few corpses;
whether the fire intensified between them;
both of their gazes did not falter.
Fierce sparks battling within their stares, creating ignition that starts their own battle of attrition.
Blades and bullets were exchanged in seconds.
A new battle begins.
Although the noise of the battlefield surrounded Aether,
the smirk of this demon was more deafening and infuriating than anything else at the moment.
‘This guy…he is extremely strong.’
Aether gulped. She could feel her throat drying the moment she saw a glimpse of him.
‘Depiction about demons in fiction undermines the strength of the real deal.’
Taking a deep and steadying breath, Aether pushed the fear at the back of her head and tried to calm her nerves.
No matter what the outcome of this battle is,
Aether knew she already lost terribly.
‘Everyone I’m close with is dying.'
'Even if there is no a hundred percent victory on the battlefield, there’s still a slight chance of survival.’
‘A hope to see the light of day again. Either victorious or a survivor.'
However, for the future of this team, Aether could no longer see the light.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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