NovelToon NovelToon

Surviving As A Obsessive Servant


"Rovel. Where are you going?”

The voice of the sick man was both drowsy and threatening.

“Ah, Ahaha—Young Master.”

I can’t believe I met the person I don’t want to meet the most late at night. I forced a smile and turned my head. As expected, Young Master Edrick was already facing the stairs where I stood. There was no sign, and I don’t know when he came down. 

No, I had to send him back sooner for my purpose. 

I said, conscious of the invisible carriage outside the window. “Young Master, you’ve woken up early. You should rest for a bit longer to completely recover from your fatigue after traveling.”

I tried to speak brightly, but a cracked voice came out of my mouth as if to prove the tension. Even if I was embarrassed, he continued the conversation as if it was nothing. 

“I can’t sleep because you’re not by my side. You know, I can’t sleep unless you hug me.”

“—It was like that for a while, right? Please bear with it even if it makes you uncomfortable. You’ve overcome other diseases, so your insomnia will get better soon.”

At the gibberish comfort, Edrick smiled silently. I was trapped in his great shadow and caught up in doubts.

‘What the hell is this kid thinking now, when he usually doesn’t want to move even a single step?’

He used to be harsh in the past, but I could still read a little bit of his feelings—but now I’m not sure what he’s thinking.

Well, besides this, there have been many big and small changes between him and me.

The similar heights started to diverge significantly. The relationship had changed, and I was slowly getting involved.

It includes natural skinship, such as putting his arm on my shoulder and rubbing his forehead on my shoulder as if complaining.

While repeating the movement for a while, he just raised his eyes with his face on my shoulder.

I was distracted by the drowsy eyes flashing dark green on a dangerous street.

‘—Look at that main protagonist’s love interest.’

In terms of body shape and atmosphere, this is an absolute kaebung. (캐붕 (kaebung) 캐붕의 정의 character collapse shortened words. In sope-opera or sth character changes strangely by mistranslating or on purpose by the writer / When a specific character behaves in a way that is completely inconsistent with the original personality or setting without describing the process of a special change of heart in a creation)

He asked, looking at me joyfully, who looked like a scared rabbit.

“You haven’t answered my question yet. Where are you going?”

“—Just a walk. The moon is so bright and pretty, I want to get some wind in the backyard.”

“Night walk. Good.” He laughed softly at the natural lie. “Holding such things?”

As I moved my eyes along his falling eyes, I saw bags on both hands.

At a glance, there are as many as two heavy leather bags—Darn it!

I was so nervous that I forgot the existence of the bag. I was flustered for a while. I picked up my suitcase in an annoying way.

“Even though I’m on my way, I’m bored to death. It was left out by the guy who went on vacation yesterday, but he asked me to move it.”

“Who would do such a request to my servant without my permission?”

—I don’t think Edric, who recently returned, knows all the names of his servant, right?

I said in a voice that was dubious, yet somewhat frustrated.

“It’s Fedric.”

I’m sorry, Fedric—. If we ever meet again later, don’t shoot me harshly—.

I said it with tears in my eyes, but Edric replied while playing with my silver hair, which had reached my ears.

“Fedric. okay. You had a friend like that. He has the same name as me.”

“—Is that so?”

Edric, Fedric.

Despite the fact that their appearances were entirely different, their names were similar. He wouldn’t have known for the rest of his life if he hadn’t said it.

Unlike the first time, the original was so wrong that it didn’t matter what had changed now.

I was buried in such thoughts when I heard a strange sound that was unlike anything I’d ever heard before.

“You were taking care of him because I wasn’t there?”

—What is this crazy guy saying?

He asked, playing with my collar, while I was at a loss for words in embarrassment.

“Oh, yeah. Things like these happen all the time. If Rovel, who loved me, missed me, that’s enough. So, where did you begin? Lick, hug, touch, wash—have you done everything you’ve done to me?”

Someone will misunderstand if they hear it in the middle of the night! If I licked it, that meant I licked the medicine’s lid! The rest of the chores are for me to complete as a servant!!

...I panicked and looked around....

Fortunately, there was no one but Edrick.

No, I didn’t know maybe this was the biggest misfortune.


His two hands, which were bigger and stronger than when he was a child, suddenly covered the back of my hand.

As a result, both bags fell naturally on the carpet. I tried to pull out my hand and smiled awkwardly. But the more I tried, the stronger his grip became.

When he had no option but to release his strength, he stroked my hand with care, as if he were dealing with something precious.

“Do you like someone other than me now?”

“—No way. It’s best in the world to have Young Master.”

“Yeah. I heard it then. I’m your breathing.”

Edrick whispered and smiled shyly. It was a beautiful and pure smile enough to forget the situation and admire it. It’s not going to be in the future because he’s all better now— so I nodded to match the rhythm.

The stiff air seems to have loosened as a result of this. But before I could be completely relieved, he said.

“But why are you trying to run away when you like me so much?”


“You, you said you’d die without me.”

Sooner or later, the Young Master had the face of a hungry predator^⁠_⁠^


My name is Rovelia Flor.

I grew up well as a daughter of a family of one of the leading merchants in the central commercial city of Belican, where trade developed.

The fact that I was possessed by novels came naturally to me through storybooks my parents read to me when I was young.

This is due to the fact that the place’s name is familiar to the main family known as the empire’s pillar.

This is because everything has gone out of control since I was reincarnated with the memory of my previous life after being hit and killed by a luxury truck.

Of course, I was curious for a moment about the two main characters, the world’s most beautiful men, but it was literally only a very short time.

Unlike my previous life, I had a family who loved me, and I had so much to enjoy every day.

‘Well, they’re people I’ll never see for the rest of my life.’

But one day, I collapsed without warning. The sky seems unconcerned as well. I was just 16 years old when it was discovered that I had a rare illness.

“Did you promise to get me a new carriage if I got better? It’s double the size of Robert’s brother’s!”

But I was confident enough to lightly comfort my tearful parents.

Because the novels I possessed often mention this disease. The original work is BL novel .

Edric Dencart, the illegitimate son of a venerable Duke, is the main protagonist and the main character’s love interest.

The handsome but sensitive and gloomy sick character refuses to take medicine and is about to die, but on the Crown Prince’s orders, he takes medicine to recover from his illness and falls in love with him.

So, it can be summarized as Crown Prince X Edric.

Now, this isn’t important.

Anyway, my illness matched the sick character’s illness. And I didn’t feel frustrated since I knew he’d made a full recovery. As I saw in the original story, I ate three o’clock three meals a day, and I ate it 30 minutes after eating and it was over.

Since it is a rare disease, there are literally fewer people who get it, and only basic treatment needs to be followed well.

People around the world don’t seem to know yet, but it’s not incurable.

‘It’s kind of scary to be sick—but it’s simple and good, right?’

Rather, I believed I could improve quicker than the main character, Edrick. He refuses to eat and refuses to take his medicine.

Although the death rate was high, it was natural considering that medicines or treatments had just recently been created. The medicine itself was too expensive.

But, as I already mentioned, our family is pretty livable.

Despite not being aristocratic, my parents, who were resourceful merchants from generation to generation, paid for their medicines, and physicians who claimed to have earned a reputation for themselves in the capital came to our house. I had a wonderful time lying in bed with the cats.

But as time passed, I found myself unable to get out of bed on my own. This is the reason.

“—The medicine I took was fake?”

Even if we were naive, we were too naive.

No matter how historic the upper part belonged to, our family was a commoner. The quality of the medicines that can be obtained by the main aristocrat and the commoners are different from the beginning.

When I learned that “real medicine” was only distributed to aristocrats later, my body was already in such a state that I couldn’t use my hands.

I couldn’t even leave a will because I constantly vomited blood. However, I suddenly returned to the past.

“Rovelia, happy birthday! —Oh my. Are you crying now?”

I whined like a fool in front of the 16th birthday table again. Just as the reason for the possessed was unknown, the reason for the regression was also unknown.

But one thing was clear. I decided to take a chance this time. Unlike in the past, I wished to be happy with my family, who loved me.

“Dad, buy me some medicine for my birthday.”

And my parents, who loved me even more than I loved them.

They were perplexed by my words for a while, but as soon as they saw the drug’s quality was decreasing, they gave away their fortune and discovered the “true medicine.”

Drug prices have risen dramatically, but it now costs more to inquire about drugs and get the necessary qualifications to purchase them.

But they were able to save me in the end. Instead of saying I’m sorry, I showed it by my actions. Poorly on a smaller bed at the top of the study, unlike before, in order to help herself to death.

I studied very hard since it was a lot of money to interpret ancient languages and stone tablets. But there was one more detail that I had missed.

“Breath of the Spirit— What the hell is this?”

My hands trembled as I translated the ancient stones I came upon with the translation request above.

There was content regarding the ‘Diff’ race in there. Edric’s maternal bloodline seems to have a special ability, which was not revealed in the original.

At that moment, I felt a strange sense of sight.

 It seemed even stranger than the night I discovered the source of the medicine that only the nobles use.

So I gathered ancient stone tablets at random and examined them.

I read it, I read it again.

When I finally deciphered the last slab, it was after the body was in a strangely messed up state of being alive. The slate I was holding was also stained with blood, making it difficult to read.

But now it doesn’t matter. Because I knew everything.

‘So—if you have this rare disease, even if you have medicine, only the main character and the people around the main character can live.

All the tearful efforts of my family were in vain.

In the first place, it meant that I was destined to die whether I took real medicine or fake medicine.

‘Only those who are within the reach of the main character’s breath can live— Is there a case like this?

But before that, I closed my eyes first. That’s my second bad ending.

“Rovelia, happy birthday!”

And third. A birthday present that I met again like fate

The family was smiling together at the house that had been hurriedly sold of at a low price because of me.

Faced with it all, I smiled and made a decision. I can’t accept the reality that no matter what I do, other than meet the main character, I’m destined to fall behind.

So, given that this is the case, shouldn’t I place a spoon or something on the well-prepared herbal medicine table?

CHAPTER 2- Young Master New Servant ...

And right now.

“Get out! Get out!! I don’t need all of these things!”

The sound of something crashing and breaking echoed across the huge room.

The servants, who bowed their heads, stiffened their bodies in response to the Young Master’s anger.

Despite the fact that he was an illegitimate child, his existence was special since he was the sole successor to the Duke’s family with great power. It was also beautiful because it was so noble

When he first came into this house, everyone was amazed. But that longing did not last long.

At this point, the Young Master’s cruelty was close to madness.

“Can’t you hear what I’m saying? Get out of my way!”

The Madam thought that the cause was that the Young Master’s environment had suddenly changed. So she ordered that a servant of his age be kept with him to make him feel better.

Even adults can’t stand the pressure of working with the little boy. When someone was assigned to be the Young Master’s attendant, there wasn’t a single person who didn’t grab the butler and complain that they couldn’t do it anymore.

As a result, they had no choice but to bring in new servants from outside.

It was the same for today.

It’s said it was Rovel—?

Existing servants pitied the 29th servant with a young face. Even if it isn’t expressed clearly, she would have been surprised. Even If she didn’t hear about the situation, it was obvious what the problem was—.

Obviously, he would be impatient and pitiful as soon as she hears it. Each of them came up with a word or two of comforting words in their heads.

But it was then.

“Get out! Get out! Now—I’m really sick and tired of it—. Wait. What are you doing on your knees?

The servants lifted their heads in response to the Young Master’s words. Then, in front of their eyes, an incredible sight happened.

Even the Young Master, who was half-leaning on the bed head and throwing medicine bottles in every way, was shocked.

“If you’re going to throw it away, throw it in my mouth, Young Master.”

Rovel, the new servant, was kneeling in front of the Young Master, her mouth wide open.

—It’s not an expression people use in situations like this, but it was like a baby bird waiting for its mother’s food endlessly.

Rovel rolled her eyes, as if confused by the suffocating silence. At the same time, she did not close her mouth.

Because it was the first time in this circumstance, the Young Master was humiliated, so he stiffened and quickly drew out his arm.

Then Rovel smacked her lips with a disappointing face.

“I don’t care if you spray it on my face—”

At the moment, everyone in the room thought except for Rovel.

What is this rare crazy guy—.

Her condition is awful right now, but in half a year, she will begin to limp, and then she will bleed and her condition will worsen beyond imagination.

‘I don’t have much time to go to Denkart estate.’

To calm her anxious thoughts, she faked her identity card, collected only a few items, and got into her wagon.

The servant was the most suitable and close position to approach Edric and they are continuously looking for people to work for various reasons.

So she planned to travel to the Duke Denkart and work as a servant for him. Of course, she had to dress up as a man.

She was really lucky to have slower secondary sexual traits than her peers. But, just in case they didn’t know, she carefully prepared a bandage with great functions as well as a few hormone-regulating herbs.

She only left one letter to my family, in which she said that she would be going on a trip that she had previously told them about.

She wasn’t at ease, but this was the best option.

Her merchant parents had been through a lot and were wary of the nobility, especially the upper-class aristocrats.

However, if she entered the Duke family, which is as powerful as the Imperial family, they would stop her regardless of what she explained.

‘Perhaps they’ll lock me in my room.’

But she had to go.

She can’t imagine her family dealing with expensive medicine prices and misery like they used to.

‘I’ll get better and go back. At that time— They can scold me enough.’

So she got on the carriage heading to Denkart.

For the next year or so, I had to risk my life and stick with him.

Because it was written on the slate that at least that much breathing was needed to get rid of the disease.

I thought about him the whole time the carriage was moving.

‘Edric Dencart— I remember he was four years younger than me.’

I am sixteen, and he is twelve.

By now, it must have not been long since he entered the Duke’s house as the original.

‘You must be very confused—sensitive.’

Edrick’s biggest feature is his nervous personality.

He had an annoying attitude that seemed to find fault with everybody who was simply breathing.

As a result, whenever I read the original work in the past, I frowned.

Whatever the circumstances, it looked rude and unfavorable.

But is it because I had the same disease with him for two years?

‘It’s been like hell for two years, but I’ve suffered more than two or three times—It’s reasonable that his personality gets worse. It’s a problem but.’

However, Edrick was a baby with a lot dirtier personality than I had expected.

“Get out! Get out of this trash!”

‘—Considering his condition, that’s an incredible voice, isn’t it?’

What was crazy was the same as the keyword, but the volume was beyond imagination.

‘It was difficult to figure out since the novel was so muted on its own.’

I looked at the situation with my head tightened and my eyes slightly raised.

The person who had made many servants’ eyes go blank, including the butler who had chosen me, was going crazy in the bed in front of me.

Perhaps it was because he grew up in a low and poor environment that he was much thinner than the boys his age, and despite his age, his beauty was outstanding.

He is, in fact, a blonde boy with a beautiful appearance that attracts men and women of all ages.

The difficulty was that humanity was unable to keep up with that claw.

‘—You’re good at paying for your face.’

Even in the original story, he said that he couldn’t have a proper friend due to his weak body, and that he was living in isolation alone in the house, but I had no idea his social skills were this bad.

But something else began to stand out as well.

I was in awe every time his hand went up.

‘He has a thin body, but he has great throwing form—. Isn’t this almost like the standard you’d see in a martial arts textbook?’

It was similar to Denkart, who has long been regarded as a master swordsman.

He may have been a swordsman prosecutor who left a name for the periods if it hadn’t been for the setting of the number of sick people.

As I continued to stare, the servants my age instinctively closed their eyes and flinched. Their faces were already covered with bruises, both large and little. The fear was even deeper.

However, I was unimpressed. It’s partly because I’ve already died with blood on my hands, and this moment is rather—.


“Get out of my sight! Get rid of this medicine!”

‘Ha—. This is what healing is.’

With my head down, I unknowingly opened my nose and fell into happiness.

His breath was indeed the cure. I can’t believe how fresh the air feels.

Freshness that has not previously been experienced in forest bathing is quickly approaching.

This feeling of refreshing every blood vessel—. The song was naturally played in my head.

Lalala~ I like it~

‘—Wait. What was the next part??’

I looked at the medicine bottle that had been shattered.

‘Ack! This precious thing!’

Just by looking at the black carpet quickly turning green, it was a precious medicine made of herbs that are few in the world.

There were only a few blue medicines, so I could tell right away.

In terms of value, it was a great medicine worth the cost of one of our mansions—.

Clank! Clank!!

He showed a live performance without adding or removing anything, just like a rich man.

‘Ah, the medicine that just broke is Romanderk’s drug, and it’s worth the price!’

Drugs that are three times more expensive than our house are also breaking at this moment.

I couldn’t help but deeply regret my previous thought.

‘Should I have disguised myself as a male servant rather than a normal servant?— If I had done that, I would have licked the stain off the carpet while pretending to clean it—’

And he took the last bottle of medicine in his hand.

‘Oh, no! You can’t do that! As much as that…!!!’

I couldn’t take it any longer and lost my reason just before seeing my house’s screams.

I promise I didn’t want to be that rude.

It was the first day before entering this room, therefore I made a promise to go with as little presence as possible.

But I was already down on my knees in front of him.

My mouth opened wide even before I was fully aware of the situation.

“If you’re going to throw it away, throw it in my mouth, Young Master.”

The Young Master, who had been shouting only moments before, was at a loss for words.

His pupils, which were staring down at me, were also wildly changing.

But only for a short time.

He lowered his stiff arms down. He raised his beautiful brows, wondering if his self-esteem had been hurt by only one unexpected situation.

Of course, that doesn’t really matter to me right now.

That precious bottle of medicine—it’s getting farther away from me—.

Unable to bear the regret, my snout moved.

“I don’t mind if you just spray it on my face—”

As soon as I finished my words, the Young Master was startled and stared at the medicine bottle in his hand.

He was irritated by his anxiety again, so he threw the medicine bottle at random. The medicine bottle slid down to the blanket over the bed’s side.

Phew, that’s a relief.

At the ambitious command, I slid on my knees and backed away.

Then, the Young Master opened his eyes as if he was stunned. After all, he’s the most beautiful person in the world. Even his face was pretty.

“Are you kidding me right now? Get out of my bed right now! Get out!!”

“I am sorry for being rude from the first day. I will do as you say right now.”

After apologizing politely, I got out of the bedroom.

And after a while.

The Young Master shouted.

“Who— told you to go out to the terrace! Get out!! Get out of my room!!!”

Oh, I got caught.


“Is he that person?” 


Yes. I’m that person. 


Did they hear about the incident? 


The one who grabbed the back of the Young Master’s neck and made him faint on the first day.


I smiled brightly while answering in my head. As the child of a merchant family, I was very sociable and had a good business smile. 


As I smiled, the maids who were watching me in the hallway burst into laughter. Since then, I felt a strange gaze on me wherever I went. 


‘Everyone lives in the same place.’


Even for a Great Duke family, it seems that rumors spread quickly overnight. 


I walked down the hallway with curiosity and frustration. Even the servants had a great hallway in the Denkart mansion, which was as antique as its long history. 


He was filthy and disrespectful, but I finally understood. ‘Yeah, if you live like this, you can afford such a filthy expensive drug—!’ I thought. 


Looking around, I headed to the hall dedicated to the servants, then someone called me. 


“Hey, Rovel!”


I quickly ran towards him and smiled brightly as I looked up at the servant with his arms around my shoulders. 


“Good morning, Rimson Hyung.” (형 (Hyung) : Means older brother. He uses Hyung since she is disguised as a boy. Girl -} older brother (Oppa.) Boy -} older brother (Hyung)) 


“Yeah, what a good morning. You’re here already? Everyone was surprised because you were more diligent than you looked.” 


This young man named Crimson is a newcomer who came with me yesterday. However, he was a strong man who seemed to be much better suited for mercenaries than this job. 


In fact, he seemed to have come because of a high salary after doing such rough work, but he tried to take care of me in particular. 


He stared at me with pitiful but worried eyes, saying that he had left behind a weak and silly younger brother like me in his hometown.


Still, he looks quite proud today. 


‘Did you hear anything about yesterday?’


But my guess was wrong.


“Kid, you were the first to leave the room. What is this? Have you finished bathing already?” 


“I’m pretty diligent.” 


—Actually, I’m a lazy person who can’t be saved. 


Still, in order not to be caught being a woman, I had to be this diligent. 


If I’m caught, I might have to face the guillotine right away for offending the Duke’s family. I was worried for a moment, but the freshness was greater.


I returned and walked tiredly on both legs, but this was the first time I walked so healthily. 


‘I think my body was properly healed yesterday.’ 


My condition was at its best.


When I hummed, Rimson, who had been walking side by side with me and watching me, quietly opened his mouth. 


“E—Ehem. I heard from Matt yesterday.” 


‘As expected, this Oppa— No, this Hyung heard it too.’ 


I corrected the title myself. I have to make a conscious and outward effort to continue calling him Hyung.


That way, I won’t make any mistakes at any time. 


Fortunately, there was no sign of anyone doubting my gender or whether my acting worked, but I carefully lowered my voice to ensure that I was aware of my surroundings. 


“But if it’s like that— don’t you usually just leave the room? Why did you go out to the terrace? Without fear.” 


I smiled lightly as if not to worry, but he said with a heavy look. 


“Phew. What if you really get punished? No matter how generous the Duchess here is, do you think nobles are too fickle?” 


“But I’m the servant of the Young Master.” 




“All of the other Hyung leave as soon as the Young Master gives the order, but if I go over there, who will look after him? The Young Master said that he doesn’t even need to pull the string. Didn’t the butler also say to hang on if possible?”


I said with a big smile, “Even if I get punished, I have to do my duties.” 


It meant that even if I was punished, I should take care of everything I needed. Now that I’ve come this far, I’ll pull out the mulberry leaves properly. 


But I was too immersed in my purpose and couldn’t see it. Crimson Hyung’s startled eyes towards me—. 




“Young Master, please wake up. It’s already past your time to wake up.” 


Despite the begging of the servants, the master didn’t show even a single hair. I was troubled because I envied the pile of blankets rising like his body shape. 


‘Still, if I want to stay together for more than a year without being kicked out, we have to become close— but how do I earn the trust of Edric, the boy who hates people so much?’ 


No idea came to mind. 


Edric himself didn’t want to live. There was no way that a child who hated himself would like someone else. 


Even if I tried to give a present, there’d be no suitable gift because he doesn’t have anything he desires—.


‘For now— Shall we start a light conversation without being greedy?’ 


I threw the bait at the blanket, which was as quiet as death. 


“Young Master Edrick, did you know?”




As expected, is he still curious because he is still a child?


As I waited for my answer to come back, he took the bait. He still didn’t come out like a blanket mole. Someone pulled my sleeve in urgency just then


When I turned my head, I saw the servants standing in a line. 


They shook their heads quickly, saying, ‘Stop, stop, stop!’


‘Don’t worry.’


After answering confidently with the shape of my mouth, I put my eyes on the blanket again. 


And give him the most polite greetings. 


“It’s raining outside today.”


It was something that always appeared in English listening tests. 


“—What does that have to do with me?”


“I’m just saying.” 


It’s an easy success. 


‘I can’t believe I got an answer twice.’


I smiled happily.


I didn’t really want a bigger reaction, so I ended the conversation there. 


‘I can’t be greedy from the beginning.’


Then, while he was lying down, he quickly pulled down the blanket and looked at me.


“Are you kidding me now?” 


The moment I tried to answer no, my nostrils widened. 




In fact, when I entered this room today, I was disappointed. This is because the air was a little less refreshing than yesterday.


But I guess it was because of the blanket. The blanket is blocking the Young Master’s breath. As the Young Master lowered the blanket, the air quickly cleared again. 


My mood improved rapidly, and I asked him brightly, who was about to utter harsh words, “I’ll open the window, so would you like to hear the sound of the rain?” 




There was no response. Then, in anger, he jumped up and leaned his back against the head of the bed.


The air became even fresher. 


“Are you ignoring me?”


I asked seriously as if disregarding his words, hiding my pounding heart, “Young Master. I’m sorry, but did you call me by any chance?” 


“Yeah, you! You, who else would it be!”


“I apologize. I didn’t understand because there are more than one servants in this room, including myself.” 


The moment he moved his lips slightly, I struck the master with my words.


“But! It won’t happen again from now on. I’m Rovel. If you call me Rovel in the future, I will serve you more quickly!” 


I finished introducing myself. 


The Young Master, who had been absent-minded for a while, raised his eyebrows again as if he couldn’t even speak because he was amazed. 


Then the voices of knocks and the elderly servant were heard. 


“Young Master— I’ll bring the breakfast.”

“I don’t need it.” 


‘Huh. You haven’t eaten yet at this time?’ 


I was told in advance that he would skip meals often, but I didn’t expect it this morning. 


The other servants glanced at each other as if it was familiar, and then opened the door. 


Soon after, food covered with a glass dome came into the three-tier serving cart. 


‘—It looks delicious.’


Even though I had breakfast, I drooled at the smell. However, the Young Master went back into the blanket.


But his hand with a silk blanket caught my eye. 


‘—It’d be really bad if I left it like that.’


It was the first day yesterday, so I couldn’t see it because I was too busy. However it was clear that it was dangerously dry so that his bones were completely exposed. 


Well, he was still young, but he didn’t have any baby fat on his cheeks, and his eyes were already deep and sunken. 


They tried to persuade him as if the other servants were thinking the same way I was. 


“Young master— it’s dangerous if you skip more. Madam is also very concerned.” 

“Take it away.”


“Young Master—”


“Don’t you understand me? I don’t want to eat it!”


A stubborn master and restless servants. 

And in the meantime, I—.


I rolled my eyes for a while and spoke in a determined tone. 

“Young master. I think I have a way.”



His silence seemed to say, ‘I’m not going to be fooled twice.’


But I’m not giving up here. 


“If you don’t like being alone, how about eating with me?” 


“I hate that more.”


As expected, arrogant. 


—But why was the answer so fast?


As I pondered the strange feeling of defeat, I heard unexpected words from inside the blanket. 


“Who knows if the great Duchess would have poisoned it?” 


I sighed. 


No matter how much you live today, this is not the case. What if the Duke’s son said something like this in front of an employee—.


Just as expected. 


The servants could not hide their bewildered expressions. I sighed at his carelessness, but inwardly understood. 


‘—In a word, this is a lifelong resentment of someone who killed his mother.’


Edrick’s mother died from the poison of the Duchess, and Edrick, who was with her at home, the location of the crime, is aware of the fact. 


But no matter how much he talks here, no one will believe him. 


The Duchess is a double character who is respected by many for her good and generous character. 


The longer the silence, the more dense the ice-like atmosphere filled the room. 


So I came out again. 


“Uhm, Young Master. I definitely have a way this time.”


The servants stared at me with surprised eyes, and the Young Master’s blanket flinched finely.


I said proudly to everyone, stretching my shoulders tightly. 


“Then I’ll try eating it.” 


Here we go. 


I stood in front of the cart right away. 


There were already a few spoons because he often throws them. I took it from the glass dome and slowly filled it with food. 


As soon as I put them all together, my eyes met the Young Master leaning on the head of the bed. 


I looked straight into his bewildered gaze and ate a large spoonful of food with a spoon. 


There was no poison at this time anyway, so I was confident that it would be okay.


—What is this? It was so delicious. 


The breakfast I had with Rimson Hyung was also great, but this was out of this world. 

Spooning naturally became faster.


When I came to my senses, I was scratching the empty plate with only sauce left.


The servant next to me who I couldn’t see said, ‘Stop it. You’ll break it,’ and whispered to me.


It was a little embarrassing, but I still didn’t forget my mission. 


I picked up a luxurious plate exclusively for the Young Master and put the food in one by one. 


Then I went up to bed and knelt right in front of Edrick’s nose. As I got closer, the air became softer and richer—. 


‘This is healing—’

Hiding my joy, I offered him a spoonful with a serious expression on my face.

“Now, say ‘Aa’.




“Of course, I believe in Young Masters. He is never a cruel, mean, and ungrateful person who makes the tearful efforts of the servants in vain. Isn’t it?”



With his eyes closed, he slowly opened his mouth. 


It was a face that said, ‘Yes. I lost.’


“Here comes the soup. Swoosh!~”


“—If you talk more, I’ll just drop it on your face.”


I failed. 


This must be eaten by younger children. 


I put the spoon, which was moving like an airplane, upright, and placed it in front of his lips.


The Young Master came out with an uneasy face, looked at the spoon alternately, and later declared surrender with his mouth open.


Soon, his eyes grew bigger.


It was the first time that his withering dark green eyes sparkled. 


What do you think? Isn’t it so delicious?


When I asked with a frown in one eye, he turned his head with an angry expression. It seems like he didn’t want to admit it even if he was dead. 


The lower lip, which had suffered from being bitten hardly, was also dyed red. It’s kind of cute. 


Then should I stop making fun of him and get out of here? 


“We’ll wait outside until you finish eating.” 




He looked surprised as if he had heard something that would never come out of my mouth. 

Of course, I’d rather be with him. That’s also my goal. 


But don’t you think it should be as comfortable as when you eat?!.

This will be the first proper meal for him here. 

He squeezed a plate and spoon into his terribly dry hand.


“Please eat it all.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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