NovelToon NovelToon

The Blonde Killer

1. Breakup

No Winter lasts forever and neither does love.



It was the seventh time he turned the alarm off and yet again a snooze popped disrupting his sleep. It was a bright Monday morning and very unusual since it had snowed last night.

The sun peeked through his curtains blinding his sight as it deceived a warm day. It was probably just for show however that didn't change whether he'd have to get up for work. The blonde turned his alarm off and slowly sat up. He stares silently at the blue cover and just after a minute or so he turns to the clock.

10:00. Well he could now meet his mother and rest in peace. Yet again he'd be late for work, so much for a gap year.

Adrien got to his feet instantly regretting such a move as he felt dizzy. He made his bed, settled his outfit, and took his bath. In 40 minutes he was out of the apartment but what excuse would he make for his delay?

Adrien took his time as he got out of his car and walked into the office. Just then a young woman with round glasses and fuzzy hair ran up to him, "Adrien you're late again."

"Sorry I overslept again." Adrien rubbed his nape, not in embarrassment but apologetically. He knew she has to cover for him while he wasn't around. The dark circles under her tired brown eyes made it clear she hadn't had much sleep, unlike him.

"Quick we're having a break now but you need to get ready. I've taken my leave after today which means I'm not covering for you this entire week."

Adrien chuckled sheepishly while she glared at him, "Adrien you need to take priority in your work. I won't always be helping you around and so everyone around."

"I apologize it won't happen again." He swore.

They entered a large room and as he got to his seat he heard someone call his name.

"Adrien." He felt his hair stand on end as the elderly woman walked to him, "Adrien you're late. Again."

"Aunt- I mean Mrs. Graham. I promise it won't happen again."

"Say it a hundred times and you'd forget you ever promised." She said shaking her head, her glare softening, "You're still my favorite nephew but if you keep coming late you won't make aunt happy. I let you live alone so you could depend on yourself, not the other way."

She pat his shoulder and started for a few of her workers, who were arguing.

Adrien knew he wasn't exactly her favorite nephew. he was her only nephew, they only said that just to make him feel accepted but he always felt that there was something different about himself, and the only person who couldn't see it was him.

The break was over and it was back to work, his colleague, Susan who was taking over for him earlier, had taken a leave.

It's time went on Adrian had only one thought process, home. If he could last for just a few hours he could get home and sleep for as long as he wanted till dawn. It felt like forever until that dream would come true, but he hoped.

On his drive back to his apartment he received a call.


"Adrien, it's me." A familiar voice spoke in his ear.

"Camille, are you okay?"

She didn't reply.


"Can we meet now?"

"Now?" He looked at the time, "Sure we can. Where?"

There was a pause.

"At the South Bank."

"Okay, shall I pick you-"


The call ended. Adrien was baffled by her behavior. He hadn't missed any special holiday yet. Valentine's was on its way and he had in mind a great idea to surprise her. He parked at a random street and rested. He had left work at his workplace so fast he forgot to take something to eat.

Maybe she has a surprise for you? A voice spoke in his head. She sometimes acted like that when she hid something from him, it would take him a long just to find what she was hiding.

He started the engine again thinking of how he eats once he reach the bank. He took his time searching for her and when he found her standing near the veranda. She dressed in very dark clothing compared to her usual bright color. he quietly approaches her.

"Hey Cam-" he wrapped his arms around her. She tensed at his touch but didn't loosen. she averted her gaze and mumbled a hello.

He was disturbed. "Cam, are you sure everything's okay? You're kind of acting odd. Did something happen?"

"Well maybe it's just because I'm hungry, you know I'm mostly quiet when I'm starving." She smiled looking at him. The way she looked at him didn't seem right though, he found himself staring too deeply into her eyes and when leaning in to kiss her, she took a step back.

"Shall we go?" She didn't wait for his response and turned to a nearby restaurant.

Is she avoiding me? He asked himself.

Their date, if you call it that, was the most awkward one yet. Adrien found himself talking alone as Camille ignored him only answering with yes's and no's. Soon he stopped talking and began to worry.

What had he done? Why was she like this? He didn't offend her in any way, did he? Was it the kiss he attempted to place on her cheeks? But that was normal. The more he asked these questions the more he began to feel anxious.

"C-Camille?" He started.


He reached for her hand and she instantly pulled it back looking up at him with a glare, "What?"

"Uh, I... Did I do something wrong to you?"

"No." He answered coldly.

He felt chills down his back. She never sounded so monotoned, ever.

Before he could speak again a waiter came, "Good evening, did you enjoy your meal?"

"Yes it was very good, thank you," Adrien commented.

"Would you like your check now?"

"Yes, please."

The waiter left when Camille spoke with a soft stare, "I wanted a desert."

"You did? Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Adrien was about to call the waiter back when she stopped him.

"I don't want it anymore."

He turned to her even more confused, "Just sit down."

The check arrived.

Camille silently watched as Adrien paid for their meal and left immediately. Adrien noticed her leave so suddenly and followed after her.

"Camille, wait!" He called out to her. He caught up to her stopping her track. Camille tried getting around him but he wouldn't stop getting in her way.

"Can you just let me leave alone?"

"How can I? You didn't explain why you went."

"Do I have to? You're not my dad." She retorted.

"But I am your boyfriend, I deserve to know where you're going and more importantly why you've acted like this today?"

"Do I need to explain? Isn't it obvious enough for you?"

They could hear the sound of a vehicle coming closer but Adrien ignored it.

"What do you mean clear enough?"

"I don't love you anymore Adrien!"

Suddenly a light shone as a Bugatti parked in front of the two. A young man with a vape in hand emerged from the vehicle. Camille ran up to him, and to his shock, kissed him the mysterious man.

The guy turned up to him and smirked. Adrien's eyes widened as the two walked to the doors.

"Wait! Camille!"

She turned to him and lifted her brow at him, "Who are you?"

"...What?" His eyes couldn't get any wider at her next words.

"I don't know you."

Adrien stood there as they drive away, it didn't make sense. Why?

He slowly felt himself fill up with emotion, it rising from within.

He laughed. It wasn't anger nor was it sorrow. It was Euphoria.


But then he broke...


A/N: Insert comments and tell me if I should continue. Bye!💀


Felix and I, we're brothers.

We're born by the same mother, with the same face. same voice.

We've been with each other for a very long time.

But one day Felix changed... and before we knew it we both changed.


It was very rare for him to drink, but he needed to at the very moment. Three glasses of the strongest alcohol and yet he still felt sober. The scene before him wasn't as interesting, even though he could feel the eyes of a woman staring at him he ignored her.

Sick of the music in the background, he stood up, paid for them for his drink, and went. By then the lady followed him hoping to start the conversation.

"Hey handsome~" Adrien turned to look at the small lady, her brown hair flowed down her back and her green piercing eye looked unto him. According to how she dressed it seemed she was one of the bartenders he'd been in.


The woman looked taken aback by his harsh retort. Someone like him who looked so innocent would throw anyone at his rude reply. She smirked.

"I-i just wanted to ask for your number, since you're so good looking and I feel I've fallen for you."

"No, please leave me alone." He turned to leave when the woman wrapped her arms around him.

"Wait, don't leave me. I'm all alone and I'm scared. I don't have a place to go, please take me with you." She coaxed.

Adrien wiggled out of her hold and warned her, "If you continue like this I will call the police on you."

"But who's going to believe you."

"Excuse me?"

Suddenly what looked like an innocent woman trying to get help turned into a sly fox. The lady slowly unbuttoned her shirt, and lifted her skirt. Before she could even say another word Adrien knew what she was up to and took off, he quickly entered his car and drove off.

That was the weirdest encounter he had ever made. As he drove on he said he felt himself getting quite dizzy. His vision began to cloud. He grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it down his throat, luckily he made it just into his apartment. He slammed the door shut instead it to the elevator punching the number to his floor.

The door opened and emerge into the dark hallway, he shuffled in his pockets and inserted the key. Adrien could hear steps approach him he quickly went and attempted to close the door but someone stuck their foot in.

"Now, now Adrien that's not a way to treat a visitor." The voice spoke.

Before he could glimpse who it was he saw darkness.


No, he threw up.

Abruptly all that was in his stomach reached the throat. He quickly took hold of a flower pot and it ended up throwing up.

Adrien took a second look at his intruder and his face turned pale seeing a shocking mirror of himself.


"Been a while brother."

"What are you--"

Again he threw up.

Felix walked in, obviously skipping over his brother's mess, and walking into the living room.

Adrian wiped his face on his sleeve and rose to go to the bathroom to tidy up but on his way, he noticed Felix about to penetrate his bedroom.

"H-hey, don't go in there."

Felix turns to him, "Why not?"

"Because," he clenches his tummy, "It's my room and it's private."

Felix rolled his eyes and shut the door. "Fine."

Adrien steps out of the bathroom feeling awful, "I'm never drinking again."

"You said that the last time."

"That's different... Besides, why are you here?"

Felix spun around with a grin on his face, " I came to visit my dear little brother."

"Nonsense, last time you came you called me an annoying fat rat."

"You still are..." Felix mumbled, "That aside you should be grateful I'm visiting you."

"I thought I told you to never come here again."

Felix held a single flower from its vase, "I never promised."

Adrien swore under his breath, "Every year," he began, "there's always something you're looking for, that's why you came."

"You summoned me. I just did the right thing."

"I didn't ask for you to come." Adrien started to feel irritated by the presence of his twin.

"But I can sense your anger, you're angry aren't you, did someone do something wrong to you? let me deal with them if you want I can do it now."

"I don't need your help I'm fine the way I am."

"Oh, but don't lie. I can't let my brother be left hurt. tell me who is it? I'll find them."

"It's no one."

"Adrien!" Felix walked to him, "it's okay to feel betrayed, you can tell me, I'm your big brother aren't I?"

"Only by 3 minutes," he said bluntly.

"But your best help out there." Felix placed his hand on Adrien's shoulder but he slapped it away.

"I don't need your pity Felix, it's nothing."

"So you're just going to let her leave you like that? after using you?"

"What are you trying to imply?"

"She just used and dumped you and worst of all she quickly got another man to spoil her dirty."

Adrien took a deep breath in, "Felix, she's gone. She chose to leave so I let her go--"

"Now you're just lying." Felix chuckled, "You loved her, with all your heart. You opened to her and--"

"Felix keep quiet!"

"Let me avenge you."

"What? That doesn't make sense."

"Just let me go, let me take over the problem."

"Another word from you and I'll never speak to you again."

Felix fell silent.

"Fine, I'll just do it myself."

The blonde walked away leaving the owner in deep fear.

Felix is capable of anything, I have to stop him.

"Felix." Adrien called, the blonde turned halfway, "Don't do anything foolish." The young man warned.

Felix clicked his tongue as he playfully said, "Now brother have I ever kept a promise?"

As the figure vanished Adrien could slowly taste the metal rust in the air.


He stepped out of the apartment late that night and treaded on the snowy pavement. The city lights cast light over the snow making the town look lighter than usual.

He stood at the bus stop and climbed into the bus. He found himself later standing on the porch of a loud household.


An hour later there was red involved.



⚠️This chapter will contain some sensitive topics.


It was October 9 when I first met him.

A car pulled up next to her as she waited for the rain to stop.

"Want a ride?"

The brown head turned to the young man in his flashy vehicle.

"No thanks, I'll wait for it to stop."

"But my weather update tells me it's going to only get worse." He nodded monitor.

The young woman contemplated. She had to meet Adrien soon, he said he wouldn't be able to fetch her because of the traffic on the main road.


She got into his car and drove. They exchanged a bit about themselves on the road when they came to their stop.

"Oh, we're already here?" Camille sounded somewhat disappointed.

"Yeah, well time to buy each other goodbye, unless you'd want to swap numbers?"

As she was about to answer her phone rang. "Hello?" She turned to him holding on to his question, "Yeah, I'm outside. I'm about to get in."

"Right, I'm standing near the fountain." The blonde replied.

"Mhm, I'll be there..."

The call ended.

She grabbed her bag, "Sorry I have to leave now but thank you so much for the ride."

"Oh, but you didn't answer--"

The lady slammed the door and quickly made it to the entrance of the park. The man clicked his tongue. As he drove out, he saw the woman he helped wrap her arms around a familiar-looking man.

So...she has a boyfriend...


Felix tried fidgeting with the back door but it wouldn't bunch.

" Hey!" Someone called out of a sudden.

He froze.

He said he looked up to a young man who was holding a cup and a bottle of something. He had scruffy black hair, wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts.

The audacity, Felix thought as the cold winter air blew.

"Uh... Do you know how to open this door?"

"The door?" The man asked. he looked at Felix suspiciously, "Do I know you?"

"I don't think so." Felix answered, "But I was invited to the party. I came late so I thought the back door would be opened."

The man tutted, "Dude that door has been busted ever since, just climb through that window." He pointed out one in the far corner.

"Oh, thanks."

Felix was about to enter when the man asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Felix." She quickly said and shut the window.

"Pinterest?" The man didn't catch his name. He shrugged his shoulder and he drank and spat the drink, gagging at how disgusting it was.

The house was packed. Felix went around the house when he bumped into another person. "What the 🐟? Watch where you're going!"

Felix couldn't care and just walked the opposite way. For the next ten minutes, Felix wanted to tear his ears. The DJ kept ranking up the volume and soon he couldn't hear anyone but the sound of ringing in his eardrum.


A similar scenario had happened. But each time the man wanted to talk to her he had to see the presence of the blonde man. The more he saw Hazel's head the more he became obsessed with presence her.

But one day his wish came true.

"One vanilla ice cream please."

"Oh hi." He turned to see a woman smile at him.

"Oh, fancy meeting you here."

"Eating ice cream in such cold weather, are you planning on getting sick?"

"Well nobody seems to be looking for it, I've decided to take initiative."

She laughed, which him by surprise. Since that was probably the lamest joke he'd ever made and yet this young lady was laughing at it, it somehow made him happy inside.

"Do you want one?" He offered.

She shook her head violently, "Oh no, I'm lactose intolerant. I can't have dairy."

"Juice then?"

The two of them entered a fruit store. She'd dragged him there after he'd eaten his soft serve.

"They have the best juice mix, smoothies, and slushes in the world." She adverted, "Two mango-pine smoothies to go, please."

"Sure, Mrs. Camille." The waiter looked at the young man behind her confused but shrugged as she wrote her name on their cups.

"Your name is Camille?" He asked as they waited for their order.

"Yes, oh! Did I not tell you?"

"Mm, well the first time we met you were in a rush, so..."

"Oh, it must have slipped my mind." My name's Camille Tauwer." She mockingly did a little curtsy.

"And I am sir Adam." He bowed following her act, "Adam Bulk."

They found themselves staring at each other, "Adam..."

Suddenly the bell rang, "Your order?"

"Oh!" Camille quickly left to get their drink but not quick enough for Adam to notice the slight dust of pink on her cheeks.

They both spent their day talking and going to different places. Adam knew he was falling for her and though he wished he wouldn't he started to envy the blonde man.

Then before they parted he asked, "Do you love your boyfriend?"

Camille was taken aback by the question, "H-how did you know I have one?"

"Just the last time I saw you with a guy and you seemed intimate so I thought you guys were together."

"Ah!" She chuckled, "Yes that's true."

"So, do you love him?"

"I like him." She smiled, "I have to go, bye."

To think that was the end of their encounters they met again at the library. For some reason, Camille felt like he'd been following her a lot but didn't put much thought into it.

Upon a time they go to the cinema. Halfway through the film, their hands touched. It might have looked normal to others but these two felt a spark that couldn't be tamed...

He took her back in the silence of the night.

"We're here."

"Mm." She exclaimed as she had traveled so far from reality.

Camille landed on her bed with a terrible feeling. She might catch feelings for Adam. To think the young lady would get over her crush she couldn't take it anymore. During the times she spent with Adrien she realized her love for him was dispersing and she hated it.

"Hello? Can we meet now?"



"I don't love you anymore!"


Adrien felt a shiver down his spine. He slumped on his sofa, his gold locks falling over his eyes as he thinks to himself how he'd need a haircut.

As he fumbled between the couch cushion for the tv remote and his eyes landed on the trampled rose. He could still taste the metal in the air.

He found the controller and scrolled through the channel watching a marathon.


Felix searched each room looking for her until he came across a door. A man stood as hard, hugged, and buffed. He needed a strategy to make him leave.

He walked up to the man and whispered, "There are some guys outside who are planning on blowing fireworks indoors."

The guard looked stunned for a moment then nodded and disappeared into the crowd. Felix thought his being gullible had to be his luck. He slipped into the room and shut the door behind him.

The room below compared to it was quieter. It lit pink colors and had a low comfy tune. He walked aimlessly around when he began to hear voices he took a left though he couldn't make out what they were saying, he was certain it was a male and female talking.

He looked around moving closer. A man and a young lady sat on a loft couch, drinking. It seemed the woman was far drunker than the man. He watched them. The man kept coaxing the woman into drinking though she kept refusing, he'd choke the drink down her throat. It went on for a while till the man stopped and asked her some questions. She nodded furiously and hang onto him as he carried her to a private room.


What was first pure love slowly became erotic.

It started with hand touching, then hugs which leads to a first stolen kiss, well you know where this is going. Camille woke up with Adam beside her, his dark hair over his eyes as he slept softly. She felt bad but it was too late to regret it. Adrien never liked the thought of them both in bed, he was in her opinion (and I'm sure everyone else), pure and innocent.

That was it, she lost her first kiss and now her virginity. As she plaid around her hair, she remembered her conversation with Adam.

["Do you still love Adrien?" ]

["I never said I did." ]

Camille blinked as she felt Adam shift his weight.

["Why don't you break up with him?"]

["I don't know how to, he's very sensitive with his heart. I think I need--"]

["If you don't tell him soon, you're no different from a cheater."]

["Sure, I'll tell him."]


Felix climbed onto the balcony. He watched the figure silently as one walked into the bathroom and the other sat still on a mattress. He was about to jump in and take his victim hostage when the figure emerged out of the room. And they laid.



I never knew how ugly Love could be, She thought.

She could feel her body being toyed with but she did not dominate it. She couldn't comprehend how the man she first met, who was kind and soft at first, would be so lustful for such disgusting acts.

"Adam please!" She begged.

He should have stopped but he didn't, Adam began to laugh as she cried and screeched in tears.

But we should remember, there was no one around and everyone was left below dancing through the night. No one could help her.

"Just when she thought they had finished she felt a painful stab near her heart.

"A-Adam." She looked at him.

His eyes were wide not with fear but delight.

"Oh, how I've waited for this day!"

He stabbed her again and again.

Her screams became pure silence and when there was no more strength in her she collapsed. Adam looked down feeling dissatisfied however he began to finish his work.

He was about to leave when someone stood in his way. Before he could react he had him knocked out.


Felix sat patiently till he heard screams. He noticed that his victim was being murdered by another. Once the noise died he watched the man from behind and before he could turn had he knock him out. He saw the woman ***** and faint. Her body tangled between her sheets.



He felt a rush of cold liquid down his body and shot up.

"My, my, look what the cat dragged in?" He looked up and saw the same figure standing before him with a bucket in his hand. He tried to move he saw the rope tightly tied around him.

"Who are you?"

It took Felix aback. The same man who murdered a woman mercilessly was now acting like meer. He laughed.

"Pretty boy you know you meet your life comes to an end."

He cupped the man's face. Adam noticed his hands were covered with gloves.

"I said who the 🐟 are you?! And what do you want!"

"Who I am I will not tell, but what I want you have already taken. "


"You did a good job back there." Felix nodded toward the corpse, "But you know what? I despise fornication."

Adam suddenly felt his body itch and burn rapidly.

"Seems like it's already starting."

"What have you done to me?"

" 'When the tree no longer bears good fruit the owner cuts it down and throws it into the fire' " Felix quoted, "I'm only doing the owner the favour."

Felix dumped the liquid on him again.

"Is this...gasoline?" Adam said coming to a realization. His skin had started to burn and soon peel and redden.

"You're lucky, I couldn't find much Acetone so I had to buy gasoline. You're welcome!" Felix grinned dumping the rest.

"What do you want from me? I'll do anything just please let me go." Adam pleased.

Felix lit a sparkle as he spoke, "What will you give me in exchange for what you have stolen from me?"


"You took my victim, toyed with her, and left her dead with no justice. Now tell me what would you do if something similar had happened to you, mhm?" The sparkler Was so close Adam began to feel the liquid heat, "Wouldn't you go against the man that stole your bread?"

"...So you're that killer?"


"But why are you doing this to me? Aren't you afraid my boss will come after you? Less alone you're in the open--"

"I'm in the open because I have nothing to hide. And don't forget your boss would first finish you giving me time to escape, be grateful I'm doing you the favour."

"So you want to be caught."

Felix smirked, "Tell me, what's better: A good dead man or a living mister?"

The sparkler went out.

"Even if you kill me these ropes will break and I will run free," Adam mumbled.

"Is that so?" Felix started thinking as he pulled out a hammer. "I guess I'll just nail you?"

Adam's eyes widened.

He hammered his knee casting Adam to shriek in pain.

"Shh, you're attracting attention."

"Stop this right now!"

He hammered his hands.

"Lucky for you I'm removing every evidence you've made but that'll also cost your existence."

He hammered the last nail on his foot and stood up. Seeing how Adam struggled gave him pure joy. As blood oozed out of him he heard him whisper, "You're a wicked man."

Felix kicked him in his abdomen and he coughed out blood. Suddenly he heard a low whisper.


What was I looking for? Why did I meet him in the first place? If I was faithful to him would I have died in the hands of a lust killer?

She was dead. Not yet. She started to hear muffled voices and sounds but she couldn't move. She thought that Maybe that was her demons ready to cast her into hell.

Then her vision came back. She lay there staring at the ceiling.

Why am I still alive? Her body was used and discarded, spoiled. The only thing she could think of was how she wished Adrien could save her.

But Adrien isn't here, he probably hates me. She thought.

Slowly her eyes watered and it hurt.

She wished she could go back, she wished it never happened. "I'm sorry Adrien..."

In an instant, a blonde head came into her view. "Interesting you stood the test of trial? You're heading to hell."

Her eyes widened as a set of green eyes looked at her, "Adrien?"

"Unfortunately for you, you have the wrong person. But do tell me how you wish to die."

She fell silent.

"I won't die yet, not till I'm done with him."

Felix grinned, he didn't expect that of her to say in her condition.

"You'll meet your end before I'm done with him "

He lit a sparkle before her, "What kind of death do you wish?"

She watched the sparkler shoot in slow motion. "Let me die in my own hands. She whispered.

She turned beside her, the knife still stuck in her heart. She pulled it out and that night she committed suicide.

And the room lit on fire.


Adrien felt restless, his body shivered multiple times as adrenaline ran down his back. He thought to get a glass of milk to warm himself when he returned to his couch. The marathon ended and Adrien started to feel he'd become a quick fan of the show.

His eyes were heavy but sleep didn't come yet.

The sky was turning lighter and the sound of his alarm went off as he was about to turn the TV off his finger slipped to the next channel.

"Firefighters are trying to stop the fire as much as they can..." Says the news anchor, "30 people have been injured and 4 found dead. Bodies however cannot be identified since they were badly devoured by flames."

The remote slipped from his hold. Somehow as Adrien read the headlines, he could hear his brother's words.

"... Have u ever kept a promise?"


That weekend a funeral was held.


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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