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Making A Baby With Sensei

A Tragic Story Begin

                                Making A Baby With Sensei


Jun Hie is a high schooler . He Lives with his foster parents who have 1 daughter . The Parents  treat him like Trash Only his sister used to protect him from them .

 Now that she lives abroad there is no one who can protect him .

He is so unlucky that the girl he liked cheated on him with his BestFriend .

 Now he have no one Except The new sensei whom He Think of as a Big Brother

Shoi-Ming The Cold Hearted Sensei only wants one thing and that is Jun Hie .

He Made Jun Hie his toy and when Jun Hie begged for freedom .

Shoi-Ming said let`s make a baby and I will take the Baby with me and you will get Freedom .

Jun Hie taught he is male How can He give Birth . But Shoi-Ming made it possible and when

c was going with the baby Jun Hie Asked him to be together .

And Shoi-Ming asked why Jun Hie didn`t know why but he said I am his Mother .

 I don't think I can live without him…..

Shoi-Ming smiled …

And Said you will have to do everything i say then only you will able to live with us and now you are

my wife .

Yes now I am your ….. Wife .

As Shoi-Ming Heard this he kissed .   Jun Hie wanted to resist but he couldn't because now he is a

wife .

Then  after that  Jun Hie took the baby in his hand and then fed him milk from his ****** .

Shoi-Ming said I also want to drink the milk . Both smiled then   Jun Hie looked at the baby and tried

To control but couldn`t and ended up crying because now he have someone who is very important

to him .

And now that he knows how difficult it is to give birth . He no longer hate his mom because he

now understand  that  his mom wouldn`t have abandon him for fun . There must

have some big reasons for her to leave him .

As he was thinking . The baby suddenly started to cry . He looked at him and said Don`t cry. I am

sorry .

There now you can drink as much as you want . As the baby sucked the boobs  Jun Hie screamed



Shoi-Ming  came and said what happened Jun Hie said he bit me . Jun Hie took the baby in his

hand and opened his mouth and saw that the baby has grown  one tooth  . He was shocked and  he said

How the hell does he have teeth? Shoi-Ming said our species need very much food so we grow

some teeth at a very early age . So we can eat the food . But As for now  he only have one tooth he

cannot eat so you will have to give him milk . well yeah there you go baby bit and drink  as much as

you want . It does not matter . Because I am your mother The baby begin to drink the milk and

sometime bit him but he resisted it . Shoi-Ming said do not worry about it after he finish

drinking . I will drink and suck them and they will heal completely  .  Jun Hie tell Shoi-Ming what

should we name our baby now that he has grown one tooth . I think Haru  name is good . What do you think .?

I also think it is good ..

Haru your mother and daddy loves you…

Becoming a Proper Wife

Jun Hie Now that we have a son  we should get married ..

Shoi-Ming But will your parents agree …

Well they  will not if you do not become a perfect wife and daughter-in -law..

Because if they Do not agree then we will not be able to see each other . Because I can do anything for my parents, they are my no 1 priority .

But we have a son  .. You Do not want to live with him .. Well Jun Hie Haru will come

with me .. BUT .. BUT I gave Birth to HIM EVEN  if you are his Father . I am his mother I

…I .

Well even if you gave Birth you can not do anything .. Because If I do not want you will not be able to even see him ..

If you want to live with us then you should become a proper wife and daughter-in-law  so that my parents accept you.. otherwise …

Please Do not go I can not live without our son and you .. I will Become a proper wife and Daughter-in-law…Please tell me How do i become

Well in our world we have perfect Institutes for these things … Lets Go

Well Here WE are ..

Mei Mei …

Master Shoi-Ming

How are you ?

 Long Time No SEE..

Well I am Ok Mei …Meet Jun Hie He is my wife ..AND THIS OUR SON HARU …

Well MASTER you have a cute wife and a son..

I KNOW Mei that`s why we want to get married

But you know  Right How my parents want a perfect wife and Daughter-In-Law

And I can not go against my parents so i want you to teach him how to become a proper and perfect wife and a daughter-in-law ..

Well master DO not worry I will make him a perfect wife and a daughter-in-law..

Well then I think you should start now yes master ..

Well Mrs Jun Hie come with me ..

Let's get started ..

First I will teach you How to dress properly

Well Before I teach you I want you to remember that from now on you are only allowed to wear a girl and you should never ever again wear a boy or any other cloth except of girls..

Do you understand ??

Yes i …


Well now let's start ….Do not fold them…

After 2 Hours

Now you have completely  learnt, now let's move to the next session..

Now I will teach you how to take care of your husband and his needs …

But Before that I want you to remember that Your Husband is the only man you are allowed to think , Love , care and even if you are a man you are not allowed to go near any other man other than your Husband ..Your Husband , His Family and your son .. are the only things that matter in your life ..

Your first and only priority are them ..

You should become fully obedient to your husband .. No matter what he say ..You cannot Disobey HIM ,,




Now answer me

WHO is your life ..

WHO is your life..

My Husband , His Family , Our son are my life

Meeting Angry Mother-in-law

Now I will Teach you how to please your Husband . Whenever He is angry or sad you should

not get angry . Instead You should talk with him softly and use your body to make him

happy .

You should never Talk Back To your Husband and always  say sorry if he thinks you did something wrong . No matter if you did or not just say sorry .

Lesson continued for some hours ..

So Jun Hie Now you are ready to become my master's wife and his parents' Daughter-in-law .

Jun Hie was Angry but he Tried his best to control his anger ..

Master now your wife is ready for marriage .. Well Good Job . You Both Did great

Now I think we should go ..

Bye master

Bye ..

Shoi-Ming SAY Jun Hie  please me now like she taught you . This made Jun Hie Anger out of control and he slapped Shoi-Ming .. WHAT  Jun Hie How dare you slap me .. Enough why are you treating me like this ,,,

I taught you love me but you are just using me like i am some kind of a toy which you can use and throw whenever you want ..If you hate me or do not like me .

Let me just live with Haru without you . I never wanted a kid but you made me give birth and now he is my world and you want to take him away from me . Please I beg you Just let me live with my son .

Shoi-Ming kiss Jun Hie and say I am sorry Jun Hie . I was Just joking this whole time to see How much you love Haru and me ..

In Fact you are my world .. I think my joke really want far

It sure went … SO WIll your parents will like me

They sure will ..

Jun Hie Let`s go

Shoi-Ming lift Jun Hie  in his hand .

Well I never knew you can jump like that .. Well Today you will know the real me ..

Jun Hie  we have reached .

Jun Hie  exclaimed seeing Shoi-Ming house and said, "Is this really your house” .. It is so big that I think my whole city population can live in that ..

Well I am The cultivation prince so it is normal for having a house like that .. Well Let`s go . Mom and dad are waiting ..

Shoi-Ming and Jun Hie  went inside the mansion / palace . There they see Shoi-Ming parents waiting for him ..

Shoi-Ming said, "Mom and dad this is Jun Hie  and Haru ..

Shoi-Ming Father Choi-Ming say well you finally gave me a grandson that is enough for me . I approve of your relationship and marriage ..

Shoi-Ming mother Mayi-Ming say at first I was angry because you declined marriage with my friend's daughter after making  love with her . and i had to face her anger and i taught i would never approve your relationship .

But after looking at your choice . I do not think i can decline because look how cute he is . I will have to agree he is more cute and beautiful than ANY GIRL . The whole community mother in laws will get jealous of me .

Jun Hie face become red from shyness

And the grandchild he gave us is also very cute ..So i approve your relationship and you guys will get married in 1  week ..

ARE you two ok with this yes we are ..

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