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Twin Stranger

Like a dream

(Dear readers, I am pleased to introduce my debut novel. While it may contain minor grammatical imperfections, I invite you to appreciate the uniqueness of this original work.)

In the early morning, I eagerly awoke, filled with anticipation to witness the captivating spectacle of Singhala Waterfalls, where I was scheduled to meet my dear Veer. This moment filled me with an undeniable sense of joy, as I immersed myself in the sheer magnificence of the natural world.

Singhala Waterfall derives its name from its striking resemblance to the head of a lion, with water cascading from its mouth. For a brief moment, I closed my eyes and was serenaded by the melodious call of a cuckoo, as if it were extending a harmonious good morning greeting. The birds hummed in unison, welcoming the impending sunrise, and the invigorating fragrance of freshly blossomed flowers filled the air.

As I reopened my eyes to embrace the natural beauty that surrounded me, I found myself standing on a precipitous cliff. From this vantage point, I observed rabbits playfully searching for their morning sustenance, while deer gracefully danced across the plain below. The collective spectacle made one feel as if the forest itself were warmly bidding you a good morning.

While I was captivated by this heartfelt embrace, a gentle hand reached out to clasp mine, exuding an unmistakable sense of affection and compassion. I turned around to behold his striking countenance, marked by an air of dignity, eyes as crystalline as water, and a smile as pure and innocent as that of a child.

He began to inquire, "Hello, my lovely rabbit. Does this panoramic vista meet your satisfaction? Now, you're free to paint as your heart desires, and reveal to me the depths of your artistic talents," he conveyed with a soft smile.

I responded, "However, I invited you here with a different purpose in mind. You offered me this ring as a symbol of your feelings for me. Now, it's my turn. It feels like the first time we crossed paths in the wilderness when I was lost, and I encountered you in the forest where I was unsure of my next step. Back then, I never envisioned uttering these words to you. I never imagined that I would find myself eagerly waiting for you, as if each second in anticipation stretched into ages. Every minute spent with you has become invaluable to me. I am prepared to declare that I am willing to share my entire life with you. Will you grant me the honor of being your life partner, for all of our days?"

Even though I'm confident his response aligns with mine, I yearn to hear it from him, a sentiment I've eagerly awaited for an entire month. A captivating and enchanting smile graced his lips, leaving me utterly entranced and yearning to witness more of that mesmerizing grin. We locked eyes in a ceaseless gaze, as if fearing that a mere blink might steal away the other's presence. Our silent connection held us both in its embrace, reluctant to shatter the tranquility.

However, our shared enjoyment was abruptly shattered by the piercing sound of a whistle. A massive rock seemingly materialized out of thin air and hurtled toward us. We deftly dodged the initial assault, but the subsequent onslaught grew fiercer, and then, a sudden and astonishing maneuver by Veer left me dumbfounded. He employed his hand to conjure a transparent shield, effectively halting the relentless onslaught of rocks and boulders.

For a moment, I couldn't comprehend the unfolding events. Subsequently, a crimson sphere assailed us, causing the shield to falter, and a sudden, imperceptible force struck me. In an instant, a sharp pain radiated from the corner of my forehead, and dizziness overcame me.

Observing my pallid condition, Veer began to withdraw with me in his hands.

Initially, he diverted the assailants' attention before leading me to the shelter of a cave. "Rabbit, remain here for a while. I'll return to escort you home," he assured me, and with those words, he disappeared in a swift motion.

Despite my confusion about the ongoing events, I held onto faith in him, prepared to bide my time in this desolate and eerie cavern. My dizziness intensified, ultimately causing me to lose consciousness.

I couldn't discern how much time had passed, but I awakened to the sound of commotion, only to be jolted by the startling sight that greeted me. Before my eyes, a fierce conflict unfolded, though it was unlike any battle I had ever witnessed. They were not wielding conventional weapons, nor were their hands engaged in combat.

Rather, they clashed using an array of radiant, multicolored, and transparent energies—it was unmistakably a display of magic. My astonishment grew as I absorbed the astounding revelation before me.

This isn't the stuff of childhood fairy tales; it's an undeniable reality, and I'm not ensnared in some dream. Panic surged through me, propelling me toward the cave's entrance, where a beckoning glimmer of light promised escape. Yet, just as I neared the threshold of freedom, an unseen force yanked me back.

A strong hand seized my arm, spinning me around to confront its owner. It was a man, towering in stature, his striking eyes accentuated by attire predominantly black with hints of crimson. His handsome visage, however, concealed a sinister intent, akin to a lion closing in on its prey. With a vice-like grip on my throat, he hoisted me into the air, intent on choking the life from me.

My body already weakened and exhausted, I lacked the strength to resist his iron grip, even though I yearned to break free. I am just an ordinary girl with a mischievous younger brother and a loving family. In all my years, I had never encountered violence, yet now I found myself forced into a life-and-death situation with an unknown assailant. Why should I meet my end like this? Who was he to take my life? My existence was my own, and my family and friends awaited my return. I couldn't relinquish the fight before it even began.

With this resolve, I removed a hairpin from my braid and drove it into his hand. Gasping for air, I felt his grip on my battered neck suddenly loosen, and it was a girl in a white dress who bravely confronted the menacing man, liberating me from his clutches.

I lay there, drained of all energy, my body a pallid and lifeless form on the ground. My vision blurred, and I could only make out the chaotic tableau before me: two factions locked in a battle, one draped in white, standing as my guardian, while the other clad in black, intent on my demise. Their motives remained a mystery, their intrusion into my life an unwelcome disturbance.

After a while, I regained consciousness, I was in an unfamiliar place and I noticed a group of onlookers, their gaze fixed upon me. Desperate to communicate, I attempted to speak, but no words escaped my lips, a consequence, perhaps, of the lingering dizziness, as if an unseen force had forcibly silenced me.

An elderly individual, who I surmised to be in their sixties despite my blurred vision, advised me to rest. My lips moved, yet they failed to produce any coherent words. Exhausted and frustrated by this futile attempt, I yielded to weariness and lent an ear to their conversations.

From the fragmented snippets I could discern, it seemed they had mistaken me for 'Tara,' their heiress, targeted by their adversaries.

This was far from what I had envisioned when Veer and I had planned a simple picnic here. If only I had foreseen this unforeseen turmoil, I would have proposed to him in the comfort of his mansion a month ago. Now, my thoughts swirled with uncertainty about his whereabouts and well-being. All I fervently wished for was his safety and a chance to hear his response to my earlier question.

All of this unfolded before me, akin to a dreadful nightmare, a dream I had never wished to become reality. Yet, the stark truth remained implacable, and despite my reluctance, I had no choice but to accept it.

Why am I here?

Upon awakening, I discovered myself lying in an unfamiliar room. Adjacent to the bed sat a table adorned with a ceramic kettle, its pristine white surface embellished with a golden-outlined swan, symbolizing purity and rarity. Beside it, a lightweight cup painted in a warm wood color displayed a delicate floral pattern.

Pouring some jasmine tea into the wooden cup, I took a sip, finding both refreshment and solace in its soothing flavor. While I remained uncertain about my situation, my fervent hope was for the safety of Veer and my family. This single wish dominated my thoughts. Amidst my contemplation, the faint sound of a door creaking heralded the entrance of a young woman into the room where I presumed I was convalescing.

The girl who had left a profound impression on me during our encounter in the cave, radiating an angelic beauty, now approached. She greeted me with a subtle smile and began to speak, "Hello, miss. I'm Lily. I've come to convey something to you, though it's not just a message—we're in need of your assistance."

I asked, "Well, how can I be of help to you, miss...?"

The girl answered, "My apologies for my lack of manners. I'm Lily. May I inquire about your name?"

Reluctant to divulge any information about myself, I responded, "Is it possible for me not to answer?"

Lily replied with a firm, "No."

Eventually, I comprehended the futility of my resistance and acknowledged that understanding the situation was paramount. Recognizing that cooperation might be essential for my unscathed escape from this ordeal, I offered, "I'm Maya. Miss Lily, thank you for your assistance. Could you kindly tell me today's date?"

She replied, "Oh, you've been here for almost a week."

I questioned her in disbelief, "Are you saying that I slept for an entire week?"

She affirmed this with a nod. Initially, I considered it a jest, but judging from her expression, it was evident she spoke the truth, and there was no need for deception. The situation seemed utterly nonsensical. For the first time in my life, I felt a profound sense of foolishness. Could I not have simply accepted Veer's proposal? Instead, my stubborn nature led me to reply, "This is too sudden; I need a month to consider." A month to consider, what a futile stance. If not for my own imprudent decision, I wouldn't find myself in this predicament.

Lily inquired, "Maya, I hope you might be able to impersonate someone who is missing."

I inquired, "Is it because we share some similarities?"

Lily replied, "Yes."

Upon hearing this, my mind went blank for a moment, and then, after a short while, I managed to find my voice and asked, "Well, if you'd excuse me, could you please inform me why I'm here and what's happening?" Before I could finish my question, a voice interrupted me, saying, "Miss, you'll need some time to comprehend all of this. Your task is to play the role of a girl who has lost her memories."

I turned my gaze toward the source of the voice to find three men and a child entering the room, all fixated on me. My face bore the pallor of confusion, a reflection of the unanswered questions that swirled in my mind.

The child, seemingly grasping my predicament, approached me and greeted, "Hello, sister. My name is Nemo, but you can call me Lil'Nemo. The one standing in the left corner is Parth," he added with a hushed tone, "He's 50, so you can call him old man." To his right in the center stood Jay, and in the left corner was Jai.

Parth began, "You've likely already heard of Lily. We serve as the personal bodyguards, assistants, and companions to our young Miss Tara. Some of our adversaries stirred up chaos in the sacred forest, and our misled a group to confront them. However, they launched a treacherous ambush, employing forbidden magic that incapacitated her abilities. We managed to outmaneuver the assailants, but tragically lost track of our miss during the skirmish. Remarkably, you happened to be in the forest at the same time, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Miss Tara. It appears they mistook you for her and subjected you to their attack. Fortunately, your friend intervened just in time to save you from a lethal magical strike. Had they recognized your true identity, the force of that attack might have consumed you entirely, reducing you to ashes. Yet, one question remains: how can you possess the aura of pure magic?"

Those words only deepened my perplexity. While I'm far from comprehending everything fully, I find myself in a state of profound confusion. Up until now, I had lived an ordinary life, regarding magic as little more than a form of entertainment. But in this place, I'm surrounded by individuals who possess an intimate understanding of the mystical.

What frustrates me the most is that we've spent nearly two years together, and yet, Veer never disclosed any of this to me. Is it because he couldn't trust me, or have we not grown as close as I thought? I yearn to ask him these questions directly, but where is he? He promised to return and take me home, so why hasn't he come back yet?

These individuals are pressuring me to impersonate someone, a role I reluctantly accept. My reluctance doesn't stem from fear, but rather from a deep-seated concern that my family may suffer the consequences of this turbulent situation into which I've been forced.

After careful consideration, I responded, "I will agree to assume the role of Tara until her return, but I have two conditions that you must absolutely meet."

Parth questioned, "What made you think that we will have to do as you wish?"

I replied to him, "You seem to be the elder one here. I don't think you would be foolish enough to lose the opportunity that's right in front of you to save your Young miss."

Jai asked curiously, "Miss, You are just someone who can't protect yourself if you leave here. How do you think you are useful to us?"

I expected his question and was more than happy to answer that. Because my father taught me that we can't overcome adversities just by strength but also wits. Although I am never weak when it comes to strength, I am no magician like them to fight. So I need to know what they want from me too in order to not let myself be in a passive position. I answered him confidently, "It's because you need me more than I need you."

Parth was amused by my answered and asked, "How so?"

I replied, "You said it yourself. That Tara was injured while fighting and now her power is sealed. If your enemies were to know that she is missing, do you think you can reach her before them and bring her unscathed?"

Listening to my answer, he smiled brightly and said, "Ok. Let me know what you want. I will do everything that I can to make your wishes come true."

Although I don't know what he found amusing in my words I said what I want, "My first condition is that under no circumstances shall my family be implicated; you must ensure their safety. The second condition is that I must be allowed to meet Veer, so we need to make our way to his house."


Parth responded by stating, "We are willing to accept your first condition. However, regarding the second condition, it may not be advisable to assert that their adversaries have withdrawn. Additionally, the well-being of your friend remains uncertain. He engaged in a direct confrontation with Kaal, a formidable tantric practitioner, surpassing most in power. It would be a relief if he emerged from that encounter unscathed. You express a strong desire to see him."

Parth, the fact that you may not measure up to Kaal or any other individual does not imply that no one can overcome him. Although I lack knowledge of the specific magic you mention, it is evident that he possesses greater power than you. Furthermore, he assured me of his commitment to escort me, and I have every reason to trust his word, particularly in my case. Regarding your agreement or disagreement, I must depart immediately. You have no alternative, as you require my assistance. Therefore, if you wish for my cooperation, you must adhere to my conditions, even if they run counter to your preferences or my safety.

Parth silently pondered, "This determined young lady, can't she simply be compliant? Does she believe she's in a position to argue with me? Let's see how steadfast she can be." He then asked Maya, "What if I were to disagree?"

Maya responded, "As I mentioned before, you don't really have another option, much like when you left me with no choice but to impersonate Tara. I assure you I will act as her until you locate her, or she returns. Until then, you must acquiesce to my requests. Otherwise, you'll need to find someone else to assume her identity. In any case, I don't concern myself with the reasons behind your need for a counterfeit."

Parth was at a loss for words and gestured toward Maya, indicating his frustration. Yet all that escaped his lips was a simple, "You..."

After extensive deliberations and a careful consideration of the advantages and disadvantages, they ultimately consented to granting my request on this one occasion. I had anticipated traveling to the location by conventional means, but to my surprise, they wasted no time and employed teleportation.

Fortunately, it was the early hours of the morning, and the site was somewhat secluded, reducing the likelihood of attracting attention.

As I stood before 'Serenity,' I couldn't help but reflect on the origins of its name. It brought to mind my initial visit to this estate two years prior, and as I gazed upon it, memories of that time began flooding back for Maya as well.

Maya was walking beside Veer with her backpack. She asked him in astonishment, "Mr. Wolf, is this... your home?"

Veer responded, "Yes, indeed. Otherwise, do you believe I am merely making empty claims with the intent of pursuing you?"

I playfully remarked, "I must admit, I didn't anticipate that someone engaging with formidable adversaries would reside in such an expansive estate, especially one surrounded by such tranquility and a meticulously tended garden."

Veer continued in a jesting manner, "In that case, Miss Rabbit, would you care to share more about this?"

Maya inquired, "Are you genuinely certain you're not making unfounded claims? Nevertheless, your keen eye for aesthetics is evident. You've cultivated an impressive array of plant species here, with the Lotus pond standing out as a particularly delightful feature. I'm curious, how much time and investment did it take to discover and nurture these diverse Lotus varieties? They truly are exquisite."

Veer turned towards her and quipped, "So, Miss Rabbit has an affection for Lotus."

As Maya stooped to retrieve a Lotus from the pond, she suddenly refocused and remarked, "That doesn't quite address my question. In any case, what is the name of your residence?"

Veer remarked, "I haven't assigned a name to it yet. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them."

Maya, both elated and taken aback by his offer, responded, "Oh, what a wonderful opportunity. Alright, considering the abundance of pets that provide lively company and the tranquil garden that imparts a sense of serenity and peace to the mind, I propose the name 'Serenity.'"

Veer chuckled at Maya's choice of name, "Serenity! Miss, are you certain you're naming a residence and not a park? Why christen a house with a garden? Quite amusing, I must say."

Maya expressed her frustration, stating, "Mr. Wolf, you sought my opinion and are now casting blame. Nonetheless, what's objectionable about the name? This place exudes tranquility, offering respite for anyone seeking solace from their concerns. Furthermore, it's the garden that I've christened, not your esteemed abode."

Gradually, she overcame her inner turmoil and found herself standing at the gate, contemplating whether to ring the bell.

I have a profound affection for nature; to be more accurate, I harbor a deep, almost obsessive love for it. My preference for tranquility leads me to steer clear of social gatherings and other forms of entertainment. In stark contrast, my brother exudes a vivacious personality, thriving in lively environments and embracing a bustling lifestyle. At times, I find myself pondering the reasons behind our stark differences, despite sharing blood ties. 'Serenity' stands as the most breathtaking location I had ever encountered until that moment - serene, revitalizing, and possessing an exceedingly magnificent landscape. Consequently, I chose to christen it as a place of calm and purity.

For a considerable duration, there was no response. Even though I had unrestricted access to his residence, I hesitated to enter without the courtesy of ringing the doorbell. Veer repeatedly assured me that knocking was unnecessary, and I could freely walk in. Regrettably, I never heeded his advice. However, on this particular day, I decided to adhere to his suggestion. I cautiously unlocked the gate with my fingerprint and entered his home, reminiscing about the times we had spent together.

We all retain memories, whether they be pleasant or distressing, as we deem them profoundly significant. Memory is a gift bestowed upon us by a higher power, but the painful recollections are the most difficult to shed. Until this very moment, each visit to this place has been devoid of painful memories. However, this time, I find myself engulfed in an anguish that weighs upon my heart like a burdensome stone. Apart from Veer, there is another individual here whom I cannot overlook – Uncle Jaafar, a middle-aged gentleman who serves as a butler. It is intriguing to note that their dynamic transcends the conventional bounds of an employer-employee relationship. I recollect Uncle Jaafar mentioning that he has been with Veer since the latter's childhood.

Maya inquired, "Uncle Jaafar, may I inquire about Veer's family?"

Jaafar responded with a touch of humor, "Ah, it seems my young lady is growing more inquisitive about Veer and beginning to ponder over his family."

Maya chose to engage in some playful banter and inquired, "Dearest uncle, please stop speculating and enlighten me about his parents. I've never had the chance to glimpse his parents here, not to mention a family album or any photographs of them."

Jaafar replied, "Are you absolutely certain you've explored every nook and cranny of this residence? Perhaps there are places you have yet to visit that could offer you more insight into him. Besides, why should I divulge details about my little kid?"

Maya's frustration was palpable as she retorted, "Respect your age, sir, and don't allow your good looks to go to your head. If you don't divulge the information, I'll certainly find my own way. And as for calling him a 'little kid,' that's quite the understatement. Just look at his towering height and impressive physique; he could probably move mountains. There's hardly a childlike quality to his appearance, as you've previously suggested. In fact, if there's anyone being deceived here, I believe it's more likely to be me. Hmph."

Jaafar's laughter ceased, and he relented, saying, "Very well, I won't jest any longer. The truth is, Mr. and Mrs. reside abroad, tending to their business ventures. Sir is quite self-sufficient and has lived independently since he was a child."

Maya inquired, "Uncle Jaafar, are you not human?"

Jaafar was taken aback by her inquiry, "Excuse me?"

Maya responded, "Considering that you, a human, reside with him, it's rather perplexing to assert that he lives alone. Moreover, I find your explanation quite implausible. If he genuinely desired independence, he could certainly achieve it without the need for physical distance from his family, not even a single contact. If you intend to offer an explanation, could you provide something more reasonable and credible?"

Jaafar explained, "Young lady, I assure you, I'm speaking the absolute truth. His family's absence aside, he has been self-sufficient since the tender age of 12. He handles all his responsibilities, and even now, I'm not allowed to assist with his tasks."

Maya responded, "Nevertheless, you misled me, and it's left me feeling hurt. As a consequence, I decree that you refrain from speaking for the next two days."

Jaafar expressed his astonishment, saying, "My dear miss, if you are hurt, why should I remain silent for two days?"

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