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A CEO All Mine

Episode 1

Meeting the Author

I am Lucia Helena, 38, a married mother of a girl, who is my greatest inspiration. Reading and writing have been my passions since I was young, writing verses and poems.

"I started writing romance out of passion, and since then, I haven't stopped. I love what I do and will continue as long as God allows."

My life's motto is, "I can go as far as I want to go if I just put love into what we do."

Welcome to my latest work. I hope you journey through the reading and become enchanted by the love story of Heitor and Luna. Happy reading to all. Good morning, good afternoon, good night.


Introduction to the Story

In the present-day city of Sao Paulo, people meet and bump into each other every day. But there's nothing like meeting someone who completely changes your life, offering a home for your heart and a love to call your own, transforming your world.

Meeting the Main Characters

Heitor Bitencourt is a young widower, dedicated to his company of international prestige! A strong brunette at the peak of his 30s, with blue eyes, dark hair, and a dazzling beauty standing at 1.75 meters tall. He has always been an individualistic and decisive man. Despite being wealthy, powerful, and independent, Heitor struggles with a poor relationship with his parents due to his egoism and arrogance, yet he's still a successful man of name and possessions.

Heitor carries the burden of his wife Juliana's death, whom he loved madly, but lost in a tragic accident. Since then, Heitor lives day by day, working tirelessly to erase the memory of the swift, tragic occurrence. He is a serious, responsible, and talented man – qualities that make him sought after by women seeking fame, prestige, and money. Yet, they are turned away by a man who refuses to fall in love again...


Luna Vieira is a young, humble girl from the countryside, hardworking at the height of her 18 years, with blonde hair, fair skin, and a gentle sweetness in her small 1.60-meter frame. The girl is taken aback by an unwanted pregnancy from her boyfriend Guilherme, who will refuse to accept this slip-up. Luna will be forced to consider an abortion, yet with the support of her parents and the help of Magnolia, her mother's childhood friend, she will flee to the city, finding employment in the home of Sao Paulo's most reputable man who hires her, unaware that the young woman carries a child within her womb.

Luna comes from a modest family and has learned from an early age that honesty, loyalty, and education make a person better. The young girl is disillusioned and dazzled by her first love, not knowing he will abandon her when she needs him most. But fate, with a little push from someone special, will help Luna find happiness where she least expects it...


Luna Vieira...

My name is Luna Vieira. I'm eighteen years old, and I live with my parents, Leila and Fabio Vieira, and my brother Cadu, who just turned twelve. Life has never been easy for us, but my father received a significant settlement from his last job and decided to invest in purchasing a farm. Today I can say we live comfortably, but we're not rich.

I've been dating Guilherme for two years; unlike me, he comes from a wealthy family. Even though my parents disapprove of this relationship, I love Guilherme, and now even more because I've just found out that I'm pregnant. Although my parents do not accept it, I will have this child, and with Guilherme's help, we'll be able to raise our baby...

Luna - Geez, Gui, I thought you wouldn't come. I've been waiting here for twenty minutes.

Guilherme - What are you doing here, Luna? You know I'm training to work in my father's company.

Luna - These days, you only think about that company. It's like we're not even dating.

Guilherme - Just say what you want, Luna. Lately, you've been nothing but a nuisance. I've been thinking, and I've decided that this relationship will hinder my future. I plan to be a CEO, Luna, and dating you will make that difficult.

Luna - What do you mean? You want to break up with me, Guilherme?

Guilherme - It'll be better for us both, Luna. Our families don't accept our relationship, and right now, my focus is on my father's company.

Luna - You can't break up with me, Guilherme, I...

Guilherme - Stop yelling in front of my father's company, Luna. What's with that outfit? You look like a whor@. Get out of here...

Luna - Let go of my arm, Guilherme. You're hurting me. Let go.

Guilherme - Didn't the slaps I gave you last time teach you anything? I told you not to come here to my father's company looking for me, Luna.

Luna - I'm pregnant, Guilherme.

Guilherme - You're what... What madness is this, Luna?

Luna - It's not madness, Guilherme. I took the test today and found out I'm three weeks along, and...

Guilherme - Didn't you tell me you were on the pill? Are you trying to trap me with a pregnancy?

Luna - What do you mean, 'trap you with a pregnancy'? I love you, Guilherme. Yes, I was on the pill, but it must've failed, and I...

Guilherme - I don't want this child, Luna. It'll be a hindrance in my life.

Luna - It's our child, Guilherme, not a hindrance.

Guilherme - Tough luck for you. Find a way to get rid of that kid because if my parents find out I got you pregnant, my plans of being the CEO of Gonçalves company are down the drain.

Luna - Are you saying you want me to have an abortion, Guilherme?

Guilherme - Yes, I do. I don't want to be a father now, Luna, especially not with you. Shall we go to a clinic?

Luna - I'm not going to abort my child, Guilherme. Let go of my arm... Ow!

Guilherme slaps me across the face and throws me to the ground. He then grabs my arm with force and tosses me into his car. My boyfriend has been aggressive for some days now; he hit me a couple of times but always apologizes, promising he'll change. What's happening to him, my God?...

To be continued...

Episode 2

Heitor Bitencourt ...

My name is Heitor Bitencourt. I'm 30 years old, and although quite young, I started working early because I left home at 17 to pursue my dream of becoming a successful man. I married my first girlfriend, Juliana, but due to my fault, she died in an accident, and since then I've dedicated myself solely to my company.

I don't consider myself arrogant as my parents claim. I'm just not one for small talk because time is money, and I have more important things to do. My company is the largest in Sao Paulo thanks to my hard work and dedication.

Heitor - Celia, reschedule tomorrow's meeting for earlier. I want to get this resolved quickly.

Celia - As you wish. Will you be having lunch at Le Vatter?

Heitor - No, Celia. Today I'll dine at home; I have a private meeting with my lawyer. Just organize the report for tomorrow's meeting this afternoon, and you're free to go.

My employee thanks me and exits my office while I stay back to do my work, which is not insignificant, given that my company is the top cosmetics firm.

I engage in a fierce battle with my parents who have never accepted my success. My father wanted me as his company's vice-president, a company that doesn't compare to mine. Thus, they label me arrogant and selfish.

Celia - Mr. Bitencourt, I'm off to lunch.

Heitor - Alright, Celia. I'm heading out as well.

We leave my office together and quickly enter the elevator to exit the building. I depart for my home and Celia goes to lunch since it's her break.

My executive secretary is a mature woman in her 40s who has been working with me for about 10 years. She's a tall woman, with short hair, large eyes, and a full bust—childless by choice.

Heitor - Celia, don't forget about the report for tomorrow's meeting. You know I don't tolerate mistakes.

My secretary nods affirmatively and as soon as the elevator reaches the ground floor, we part ways; she heads to the restaurant while I make my way to the parking lot to drive home.

I own several properties in Sao Paulo and the countryside, but my greatest achievement is the cosmetic company that has brought me fame and wealth. I reach my home within about 35 minutes since I reside in the most expensive condominium in the city, while my company is downtown.

Magnolia - Hello, boss. You didn't mention you'd be coming home for lunch.

Heitor - Why, isn't there food?

Magnolia - It's not that, you usually notify us when you decide to lunch at home.

Heitor - You may set the table; I'm going to wash my hands and then eat.

My housekeeper, who is anything but simple, has worked for me since I bought this house. At 50, she is quite the gossip yet manages to be exceptionally loyal, shows no discontent, and manages my home impeccably...

Magnolia - Have you thought about what I asked you, boss?

Heitor - You mean hiring another maid?

Magnolia - Exactly. With Jordana's departure, Verena is overwhelmed—it may not seem so, but this house is massive.

Heitor - I dislike your ironic tone when you say my name, but go ahead and hire whom you feel necessary, just don't forget my rules and standards.

She smiles and leaves as I sit at the table for lunch. I let her handle everything because I trust her profoundly. She knows my ground rules concerning staff: no leaking of personal or house details, no gossip, no workplace romance, and most importantly, I am always the boss, nothing more...


Luna Vieira

After Guilherme shoved me into his car, I noticed my arm turning purple, and this time I won't be able to hide from my parents that my boyfriend beat me. Tears stream down my face because Guilherme has changed a lot these past months, and it isn't right.

Luna - Have you grown used to hitting me now, Guilherme?

Guilherme - You ask for it, Luna. How many times have I told you I don't want kids?

Luna - It wasn't my fault, Guilherme. The pill must have failed, and I got pregnant—it's our child...

Out of nowhere, I receive another slap across the face, and this time I feel blood trickling down.

Guilherme - You did this on purpose, Luna, but I won't fall for your stupid game. You're getting rid of this kid, even if I have to beat you until you lose the damn baby, you...

Luna - Let go of my arm; you're hurting me, Guilherme...

Seizing the moment while the traffic signal turns red, I manage to open the car door and escape, dashing through the cars at the bus station. Bursting into tears, I jump into the first empty taxi I spot...

Episode 3

Luna Vieira couldn't fathom where Guilherme intended to take her when he struck her for the third time; this time was going to be the last. She refused to comply with his demands to end her pregnancy—it wasn't a possibility for her. The reaction of her parents to her pregnancy was uncertain, especially since they had never approved of Guilherme.

"What's to become of me now, God? Pregnant, alone, and fearful for my and my unborn child's safety?" Luna wondered in distress. After escaping the car and Guilherme's violence, she found refuge in a taxi, tears streaming down her face. The driver, noticing her state, asked with concern after hearing her pleas.

Luna - To Serra Nova Farm, please.

Driver - Were you robbed, miss? Did someone hit you? Shouldn't we head to the police station?

Luna - No, sir, just take me to the address I gave you, please. I'm fine.

The driver acquiesced and drove to the given address. As they passed by Guilherme's car, now pulled over on the curb, she saw him on his phone. It wasn't long before hers began to ring, and though hesitant, she knew he wouldn't stop calling until she answered.

📲Luna - What do you want, Guilherme? I won't do as you demand.

📱 Guilherme - You're getting rid of that baby, Luna, or I'll take it out of you myself.

📲 Luna - You're not getting anywhere near me again, Guilherme.

📱 Guilherme - We'll see about that. I refuse to let you and that stupid baby ruin my plans. I'll find you, Luna, and show you who I really am, you money-grubbing wretch.

📲 Luna - You've already shown me who you are, Guilherme. 😭😭😭😭

Ending the call, she broke down, sobbing uncontrollably, lamenting how she had fallen for someone like him, and now bearing his child. "What if my parents reject this pregnancy? Where shall I go, God?" she despaired. Guilherme shouldn't have done this to her, not ever.

Guilherme was a handsome man at the prime of his 25 years, with blond hair, blue eyes, an athletic build, and an arresting beauty standing at 1.75m tall. Their paths crossed at an animal exhibition where his father's company specialized in agricultural products. They exchanged a few words, phone numbers, and arranged to meet again, eventually beginning a relationship.

Falling for Guilherme came effortlessly, as Luna had never dated before and thought she'd found her charming prince. Now, she realized her grave mistake; he had turned into an abominable beast.

Driver - Are you sure you don't want to go to the police station or a hospital?

Luna - There's no need, sir. Thank you, getting me to the farm is help enough.

Without further exchange, the driver continued toward the farm where she lived, while Luna cried, clutching the recently acquired pregnancy test in her purse – the same one she had been thrilled to share with her boyfriend, who was now revealed as a scoundrel.

Driver - We've arrived at your destination, miss. Do you need assistance getting to your house? You seem quite unwell.

Luna - No, thank you, sir. Here's your fare, keep the change.

Bypassing the driver's response, she quickly exited the vehicle, entering the gate and heading toward her home. The family's farm wasn't extensive, yet it took her three minutes to reach the main house. Upon entering, her mother and father were in the living room, and their gazes locked onto her instantly.

Leila - What's happened, Luna? Has someone hurt you, my daughter... was it that boyfriend of yours...

Luna - Mother. 😭😭😭😭😭

Letting her bag fall to the floor, she embraced her mother, breaking down further in tears while her mother surveyed her bruises.

Fabio - No need to say more, Luna. How many times have your mother and I told you that Guilherme is no good... Now I'll kill him...

Luna - N-no, Dad... please, it won't solve anything. 😭😭😭😭

Fabio - What do you mean it won't solve anything, Luna? You come home like this and say that? Your boyfriend needs to be arrested—if I don't kill him first.

Leila - He had no right to do this to you, Luna. That's a crime.

Luna - Mother, Dad... I-I'm pregnant. 😭😭😭😭

Fabio - How could you be so foolish as to get pregnant by that wretch, Luna? Since when have you been intimate with him?

Leila - Does he know you're pregnant and still hit you, Luna?

Luna - That's why he hit me, Mom. Guilherme lost his mind when I told him I was expecting his child. It was an accident, Mom. I was on the pill, but something went wrong. 😭😭😭😭

Fabio - What went wrong was sleeping with that no-good jerk. How could you, Luna?

Leila - What's the use of saying that now, Fabio? The deed is done, and I will not abandon my daughter over a mistake. What we need to do now is support and defend our daughter. We're going to the police station to file a complaint against that criminal.

Luna - If I go to the police, it'll be worse, Mom. He doesn't want this child and asked me to terminate. He said my baby is an inconvenience in his life... What now, Mom? 😭😭😭😭

Fabio - What now is a police report for assault. That Guilherme needs to be arrested for attacking his pregnant girlfriend, unless you'd rather I kill him?

Luna - Father. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Sinking to her knees in tears, she beheld her father brandishing a shotgun, fear gripping her heart...


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