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Marriage Without Love : My Love Elroy (Second Part)


After death of henry
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
*opens his eyes*
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
*smiles* henry
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
*blinks twice*
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
*immediately hugs Elroy*
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
*tears roll down* he ....heyy
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Looks like you missed me
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
How couldn't I?*kisses both of elroy's cheeks *
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
I missed you too*hugs*
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
I want to hold onto you forever
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life) don't know how long I have tried to meet you after you left me
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
24 wasn't easy without you
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
How are my babies
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
They all are doing well with their own I took retirement*chuckles*
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
*staring at henry and smiling*
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
Hm? What happened?
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
it's time for my reincarnation....i waited for you
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
....*holds his hand* are you leaving me again?
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
No*holds Henry's face and places a kiss on his forehead* we'll meet again
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Come and find me henry....once again...let's meet again
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)'s not necessary
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
it's our destiny
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
We can just stay like this....there is nobody here...just me and you....our souls....that's all i need
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
*smiles* i love you
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
I love you henry....come and find me
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Once again...
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
*starting to disappear*
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
No...hic...Elroy not again....
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
All I can say is.... you'll remember me...but i won' make me remember patient with me....and I'll love you too
Elroy (past life)
Elroy (past life)
Henry.... let's meet eachother again *disappears*
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
*tears rolling down*
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
Always.... always you take him away from me you so called vicious almighty
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
I won't give up.....just watch me break your written destiny.....
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
Elroy will be mine.... forever
Henry (past life)
Henry (past life)
*closes his eyes*
And then....henry and Elroy were reincarnated
Guys...I'll keep the character names same... surnames will change Maybe I'll change past life rudolph's name to something else
Elroy Rumao Age : 20 Kind,cutie pie. Sassy af... Bossy. loved by his family. heir of a royal family. Loves cats Hates his enemy's family. Has a younger brother. Reincarnation of Elroy from the past. Has no memories of past.
Matthew Rumao Age: 15 Sweet ,soft boy,stands up for himself,loves Elroy his brother. Reincarnation of Matthew...he is reborn with memories of the past... Loves Elroy selflessly
Henry Lister son of a criminal. cold. Calm. Doesn't talk much. Has a target. Age : 18 years old Reincarnated... you all know. Has all memories of past loves elroy
Rudolph Patrick Reincarnation of rudolph???? Age:19 Loves someone. red flag ,loves flowers and cute things. son of a royal physician. Studying in a medical college Headache
Rudolph and henry are Alpha's
And Elroy and matthew are omegas
Also....this is a modern royalty story....there won't be typical type of royal gatherings like balls and tea parties.
They do use mobile phones.....this is a modern story
This is part 2 of main story "marraige without love"

Routine check up

The story starts with Elroy being 20 years old
son of a wealthy family
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*looks back* dad *eyes shine bright*
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*spreads his arms* aww my baby,i missed you
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*hugs* hehe dad I missed you soo much
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*kisses elroy's forehead*
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
How is my baby doing
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*pouts* i am good
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
But you took so long to come back from your trip
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
It was just a month
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
It was A MONTH.....
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Hahaha yeah a MONTH
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*chuckles* what did you bring for me?
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*takes out a necklace*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*gasps* oh my....this jade necklace!!!
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
You asked for it
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Thankssss!!!!*hugs tight*
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Oh matthew
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Dad are back?
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*smiles* yes love
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
I'll get going now,i need a little rest
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*pats matthew and hugs* missed me?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*nod nod* yes
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*smiles* little idiot
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*kisses his forehead* I'll see you both later
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*looking at Claude making his way out*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*wraps his arm around matthew neck and ruffles his hair* what's up lil bean
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*hugs Elroy* brother
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*smiles* what is it*hugs*
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*gives a bright smile* nothing I just missed you
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Awieeeee my honey boo*kisses Matthew's both cheek*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Wait Sid you do your homework?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*pouts* you remember that?
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
💢you didn't huh?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
I did*whines*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
But I got some sums wrong
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
How many out of 20 sums?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*whines* it's boring
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*pulls his ear* follow me I'll teach you those
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Wahhhh brotherrrrrr
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*looking at them from window*
on the other side
Sir you have been called by master to assist him to the royal family mansion
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Why are these royals so much health conscious
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
and why is my father obsessed with taking me to that place
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
I am just a student*whines*
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
Rudolph how long are you going to keep me waiting?*cold*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*stands up immediately* coming dad!
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*quickly takes all the equipment in a suitcase and leaves*
In Claude's room
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*laying of bed*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(this old man is back again)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(god ....i have to keep circling everyday now....)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(to give his insulin injections)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(god -)
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
*done checking Claude* well,looks like you followed my chart that i gave you
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
*smiles* don't worry sir, everything is normal
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
And my insulin injections...
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
They'll be continued as decided
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
Rudolph my son will be in charge of it
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(i knew it!! You old Are just too lazy to work as a doctor)
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
Right rudolph?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Yes dad 💢*smiles*
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
*chuckles* he doesn't seem very pleased with it
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
He just wants reasons to sleep and use phone
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
kids these days are lazy
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
Voice down
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
Haha don't scold him
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
Claude rumao(Elroy
Claude rumao(Elroy's father)
And yeah. Also my sons need to have a routine body checkup
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
Rudolph -
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Yeah yeah I'll do it
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph
Dr.Liam Patrick(Rudolph's father)
To be continued

same people from last life?

Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
it's a body checkup
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
I know
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
You seem quite happy for a body check up
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Huh?*didn't realise that he was smiling*
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
>.< nwoo
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*looks up*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Hello, i am Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
And i guess know about the check up
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Yes we do
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
May i enter?
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*enters and keeps his suitcase aside*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*opens and wears gloves*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
So...i guess I'll go first
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
let's check your muscle flexibility*isn't looking at Elroy*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*focused on understanding things*
Rudolph guided Elroy and Elroy did all kinds of things as he was guided
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*takes out an injection* I'll take some blood for tests
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*draws out his blood*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*hasn't looked at elroy's face till now*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
(he is quite professional)
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
(and handsome)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
can you give some urine samples...for urin test?
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Urine test
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Oh yeah...haha...
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*gives a small tube like bottle*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*nods and goes to the bathroom while holding it*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Now...*looks at Matthew*
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
...*just staring*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*snaps his fingers in front of Matthew's eyes*
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
welcome back
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Should we start with your check-up?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
How old are you
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*pouts*(he is asking me questions as if i am a kid)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
I expect an answer
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Oh you are a babyyy
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
How old are you?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*stares unbelievably* you have just become an adult
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
At least I am older than you
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*changed injections*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*draws Matthew's blood*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
which school are you in?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Xxxxx xxxxx high school
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
I used to study there too
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
that's a useless school
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*smiles* mhm
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
take off your shirt
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
I'll check you
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Take off your shirt
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
ar should uncomfortable?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*takes off his shirt*
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
I am not(he doesn't it's fine)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
What was your name again?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
matthew *says with a smile*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Suits you
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*checking Matthew's bone moments*
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*blushes* huh?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Uh ...oh...thanks
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(even his body turned red)
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(looks like he is sensitive)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao are you allowed to do all this check up?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
As a trainee under my own father
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
I see
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Your name?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph patrick
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*smiles* nice to meet you rudolph
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Nice to meet you too
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
(such a nice kid)*pats matthew*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
You can put your shirt back on
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
So..are you single?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*smiles and bends to Matthew's level* kid are you trying to hit on me?
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
And....and i am not a kid ....
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*chuckles and pinches Matthew's nose* i am single
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
but yeah,i have some i like,and it'll break your cute little heart if i tell you who it is
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Hm? But-
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
*comes out*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Doc,here *gives the sample*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*holds it*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
Oh i should be the one thanking you*chuckles*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Haha it works that way too
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
*looking at Elroy lovingly*
Elroy Rumao
Elroy Rumao
So is it done?
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Well,you have to come to the hospital for a few more checkups
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
But basics are done
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
And matthew
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Hm?*tries to smile*
Rudolph Patrick
Rudolph Patrick
Get me your urine samples as well
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
*nods and holds another tube like bottle*( he likes Elroy)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
In washroom
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
(it's right....i was ... reincarnated late....i am too young compared to them)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
(and...most importantly... rudolph likes's clearly visible....i don't know if they are the same rudolph and Elroy from my past life ....i don't know if my past life is just a dream.....but it's so clear in my memory)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
(i can't make the same mistake twice)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
(let's not interfere.....let's not become the third person in someone's relationship again)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
( it's just a crush....just a crush)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
( and that henry person....i don't remember how he was ....but...did he not reincarnate? For Elroy?)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
( i don't know...i don't understand... people will consider me as insane if they know)
Matthew rumao
Matthew rumao
(let's just keep a low profile)
.to be continued

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