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A Man Caught Fire Power

The Meeting To The Death (Part 2)

I am amazed that she calls the cabin cart her home. “Do you want to live in a real home? But, the problem is that you will have to sleep on my bed and stay in my bedroom. Actually, I sleep and live in my lab these days. So, my room will be free.” I said.

“Thanks.” She agreed to me.

“Let me call Brade. He will take your cabin cart to my home so you can take your cloths and all the necessaries from that cabin and easily put them in my room or can share with Katniss if she agrees.” I said and called Brade.” Brade, I have a request for you. Can you bring a tow truck and bring the pink cabin cart to our home?” I asked him

“Don’t worry. I will be there, just send me the location.” He replied. I sent him the location.

He came with the truck to pull the cabin cart in just 10 minutes. I was waiting for him with Jenny. I helped him to attach the hook to the truck for pulling the cabin cart. After attaching the cabin cart to the truck, he started truck and I started the car. Jenny came and sat on the seat adjacent to me.

We both started driving. I was showing the path to where we had to bring the cabin cart. He followed me the whole way to home. As we arrived, Tony was already waiting with Suzanne for us.

Brade took the truck and the cabin cart to the garage. We both came out of the car and my car automatically went to garage too. Suzanne came closer and held the left hand of Jenny. I nod to Suzanne and then to Jenny. She took her to my room, as I can guess.

Tony came to me. “Hey! Target.” he started.

“Hi!” I replied and started moving towards the home, he started coming with me as well.

“Monty told me that we all friends are going to meet at 8:00 pm today and also that we will be staying there for tonight.” He continued while we were walking.

“I am ready to come but at one condition that I will not sleep there but here at my lab. That means I can’t stay there with you all at night.” I said and we entered the home.

“No problem for sure, but I am happy that this time you are ready for the get together of our friends.” He accepted. We both started Laughing. “Suzanne! I am leaving, are you coming with me?” he shouts at ground floor to the first floor.

“Not now.” She screams back.

“Wait for some more time.” I requested him. He smiled and ran to his car. He passed me smile again and this time in return, I smiled too. I drove the car really fast. I shook my head negatively and with disbelieve.

“Target!” my mother called me. I went to her. She continued. “Jennifer will be staying with us from now on and for making her comfortable, Suzanne will stay here for 2 days. I have talked to her brother. For next 2 days, you are not allowed to come at home. I will send the meal to the lab for you and Brade.”

“But why?” I am confused. “Why should I not come?”

“To make Jennifer comfortable at our home. Don’t forget, that was you who wanted to call her here and give her the place to live at.” She replied.

“Then why can’t I come at least for meals here?” I asked.

“I don’t want any argument. Do what I say.” She got angry. I nod and went out. I got angry as well. I tried to help and look I can’t go in my home.

I came to the lab. I rang the door bell. Wait, I didn’t changed in Fire Flame even I was angry! Brade opened the lab door. “Sir you…” my phone rang and interrupted Brade. The call is from Tony. I went in the lab. “Yes?” I picked the call.

“I am sure you are not at home and definitely at your lab. I requested your mother to not allow you to enter at your home for 2 days.” He started laughing.

“You will pay for this.” I got angry again but did not change in Fire Flame.

“Cool down. Now, just come without anyone with you. I guess not anyone means you alone. So, leave Brade at lab and come.” He said.

“Alright, I am coming within an hour.” I replied.

“No, you have to leave now. No need to pack anything and leave.” He replied and ended the call. I put the phone inside my pocket. “Brade come with me.” I ordered him. He nods in answer. My phone rang again. The caller is again Tony. “You should come to forest behind the mountains on the back side of your home.” He said.

“But I thought we are meeting at Monty’s place.” I am shocked and confused.

“No, we have to meet at forest and don’t bring your phone. Come quickly.” He ended the call. I put my phone on the table. I left for garage and Brade followed me.

We entered garage. “Please hark. You have to stay at home with everyone else. Tell my mother that I have ordered you to stay there till I come back. Also, lock the lab. I have to go for meeting with my friends at Death Forest.” I said. He stood still. “Now go.” Brade left for locking lab. I sat in the car, plugged my seat belts and left for the forest.

As I arrived at the middle of the forest, I shut off the car engine. I unplugged the seatbelts. I noticed a wrist watch at the bottle space after the gear handle. That watch once my favourite. I wore it on my left and took a look at the date and time. Date is correct so must be the time, as it seems right too. I checked the time by the watch on car’s monitor. The time is correct as well.

I left the car and went in dense. The time right now is 7:15 pm.

Suddenly I feel a clutch on my left wrist. The pressure is getting increased every next second. I saw that is because of my watch. It is getting tighter and tighter. I cannot resist the pain. I started scream because of pain, while holding my left forearm. I tried my best to put off my watch but I failed. I looked around for help, but there is no one around. I turned back and started moving towards my car.

I can’t go further, I felt like something is pulling me back. I turned to see. I saw a red circle in the air. The circle is pulling everything inside it, like a vacuum. It is pulling me back as well. It is getting stronger as well. I turned back again and tried to run out of its gravity. I saw Brade coming.

“Go Brade, don’t come near me. You will be sucked in too.” I shouted. I kneel down and hold the grass for help. Brade kept coming towards me. My hands slept because of the pain in my left wrist, I started flying. Brade held my legs. “Leave me and run home Brade.” I shouted. He started pulling me back. But, we both started flying towards that. “It was a meeting to the death. You should have went to home and stay with family.” I said.

Brade held me by my back and held me like hugging me from behind, covering me as much as possible. We sucked in the circle. “You have given me the love of a brother, your family loved me as if I am their own child and brother. They all need you more than me. I need to protect you and I want to see you happy with everyone else. I can die for you.” Brade said while sobbing. The darkness increased and I can’t see anything.

Don't Know

“Get up Target.” I can hear someone calling me. I get my consciousness back. Brade was try to wake me up. I tried to remember what happened and what made me fall unconscious. I stood up as I remembered the red circle. “Look, we are alive. But a problem that I don’t know where we are.” Brade said.

“How can you be so sure that we are alive?” I asked.

“Because we can sense and we can move too.” He answered.

“But there’s a believe that after we die, our souls go to paradise or hell. I believe, we are in paradise. Just have a look around. This place is not on Earth for sure.” I explained.

“Alright, for one minute I agree that after death, we came to heaven. But how? I am a humanoid not a human. I don’t have any soul. Why am I here?” Brade countered.

I nod. “I agree with you that we are alive. First, because we can sense and move. But, you are not a humanoid. You have your own life. You are my life too. You are my brother. You have a soul and also, we both have a spirit of superpowers.” I explained in a calm way while slow at speaking.

Brade pushed me back at a sudden. I noticed that we are at a peak of a mountain which is not covered with Ice as normally others around are. We are on a red danger mark. The mark looks like a mark we have for indicating biohazard. Brade jumped back as well. A blue beam hit on where we were standing and a small explosion.

We stood up and started looking around for the search of the person for that attack. I noticed a girl flying towards us. Her skin is complete blue, her hairs are blue, wearing something blue and only her eyes are red. “Am I dreaming?” I said as she may be an alien. “Don’t worry you are not dreaming she is not a human and not an Earth’s creature.” Brade said. She keeps coming closer.

“Who are you both?” she started and she didn’t opened her mouth or moved it for talking to us.

“We are Humans.” Brade said while coming to me as she was closer to me than him.

“Where are you from? Which planet and galaxy, I mean.” She said again without opening her mouth.

“We are from Earth from Milky-way galaxy. My name is Target and he is my brother Brade. Now, introduce yourself to us.” I replied.

“I am from Goosialalandoi. My name is Kaiko. Whatever you said, I want you to help me after you qualify.” Kaiko replied. She always talks without using her mouth.

“What do you want from us as help?” I replied.

“Everyone here wants to go to their homes and I do. I guess, both of you want to go home too. But, we can’t go now and not all can go. Because once a super being from his own planet arrives here, he has to win the survival game to not just save his life but his planet as well. Everyone can join or create a group of 3 persons who must have qualified. The group then has to fight from other groups and robots from the survival which can have anyone’s powers. The winner group will be only one and the people of the group then will be sent back to their home planets and the loser will loose his life and the planet.” She explained everything.

“We are in. I mean we want to join your group. But, how can we qualify?” I asked.

“By just fighting someone who has already qualified, take a victory over me. We have to do it here only. We are standing on the neutralizing combat ring. We all have different gravities at our planets, we can feel the same on this ring. These are made for the qualifications. No one can pass out of the ring area till That person don’t qualify. This is why I get to know that you are new here.” She explained.

“We can’t fight. You are a girl, I can’t attack or harm a girl.” I got stressed.

“I am not a girl. I can read and understand everyone’s experiences. I sensed you too. You shouldn’t be caring about females here. We are from different planets and that makes us different by genders as well. Also, the others can use your ethics as your weakness. So, please forget all about ethics here.” She calmed me down.

I concentrate to change in Fire Flame. “From now onwards, if someone asks you your name, just tell them your super hero name and never tell them your real name like you did already and don’t tell them that you are from Earth.” She advised. I nod in answer, same did Brade. “Who are you?” she asked.

“My name is Fire Flame and he is my partner, Burner.” I replied.

She turned translucent. I started concentrating my fist to throw blasts. “Start now.” She said. I shoot a blast to her. That went through her. She didn’t got hurt as well. She swiped her hand back and forth, a blue blast came through her hand towards me. I jumped side to dodge it and rolled to stand. I concentrated and turned into blue Fire Flame. I threw a blast again. Like last time, it crosse her without hurting. “Mix both powers and shoot.” Brade said.

I concentrated and changed in myself wearing the Flame dress, the one I wore when saving others, the skin tight dress with mask, I named this dress just now. I raised my fist facing her. She stood still. Both my fists are holding flames on them but different from each other, one normal and one with blue flames. I shoot them both to her, both the blasts combined in middle of reaching her. She quickly swiped her hands back and forth to shoot me but my blast hit her. This time she got damage and knocked down and she turned normal. I turned my sight to Brade, he showed his thumb up to me.

I ran to Kaiko and helped her to stand back to her feet. “Are you alright?” I asked as she stood up.

“You qualified.” She said. I looked at Brade and she followed and she took a look on him too. “Yes, he qualified too. Both of you are from Earth, you are considered one.” She said and I passed smile to Brade and he did the same to me. We both are happy.

This happiness is incomplete. I have to do so much more to go back home with Brade and save whole earth with my people. We have to do it, we all three.

Kaiko starts flying. “Can you both fly?” she asked.

I turned my flames on and started flying. “Turn yourself in Burner now.” I said looking at Brade. He followed my lead. She starts flying away and we started following her.

I sensed danger around us. “Wait.” I shouted. We all stopped. They came to me. “We are in danger. I can sense. I am trying to understand the danger.” I said. I started concentration for revealing the danger we are in. “Get ready to fight.” I said. It took me 30 seconds to discover that we are going to be attacked.

Suddenly, an orange coloured sphere formed at the back of Kaiko as she turned she got stuck and sucked inside by the sphere. An alien appeared. “He is from the survival, he is here to kill us.” She said.

“Target!” Burner called me. I turned to him and saw him getting sucked in by similar sphere. I can see both trying to break the sphere and get free. But, sphere is too strong to break.”What do you want from us?” I asked the alien.

“Fight me. If you win, they will be free. For winning, you have to destroy me.” He answered. He raised his index finger to the ring I woke up on. “There we have to fight.”

We came to ring. The spheres came with us as well. I got angry and my flames raised. We both took positions to fight. He started first by trying to kick my face with his right kick. But, I dodged that by bending myself down. As, I stood up to normal stance, his left kick reached my stomach. Because of the kick I got down on my knees and my body got slightly bend forward. He used my shoulders to jump high. As he jumped, I stood up quickly and raised my fists to shoot him. My blasts hit him in mid air and explode him. He died to ashes.

Both Kai ko and Burner got free from the sphere as that disappeared. “Thanks and that was really amazing. You finished him by just a single blow. But, why were you kneel down? Was that because of pain or you planed it?” she asked.

“That was because of the hard shock I got from the jerk of the kick.” I replied.

“Come on we must get going.” He said. We started flying in the same direction we were flying. “Look, there’s a red flag. It appeared right now. But, why?” he asked indicating at our left. We stopped.

“That’s where we have to go now. The Faster we go the better for us.” She explained. We started flying as fast as possible to reach there.

I reached the destiny first. Burner is also near to reach but Kaiko is far to reach as she is slower than us. This place is similar to the place I woke up at. A signal of danger came to my head again. The danger is close to me and can harm us all. I took a look at burner but there was no danger around him. I turned my attention to Kaiko. I saw a missile is following her. I joined my both fists facing her and launched a beam of fire to her.

Kaiko is still coming, I stopped my beam. She must be thinking I will not hurt her. “Kaiko! Dodge that beam.” I shouted. The beam reached too close to her. She tried to dodge that by flying towards ground. Unfortunately, the beam got her back and blasted. The missle which were following her came in contact with the blast and exploded. “Kaiko!” We both screamed. We both started flying to wards the explosion’s smoke. She didn’t fall off from the smoke. That smoke is so dense that we can’t see through.

As we were flying to the smoke, we saw her falling, she came out of the smoke but she is getting closer to the ground. Unfortunately, stone spikes were waiting for her.

I started flying towards her with my full power. Because my flames can hurt her, I turned in Blue Fire Flame as I got near her. I caught her and took her to the nearest safe ground, side of the spikes. I landed on ground. “Kaiko, Kaiko.” I called her. She fainted. I saw a Cave beside me, I took her there and put her down. Burner came in the cave as well. He turned normal but wearing the similar dress with a mask. I did same as well. We are tired as well.

“You should take rest with her and sleep here. I will guard here.” He said.

“No, I am not going to sleep. It was my fault she is down now. But, you should take rest as you are tired as well.” I shouted.

I noticed Kaiko trying to sit. I helped her and put my right leg behind her to let her use that for easy sitting. “Are you alright?” we asked her in unison. She started laughing. We both started laughing with her.

“I am alright.” She continued, “Fire Flame, thanks for saving me from that eliminating missile. If that would have touched me, me and my planet would have finished. By the way that beam you shoot was really strong. I want to sleep and suggest you both to sleep and take rest as well. We cleared 1st stage and we are in a cave as well. No one is allowed to attack at the rest time. But, I want to know how did you get to know about the missile?”

“I can sense the danger before even happening of that. May be because of what made me get these super natural abilities.” I replied.

We all lied down. The night fall. I stood up. “Don’t worry. It’s sleeping time.” She said. Brade passed smile to me and we all slept.

When will I get to go home with Brade?

He Is Injured (Part 1)

We all woke up at the same time, as I noticed we all stood up at the same time. “Wow! What a co-incident.” I said. “By the way, good morning to all.” I said stretching my arms. As, we all got fully conscious, we left the cave.

As we came out of the cave, I felt a greater danger for all of us. I looked up as I felt danger coming from the sky. A missile coming for our blood.

I quickly pushed them away so they don’t get hurt. I tried to get out of the missile’s range but failed to escape. The missile touched the ground. The missile exploded. They both are in are because I pushed them with my full power they are at least out of the range of the explosion. All the damage that missile could do to anyone, I just got all of that. That stroke the ground 2 foot far. I got injured. I fall on the ground. I felt like I was flying away from the cave mouth. But, I am still in the smoke of that missile’s explosion and the dust in the smoke because of it. I can’t see trough. I can’t stand up. Because of the pain, I feel like I am paralysed but feeling pain. “Target.” I can hear them calling me. I tried to answer but I can’t speak too.

The smoke and dust flew away in some time and they came to me. I saw an armoured man with a sword in his hand behind Kaiko. I went berserk and stood up using my full power. I pushed her to my right for saving her as he attacked. I fall on ground remaining without any energy left. I fall on my chest. That man threw his sword away.

“Who are you. I think we are familiar.” He asked.

“I am Fire Flame. I am the last warrior you could have met.” I replied slowly and mumbling.

He startled and lied down on his knees. He started crying. “Target! It’s me. The Knight Of Might. I am your old friend. You might remember me as Khiudo.” He said and put off his helmet. I remembered him.

“where did you go after our secondary education?” I asked him.

“I left Earth for going back to my home planet. I left a device there which was half created on my planet but you are too smart that you understood the device and completed it. That made you a scientist. But later, I lost the track on you.” He explained.

“Thank you. I was always wondering why anyone would have left something like that to me. But, Thanks a lot. By the way, you don’t look like part of any group. So, will you join our group?” I asked.

He stood up. Yes, that’s an honour to be in a group of the best person I ever met. The one who would die to save one’s life.” He said. He came to me and held me up, burner helped him and they took me in the cave.

“Knight! Do you know how to fly?” Kaiko asked. He nod in answer. I raised his right hand and his palm faces the cave mouth. His sword came to his hand. “Burner! You should wait here and save Fire Flame. We will be attending challenges.” She completed.

Knight put on his helmet as we went out. I can see him from inside. He nods with a smile on his face. Kaiko went out as well. He looked up in the sky putting his sword in the cover at his back which just appeared. He flew away and following him, she flew too.

I tried and pulled my left hand in front of me. As I am lying on my back, its not much difficult. Burner is looking out of the cave to save me from the dangers. As the danger can come in by the cave mouth only. After all the cave is not large and big, but small and short like a hall in a hotel. I took a look on my watch. It’s my birthday, 27th of July, 3019. I started smiling as this is the worst birthday I have experienced. I started concentrating on taking rest. I fell asleep.

I woke up because of a sound of explosion. I tried to see the cave mouth. A red light came in the cave from out side. Burner ran out to check. He is standing in front of the cave. I can see his back. I checked the watch, I took 30 minutes nap. A red lesser hit Burner’s chest and crossed through his back at left side. He fell on ground in front of me. I tried but I can’t even stand up to check on him. I can’t move my body at all.

Suddenly, Knight fall in front of the cave. A man put his left leg on his chest. He is holding Kaiko in his right hand by her neck. He is wearing a metal armour. “Come out and fight like a man, coward.” He said and left kaiko on ground and moved back. They are not moving at all.

I started screaming because of anger on that man. Flames started to come around me. I stood up. I changed in Fire Flame completely. But this time, I was a bit different. My appearance is not familiar. My hands are normal. From my neck to the top of my hairs, flames are flowing up. My hairs are waving upside. My mask is also covered with flames. My shoulders, knees and my elbows have flames on them. My thighs, ribs, biceps, clavicle and triceps are having blue coloured but no flames. Rest of my body is normal as in Flame dress.

I started moving for going out. I noticed that my body has completely healed itself and now I am feeling more powerful. This must be my true form. Suddenly, I got all information about my powers. I got many new powers like, controlling the gravity of some matter, mainly of the stones, I can shoot many types of flame and flame beams.

I came out of the cave. The strange man is in front of me. “You have to pay for this.” I shouted. He laughed. I got angry like never before. I closed my eyes for 1 second. He didn’t moved. He said, “Lets begin the fight.

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