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Sharp objects like knives, scissors or broken mirrors always make me feel chills and scared every time I look at them. There are many scientific documents saying that this is just an illusion when the brain thinks of unrealistic scenarios and amplifies those thoughts, but to me, it is not that simple.

My obsession with sharp things was something worse. I always feel pain and difficulty breathing in my throat every time I see those sharp objects. There was even a time when I almost fainted when I saw a piece of broken glass, or even a small folded edge of a piece of paper could close off my airway.

Then the time came, I couldn't stand that feeling anymore. I searched and contacted, as well as met with a famous psychic. She let me see my past life through some kind of spell with my glass of water.

Actually, all my past lives were as an executioner. In my delirium, I could see myself as a huge executioner, executing a girl with a fatal blow to her larynx, while still clutching a newborn baby in her arms.In one life, I saw myself as an executioner and the method of execution was to simultaneously hang countless people, suspected of being witches or criminals.

But the most special, also the heaviest karma that I carry, according to the psychic, is that I have executed countless innocent and pure souls in tens of thousands of my previous lives with a beheading machine, so Those pure souls will forever cling to me until this life and tens of thousands of lives to come. They will never let me go and will forever make me suffer until the end because of what I did in my previous life.

I woke up from the dream world and returned to reality, in shock and worry. The psychic glanced at me and quietly told me that only gods have the right to punish souls on earth. If they themselves punish each other, they will only carry more sins and will not be able to grant any amnesty. Having finished speaking, she chased me away immediately, while the weather was getting colder, now gradually turning to stone because of my feelings.

I limped through the leafless trees, sweat drenched in the cold weather, just kept walking and walking. Everything happened so quickly that I still couldn't react. Visions of my past life haunted my mind again. The sounds of children crying, the curses of girls on probation, and even severed heads were echoing around my mind.

They tightened and gradually took my breath away, and in a moment of inattention, I accidentally sped across the street and caused a glass truck to rush straight towards me. That car swerved when it saw me, it turned around in a big curve and avoided me, but still couldn't avoid hitting another car on the opposite side of the road. The car's window strap broke and tens of thousands of glass panels suddenly broke all at once.

Pieces of glass were falling towards me and in that short moment, I could clearly see the satisfied smiling faces being reflected through the glass panels. In an instant, when the glass finally fell and cut off my head, I was still in shock at the scene before my eyes. My head was lying on the road and the cut in my neck was spraying blood like a fountain in all directions. I'm still not ready for what happens in my next life.



A customer ordered 100 angel dolls in my store, with the request and wish that they could take his daughter to heaven in the most complete and beautiful way.

I also heard the story about that girl from you. When he was young, his daughter suffered from a heart and lung disease that prevented her from going outside to play or walking the streets, fields or gardens like other children. The girl had to be "imprisoned" in her own house from birth until now. Doctors cannot completely cure her, but can only repel the evil disease for a certain period of time. Until, it could no longer be pushed back, and it was time for her to leave this world, and that fateful day was judged to be the expiration date written on my order.

Because he really admired the customer's love for his daughter, as well as the sad fate of the little girl. I worked hard day and night to create celestial dolls from porcelain.

Finally the delivery day has come. I was assigned to arrange those dolls around the girl, who was lying quietly on the bed, with dull eyes, as well as a lethargic mood. She must also have dreams, ambitions as well as things she still wants to experience in this life, but God seems to have betrayed this little angel's trust.

Until the last angel doll was placed at the head of the bed, she asked me if they could help her go to heaven, because for her, life was too painful, as well as A fate that can be said to be this ungrateful deserves to go to a better place than that. The girl also confessed that what she wanted most since she was born was to fly like an angel with her own wings. Flying in the unknown but peaceful sky is also truly free and comfortable.

It's such an innocent and foolish wish, but I'm sure she will be satisfied.

It's time for her to say goodbye to this world, to the world and her parents. I also left shortly after my conversation with the girl and started on my way back to the shop and my crafting work.

The sound of church bells beckoned from afar, mingling with the cries of her parents. The sound of reciting prayers, so that her soul could have peace and walk away from this life. The little girl lies on her bed, surrounded by angel dolls. The little girl still tried her best to open her eyes, even though they were slowly blurring and filled with tears. She still doesn't want to say goodbye, she still wants to have fun and continue living this life even if she is tormented by illness.

The sunlight rubbed into her room, making the angel's wings stand still, then gradually beat continuously, like the heartbeat of the dying girl. The porcelain dolls hugged her, they lifted her up high and through the open window, to the shock and amazement of the guests and her parents. They took her flying through the blue sky, carefree and thoughtless.

She also did not expect that at the last minute of her life, she would be able to look at everything with such emotional eyes, something that even other healthy children may not have. The angel dolls kept taking her up and up. Each wave of their wings, mixed with happy laughter, made the contentment welling up in the girl's disabled heart.

And until the sunlight gradually burned away part of the dolls, the girl had also achieved her goal, which was to fly in the vast sky and leave a life full of suffering behind her. The girl has become a real angel, with wings spread by countless other wings of angel dolls. Her retinas gradually shined and a halo of light enveloped her.

The porcelain dolls gradually burned little by little, until the last wings extinguished.

Little girl... can also walk to... heaven.



Surely everyone has once or more been home alone and had the feeling that something just passed by, that is a sense that can also be a confusion. As for me, this feeling is very real! Then there will come a day when everyone will see clearly what "thing" just passed by? Like me……

I just moved into this rented room. Originally, I was looking for a place near the company so I could work a little more and earn a little more to send back home. Unexpectedly, someone had just checked out of this place. Seeing the cheap price, I did not hesitate to deposit 3 months of room rent to move in quickly.

Briefly describe the scene so everyone can easily imagine it. It's called room because this house is quite small, with only one room, the surrounding walls are made of wood. The previous tenant used an old blue cloth to divide the room as a changing area. Outside the gate there are wild vines, around there are a few fruit trees, but it's not the season yet so there are no fruits. The yard is quite clean so I am quite satisfied with this.

The first day I moved in, I was quite surprised because the previous tenant's belongings were still there. I contacted the house manager and found out that the previous tenant was a western couple who came here to work. Some people are seriously ill so they have to go home quickly and don't get their supplies anymore. As for the owner of the house, he has settled in the US for a long time and has not returned.

After arranging everything, I opened the gate and went outside to get some fresh air. Nearby there were a few households selling small groceries. I stopped by to buy a few bottles of mineral water. When I arrived, everyone looked at me with strange eyes. I secretly thought it was because I was wearing short shorts that were a bit short. Who cares ! That's my hobby.

– Deck! Deck ! Deck !

The sound of the bell from the temple diagonally opposite the house I was renting startled me. I mumbled!

⁃ Is there a temple?

Walking to the temple gate, the door was locked tightly from the inside, the sound of bells and gongs was steady.

Tonight is my first night in this house! Prepare some delicious food to celebrate yourself. After cooking, it was already dark, the bathroom and toilet were behind the trees in the backyard so I was scared. Clicking his tongue to let it go: Never mind, let's change clothes. Morning shower.

Reaching out to pull the blue cloth over, suddenly I saw and felt a dark shadow passing behind me. Before I could calm down, outside the gate, the neighbors' dogs were scratching at the gate. bark loudly. Being a brave girl, I walked out, reinstalled the door tighter and continued to change clothes.

At that time, I had a creepy feeling on the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed as if someone was watching me change clothes. Meals alone in a quiet atmosphere make me quite scared. Pick up your phone and call home to chat with your parents back home for a while. Looking up at the old clock on the wall, it was already 10pm. Tomorrow I still have to go to the company to deal with work that I'm off today.

Outside, the sound of crickets kept chirping, making me feel nauseous and fall asleep without even realizing it. In my dream, I seemed to have escaped from my body and followed a dark shadow to the back of the house. The garden at that time was as clear as day but I couldn't see clearly what that black shadow was. Following, following, my feet felt like they touched something cold as ice, pulling me back to reality.

Sit up, it's only 10:25 a.m.! That means I just slept for 25 minutes! So what was that thing that just touched my foot? The quiet atmosphere at that time made me a bit scared. I felt that this house was unusual and reminded me of the previous tenant. Is it because they have urgent business and can't collect their belongings? Or do you give up money and run for someone because of something?

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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