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Accidentally became the fiancé of Demon King Alpha

Episode 1

Author's Note

Before starting the story, I want to warn you that most of the places described are invented or based on real locations.

The story takes place in the omegaverse world and may be sensitive to some readers, as there may be scenes of obsession, kidnapping, fighting, hot...

I'm writing the story during my breaks on my cell phone, so I'm creating it as I go. This means that the story has not yet been revised, so it may contain grammatical and typing errors.

Well... I hope you enjoy it and thank you all for reading. And don't forget to comment and like :3


Yuki is a 23-year-old boy, middle class, with light brown hair, vibrant blue eyes, and clear skin without a single blemish on his face. He's short and unfortunately an omega, being forced to keep this secret under wraps. He's a scholarship student at a not-so-great design college and has a part-time job at a small grocery store.

Winter this year is more severe. Yuki stands in front of the huge college gate, heading to a morning class, wearing his warmest clothes and a scarf, when he meets his friend Mika, a blonde beta with brown eyes. In her hands are two cups of coffee, and she's wearing expensive and fashionable winter clothes. She arrives, showing her vibrant personality, while Yuki has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

"Let me guess, spent the night at work?"

"Is it that noticeable?" he asks with a slight laugh.

"I knew you were going to take an extra shift," she hands him the coffee. "But you shouldn't push yourself so hard, especially since your body is weak and exams are approaching."

"Even though she doesn't know I'm an omega, there's no hiding that during my heat, even taking suppressants, my body gets weak and I get quite feverish," Yuki thought.

"I know, but I don't have much choice. Thanks for the coffee."

Mika grabs her cell phone, double-clicks to show the time.

"We're already late. Let's go!"

Mika grabs Yuki's wrist, almost making him spill his coffee.

"Wait, Mika!"

"Drink your coffee in the classroom. It's our first day with this new professor."

Yuki follows her to the amphitheater. As they enter, the professor hasn't arrived yet, making Mika breathe a sigh of relief.

"Lucky us... the professor is late."

Yuki looks around and notices two empty seats. When he turns to ask Mika where she wants to sit, she disappears. He looks for her and finds her already seated next to a dark-haired beta with curly hair.

"That doesn't surprise me..." Yuki mutters.

Yuki returns to the other empty seat, and in it is a man with straight black hair. Even seated, one can tell he is tall, wearing elegant clothes in shades of black and gray. Yuki approaches him apprehensively, and noticing that the man's eyes are amber, it triggers all his alarms; this man is definitely a dominant alpha.

He goes to Mika, who is seated, making very obvious attempts to get the beta's attention. Yuki nudges her, and she looks at him nervously.

"Switch places with me, please," he whispers.

She looks ahead and notices the dominant alpha; even though she's pretty, she's just a beta.

"He must be a dominant alpha, he's too much for my truck," she said quietly.

"Stop hitting on guys, didn't you come here to study?" he asked in a low voice.

"You already know the answer," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Look, he can't be that bad, try to befriend him."

As Yuki was about to answer, the professor enters and tells everyone to sit down and be quiet, leaving him no choice but to sit next to the dominant alpha, who looks him up and down and then turns his gaze forward, showing that he doesn't want to talk.

Even though the alpha wasn't giving Yuki any attention, he remained tense throughout the entire class.

Episode 2

At the end of class, the alpha turns to Yuki, who gets up as quickly as possible and goes over to Mika, who is chatting calmly with the beta, who now even feels comfortable in her presence.

"Shall we go, Mika?"

"So glad you're here," she says smiling and excitedly, "this is Connor. Can you believe he's an American beta? I even thought he was an alpha, he's so magnificent."

"Sometimes she goes a little too far," Yuki thought.

"Nice to meet you, my name is..."

"Yuki. It was one of the first things Mika told me."

"Isn't he incredible? He paid attention to everything I said," she said, her eyes twinkling.

Yuki goes up to her ear.

"Except for Mika..." he whispers.

Connor gets up.

"How about we go out for a coffee? My treat."

The eyes of both of them sparkled.

"Yes!" Mika and Yuki replied together, not hiding their excitement.

The three of them head towards the classroom door and the dominant alpha doesn't take his eyes off Yuki until he's gone.


The three of them go to the campus cafeteria, which is empty.

"That's lucky, it's pretty empty. This cafeteria is usually quite crowded," said Mika.

"Then it must be very good," Connor said, smiling.

They sit down at a round table near the window. A waiter comes to serve them and they place their orders, and he leaves.

"So Yuki, why don't you tell us more about yourself? Since Mika has been talking about herself all class."

Mika gives a slight laugh.

"Don't be silly," she said.

"Mika can be impossible sometimes," Yuki thought.

"Well... I guess I'm just an ordinary person. I have nothing special to tell. What about you, Connor? Are you doing some kind of exchange program?"

"My family moved to town, and since this is the only college, I decided to go to pass the time."

"Are you married?" Mika asked, upset.

"No, I'm living with my parents for now, until I see that everything is okay. After that I'll go back to the United States."

The conversation is interrupted as the coffees are placed on the table, along with some sweets.

"Changing the subject, did you guys see the alpha who's in our class?" Mika asked.

"How do you know he's an alpha?" asked Connor.

"Those vibrant yellow eyes. That's a characteristic of a dominant alpha," she said, her eyes widening.

"I don't see anything special about him. Isn't it common to have alphas here?"

"This is a country town. Everyone here is a beta," said Yuki.

When Yuki said that, Connor's happy expression disappeared.

"Generally dominant alphas are wealthy, upper-class. Is he the exception to the rule?"

"Maybe," Connor replied to Mika.

He takes a sip of his coffee and then gets up.

"Excuse me, but I have an appointment. I'll leave everything paid for."

"Can we meet again?" Mika asked.

"Of course," he forces a smile.

"Yuki, you live alone. We could meet at your place later for dinner and make dinner."

"I can't believe she's offering my house to a stranger."

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Please Yuki..." she begs, "You live alone and you'll even get a free dinner."

"How about you come to my place?" Connor asked.

"But don't you live with your parents?" Mika asked.

"I'm renting an apartment. I'm just close to them to make sure they're okay."

"It's a date!" Mika exclaimed.

"All right then."

"You don't have to bring anything. I'll see you at 8 o'clock," Connor said, heading for the cash register.

"He's really amazing," she said with a sigh.

"I think you're putting the cart before the horse," Yuki grumbled.

"You know me so well."

Yuki sighs and takes his coffee.

Episode 3

"Yuki, I have a favor to ask you."

"Just spit it out..."

"Don't go to Connor's house today."

"Huh? Now you don't want me to go? A few minutes ago, you were offering my place for him to go to."

"Yuki, you know... I don't live alone... Please... you know what I mean."

"Alright... Actually, I wasn't going anyway. I don't want to go to a stranger's house."

Yuki finished his coffee.

"Since Connor paid, I'm leaving."

"Have a safe trip home."

Yuki left the cafeteria and started fiddling with his cell phone. Clicking on the internet, he noticed there was more news about kidnappings, but it didn't specify their gender.

"They're definitely omegas... Currently, that's the fate of being discovered as an omega."

He walked calmly, distracted by his cell phone. When a woman bumped into him, he dropped his phone and she dropped a ring box.

"I'm sorry," he said, picking up his cell phone and the box.

Looking at her face, he recognized her from design class.

"Are you Beatriz?"

She stared at him nervously, and as she was about to take the box from his hand, she spotted two men wearing white suits and sunglasses, causing her to panic and run. Yuki stood up confused, and the men passed him, pushing him against the wall of a store, his back hitting hard.


He looked down at his hand and noticed she had left the box with him. He looked around and they were gone.

"How did they disappear so fast?"

"If it really is Beatriz, I'll see her tomorrow in class and I can return the box."

Yuki returned to his apartment, which was close to campus, a small place with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and a tiny living room.

He took a shower, put on a towel, and went to the living room wall where he had a calendar. Marked on the next day was a large red X.

"My heat starts tomorrow? I better take my medicine, especially with a dominant alpha in the room."

Yuki took his medicine and looked at the box that was on the table. He took it and lay down on the bed.

"What could be inside?"

He opened it and noticed a golden ring that shimmered, catching his eye. Curious to see if there was anything written on it, Yuki took it out of the box and looked at the back of the ring. Then a strong, golden light flashed, blinding him, and at that moment, he felt a prick on his finger, causing him to drop the ring. The light disappeared. He looked at his fingertip, which was bleeding, and put his hand to his mouth.

"Was there a thorn or something on the ring that I didn't notice?" he thought.

He looked around for the ring until he found it near the desk. Yuki approached it and carefully picked it up, looking to see if there was anything else that could hurt him. However, the jewel showed no sign of a defect.

"That's strange... Better put this away." he muttered.

He put the ring back in the box and put it in his backpack.

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