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Mercy Of Your Love

Ordinarily fulfilling life

Shruti POV

Sigh! Even though I love what I do, my mom never gets enough. She always wants more and expects more from me. At one point of time I even thought that she could of given birth to a money wending machine if she loved them so much, why use me?!

In my family only my grandparents, (my mother's parents) love me unconditionally, like I was their biological daughter. I too love them like my real parents.

Today I got my placement letter in a MNC who's branch is in Mumbai. I got the job that I love, i.e., a security expert, though they expect more of that, they want me to be their top secret white hat hacker and asked me to sign a NDA. And I did so happily. I already gave entrance exams for GRE. And I got high grades and can easily get admission in top universities with high scholarship. Well it's a good thing they are valid for more than 2 years. I can fulfill my job contract and then think about it again. I always plan advanced and it never fails.

And as usual my mom is against anything I do. I just learnt to ignore her in all these years of my UG. But on the contrary my granny was overjoyed. After my UG in Mumbai my family shifted to Chennai near my grandparents but I want to live my life at least now at this age and be a little free from my mom's nagging. So I chose Mumbai and my mom is pissed off. I don't care.

After 6 months

I decided to return to Chennai to meet my grandparents. And unfortunately I see my mom in their house too. I just felt something that I won't like is going to happen but I didn't know what's going on.

Mom: Shruti, my child you are back, you know I couldn't live my life and eat well when you were away from me!

Shruti: ( yeah, yeah, I can see that you are still alive and kicking even though "you couldn't live". God where's granny I wanna see her! It's been just 6 months but it feels like 6 years! )

Granny: Aww my sweet daughter! (Tries to hug with all her strength, but Shruti runs over and hugs tightly, tears of joy flow through her eyes.)

I missed you so much, I prayed every day so that you be safe, poor child you are living there alone, I'm so worried about you.

Shruti: Ma, don't worry, you do know how strong I'm, and no body dares to mess with me. And don't worry about me being alone, I live in the company quarters, and it's very safe.

Mom: Huh! How can a woman be safe without a man around her to look after her! Or don't tell me, you already have a man. (Smirks)

Shruti: (Feels disgusted by her mom's talks) Sorry mom, just because you are good at "finding people" to rely on it doesn't mean I do the same. I always go solo! (winks)

Mom: (glares and complains to granny) Look mom, she is speaking so rudely to her parents that too in front of you, we should soon find a suitable groom or else now a days girls living away from their parents end up doing shameful things.

Granny: (glares at her daughter) You were the one who speaks bad about her. I can swear in front of Gods for her character.

(Turns to Shruti) My child come let's eat you traveled a lot, must be hungry, I made all your favourite dishes, only for you.

Shruti: Ma you are the best. (kisses granny's cheek).

Erase her

New York City

Rum bottle crashes. Looks at a photo frame, a woman happy with his brother, touches her face lovingly but suddenly throws the frame and crashes into pieces, picks up all the pictures with her smiling photos with other people and pours alcohol on them, takes out his personalized lighter and burns them.

Ron: (comes running to the room after the fire alarm goes on) Chris! Are you out of your bloody mind! I know you are not that weak to commit suicide, open the damn door you idiot!

(Chris opens the door)

Huh! You are alright, thank God! You scared the shit out of me! From where is this much smoke coming from then? What did you do now? You told me to leave you alone for today so that you can think clearly, is this what you wanted to do?

Chris: (smirks) Do you think that bitch is worth my life that I will commit a suicide! She made all of us emotional fools and took that selfish decision, why should I do the same! (Crashes the glass of drink in his hand). She never deserved to be treated as the queen of the King family! No woman does deserve! All of them are selfish enough to leave their families suffer and die to go to hell!

(Sits on a near by couch and lights his cigar)

I took my decision Bro, I'm going to erase all her traces of even small details, as if she never existed and live my life as the "real Chris" (Ron swallows hard in fear) . I tried to change everything of me for her, but all she ever wanted was me to kill her. I should have done it back then when I met her first, then at least my unborn child would not have been her leverage to sacrifice!

Ron: Buddy, I don't want you to change back like that, understand Bro, she will win if you do so, and to have a fresh start you don't need to go back to it right? (trembling a little thinking what will happen if he changes to being the ruthless Chris King again)

Chris: Ron, I want you to go back and take charge of the Underground. And I would take care of everything else. (smirks looking at him shiver a little bit) Don't get scared, all old rules will still be there, I won't harm unless those people mess with me first, no, I won't harm anyone who won't mess with me, that's good enough right Ron? And yes I will go back to the company tomorrow, so don't worry about me ok? Come let's go to the bunker. I have some unfinished business to attend to.

(with scary, cold and face without emotion walks towards bathroom to wash his hands dripping with blood caused by broken glass)

Ron: What business are you talking about Chris? Right now I don't think anyone else has committed some mistakes or anything, I have been keeping an eye on all the management from far... (cut in between by Chris's roar)

Chris: Ofcourse there are offenders who dared to help that bitch! Like I said I will erase every trace of her memory from this planet! If some body, a helper of hers is still having memory about her don't you think that should be destroyed? (gives a smile that seems creepy to Ron)

Chris walks out and both of them head to the bunker. After both of them go inside, the men all bow and greet them, one of them comes ahead and tells to Chris that he has caught the guy. Ron looks confused at Chris, as to which guy is he referring to?

Chris: (nods and shows hand motion to bring him in and sits on his throne like seat at some steps up) Well well well, now that she is dead what's the use for you to be alive as her friend huh! You all thought that you can get away with the part that you played in trying to get her to escape with my child?

Guy: (Smirks) What your child! That was not at all your child. Do you even remember the last time you slept together with her? Probably 3 months ago... Ahh! Yes, she was with Adam, her love of life. You know what even if she didn't know Adam she would have never loved you, you never deserved love! Hahahaha! You want to kill me? Go ahead but I will never tell you where Adam is, that's her last wish.

Chris: (sitting calmly and lights his cigar) Do you think that I will feel anything guilty for her? Huh, you all are fools. The moment she was part of the reason in my sister's death I decided to ruin her in such a way that she won't be able to live herself and die in the most undignified way in this world! Do you think she meant something to me! (spits)

Not a cent!

(One of Chris's men come forward with a weapon and rips his through out, all the blood splatters on the floor and the guy dies of suffering)

Ron: Chris! Why did you kill Peter!? It was she who killed herself, he was trying to help her not to kill and you know that very well!

Chris: (gets up and leaves) Ron don't make me repeat myself, I will erase everything. (throws the cigar)

(while driving thinks, i was still ready to forgive her even if she was carrying another man's child, and think that child as my own, but she? She took that selfish decision of not even considering the life of that unborn child! She should rot in hell for what she has done!)

(calls his assistant) Ray, I want you to clear my old mansion off all the important documents and everything then shift them to the new mansion, from now on I will be living there. After shifting everything destroy the old mansion. No need to inform Ron or anybody. If they ask I will talk to them.

(drives to the new mansion)

Meeting a child

Ron's mansion


OMG!! What am I gonna do! How did things end up this way. Even though Chris is my half brother, 10 years younger than me, I can't stand seeing him in in and misery, he never let's anyone close enough to him to play with his feelings. His mother and his sister, both of them were the only ones who could take a hold on his feelings and liberate him, after them he only let Jenny in, but she also ended up hurting him, worse than anyone, though it's not her fault completely. I thought she might be able to redeem him. Did I really do a crime by letting him near her without stopping him right at the beginning? I have to tell Ren about this, maybe he can do something to keep Chris from going into a killing spree. (calls Ren immediately)

Ren: Whoa! Bro you need to really mind your timing for the eastern side of the world! You just interrupted my pick up line!! Hurry up and tell what is it?

Ron: (tells him everything) and now he is completely out of control of his emotions, he's just not showing it on his face. It's not everyday this twin brother of yours is begging you for help, but this is really a needy situation, can you help me do something about it? Otherwise he will search each and every piece of land on this earth to get kill Adam in any condition, or even he is capable of doing worse. Even if we are elder than him, it's still scary man!

Ren: I do have an idea to get him away from New York for some time and within that try to send away that Adam somewhere out of reach of human beings, only then he will be safe from Chris! There is one of my friend in India who wanted to make a deal with Chris and has been nagging me for a meeting with him. This might be able to get him away from there for sometime. I will see what else I can do to make him stay longer.

Ron: Ah! Fine at least at times like this you are useful, huh. Call me later when it's fixed. (hangs up the call)

Ahh! This family is always a disaster!

In Chennai, India

Shruti's house

Shruti POV

It's been 1 week that I'm here, I should head back early, I already can't stand my mother's day ruining comments anymore, and guess what, even after all these years that coward of a dad of mine not even says anything to her whenever she troubles me. Damn what a family I have!

Mom: Shruti, your Aunt said that one of her really good friend's child is here in India and is temporarily staying in Mumbai, so anyways you are going back tonight so I want to you to meet that person and get to know each other, it will be good for you, you know, for your future (smiles)

Shruti: (damn what a weird smile! It's even better if you don't try to smile at least, at that a weird kind of fake smile, Tch) But I will be landing early in the morning and it will be tiring, is it really urgent to meet whoever you are saying?

Mom: Tch, it won't do you any harm to obey me once in a while you know.

Shruti: (yeah, yeah, it will not do you any harm to once in a while not to order me around) ugh fine! Well how old is this "child" of theirs? I would have to buy some suitable gift according to the age right.

Mom: (damn, if this goes on my cover for the blind date will be blown up) no dear no need for gifts, actually your aunt praises you too much so he wanted to meet you in person it seems... Haha..

Shruti: (so weird) whatever, if you say so, at least I will save my money not buying gifts.

Mom: And yes, moreover you have now graduated and have a job, we should put up a profile for matrimony you know, so that we get a groom in age, or else it will be too late.

Shruti: Profile for you?! Aren't you already married to my dad? Why now? And I think my dad is in age for you, isn't he?

Mom: You brat! You clearly know what I'm saying! Mom look at the way she is back answering me! We should get her married soon, or she will be out of control, and moreover she's a girl, what if she clings along still with the family, we can't keep feeding her till she grows old humph!

Shruti: who's gonna ask for your money, I have my own job to look after me. Ma, I want to talk to you in private, can you come with me?

(goes into room with granny and shuts the door) Ma i know you also want the same thing, that I get married soon, but you have to understand that some things can't be forced! I want to take my time to find someone I might like and is genuinely suitable for me, rather than their money suitable for our family!

Granny: You sure right? Because I want to see my lovely daughter in that bridal dress wearing beautiful jewelry like a princess! Your mom ran away and married, and I didn't get a chance to see her marriage, at least you are able stand strong and say to her face that you will marry on your own will! I'm so proud of you my lovely child. I just wish to heavens you get a man soon who loves and cherishes you, whoever it may be i will support you!

Shruti: (eyes filled with tears) Ma is the best! I promise you that I will live upto your expectations of me. And I want one more favour, please don't encourage mom to find grooms for me please, I don't want to get involved in arguing with her all the time, I don't like it whenever I argue with her. Please?

Granny: (nods smiling) ok my child, I understand you, don't worry.

Shruti: ( sighs with relief) I don't know what I will do without you ma!

Granny: my child, now go and rest, you have a flight to catch in the evening.

(Shruti leaves by grinning widely)

(boards flight and reaches Mumbai after a few hours)

Shruti: (sighs, and switches on her phone and sees a message pop up) Damn, my mom can't even let me alone even after coming to Mumbai, even sending me the address immediately, no rest at all, I wonder who's this child!

Next day morning

Shruti: (God, my mom has sent me so many instructions regarding how I should dress, how I should get ready, blah blah blah, I feel as if I'm going for some self sale presentation) OK so now here at this restaurant, after getting freshened up and dressed, not even unpacked my suitcase, hmm, why would a child want to meet me at such a high end restaurant, something doesn't seem right. Whatever, just get through it, after all it's just a child.

(goes inside and the whole floor of the restaurant is empty except for one table, and two grown up men, hmm, no child, did my mom send the right address? Then the man waves at me, I at first thought he was waving at someone else, so I turned and looked behind, there was no one, when I turned to front I saw that man suddenly standing in front of me smirking)

Man: Hello miss! (winks) I think you are the niece of Mrs. Krishna? Pleasure to meet you. (extends hand, Shruti also extends her hand, then he raises it to his lips and gently presses a kiss without breaking his eye contact with hers. She withdraws her hand with a jerk. ) I'm James Parker, CEO of Parker industries, you must have heard. Come on have a seat (guides her towards the table)

Shruti: (she makes eye contact with the other man sitting at the table and feels a cool wave through out her body)

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