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chapter 1

"Did you say your prayers last night?" Mrs. Kim questioned as she cooked breakfast.

"Yes mother." Taehyung held back the disgusted sigh that he was dying to let out.

Truth is, he didn't pray last night. But she won't ever know that. That secret was between God and him.

Taehyung finished his cereal and placed his bowl in the dishwasher.

"What are you wearing?" She nearly gasped, making him look down at his attire.

"Yoga pants?" Taehyung said in an unsure tone.

"Kim V Taehyung."

"You don't have to use my full name every time you yell at me." The blonde haired boy nearly snapped.

"I will not tolerate that tone young man." She grabbed his wrist as he turned away from her.

He didn't respond he just looked at her with fire-filled eyes. It wasn't even nine in the morning and he already couldn't stand being near her.

"Apologize and change your clothes or I will take your guitar away." She threatened.

Taehyung hated it when she threatened him with his guitar. It was the only thing in this place that made him happy.

They had moved to ******* England because his dad, a high ranking police official, got a promotion or some bullshit like that.

They made him leave his friends, his home, and his life. He was not the least bit pleased about it. He hated it here.

It did nothing but rain, and drizzle, and rain some more.

Taehyung was miserable and his parents were too overjoyed with their new lives here to notice.

"I'm sorry." The blondie said through gritted teeth. "I will go change now."

His mother was crazy. His father was too. No wonder the wackos got married.

Taehyung's mother wasn't traditional, she was a conformist. It was like the women still lived in the eighteen hundreds. She didn't approve of him wearing anything but formal and decent clothes unless it was for sleep or exercise.

She was crazy and his husband approved of it.

On top of that they were insanely religious and they forced their beliefs upon Taehyung. He was pretty sure they put God before him, their own son.

Taehyung was forced to go to church every week. It was basically torture.

He listened to a guy talk about how great God was for an hour and the only thing he got out of it was his parents reprimanding him about all the shit in his life.

They made him put all his faith in God and hated it. It's not that he hated God, he didn't, it was just that he was being forced to take every word of the Bible in a literal sense.

The Bible has great stories, that teach great lessons, but you don't actually ******* expect him to believe God punished his ever so loved creations. He hated how serious he had to be about it.

Taehyung sighed angrily as he went up the stairs to his room. He pulled out a pair of pants and a tight fitting quarter-sleeved white shirt. His mother let him get away with loosely fitting clothes unless they revealed skin.

He wanted to feel sexy but he couldn't do that with his parent’s insane restrictions. The outfit he had on was probably the most revealing thing he owned. He wanted to cry just at the thought.

Taehyung grabbed his purse from the top of the dresser and draped the long strap over his shoulder.

He put on a pair of flats because how awkward would it be to wear sneakers with pants on. It would be trendy if he was wearing something sexier.


to be continued......


He started for the stairs and his mother was waiting patiently at the bottom. Her lip curled in disgust as she looked at him.


Her scolding tone drove him over the edge.

"I know you're not happy about this move but that doesn't give you the right to act the way you are. I have told you time and time again that you must have respect for your body. Father always said your body is a temple, and that if you disrespect it with trashy clothing that you are disrespecting God."

Taehyung didn't know how yoga pants were disrespectful to hinself but okay.

"I know mom." He cut her speech short. “I’m sorry.

He absolutely was not sorry, nor will he ever be. It was just easier to go with it than to fight her about it.

"Have some respect for yourself and go fix your hair and makeup. I need you to go out and run some errands for me but I can't have you looking like a mess." She sent him up the stairs once again. He was infuriated.

Taehyung pulled his blond curls back into a bandana and he traced his lips with a cherry lip balm. He then put on some foundation and some mascara. His mom insisted he wear makeup but she hated when he wore too much of it.

It was always too little or too much for her. It seemed like he could never please her.

When Taehyung came back down the stairs, he tried not to snatch the list out of her hands.

"You can use the change to get yourself something." She told him as she handed him the strange new currency he had to get used to, pounds.

"Be back by two, we are going to the three o'clock service." Mrs. Kim said as her son made a beeline for the door.

Taehyung shoved the money in his purse and he picked up an umbrella from the floor by the door.

"Son." She called for him once again.

"Yes." He tried not to sound as murderous as he felt inside.

"I love you." She gave him a hug and he stood stiffly in her arms.

"I know." Taehyung murmured.

He knew his parents loved him but they shielded him from everything. He just felt so restricted from life. It wasn't fair.

"Be safe." She kissed his forehead and sent him on his way.

He opened the umbrella and started his walk to the supermarket.

The scenery was nice, even in the drizzling weather.

The walk wasn't a long one and his mother's list wasn't exactly complicated. It was the simple stuff like eggs and margarine. It wouldn't be heavy to carry.

Taehyung decided to get himself a box of lucky charms with the change. He hadn't had it since he was little and his mom wasn't here to stop him.

The rain had stopped momentarily so he decided his umbrella wasn't necessary so he walked out of the store with it closed.

Suddenly, it started to to rain again.


In order to save himself a lecture from his mother about catching pneumonia, he ducked into an alleyway.

Taehyung began to fiddle with the umbrella. It was kind of hard to get it open when you had a shit load of grocery bags getting in the way.

He stood there for a moment becoming frustrated with opening it.

"I told you I needed the money last week Kellin."

A man with a dark jacket held a guy, who Taehyung was guessing was Kellin, against the wall.

"I know, but my kid needed tuition for his new school and...."

"I don't give a **** about your kids new school." He threw Kellin against the wall like a rag doll.

"I care about his kid’s new school." Taehyung said and both their heads turned in his direction.

Realizing it was none of his business, the blondie shrunk backwards slightly.

Both of their eyes were trained on him.

"And you should too." Taehyung whispered weakly. "Don't you care about the future generation?"

What the **** was he doing? He needed to shut up.

"Listen you little *****, I'm in the middle of something." His glare was deadly.

Taehyung felt heat rush to his face. He was embarrassed and angry and a little hurt. When he got angry he tended to run my mouth.

"I've been called worse by better." Taehyung shrugged it off.

"Why don't you just leave him alone, and let him pay for his kid’s education?" He then asked stupidly. He should have just walked away.

"Why don't you shut your ******* face?" The man pulled a blade out of pocket and before Taehyung could protest he slit Kellin's throat.

Kellin's body slumped to the ground and landed with a thud.

Taehyung's eyes widen and he was struggling to breathe. The man had just killed a man right before his own eyes.

"See what you made me do? Maybe you should have shut your mouth."

Taehyung let out a choked sob as he saw the crimson liquid pooling around the dead man’s body. He looked away from the body and at the murderer. Their eyes met and he could just tell he was insane.

"You were going to kill him regardless." Taehyung stumbled backwards, resisting the urge to scream as the man came closer.

"You're right." The stranger nodded.

"You're a monster." Taehyung growled as he reeled away from him. "His kid is going to grow up fatherless now." He gulped and dropped the bag of groceries at his feet.

"Oh sweetheart," The stranger cornered the boy against the wall. And suddenly everything felt smaller. He felt enclosed, trapped. "He didn't have any children."

"He said he did." Taehyung retorted.

"That piece of shit said a lot of things, none of which was true." He chuckled as he eased his way towards the blondie's trembling frame. "You're so naïve." The man grabbed Taehyung's chin and turned his face to each side slightly. "I like it."

"I'll scream." Taehyung warned before he could touch any other part of him.

"No one would hear you, and I guarantee if someone did, no one would come to your rescue." He chuckled and his face seemed to emerge from the shadows of the alley.

The stranger was one of the most gorgeous men Taehyung had ever seen. He had dark hair which was styled upwards but was slightly deflated due to the rain. It was attractive though, he was insanely attractive. His eyes were hazel but Taehyung tried desperately to avoid looking at them. His features were god-like. The man pulled Taehyung's waist into his, making hin let out a muffled sob in protest.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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