NovelToon NovelToon

My Alpha,My Omega(Taekook)( Yoonmin) And ( Namjin)

Episode 1

This omegaverse story will be different because omega here either boys or girls produces a special milk which alpha’s cannot live without,which means it is their only way of survival( it like water because they can’t live without it) which is why a lot of omega’s use that as their income by selling their milk to alpha’s and it is now a well know business among omegas and also alpha’s find the milk as the most delicious thing in the world expectable if it is from their mate which is why most omegas stop selling their milk once they find their mate and also omegas start producing milk once they reach puberty ok back to story
So here is a male named Kim taehyung who is an independent male omega who moved out of his parents house to live on his own at the age of 22 and his working at a convenient store and his getting a decent pay. So here he is at his work place reading a book and waiting for a customer to come in.
Hi how May I help you” he said with the most beautiful smile on his face”
Smile back”wow his smile is beautiful”yes pls can I get some flowers
He asked because the store has almost everything
Yes sir which kind(he asked the smile not leaving his face)
I don’t know why don’t you recommend some I want to get it for my mate it for our date( he said with a smile still on his face)
Sure sir come with me ( he said and smile thinking the man’s mate will be very lucky and also thinking what his own mate will be like)
He left his spot and showed the man some flowers that he thinks his’s mate will like and the man thanked him and pay for the flowers before leaving the store with a smile on his face thinking about his mate
Once the man left
(Smiled and start thinking)” will my alpha also be like that or will he be even nicer and more romantic and he smiled while continue reading his book”
So this is episode one if you guys love the story pls like and comment thanks 🙏

Episode 2

While reading some crossed taehyung’s mind and then he blushed messily
“I wonder how it will feel like to have my alpha feed from me he thought to himself while blushing harder if it was possible” ( he thought) ahhh tae get a hold of yourself
He said while looking like a tomato but still beautiful as ever
V(tae’s wolf)
V(tae’s wolf)
You know you are right I also wonder how it will feel when our alpha feed from us while looking at us with love filled eyes
V said dreamily
Shut up v you pervert( said with red cheeks)
V(tae’s wolf)
V(tae’s wolf)
Oh really says the one thinking of the same thing a few minutes ago. Don’t put it all on me we are both pervert minded
He said as they both giggled and he got back to work attending to another customer
While still showing the beautiful smile on his face that anyone can die for
Pls like and comment thanks 😊

Episode 3

Whereas somewhere there is an alpha seating on a chair in a classy office and typing furiously at his computer with a dark aura surrounding him looking handsome as ever and he is non other than jeon jungkook a 25 year old alpha that became the CEO of jeon corporation at the age of 20 and handeling it well since then
And then suddenly someone knock at his office door
Come in (he said in his deep voice with an emotionless face still typing on his computer)
And then his secretary came in
Sir you have a meeting with mr Kim and mr min in the next 1 hour at world wide restaurant
She said and jungkook look at her with no expression on his face
Ok tell my driver to get the car ready
( nodded and went out of the office)
Jungkook signed as he got up and take his phone and coat while leaving the office going towards his car
Give me the key( he said to the driver because he likes to drive himself)
Yes sir( he said while bowing down and giving him the key)
Jungkook got in his car and drive out of the office premises
Pls like and comment it keeps me motivated thanks

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