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Chapter 1 : The Truth

She lay there and look up to the couple that also been staring at her. The man is smiling at the woman and the woman is giggle while looking at her. Her thought is in the mess state. She really don't why she in this state.

" I really pitied you, you know. You really don't realize what has happened to you, don't you?" The woman begins to speak. " Really pity." She added.

Yuki really doesn't know what had happened to her. She remembers eating with them but after that is the blank memories. The man who her fiancee wants to have dinner with her and the woman beside him. It's been a long time they meet and have dinner with each other. So, she is excited to meet him.

" Don't need to talk much with her right now. Looking at her face, she really doesn't know about us. Since we about to finish her, she deserves to know, " said the man.

The woman nods to the man. ' Yuki dear, we are getting married."

The sentence from the woman makes Yuki's eyes go bigger. ' What's does she mean by that? Is she getting married? With who?' The man hugs the woman shoulder and smile. Now she knows. ' But why? He is her fiancee. She staring at the couple.

" What? Why? You..." She can't finish the sentence because the woman suddenly grabs her hair. She yells in pain.

" Because he love me, not you. You just, what's people call, yeah, a stepping stone to us. You are the heiress of Shirou's Group. Has a lot of money, so we can just use your money to help Brother Tang. Be happy, you are useful to us." The woman releases Yuki's hair.

The man pulls out the handkerchief and wipes the woman's hand that grabs Yuki's hair. He is very delicate when he doing that. Yuki never sees he can show this side of him. ' Why? He probably doesn't love me.' She answers that question herself.

" Don't think much because you will never survive after this." The woman is laughing.

" What?" They want to kill her? If he doesn't love her, it's okay. She can let go of him and let him marry his beloved. But why they want to kill her?

" Many people happy if you die. Your uncle, your aunt, your cousin, your stepmother, your sister, all of them want you dead. We also want you dead. You are an obstacle for us to get what we want. Ah, I forget to tell that your grandpa already been taken care. Sooner or later, he will be joining you." The woman keeps this arrogant look on her face.

" What are you doing to my grandpa?" She asks.

" Since you will die tonight, I will tell you the truth. Your uncle's family keep feeding your grandpa a slow-acting poison about 2 years ago. Your uncle tells me that the poison already destroys his organ. That's why he is been sick all the time." Yuki feels shocked when she heard this news...

Chapter 2 : Die slowly

" I also feed you the poisons but I don't know why you don't show any reaction at all. I can't wait anymore, so here you are. Here is your last place. You will be throw alive in the forest. But your hands and legs will be cut off. You will see your flesh been eating by animals." Each of the sentences is cruel. People will never think a woman like her will say something like this. The man also smiling when hearing the woman talks.

" Do it now." The man orders the group of men behind them. They quickly approach Yuki. One of them is holding a cutting machine. The fear shown in Yuki's eyes. They about to begin the process, suddenly the woman voice interrupts.

" Cut her hands and legs, one by one and make sure she looks at the process. Don't let her faint." Not only Yuki is terrified but the group of men also feels that.

Yuki sees how her hands and legs been cut off. The pains make her nearly faint but the men don't let it happen. The couple also brings a doctor to stop the bleeding. They don't want her to die because of the bleeding.

" Yuki, goodbye. Hope you enjoy the journey to visit King Yama." After that, the couple asks the group of men to throw her in the forest.

Yuki has been throw in the forest barely life. The dark forest sound so sinister. After the moments, she feels the ache around her body. The ants have been biting her flesh. She can't do anything. She feels that the aches getting more and more unendurable.

Then she hears something like a hiss. She knows it was a snake. The snake approaching her and stop at her face. The head of the snake looks at her eyes. It gives a predator eyeing its prey.

Yuki has been motionless. She has also been emotionless. She knows her life is over soon. She will never survive. ' That ***** and bastard couple, people that I think was a family ruin my life and my grandpa. If you come to King Yama soon, I will play with you all. That's is my vow.'

She closes her eyes...

Author: I hope you like this novel. Follow for more novels guys and please comment if you don't like it.




What are we bound for? What’s the yield

Of all this energy and waste?

Why do we spend ourselves and build

With such an empty haste?

Wherefore the bravery we boast?

How can we spend one laughing breath

When at the end all things are lost

In ignorance and death? . . .

The stars have found a blazing course

In a vast curve that cuts through space;

Enough for us to feel that force

Swinging us through the days.

Enough that we have strength to sing

And fight and somehow scorn the grave;

That Life’s too bold and bright a thing

To question or to save.

Chapter 3 : I’m Back to the Past

The continuous screaming and knocking interpret Yuki. She forced to open her eyes. The pain hit her brain making a sound from her mouth. ' Argh, my head. It really pains.' Fortunately, the pain only occurred shortly. Just then she realizes that she just touch her head with her hand. She is staring at her hand. Moving her fingers many times to make sure she was not dreaming.

Knowing this is not a dream, her tear flows from her eyes. Her legs are also fine. It's not been cut off. 'Wait, something feels different.' She started to look her surroundings. This room was her room 10 years ago. She dropped off from her bed.

Standing straight, she feels weird. Looking down, her boobs is smaller than before. 'Something is not right. I already dead. Why I here? Everything I feel before is not a dream. The bleeding, the pain, everything.'

She took a small mirror and take a look at her face. This face is the face when she was 16 years old. She just back to the past. ' I'm back to the past.' She smiles at the mirror while touching her face.

The knocking is continuously at her door. She remembered at this time she live with her adopted family. But at that time, she knows nothing about it. They don't tell her. She walks to the door and open it. The first face that she come across is her young adopted sister, Wang Hana.

" Hey, why are you still sleeping? I have been knocking your door. I'm hungry. Make the breakfast faster," demand Wang Hana.

Yuki's eyes make the cold flash. She remembered she was like a servant in this house. The family always like this. Treating her like the slave that can be ordered anytime. She thought that was normal that she help her family, but they thought differently.

Feeling shivered, Wang Hana hugging her own body. She doesn't know why feeling like this. Looking surrounding, just look up at Yuki. Yuki is smiling at her. She let go her body after feeling okay. " Quickly. I'm hungry." After finish that sentence, she leaves.

Flashing the cold smile on her lips, Yuki close the door and start to change her clothes. After done, she walks out from her room. In the living room, she sees people that she thought was a family to her.


In Childhood


things don't die or remain damaged

but return: stumps grow back hands,

a head reconnects to a neck,

a whole corpse rises blushing and newly elastic.

Later this vision is not True:

the grandmother remains dead

not hibernating in a wolf's belly.

Or the blue parakeet does not return

from the little grave in the fern garden

though one may wake in the morning

thinking mother's call is the bird.

Or maybe the bird is with grandmother

inside light. Or grandmother was the bird

and is now the dog

gnawing on the chair leg.

Where do the gone things go

when the child is old enough

to walk herself to school,

her playmates already

pumping so high the swing hiccups?

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