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The Back Man & His Touches

1. Daily Night-!

First few chapters are in 1st person voice. Later on will change to narrator's point of view.

The story begins in a woman's POV. On a night, in her bedroom.

Wish you enjoy reading this work of mine.

Song recommendation - Closer by The Chainsmokers 😎


[For a clear and better understanding, me, the author tried to add some things...]

In the hush of night, she awoke abruptly to the sensation of a strong, unfamiliar touch against her bare skin. Startled, her heart raced as goosebumps adorned her body. Turning, she discerned a shadowy figure looming over her—a figure she recognized as her husband, solid and familiar in the darkness.

His warm breath grazed her neck, a prelude to his usual embrace from behind. This was his way, enveloping her, tracing her contours, and exploring with a familiarity that hinted at an unspoken understanding between them. His preference for such gestures, his preference for everything from behind—holding, kissing, exploring—revealed his distinct penchant.

His left arm nestled beneath her neck, his right hand, hidden beneath fabric, ventured along her belly, teasingly exploring territories, evoking sensations both comforting and enticing. It was a dance they both knew well, a dance of give and take, of obedience and desire.

Though she yearned for more—longed to reciprocate the touch, the affection—she found herself, as always, yielding to his lead. Panting, surrendering to the rhythm of his movements, her body responding to his every caress. The heat he ignited spread like wildfire, consuming her until control became a fleeting illusion.

Desire, raw and unrelenting, pulsated within her. Each touch, each deliberate movement, stoked an insatiable longing. She craved more but dared not break the established pattern. His touch commanded her body's responses, rendering her unable to resist.

Their intimacy reached a crescendo, an intense culmination, leaving her engulfed in waves of pleasure. Yet, the details eluded her grasp as the pleasure lingered, a tantalizing memory that would permeate her thoughts for days to come.

In the aftermath, he described her reactions—her cries of pleasure, the endearing way she called out his name in passion. Sometimes, their passionate exchanges attracted curious neighbors, a testament to the intensity they shared.

And so, this nocturnal ritual continued, leaving her lingering in a euphoric haze while they reached a shared pinnacle of ecstasy, each time just as consuming as the last.

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[In the woman's (main lead's) POV]


A rough and big hand, placed on my waist, on the right side, there wasn't any cloth. I was sleeping and woke suddenly by that hand. The bare, big hand is surprisingly smooth. My bare skin stood up by naming itself as goosebumps. My heart skipped a beat.

I turned my head, I saw... a dark silhouette of a man! Hot and heavy breathes, flowing on my neck. Completely wrapped by that big muscular body from the back. I took a clear look and I confirmed that, that man is my husband and I'm not dreaming.

I turned my head completely. "Did I woke you?" He wispered in my right ear while caressing my belly. "Mmm-hmm" I relaxed and said, "Scared, I was scared. By your sudden touch. When did you came back?"

He then placed his left arm under my neck and cuddled me from back. Like he usually does. He only hugs me from back. Kiss me from back. Touch me from back. Lick my back. Bite my shoulders from back. Finally, he is a 'Back man.'

He usually place his left arm under neck and wrap me with that fore arm. Held my shoulder with his hand and cares my arm. The right hand,under the clothes, will be playing with my belly, moving up and down, caresing below the belly button, fingering my navel. He neither take off my clothes nor let me do it, just enjoys the teasing and helping himself by pulling my pants and panties and... all!

Just like that, he usually does. Me...? I let him have his way. Move along with his movements. Panting and moaning. Scratching his arms when I feel pain and teasing reaches the limit, as he won't allow me to hold him from front. Sucking on his fingers in the heat of moment.

I wanna do a lot. But I don't know why I follow him. Obedient! Very good and obedient! I want to turn to his and hold him from front, kiss him as I like, touch his bare, broad chest and... so many!

Wherever he touches, heat arouses from the depths of my body. My body won't listen to me anymore. Though it's been a long time since we started making love, I can't have enough! My hole between thighs throbs, very much. When he places his hand and fingers me, I would tighten my thighs to control myself. Finally, I give in, begs for his thing while touching his hot bulging thing from back.

"Please, give it to me... I can't... wait any longer!" My daily words to beg. He then, pulls my pants to the knees but he never take it off completely, until or unless he wants to. I wear a pajama and don't like to wear any B and P, daily while we sleep. He takes his top off and never let's me to take off any clothes completely.

Places his hot, long, hard cord in between my thighs and it just slips in my hole. Then I bend on my knees, placing my hands on the bed, he kneels and thrusts, very deep as like I would die out of pleasure.

Later... I won't remember anything! The pleasure will still be lingering in my mind, the whole next day. But we go up to the end.

He says that I'd cry in pleasure. Call him husband in a way more romantic way. Won't leave his hands and keep on call out to him. Sometimes, our neighbors would come out of their homes to check on us. Ah...!

2. Mornings...

Song Recommendation - I Put A Spell On You

From Fifty shades of Gray movie.

He wokes up earlier than me. Takes a bath and get ready to work. Just a half an hour before he leaves, he would wake me up to make breakfast for him. By just a small touch on my foot, by him, I would spring up for him. I wake up by looking into his deep black eyes. Seeing him smile for me, makes my day.

I brush my teeth and start making the food. By the time I complete making the food, he would come and give me a back hug. Though he daily does it, I can't help with the jolt! I'm in my pajama shirt without pants, only 2 to 3 buttons help me hold the shirt onto my body, the collar slips back without my help, revealing my long neck and my hair is tied up into bun.

When he hugs me like that, from back, my senses would wasted away and my legs lose their strength. I try to stay up, by helping myself on the table. Just like a vampire having his blood meal, he intensely sucks my neck and bites the area between the neck and the shoulder. It's like a snack before his meal.

Walks away, after he had his bite and joy, to the dining table. Sits back on his chair and pulls me on to his lap. Makes me eat, with his hands and the same spoon which he uses to eat. After we complete eating, he asks me casually, "What do you want on my way back to home?"

I stand up from his grip and while taking away the plates into the wash area, I give a smile looking into his eyes and say, "Nothing." Sometimes I'll ask him to bring vegetables, sometimes chocolates, any snacks for midnight etcetera etcetera. But we asks me this question everyday.

Soon it will be time to leave. I feel kinda sad. I don't want him to leave me. I stand still by the dining table, looking at him, taking his laptop bag and buckling his belt. Then wears socks and shoes. After he ends tieing his shoe lays, he looks at me. I'll rush to the door and just about to open the door, he again attacks on me from the back.

He turns my head, shoots a kiss, on my lips, very intense and rough one. I can't help but give in to him. After he let go of me, I pant like crazy! He looks into my eyes. Stares up and down. Get my buttons done, make my shirt look neat and tidy. I stand by leaning on to the wall.

While pating my head, he opens the door, by himself. He simply walks away, playing with car keys. I stand behind the door and stares his broad back with my hunger filled eyes. I never knew whether it is lust or love...

Soon he hops into the car and buckles up the seat belt. Then he looks back to me and waves his hand. Accelerate and vanishes from my sight as soon as he turned the to right.

I now left alone. All alone in this big villa. I rush back to the bed, crouched under the bed sheet and sniff his smell from the sheets like a pervert. After I had enough, I springs up and throw the bed sheets into the washing machine, for a wash.

I start doing the chores and cook the lunch. After I complete the work inside home, I water the plants and clean the garden which I made with my blood and sweat together. He also helps me on Sundays in gardening.

"Mrs. Dornan." The neighbors on the both sides of our villa, Mrs. Rosie Brown and Mrs. Margaret John, call me. Gets near to the backyard walls and talk with eachother. That's a very sweet time. I like it. We talk only that time.

The most embarrassing time to me is, they complaining about our nights! My cheeks go red, is what they say, when I hear them talking about our nights.

They complain, about how their husbands, won't touch them... daily. As they hear my moans... daily! I guess, it's because of the silence, at night times. And when they observe a night is pleasant, they easily guess it is my period time.

They ask me to say some tips to improve their husband's sex drive. What can I say? I don't know how he keeps up his energy all night longer and work in the morning.

What I cook for meals, to keep him that strong? Is a question they asked me previously. I was like, what? What's so special about meals? What's the relation between meals and love? I didn't understood. I ignored it.

After a small talk I would rush back into the my room.


3. Mid-day!

Song - After Love

By Jennifer Lopez

From Marry Me movie

After taking a bath. I wear a formal dress and starts for work. I do a part time job. In my husband's company, as a cleaner. He works in a fancy multistorey building. There, I stalk on him. It's not like I want to find something about him but to see him and to know what he is like in his work space.

I don't know whether he knew about it or not. We text each other whilst whatever the situation. He calls me in his lunch break. Asks me what I made and ate for lunch and asks me to make a dish he wants for dinner.

When he talks to me, during his lunch break, he goes up to the terrace. One day, I followed him, and he observed someone following him. When he was about to catch me red-handed, I escaped by chance without his notice.

I heard gossip about his manly and hotness. Every woman would speak about him. Some say he is crazy, some say he is a workaholic. Some describe him as a tough guy, and some say he is difficult to work with. Everyone calls him "Mr. Dornan."

Sometimes, I feel... I don't know how to express or say my feelings in a single word, but he is way different in home and office, is what I understood. Very cold and aloof. Indifferent. His eyes never wander, from the direction he sees.

In home, with me, "You are the only one and enough for me." Is the expression he wears. And I believe it. Happy eyes and relaxed mind. Oozing a smile from his forcedly sealed lips. Can't take his eyes off of me. Won't even try not to touch me, irrespective of the situation and conditions. Nor I want to be away from him, his touch, and wispers.

Sometimes, I wonder why he didn't introduce me to his friends or colleagues? He never brings up about his past in our conversations. He asks about my past self but never reveals his past to me. I never asked to share it with me, though.

Meanwhile, dusk arouses. I leave to home, earlier than him. He arrives home following me and does his left work. Until then I cook meals for him. As I am doing a part time job, somedays I'll go to work and some days I won't. Finally, the main purpose for me to work is, I want to stay with him, even if it is a very negligible time.

I will take a relaxing bath. Warm myself. Wears a frock which he bought for me (whenever he likes). I never wore B and P in home, nor did I want to. So, the appearance won't be much appealing when I see myself in the big mirror, in our dressing room. But he just... Grab me, like a predator, and do all unspokenable things. And just in a few seconds, I'll get all messy and wasted.

I will cook while remembering his touch and his body. Imitate his voice and body language. Touch myself like he does. Sometimes, I'll just wear his clothes and do nothing. Unexpectedly, that day he will bring take outs.

Soon, he gets back, nearly by 6 to 7 pm in the evening.


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