NovelToon NovelToon

Après The Serpent's Wrath

Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Men x men, beware.

R18+ contents. Read at your own risk!


The Beginning

"Get out, you fool!" He uttered while panting.

Theon froze and couldn't move an inch.

This man was slumped on the ground, its ridiculous heat was emitting the walls of the cave and he was a total mess. His member was out and Theon just widened his eyes in shock.

The man looked like it was suffering while trying to fap its member. He gritted his teeth and groaned in frustration. His long black silky hair was touching the ground.

Theon's knees was about to give up with the view his seeing. He could not grasp the reality he was facing at the moment.

With eyes full of worry and brows met.

'How did things turned out like this?' Theon thought.

Now, let's move backwards. Where everything was still vaguely pleasant.

THE evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. As the people gathered at the centre of this ruling village.

One of the many people was named Theon. A warrior who serves and protect the people of his village. Despite his sensitive features like pale smooth skin, grey coloured pupils and black-haired. His strength was like any other warrior; For, although he suffered in vain with the people who lived and lost, he tightens the wall of his heart to not forlorn to death.

It was the moment that Theon decided to disarm all his weapons; Swords, shields and even his bow and arrows. The man was convinced that this night will be covered in tranquillity. He stared and rejoiced the looks of the people. Such a rare view to see how such sereneness can be cast in a few blistering smiles. Endless wars now and then.

"Theon, you should come and join us dance!" A woman with brown skin indicated to him.

Theon smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry about me, Mikka. Why are you dancing tonight, if I may ask?"

With blistering eyes she answered, "Well, Zynthia once told us that we should feast once in a while after a long tiring day. The woman of our village then decided to celebrate it today."

Theon was still confused. He furrowed his brows.

Mikka saw his face's movement so she continued.

"Can't you feel the air? Somehow, it brings us tranquillity and sereneness. We deserve this at last."

The woman, Mikka tapped his shoulders and went back to dancing.

Theon thought, 'Indeed, a time so unreachable should be celebrated'.

Even so, his smile faded as a memory from the past has reminisced from his mind. It was never forgotten, he supposed.

"Should have not let mother Zynthia tell me that story."

A sigh was released. The man sat by a rear trunk of a tree, bowed his head to not ruin the mood of the joyous people circulating the set fire. After all, the man was still weak for his thoughts intention.

He was called by a man with a husky voice later on.


When he caught the attention of the one he tries to peak its advertence, which is Theon, he then asked, "What's this melancholy I sensed from you?"

Theon glanced at his footing. Brown-haired man, a notch taller than he is and still armed. The man sat right next to him, gazing as though he waits for his response. He shook his head once as he beamed a slight smile reassuring him.

"Everything is alright, Eliaz." 'Twas Theon who responded.

"Are you truly alright? I know you Theon, come on and tell me." He convinced.

"It's Zynthia's stories about my kin." Theon muttered.

"Ah, is that so? You should let it go and focus on what's in front of you." Eliaz inferred to him.

Realizing it, Theom thought that Eliaz was right. There's nothing good in suffering over the pass. He should focused more on protecting the villagers peace and happiness other than the deaths that happened just after his birth.

"You're right, Eliaz. I won't do it again."

Eliaz was relieved. As his head slanted and shrugged his shoulders.

Eliaz and Theon grew up together in this village found in the midst of the woods. His mother raised Theon and was trained to be a warrior by his father, chief of the village. It was taught to us that to acknowledge the strength and acquire it will grant us the peace that we longed for. The peace that they have never had owing to the land conquerors who wishes to take over every land and murder those who oppose them.

Yes, conquerors. A massive group of subduers that's been roaming around the land and opposing adversaries. These conquerors never met their equals and it explains the never-ending war innocent people including Theon are fighting for.

Theon forces himself to believe that this night people will be able to share each other's laughs, vividly looking at each other's eyes and be able to declare a reunion between different families. To share supper with, commemorating success that says that they had finally surpassed a bloodbath fight.

However, as if fate abhors their feast. They fell over a murderous corollary.

As the people in front of him was dancing. Shouts and yells were heard from afar. The downfall of a few men from the front was seen.

"The conquerors are coming!" A young man from their village warned him and Eliaz in his trembling voice.

With immediate instincts, both stood up and Theon began to wear his armour that supports his uppermost body and grabbed the weapons used. Eliaz on the other hand hurriedly ran to protect the people and his family near the entrance.

"Mikka, head to the river!" Theon relentlessly instructed the Mikka and the others who were feasting a while ago.

"Grab the children and head to the river!" He repeated once more.

He and Mikka stared at each other. Mikka's eyes says it all; Sadness and misery. It was not a joyous night after all.

He chased after Eliaz. Mikka guided the people out of the village.

Theon and Eliaz's couldn't believe their eyes as for a moment they had thought that everything was at hand. However, soon after collapsed.

He kept following him to the front where the conquerors might be. But bombs were thrown to each home right after the other and his heart began to palpitate at a ridiculous speed as he set his foot almost near the entrance. Smokes started to get visible above the wooden homes as he realized that Eliaz entered one which belonged to the chief, his father and his mother. Soon after he headed right back outside whereas Theon was waiting.

"The chief is dead." He uttered as his eyes blurred in tears and anger was common to his position.

Theon's eyes slowly widened in shock as he process Eliaz words. "How about your mother?" He asked in grief.

Eliaz just shook his head and that's when Theon realized that none of his presumptions could be true. Like a cycle he avoids with all his strengths, he has lost it.

Nervously, he questioned. "What will we do now, Eliaz. I will take orders from you at this moment."

Eliaz was in much arduous pain, his family has lost and died in a flick of an eye. As though, he wants to be deranged. However, the thought of Theon and the other people still breathing brought him back to sane.

He walked near theon, held his shoulder tightly and stuck their heads. Stared at his eyes and said, "You have to save the people, that's what we have to do. Guide them at the other side of the mountain."

Theon nodded continuously. "What about you, Eliaz?"

He spout nothing but air as he took the man's arrows.

Theon narrowed his brows in confusion seeing Eliaz fixed its armour and his.

"I have to stay here and fight. You have to save the people. There's not much time."

His words stabbed Theon like a sharpened sword. Without a doubt, Theon started to shake his head.

"No. I have to fight as well. Chief trained me for this day to come, I can't leave you here. My conscience will chase after me 'till death. I'm a warrior, escaping will deduct my honour of strength, Eliaz, I have to fight--"

"No!" He stopped Theon at the middle of its sentence and avoided looking at his gaze. "Escaping is not what I instructed you. The protection of our people is what I asked of you as a warrior."

Eliaz saw that Theon was determined to stay with him. However, Eliaz's side no longer accepts any loss from someone he treats as family. So, he refused to ask Theon to help him at the battle.

"Do this for me. You're the only one I have."

Theon was about to give him an opposition when they heard a cacophony brought by another explosion.

"Go on now, Theon. There's not much time left." He heard Eliaz muttered.

He had no choice but followed what he said. This was what the night has brought upon Theon's future. He despised Eliaz' selfish demand. For the years that the men have been through together- Thoughts of fighting with him was easily thorned down by the conquerors. He was just like a brother to Theon, a family and a friend. But with one night it disappeared like a mere autumn leaf.

He is unsettled by it but no longer has the control to make a change.

As instructed, he guided the people out of the village, will be headed to the other side of the mountain. But before they had left the village. Theon faced it one last time.

"I'm sorry, Eliaz." Was the only words he could have uttered.

It was this village. Endeavoured to forfend from the conquerors, but failed.

Farewell to Eliaz.

He felt a cold and delicate palm grabbed his hand. He turned around amd saw that it was Mikka, trying with al its might not to be shaken.

"We have to go. Staying here will only worsen our side." She managed to speak without a hint of nervousness.

He tightened his grip on the sword as if it could ever escape his grope. He glanced back facing his people. Theon then ran. Though, regret was there, the unfazed excruciating feeling and the shallowness grievance. He remains to stand. To be the man, the people trust.

"Run faster, Mikka!"

Meanwhile, the conquerors were currently subducting their land.

"Young man, you should have just run like those rats. How amusing 'tis to see a weakling mocking us." One of the enemies spouted.

Eliaz, the last man standing did not even jolt. For, his emotions have begun to turn monotonous and blank. He remembered his father's words before.

'Fight for the living not for vengeance'.

And as though, he kept it marked in his heart. He knew that those words were solemnly meant for him, perdure 'till this day.

He closed his eyes and made a stance taught by his father while handling his sword.

Afterwards fiercely open his eyes to stare at the enemy. Eliaz avowed his father in protecting their land. Seeing how there's a burlesque upon their slight movement of the lips, he, was not pleased.

"Don't make me laugh. This is my land you're stepping into." Eliaz uttered in a firm voice. "I will not allow you to just take out lives without a gruesome punishment."

The conquerors laughed at him.

"You're land? Yet, you can even land a finger on us. What an encumbrance." An enemy spoke.

"He even dares to do a stupid stance. To whom will you use that for?" And another.

"To monkeys, probably."

They laughed once more and even louder this time.

Eliaz patience was tempted and he ran to attack them. But, the amount was madly added as a pack of supports shoot him numerous metal items that pierced right into his skin. The poor Eliaz did nothing but kneel the pain. He knew that was going to happen, even so he still thought that he'll make a difference.

Even after his last breath. He silenced the conquerors with his last words.

"He slept for so long and now he's awake. This will be your last."

And thus, Eliaz completely succumbed to this unforgivable death.

Theon held his chest as if he felt Eliaz's mourning death. He turned around only to see the smoke arising. It was done and gone.

"Theon, we have to go!" An old man held Theon's hands as he slightly pulled him to wake him up from the unexplained feelings.

He nodded and went after the old man.

As they ran deep into the woods, it ate their shadows and they could hear their breathes. They have run long enough but the forest refuses to show them the end. Exhausted, he held unto a tree to support his body. However, he lost sight of the people and this cause him to paranoid.

For a moment there was silence. Somehow, the silence was deadly to his ears. He started walking and recognizing the road to the other side of the mountain. Until he heard a loud noise. It was not from a human, he concluded, nor from the bombs that were landed to the village but an Anomalous noise coming from a creature.

Frightened, he ran as fast as he could. Step to another step. However, the forest has played him a trick. Stumbled his foot from a rock and found himself falling from a short cliff.

'When was there a cliff in this mountain?' He thought.

He could not avoid screaming but immediately breakdown as he reached the bottom.

He was awakened by the sound of the insects that distracts the appeals of the night. He checked himself to see if he did not hurt himself. The man was lucky to have a small bruised on his knees. Nevertheless, his body was still intact. He stared upward and saw that the cliff was not that high.

"All tragedy has passed in one night." He gripped his knees.

He was a man but failed to stop the tears that were already racing to his chin. He thought that he could have made a change of fate if he had just persuaded Eliaz to escape together with him and the people. Eliaz could still be survived. He flooded himself with the pressure that he never thought would be brought upon his head.

"Eliaz, will it be right if I end my life here?" There was no end to his tears.

He was there alone, sitting in the depths of his misery. Crestfallen, he realized that his chance to bring peace into their land was gone. He was lumped.

But then he heard a stump just nearby. His eyes widened, wiped his left faint tears and stood up. He got alerted and grabbed the sword that fell together with him. As if he wasn't gonna bring an end to his life way back, now he is much more furious. The thought of the conquerors might be making this noise was far from his conclusion. This was unheard of before.

Setting the matter aside he narrowed his brows remembering the reason for his fall.

"It was that noise or was I just hallucinating at that time." He whispered to himself.

But an even louder stumped was made. He could feel it so near him. It was still midnight. The brightness of the moon bringing a light for him was not much of a help. The obscurity of the tall trees brings darkness into it so he barely sees the one who's making a loud stump.

"Nope. Not my hallucinations. I'm sure of it."

He could have been much more frightened but he was even more curious and more cautious as to what lies at the other side of these tall and horrendously looking trees.

Stump after stump. However, he felt that it was not walking towards him but in a horizontal manner of direction. When he filled up his courage. He then decided to follow this mysterious creature that's been lurking near him.

He slowly walked deeper into these woods and followed the trace of that creature. The light was no longer accompanying him. Leaves above showers him a thick shadow. He can only trust his hearing at this point.

And then he brought himself to another side of those thickening trees. He glanced from left to right and saw nothing but a cave.

"I remember this cave. When was it?" He whispered trying to remember the place of the event he had.

It was dark inside the cave. Theon contracted his vision to focus on seeking this creature.

Theon then gasped as he felt a rustling behind him. He thought that his senses might have weakened and sworn himself.

"Blood and ashes."

He turned around to face, not a mysterious creature but a bear. Still, his eyes were widened and made a stance to protect himself. Now he's regretting his decisions. He should have just looked for his way back to the other side of the mountain.

The bear growled but to his shock. It sounded nothing like the terrifying noise he heard when he was still running with the people.

Even so, the idea of a hungry bear struck him. It was about to attack him when it saw something behind Theon's back, envisioning inside the huge cave.

Shivers ran down Theon's spine as he felt hot smokes from his back. This time he gasped even dramatically. He saw the bear ran for its life as if its size is no match for its kin. He slowly turned to face it filled with apprehension he looked upwards. His soul immediately left his body when he could finally see the creature up close. His eyes widened like it never had before. Hands trembling like a child. His knees that were bruised started to shake.

Even after his affrighted state, he said.

"What are you?"



Chapter 2

Bygone Dream

The dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. The sun was a peak high. It was midday.

Although it was vague and blurred, the breeze brought back a nostalgic feeling in his skin. He fixated his eyes in front of him to focus even more.

As he realized it, the wind blew up his black hair. His eyes widened in shock.

It was the village. The village that he thought that had lost and ended in a downfall.

He roamed his eyes. Confirming he was not mistaken. Wooden houses, rocky roads, tall trees and lumbers settled at the centre of the village; used for night fire when at night. He was not mistaken at all.

He furrowed his brows. "Why am I back at the village?" Asked himself.

He tapped his forehead. The view in front of him was too untrustworthy, he started questioning his self once again if he just had his eyes covered in gold dust.

"This. Is this true? Then," He was trying to reminisce what happened before this.

The village was burned almost to ashes and spit, the people pleading to escape safely and Eliaz's death as well as his entire family. Was that all just a mere hallucination and his hellacious thinking? He thought.

He massaged his forehead with his palms. But, interrupted by the sudden change of his physic. Theon, without a hint of slowness, checked his body.

"What is this?" He said and gasped. "I'm at my younger self."

Now, it made him confused. He turned his gaze back at the houses. After just considering it, the houses were built and formed by the days when he was still training. Theon was in awe. Indeed, everything he saw was not to be believed. Desperation quite changed his perspective. He assumed that all the tragedy that had happened was just because of the steadfast pressure he experienced, he was a warrior, it was not a matter of ridicule that he wanted to indulge in a group that only sought peace for its land.

Still stuck in his reverie. Theon walked and began to search the house that he had his eyes set for.

Step after step, he almost overlook all the houses but there was only one that caught his attention. It was Eliaz, his mother and the chief's house. He halted and stared at it.

"This was burning," He spoke up. "And now it seems that it hasn't been destroyed by anything."

The man took a few paces and stayed right in front of the entrance. He somehow hesitated to pass into the entrance, afraid of what he might discover. After all, he insists to believe that all that has happened might just be an oversight.

He proceeded to enter and what he saw made his eyes widen in shock. His body was stunned and he could stare at it.

It was Zynthia. Sitting on a stool while knitting winter clothes with her hair ringlet down, brown coloured eyes, pink rosy lips, ocean blue eyes and emitting an aura that Theon missed to sense. It was the comfort of a mother. And yes, Zynthia is Eliaz's mother that he thought was already lifeless.

"Dear Theon, why are you here?" The woman furrowed her eyebrows confused why Theon has gone back to the quarters.

Theon didn't even move a notch. He couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the wonderful woman who has taken care of him ever since he was just a child.

His eyes became blurry as he ran to this woman and gave her an embrace while he was on his knees.

Zynthia raised her brow and tilted her head upon seeing Theon's behaviour and how it acted in front of her. Surely, something might have happened and she is deeply thinking as to what had happened.

"Why are you in your tears, my dear," She raised a question. "Is Ganord giving you a hard time with the training?"

Theon was silenced. Perhaps, he was still desperate and insists he believes this very moment that's occurring. For a while, he wanted to stay like this and never let go of her.

"Chief is alive?" Still, he asked. And he raised his head to meet her gaze.

"What nonsense. Of course, he is. How could he not be alive? What's the matter?" Worry was marked in her utterances.

Theon just shook his head even though everything is shocking him off.

"My heart is beating so fast, Mother." He said.

"Calm down then. There's no need to nervous." She refrained from laughing but chortled a little.

Zynthia thinks that Theon is nervous because Ganord might get angry. However, Theon thinks otherwise.

"Ganord is probably waiting for you, you should head out, my dear." She insisted while holding Theon's chin.

"Will you still be here?" He asked staring intently at Zynthia.

Zynthia was shaken by his question but she didn't make it obvious for him to see. She smiled softly and did not even do any reckless actions to pressure Theon and his palpitating heart. Instead, she stood up and head to a near furniture.

On the other hand, Theon followed her every action and was quite confused. Later on, Zynthia was already carrying something brilliant and it caught Theon's eye.

"What is it that you're holding?" He could not resist but to ask.

"This is an ornament you wore on your neck. A necklace."

As soon as he got his eyes close to it. Indeed, it was a necklace. It was made of a silver piece of chains and a round pendant hanging at the centre.

Zynthia noticed how the ornament brought predicament in Theon's face. She laughed.

"This was given to me by my father. He was such a great man. Just like Ganord, so dedicated to their land and the woods." She gleamed as she reminisced her father's attitude. "I was so little back then when he wanted to continue his father's legacy to pursue the success of keeping the land and not giving in to the conquerors."

She gripped the necklace tightly. Theon noticed Zynthia's changes of emotions so he held her hands.

And so she continued. "However, he died in that war. And the only thing he left me was this necklace. You see this?" She showed Theon what was carved in the pendant.

Theon was mesmerized by the detailed carved leaf in the round pendant. "What does that mean, Mother?"

Theon prefers to call Zynthia his mother even though she was not the one who gave birth to him. Just as how he also treat Ganord as his father. For him, everybody is a family if it's close to their heart. Theon has always thought about such things in this way.

"Father has always treasured the woods. So he carved this leaf right here himself and told me that wherever he might be in the world. This leaf will make me remember the forest and the forest will make me remember him." She smiled.

Now Theon understood. He gazed back at the necklace, with such little things meant much more. He was stunned upon listening to Zynthia's back story.

"And now, my dear. I am handing this to you. So my presence will stay with you even though we're not near each other anymore." She put it on his neck.

Theon stared at it and stared back at her afterwards.

"Now, now. Moving along, Ganord's possibly searching for you. You should head out now." Zynthia inferred.

"Yes, I will." He couldn't help but smile.

As he head out of the house Zynthia continued her knitting.

However, The thought of returning to his young self and the sudden changes of time in the village bothered him once more. How could all of that happen? He was battling with himself at this point. So the only way to clear all these things out of his mind, he had to search for Ganord.

Theon roamed around the village and remembered a place where he usually trains during the time he was young. He ran hastily and could not even want to waste a second.

"Theon, there you are!" A man shouted at his back.

His memories served him precisely and he was pleased to see the man he was looking for.

He was gasping for air as he wailed for this man. "Father! Chief!"

Ganord, Eliaz's father and also the chief of the village was standing right in front of him. Impressive height, brown-haired and slightly grown beard. However, his eyes were coloured green, like the forest leaves with a dark tinge. Eliaz has taken on his eye colour as well, however it has lighter complexion like the fresh leaves from a spring season.

He ran towards Ganord and Ganord on the other hand bent his knees to phase on Theon's view.

"Where have you been, young man?" Ganord asked.

Theon could not answer him. He was lost in his thoughts. Confused as to why everything looked so surreal. He attempted to touch Ganord, it felt bare and real.

Ganord was flummoxed at Theon's demeanour.

"You look as if you're lost in a maze. What's gotten into you? Did something happen?" Implored by Ganord.

"You're alive, chief." That was the only thing he could utter.

"That's father to you. How could I not be alive?" Ganord laughed in playful manner.

'I can't tell you otherwise I will be acting like a fool.' Theon thought.

He was still in a haze when he observed Eliaz was nowhere to be found. He knows only Eliaz could disentangle every crisis he's been withstanding as of the moment.

His eyebrows furrowed. "By any chance, do you know where Eliaz is?"

The elephant in the room has finally been outspoken.

Eliaz hummed. Theon thought they both were together in the first place.

"I've sent him to the forest to train." He exclaimed.

Theon widened his eyes in concussion. How come the chief send his son inside the forest when he knew how dangerous it could be. Wandering around the forest compromises as you are a rabbit waiting for someone to attack you. Even though they live here, no one knows what is beyong the deepest part of these woods.

And for that moment he already knew something was absolutely wrong with all that he's been seeing. Hesitant, he faced Ganord and hugged him once more. A huge contingency will occur that Theon might never see them ever again so he made sure he felt their warmth before finally disappearing from each other sight.

Gigantic trees appeared before his eyes. Running inside the woods, he glanced left to right and there was no inkling of Eliaz presence. After roaming around the forest in jiffies he gazed at a familiar sight. Nervous, he walked into it and he was right, it was the specific cliff he fell. He stood at the edge of it and he heard slight noises from below. Even though he was frightened he filled up his courage and went down. He slowly walks in the same direction where he found the cave but before that he almost jumped when Eliaz appeared.

"Eliaz!" He called.

Eliaz faced him. It was a younger feature of Eliaz and he ought to ask him knowing he might not know of it.

"Eliaz, how are you still alive and why are we back to our younger selves?"

"What are you babbling about? I was looking for you everywhere. Did you get scared again?"

And he was right, things are not the way it's supposed to be. His heart began to palpitate at a ridiculous speed and panted harder.

"Eliaz, I can't stay here any longer." He said to him while continuously shaking his head.

Eliaz furrowed his brows and misunderstood what Theon was trying to say.

"We can not go back yet. I have a friend that I want you to know of," Eliaz revealed.

"Friend? What do you mean?"

"Stop asking questions and follow me!"

Before he could oppose Eliaz, it had already run away from him and he could tell by the direction that it was headed to the cave. He had no choice but to follow Eliaz. He was already worn out, not being able to follow Eliaz pace his body collapsed and before he could black out he heard something.


"No-," He screamed.

Sitting on a rough surface. Rocks and droplets of water he felt. It was opaque inside and yet the sun shone before his black pitched eyes. He held his chest tight.

'It was all just a dream,' he thought.

He slumped right back to the ground dismayed by the reality that revealed contrast to his reverie.

"Of course, it was a dream. Who am I ridiculing?" His voice almost cracked.

Even though he was pessimistic by it. He grabbed his chest and the necklace was there. Now he remembers that all of the things he just dreamt of was a memory from the past. The village, Zynthia and the necklace she gave, Ganord the chief who he treated as his father and Eliaz.

He stopped for a moment. "That roar." His brows met as he gasped his current situation.

He gazed at his surroundings. As soon as he knew he was inside the cave he stood up in an instant.

"It's not the first time I knew about this cave. Eliaz brought me here, But who was his friend?"

While thinking he heard steps from his back. Eyes widened he slowly faced it and what appeared in front of him was not what he expected.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

The both of them exclaimed.

It was a man with long silky black hair, clothes were loose and wide, nails were pointy and long, huge length and what shocked him was its vermillion furry eyes that brightened even after the darkness of the cave.

"I asked you first. You shall answer me." Theon demanded.

The man walked towards him. Every step was heavy he could feel it. It was lessening their distance, he had no choice but to walk backwards and eventually halted as he hits the walls of the cave.

He was pinned on by its wide broad shoulders.

The man looked at him intensely and snuffed him. "You are a man from that village."

"Y... You know about my village?"

It didn't answer him instead it went out to face the sunlight.

Theon was astonished by its visuals. He has never seen such a furiously looking man, jaws were perplexed, hair were blew by the wind and its cloth was waving, it was his first seeing a man like this.

"I could hear all your noises from here, how could I not know your village." He kick up a fuss.

Theon eventually headed out as well to talk to him.

"How could you not help us? We were attacked by the conquerors." Theon said while holding in his frustration.

The man glared at him. "Don't make me laugh. One being could not overstep such evildoers."

"You coul have called for help."

"Help? From whom? Do you know how vast this forest? And perhaps, you would know the amount of silver weapon thise people attained. No matter how strong you are trained for, strength alone won't help."

Theon was silenced by it. He knew he was right and no matter what he says it does not matter to this man. It was a stranger and won't ever help them with their matters.

'He might be thinking, I crazy to even start a conversation with him.' Theon said in his subconscious mind.

He was about to leave when he remembered something. So he went back to the man's position.

"What's your name?" He asked.

It looked at him and immediately avoided its gaze.

Theon got pissed so he walked towards it and held its shoulders.

"You look like you live in this cave. You must have seen that creature. It was huge and it had wings, it was as if a dragon." His brows met.

"What dragon?"

"Uh," Theon halted for a second and thought for a better description to say. "You know, those old stories they say. About a winged creature."

The man just gotten more confused by him. Its brows were lineup and pursed lips.

"Don't tell me you have not heard of those stories? Your grandmother should have told you." Theon was trying to convince him.

"I don't have such relatives." He said and went back to ignoring Theon.

Theon heaved a sigh.

'He even lies about not having a relatives. How could anyone have no one?' He thought.

This man's back was facing him and Theon just stared at it for a few seconds, until he decided to go near him.

"Are you certain that you haven't seen any creature before?"

The wind passed before them and the trees waved on the horizon. Silence engulfed them and the rustling of the leaves in the trees were the ones that can only be heard.

The man turned and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I am Ambroz and I know nothing about a creature."

To be continued.



Chapter 3

Man Named Ambroz

Branches creaking, feet shuffling through detritus, squirrels chattering, leaves rustling, wind whistling around trunks/disturbing the leaves, birds singing, insects humming/ churring, rustle of animals rooting in the underbrush, scrabbling of lizards on tree bark, limbs...

"I am Ambroz and I know nothing about a creature."

Theon was awestruck when he heard him answer. Ambroz left him dazed after he exclaimed that he does not know nor see such a creature lurking inside the woods.

"Impossible..." He mumbled.

Ambroz walked back inside the cave leaving Theon behind. Meanwhile, Theon was just staring in nothingness as he kept recalling the time when he heard such noise. No. More like a roaring sound.

"Are you really sure you know nothing about-" He stopped talking when he noticed Ambroz was not there anymore.

He looked like a fool bouncing around looking for Ambroz. However, he paused as it came out of the cave carrying a bow and arrow. It was rusty and obsolete but was sharp enough to kill a person.

His eyes widened. "Where are you getting on using that?" Pointed at Ambroz's weapons.

Ambroz halted and was disturbed by him frequently asking him so many questions. He asked himself how the bloody hell did he end up with this person?

"What do you think this is used for, airheaded?" He asked caustically in his deep voice.

Theon innocently glanced at his face and then back with the weapons.

He gasped and said, "Are you going to slaughter the conquerors?" It was in a tone of disquiet.

Ambroz took a deep breath and pursed his lips, he was at the edge of his fury. Such a naive man in front of him.

"Why do you think I could singlehandedly slaughter those men? And didn't I already told you that they attained weapons that we don't?"

Theon immediately realized it. He was right after all there can't be anybody who could actually defeat those armed enemies.

Ambroz was confused all of sudden by the change of expression.

"Stop asking questions and feel frustrated right after it." He complained.

"Then, where are you going to use that rusty weapon?" He asked with no harm intended.

Ambroz took it seriously, however. "This is not rusty. Also, why are you still here? I've given you so many chances to escape my sight yet you really are testing my patience."

"I was just asking you where you use such weapon and yet you are getting mad about it." He looked dismayed.

Ambroz was now pissed. 'Does he have a habit of asking and saddened by the anwers?' he heaved a sigh.

"This," He showed his weapon. "Is for hunting. My stomach is empty and moments will pass I might just have to eat you alive or do you prefer to be cooked?"

He was taken aback by it. "Absolutely not."

"Then you must leave before that happens." He ended the conversation and moved onwards.

As soon as Ambroz disappeared from his vision he heavily sighed. For a while, the tragedy last night had left his subconscious mind and also the extraordinary noise he heard. He sat by a near tree to calm down himself. He was not wounded but he feel as though he was hurt intensely. He couldn't believe that the people he treated as a family was gone.

"I even dreamt about them for the last time."

He was in a miserable state.

However, he stood up. He almost forgot but the people of the village was entrusted to him. He should get out of the forest before the conquerors caught him. They might ne searching for him by now. The prople might or might not have been find out.

"But, how would I know where my people are?" He asked himself and roamed his eyes.

Of course, only trees were surrounding him.

"There's also no end to this forest. How can I lead them out when I haven't gone further than the river?"

He has never crossed outside the forest. It was strictly forbidden. And the road where he usually wanders around was nowhere to be found. He massages his head and was silent again.

But he kept an optimistic attitude and planned to do his best to get out of here as soon as possible. The people will be in danger if he stayed here longer.

He roamed his eyes at the atmosphere and see if he can recognize any details that he could hold onto. Absurdly, there was none. So he decided to walk whichever way and find out eventually.

As he traced his every step, leaves kept falling above his face. He ignored it and kept walking. Yet, endless leaves fell off and it almost filled his face. He stared above and saw a sqirrel playing around the branches.

"Uh, hey! Mr. Squirrel, can I ask you something?" He playfully talk to it.

The squirrel stared at him while holding an acorn. As if it understood him, it climbed down and went in front of him- staring at his face.

Theon bent his knees. "Is it possible for you to lead me the way out of this forest? Or to my people?"

It was one in a million chance that this squirrel might actually help him out. They stared at it each other and the squirrel then ran towards somewhere and he began to follow it.

It then climbed back to a tree and Theon saw monkeys after.

"Monkeys?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Monkeys!" He beamed as he remembered what his ancestors taught him.

Monkeys in the woods tend to be wise and is conscious of human's every movement. He thought that these monkeys would probably help him out of this forest instead of a squirrel.

"Uh, hey!" He called out to them.

However, it kept on bouncing around and ignored his yells. He looked around and pick up a stick. He glanced back at the monkeys and threw it at them. Well, he did catch their attention but glares were thrown at him.

"My apologies, I was just trying to ask you guys if you know the way out of here..."

Suddenly, a troop of monkeys appeared before him. He was shaken at how massive it looked like and all he could do was pause to refrain from the heavy tension.

He placed his two palms in front. "Calm down, I have no such intentions." He almost stuttered but he could not ignore the trembling of his voice.

But, he was too late. The troop of monkeys were already after him.

"Oh no," He started to run.

He ran as fast as he can while constantly gazing at his back and seeing if they are catching up to him.

He groaned. "Ah, I... I just wanted to... To get out of here and search for my people."

He regretted throwing sticks at them. He never imagined he did such a reckless action for the first time in his entire life. Running for his life, he wondered if he can actually die if this keeps up and his breath could break off. Now, that his all alone in the woods. He's almost on the verge of crying once again. If only Eliaz was still with him he would probably scold him. Eliaz was always revealing his strong and brave side. He missed him. Furthermore, he regretted leaving him the most.

Theon was still running when he felt that there was no more trace of noise coming from his back. He glanced behind him and he was right. He paused and heard such a refreshing sound. He slowly walked towards it. And he amazed himself in what he found out.

A turquoise-blue stream wound its merry way through the forest. Babbling and burbling, it sprung over the limestone rocks in its way. Pebbles whisked about in the under wash like pieces of glitter. Streams are the liquid soul of the forest, and this one was glowing. Chords of soft light speared down from above, bathing its surface in gold. It was a river.

The sight of it enlightened him. He breathed the air coming from its streams. It felt soothing. But, he suddenly heard the crackling of an object.

"The monkeys, I almost forgot." He uttered.

Once again he tiptoed, sat and hid himself at the closest tree that was grown close to the river. He waited for another noise to be heard. He expected them to be climbing around the trees but steps were heard.

"Do monkeys usually walk?" He mumbled to himself.

Even louder steps were heard and he flinched. He covered his blabbering mouth.

And again it was nostalgic. He was right, there really is an enormous creature lurking inside these woods and now he would probably see it with his own eyes. There's no way that he was dreaming when he was drop awake when he saw that creature.

He thought, how could Ambroz, a man of that cave, not know of this creature's presence?

'He must be just ridiculing me.'

But he was shocked when an arrow almost hit him, it was pinned close to his right eye and it startled him.

"Ah!" His slightly deep voice echoed. He rapidly stood up.

He noticed it was just as identical as the arrow Ambroz was carrying earlier this morning. He looked around and he was definitely right when he saw Ambroz glaring at his position and was still holding its bow.

He stood up and his mouth was formed in an 'o'. He thought it was a dragon but he was even more frightened right now that he almost died by a mere rusty arrow.

"You! Were you trying to kill me?" He screamed in frustration.

Ambroz was not trying to kill him but he believe otherwise. Ambroz was trying to kill a fish that his stomach feasted however, it hit the near rock and it landed almost exactly at Theon's stance.

"I was not trying to kill you-"

"Oh, you were! But luckily, since it's rusty and old it didn't hit me. Otherwise, I'm probably chasing after my breath right now." He exclaimed while panicking.

Ambroz tilted his head and shook it. "What are you muttering about? I was not," he sighed. "You know what? Think whatever I did. How about you, why are you hiding behind that tree, didn't I tell you to disappear from my sight already?" Now he reversed their position.

Theon was fed up with Ambroz's temperament however, he refused to lose to this argument. He was shaken by the fact he got almost hit by an arrow. He was expecting him to apologize but he never knew he has an even abrupt temper than he already has. His pride was frustrating him.

"You really do have no mercy at all, at this point no one would ever like you." After he said that, his conscience chased him real quick. "Uh, I'm sorry."

Ambroz just shook his head and went towards him. Theon backed out as Ambroz pulled out the arrow. His silky smooth black hair brushed through his face, he noticed that he tied it. He gulped as Ambroz faced him.

'Too close' Theon thought. He could feel his breath already, he avoided his gaze as his heart palpitated loudly.

He leaned towards Theon and whispered, "I don't care if no one likes me. I don't plead for their affection."

Then Ambroz started again to walk away from him. He sighed in relief and held his chest. "What was that?" He murmured.

He sensed that he tensed the atmosphere between him and Ambroz. So he kept his mouth shut for a while.

"Talk. You haven't answered my question yet. Why are you still here? He asked while leaning on a tree.

"I was planning to look for a way to get to the other side of this mountain. But, the monkeys-"

He was startled at the grunting he heeded to somewhere. The thought of finally escaping at the sight of these monkeys, delayed. Theon ran towards Ambroz and hid behind him. He closed his eyes while grabbing Ambroz's long coat. He was not able to see it. But once the monkeys saw Ambroz they left forthwith.

'Twas his sharp gaze with his vermillion coloured eyes and the familiarity of his face that skimmed those huge monkeys away. The animal was frightened just by seeing his eye, somehow.

Theon was still holding onto him. Ambroz cleared his throat. "They're gone."

Theon opened his eyes and peeked. When he found out that they had disappeared, he move swiftly away from him. He was embarrassed but acted as if he wasn't by diverting his gaze elsewhere.

"Ehem." He jokingly pretend to cough.

"What you're trying to say is that those monkeys were after you? So instead of heading to the other side of the mountain, you had to save your life and get chased no matter where you go?"

Theon gulped. "Erm, sort of. Furthermore, I don't know where I am actually heading. The forest seems to play a trick on me."

He was a trained warrior but was only taught to fight with his sword and other weapons. Now, that he actually thought about it. It was that very night that he also lost his sword. The moment he fainted in front of the creature he saw.

"And I also lost my sword when I saw that creature." He muttered.

Ambroz snickered. "You lost your sword because you're careless. Not because of an unreal creature."

Ambroz already caught the fish he was targeting a while ago. The man had skills that Theon don't know of yet.

"Are you really a warrior of your village? You couldn't even scare off a troop of monkeys." Ambroz asked but Theon felt like he was mocked but the man was right...

"I have never seen such animals before. I don't know how I should deal with them."

Ambroz chortled. "Even so, running is an act for a wimp."

Theon didn't utter a word, he could not bring himself to oppose to him much longer. He was again pressed by his guilt. No matter what he says it does not even matter anymore. All he could think about was how to get out of here and look for the people. He needs to save them and assure that they are protected. There was a lot of youngsters and with juvenile minds. The elders are at risk as well if he wouldn't make it out ahead he might not see them alive.

"Where does this river lead to?" He asked Ambroz who was still catching some fish.

"I'm telling you. I haven't been out of these woods in a long time. My memory won't serve you right." Ambroz answered.

"Then at least give me a few details on how to get to the side of the mountain?" He asked in the most affable way.

"This river might lead you to the other side of the mountain. But who knows, the woods play with people like you." Ambroz shrugged his shoulders and later on went out of the river.

Theon was thinking seriously about whether to believe the man's words or just follow again the ludicrous instincts that have been failing him since then.

"We don't know each other, but I begged of you. Please, don't lie to me." Theon pleaded to him slightly screaming.

Ambroz was already at the other side of the river when he heard him. Thinking twice, he really has no reason to fake all that he says. Lying was never his doing as he has no intention to keep someone beside him.

"What makes you think that I'm lying. Your leaders might have not told you about this yet. However, the forest is keeping you here as hostages. Try to escape here and you'll find out what's coming for you." He said with a very heavy intention.

Theon has silenced again. "Then, do you not plan on escaping the forest, too?"

Ambroz was pent up. "I am stuck in here. There's no escaping it. If you can't get out of my sight fine then, stay."

He walked away and vanished in the presence of the tall trees. While theon was standing still at the other side having thoughts of two. He thought that he must decide soon or the people will really be in grave danger.

He crossed the river and followed Ambroz back to its cave. He thought that asking Ambroz a few questions might just make more sense and will help him get out of this forest sooner. Persuading Ambroz will not take long but is he really aware of what is coming for him? All he knows is that the safety of the people is much more important than anything else.

"Eliaz, I won't let you down." He exclaimed.



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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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