NovelToon NovelToon

My Mute Darling


it's the land of mystic
"mystic" is a country ruled by kings
There are different regions under different kings...and the center part of this country is ruled by the mightiest king. King albart althan
King Albert Althan is the most ruthless king of all times
it is said that he even tried to kill his own eldest son
because his elder son is little mentally disabled and can't talk either
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
*sitting on throne*
But nobody dares to go agains him... because they don't want to get killed
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Yes father*bows*
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Where is Alaric
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
He is taking piano classes
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Send a word to him. I want to talk to him
A while later
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Alaric my son
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks up*
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
you are 31 years old now...let's not delay your marriage
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
People talk behind your back
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
father doesn't like it
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at Edward*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at his dad and nods*
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
*smiles* such a good boy
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
the guards were discussing
Guard 1: who will marry this retard*whispers*
Guard 2: shut up,he is a prince,what if they hear you
Guard 3: a retard will always be a retard
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looking down*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*holds alaric's hand*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at Edward*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*nods while assuring*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
you are dismissed
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*still standing*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*holding his hand* lets go
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
??*looks up*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
follow me
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*understands that they have to leave*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
On the other side
At Another palace....
The marraige proposal was received
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
I am not going to marry my son to that retard
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Dad calm down
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
don't worry love....i won't marry you off to him
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
I know
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
But we can't reject the proposal from central Kingdom
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
if we lose their favor....things will get hard for us
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
We might lose our kingdom
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Alister my child
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*looks at Richard*
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
will you accept?
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Okay father
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
( he is my wife's illegitimate son anyways.... nobody will even care if he gets married to that retard )
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
I am older sibling father....we can't do this
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Sebastian...i heard that the younger prince...prince Edward is sane and you have any problem with marrying the younger one?
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
No father
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
then I'll send a word to the central palace
Alister Elinor Age:23 Omega (dominant) Calm, docile, straightforward, rude. Always obeys his father without a question Because of a reason. Beautiful and gorgeous. Son of a consort(to be more easy to understand "son of side chic of king 💀) Good at making potions
Alaric Althan Age:31 ALPHA Docile,calm,can't talk,has a little bit of mental illness more like trauma. Son of the queen of the central palace. Legal hire of the throne. Loves pets and animals. Has blue eyes and black hair...very very attractive.. Good at magic,potion,mind reading, telepathy,black magic.
Sebastian Elinor Age : 24 Sassy,Smart,cunning,loves Alister because Alister is his younger step brother . Son of queen of Elinor family. Loved by everyone. is a good person.but sometimes acts like an a$$ Omega Good at making medicine from herbs
Edward Althan age:27 kind,sweet, cold hearted as well. Takes care of Alaric even though Alaric is older than him. Might burn the world for the one he loves. second son of queen of central palace Alpha Skilled in magic and black magic
To be continued

Our mates

So that's our own map of mystic ✨hehe made my the author
Our MC's family is in North West....(Elinor family)
And Ml's family take the main part of land that is in center
(Rodrigo family)in East will be introduced later
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Alister *cold*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Yes father*bows*
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
We received the response from central palace
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
...*head down*
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
They are ready for the marraige
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Make sure to tell Sebastian...they accepted Sebastian's proposal as well
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Yes father
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
And get ready,we are leaving for the central palace
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
We will be staying there for a while to build Better relationship
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
i will take over the central palace once I kill king albert ...
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
All I have to do is to wait
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Let my son's get married
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Kill the king
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
The elder prince is retard anyways
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
I will make sure to take the throne from hands of younger prince
Richard elinor( king )
Richard elinor( king )
Hahaha....nice...very nice
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*opens the door*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Father sent a word
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Yes baby?
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Our marraige proposal is accepted
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
we'll be leaving for central palace
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Get ready
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Oh...oh...i see
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
it's good then
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
(always that straight face... I don't remember seeing him smile)
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*holds Alister's face*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Smile baby
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*gives a official smile*
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
(his eyes never smile)
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*kisses Alister's cheeks* idiot
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Get ready
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*smiles* i hope that I can take care of him at Central palace too...gladly they accepted my proposal
On the other side
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at Edward*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan are getting married
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
(how do I make him understand)
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
So listen
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
You will get a mate
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
A official person whom you can love without fearing anyone
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*just staring*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan you understand?
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
So just like our father...and our mother are together
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
We will be together with someone too
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*nods *
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*smiles* okay good
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
So they will be arriving here after two days
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
our mates will be staying here for a while
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
So make sure that you keep things tidy
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
And do not trouble your mate okay?
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Yeah also want me to select clothes for you?
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*smiles brightly and nods*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Ack my heart 💓
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Be a little less handsome, I don't want my mate to get attracted to you*chuckles*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
???*confused look*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Ahh nothing nothing just a joke
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
(he is so pure)
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*holds edwards hand*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*takes off his chain and gives it to Edward*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Why are you giving this to me?
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*takes the paper and writes*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
"thanks for being nice"
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*holds the chain close to his chest*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
You don't have to say thanks
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
I am just doing my brotherly duty
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Haa okay i am taking it...don't use your beautiful face,i get reminded how ugly i am
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
To be continued


Two days of waiting was over
Elinor family reached the central palace
Ivan(Head soldier of althan)
Ivan(Head soldier of althan)
*opens the door of carriage*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*standing there*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*walks out of carriage*
Ivan(Head soldier of althan)
Ivan(Head soldier of althan)
*lends his hand*
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*holds it*
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*steps down*
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Welcome to the palace mr.sebastian elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
*bows* greetings your grace
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
you don't have to be so formal. we are a family now
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Yes your grace
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*peaks out of carriage*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*hesitating to get out*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*saw Alister*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*goes to the carriage*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
*stops Edward* don't cause a scene ...thing brainless prick won't listen anyways*whispers*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*looks down*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*forwards his hand*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(his eyes)*holds alaric's hand*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*steps on the step carefully*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(is he a soldier too?...he is dressed so well)
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
(this prick...he forgets his etiquette all the time)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Prince Alister be careful
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
!?**looks back*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*holds Alister*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at Edward with worried face*(how do I ask if he is okay?)
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*smiles*(he is worried)
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*goes to them*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*puts Alister down*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Thanks..i am sorry
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*glancing at Edward for help*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Prince alister
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*looks up*?
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
I am Edward ethan
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Oh*bows* greetings your highness
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*smiles* greetings
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Are you okay?
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*goes to the king and bows* greetings your grace
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
*nods* welcome to central palace prince alister
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*taps alaric's hand*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
greet the prince*whispers*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Prince alister,prince Sebastian meet my older brother Alaric Althan
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*bows too*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*looking at ethan*(how can people call such a gorgeous man as retard)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*goes to Alister*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*forwards his hand*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
?(does he want me to hold his hand?)
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
(What is he doing 💢)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*gives his hand*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*kisses Alister's hand*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at Alister*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*feels rush of butterflies because of strong gaze of blue eyes*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Thanks for your warm welcome*smiles*
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
!!(Alister smiled!??)
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
(brother kissed someone's hand!???)
Albert Althan(The king)
Albert Althan(The king)
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks up with a smile*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*still holding Alister's hand*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*looking at their hands*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*drags Alister somewhere*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*already left with Alister*
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
it's fine...Alister will take care
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
Sebastian Elinor
Sebastian Elinor
Don't worry prince Edward little brother is responsible
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
*nods and frowns*
Edward Althan
Edward Althan
(i just hope he won't treat my brother like others do)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(where is he taking me?)
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*standing by a lake*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*bends down and takes out a hidden marble from ground*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(he is a prince ....and he is letting his hands get covered with mud)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*squats down*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks up*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*gives the marble to Alister*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*takes it*
The gem was covered with mud
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*takes it back*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*wipes Alister's hand with his white suit*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
your highness your suit
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*goes and washes the gem in Lake*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*holds it*(so...pretty)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*looks at Alaric*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*points at Alister's eyes*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Do my eyes have this shade of blue?
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*nods with a smile*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*takes it * thanks
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
I'll cherish it
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*just smiling*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(he is not the way people describe him)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*holding Alister's hand*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(he likes physical warmth somehow)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(what was his name again?)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*looks at him* your name?
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks around*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*squats down and writes on mud*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks up*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
(is my name beautiful?)
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
(but beautiful....i thought...Alister was beautiful)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
My name is-
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*nods nods*(i know)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*writes Alister on mud*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Now let's go*gives his hand*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*hands dirty with mud again*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Um um ...
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
(what do I do ....i can't ignore his hand and stand up'll look rude)
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
(both of my hands are covered in mud)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Prince Alaric,let's go
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*freaking out because he doesn't want to dirty Alister's hands and also he doesn't want to get up by ignoring his hand*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*keeps his chin on Alister's palm*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looking like a puppy*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
*chuckles* that's not what I asked for
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*gets up*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*washes his hand in Lake*
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*looks at Alister*
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
Alaric Althan
Alaric Althan
*embarrassed (he must be thinking that I am a retard....)
Alister Elinor
Alister Elinor
(he is so was hard for me to keep myself from pulling his cheeks)
to be continued

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