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My Hybrid


it was a cold weather, usually in this winter season people uses to wear some woolen clothes to warm their cold body. the clouds were grey and could barely see anything. it felt like it'll rain soon but no. not a single drop fallen from the sky yet. infact it was windy.

the road which the yellow van was going on, was a bit rough one. it was becoming difficult the higher it gets the higher the cold wind flees.

"tsk!! what a sh¡tty weather" the driver muttered under his breath, some like windy weather and some prefer other weather. he was really happy that finally the useless cats are going to sell finally but the bad weather had to runied it.

in the yellow van there were alot of cat's, locked in a cage. unaware not even knowing that there is a cute little guy in a cat avatar.

the van would dump a few times due to the rocks under the road, the van door was also haven't locked, and due to the way the van dumps, the locker opens with a jerk sound as some kitten cages fall down.

In that, the hybrid cat was also include in it. the locker of his cage broken due to the force he was fall with. he cutely meows observing his surroundings. he was in a very big city for sure. began the course cat he is, he stepped outside the cage.

he licked his dirty fur which once was so white and soft. wiggling his tail he starts to walk looking around the places. he don't know where he is going to as he is too focused on the beautiful neon lights which were shining in the streets.

the good, delicious food smell was so inviting, he haven't ate anything for the past two days hence his pervious master only give food once a week.

he remember he got some cash with him to buy food, but for that he needs a place where he can shift to his normal self.

he walks back to his cage where there is a small bag in which he kept his clothes at. with a little difficulty he manage to take the bag through his mouth.

with the help of his nose, it doesn't take long for him to find a place where peoples are less. quickly shifting to his normal form, he wore his clothes.

Kim taehyung.

A cat hybrid, naughty and curious about his surrounding. his age is 19.

he wore a red hoodie which reaches down to his thighs with a blue shorts. his white Blondie hair was a little dirty which he don't mind for now. down their a tattoo which he got hence he was 16 yrs.

taking his money from the back pocket, he was about to go to the market to buy something for him but stopped as his cat ears twist after hearing some screams and begging of a man.

he was in a dark allay ofc there might be some bad peoples fighting around 'better not be involved'. thinking that in his mind, he made his way.

'but if I see it a little far they won't see me, right!?' he sigh, he hated that he is always the curious cat of all of the other hybrid.

he slowly walked towards the source of the sounds, finally reaching to where the sounds are coming from. he hide himself against the wall where they won't find him.

he saw a group of black men beating a young aged man who was covered with his own blood. he was begging to the man who sat on a chair while a cigarette on his hands as he blow the grey smoke out, he was looking at injured man without any mercy.



so how's it going!?

well I thought about why not writing something new!? so here it is, a vampire x a hybrid.

that's all for now,

bye bye 👋***


it was dark and pouring making the soil to wet, the man who sat on the chair got up and walked towards the wall and leans against it, a bodyguard besides him with a umbrella in his hand for him to stop being wet.

he blows out the grey smoke from his cigarette, not caring about the man who was begging him to not k¡ll him.

"please I'll be loyal!!!" Wang Chung said almost shouting his lungs out, his heart was beating faster seeing the devil in front of him. fear was still there in his body, he knew he will die but still there was a hope left in him.

we don't know either we will wake up for the next morning but still keep a alarm to wake up early, that's what we call hope.

Wang Chung, his whole shirt was soaked due to rain and covered with his blood, he was pushed on his knees by two men behind him. his face had scratches due to the rate the guards beat him. they were waiting for their boss aka jeon jungkook's order. jungkook just moved his fingers as he saw his men give a hard punch to Wang.

Wang Chung groan seeing the blood drop from his nose as shutter over the wet puddle of water. "pl-please, j-just give me a s-second chance."

"you should have thought before you Betrayed me, yet you're asking for a second chance!? how weak" he dropped the cigarette on the ground and crashed it under his foot. "you should die, in my hands" he watched how the man gasp and start to free himself from the tight grip of the guards.

he reload his gun, pointing straight towards Wang who started to cry and mumbling a lot of 'sorry' which he don't care now.

"say good bye to this world, Wang" a single bang was heard and the man went limp. A hole on his head. jungkook suddenly heard a yelp and his head snapped to the side. behind the corner of a wall was someone peeking at them. he put his gun away and sigh silently.

"clean the body, and get me that boy."

taehyung couldn't believe what he just saw. but when suddenly the gun fired he couldn't hold back and yelp in fear. shivers rolled down his spine when the man with gun turned his head and looked right at him. he frozen at his place.

all he knew is to run, a place where he will be safe and fine. with his tempting legs he ran trying his best to not slip on the slippy soil.

he could hear the footsteps behind him, they aren't good peoples, they just now killed a man. maybe he'll be next!? no he don't want that, he don't want to die.

"no no" he mumbled while running away from the black haired man who started to walk toward him. he knew he shouldn't be curious because it he is always on danger.

he ran fast as much as he can and jumped behind a corner, he forget it was being built there and the way was blocked. he squeeze himself against the wall and he wrapped his tail under his hoodie to hide the white fur that stood out in the dark. he held his hand closed his mouth to not make any noise as he shrunk even smaller against the wall.

the man who looked at him, will sure kill him like he done to that wound man. he need to run away from here but how!? he bites his lips when he felt like crying.

if he cry he will make noise and the men will find him. he gulps when he heard footsteps behind him. his heart stopped for a sec when he felt breaths over his ear.

"**hello there kitty**"



**so how's it going!?**

**well, that's all for now**

**bye bye 👋**


taehyung don't know where he is or what is happening around him but the place where he is now is warmer than outside.

he opened his eyes, blinking them to adjust the sudden light. he saw the same similar man standing in front of him. he tried to crawl away from the man but was not able to as his hands tied with a rough rope as he sat on the wooden chair.

he started to whimper and struggle trying to get free his hands but there was no use. "shut it, there is no escape for you." the black haired man said with a hint of irritate. he was waiting for the hybrid to wake up already, it wasted alot of time.

"who are you!?"

"jeon jungkook." taehyung frown at his name, he didn't remember hearing that name before nor he saw the bunny faced man.

"please let me go, I know nothing!!" taehyung shouted almost felt like crying. there were ten men around the room, well built and strong and he could smell that all of them are vampire."know nothing!? like you didn't saw me killing that brat."

taehyung eyes almost poped out remember previous events. jungkook stare at him with his black eye and show's nothing but his emotionaless face. "i-i wo-wont say it to anyone nor i-i know someone pl-please l-l-lea-ve m-me" it was true tho. he don't know anyone in the present city he was in, he was alone. the van locker broke on his way and to his luck his cage had opened. he just wanted to buy something to himself by his money.

"but I can't risk it now. you have seen things which you shouldn't." jungkook said while taking his cigarette from his pocket as he lit it up. he sign his right and left man to do their work.

as the both men pulled the hybrid off the chair and dropping him on the cold floor. jungkook sat on his fluffy sofa watching with his brutal eyes how his men beating, kicking the hybrid and listening to his whimper and sobs.

"PLEASE S-STOP!!" taehyung screams in pain, covering his head when the brown haired man hit his ears. for hybrid, ears are most sensitive and cared ones. Jungkook hummed as he inhaled the cigarette and exhale the smoke through his pink lips.

he saw how taehyung curled himself as small as he can. his whole body was hurting because of these two vampires, one is brown haired and other is pink haired man. he shouldn't have been curious cat. the pain was coming but never less.

tears rolled over his face like diamonds, thinking there is no way he can get out of here. he finally gave in as he stopped covering himself with his wounded hands.

jungkook sigh observing every moment of taehyung "tsk!! weak, what a shame." he thought as he rolled his eyes. "that's enough stop." he ordered as his both men stoped beating taehyung.

he walked towards the weak hybrid, bending down a little making sure to not Dusty his clothes as the blood was around the ground. he stare at the hybrid who was still breathing as years soaked his cheeks. jungkook ran his hand through the boy's wet cheeks feeling the soft flesh against his plam. taehyung lean in the touch seems to clam down a bit.

jungkook also wanted to continue what he was doing but quickly remembering his important meeting, he back away from taehyung.

"get him in my car. I will be back." the two men nodded their head as jungkook stood up strightly and went away from the room, not having the mood to talk further.

the two men held the hybrid, forcefully standing him up and walks out. taehyung too don't have the strength to struggle at their hard grip, he narrates his blue teary eyes around his surrounding. he was in a big house, looking so luxurious and expensive. he wonder where he was right now but who cares he'll be back from where he was.

the two men brought him outside and put him in the backseat of the car. "you comfortable!?" the pink haired asked. taehyung just nod his head, scared to even utter a word. "let me remove your ropes." the man got out a knife starting the hybrid but all he did was cut his rough rope and untie him.

"I'm leaving, will be back at night." jungkook said to the brown haired man who nods and opened the car door for him. he was wearing a black formal suit making him to look like a rich man, which he actually is.

"why isn't he tied!?" he asked when he saw taehyung untied. "it's not like he'll attack you or something" the brown haired report to which jungkook rolled his eyes.



jungkook took taehyung from where he found him and stopped the car and opened the door for taehyung who immediately got out with his ears flat feeling so smaller infront of jungkook. "from next time don't poke your nose in other business, got it!?" he didn't killed the boy as the hybrid looks innocent and wouldn't dare to share his information.

"good." he got back inside the car and drove away, leaving taehyung here.



so how it's going!?

that's all for now,

bye bye 👋

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