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This story is not my creation. All credits and acknowledgments for this story belong to the original author, whose remarkable work has deeply moved me. I am sharing this story because I hold it in high regard, and I wish to introduce it to a wider audience who may appreciate its beauty. If the original author feels in any way offended by my sharing, I offer my sincere apologies. My sole purpose is to celebrate and disseminate the brilliance of this narrative. Please refrain from reporting this content, and understand that any description modifications were due to space limitations.

Miss Lu

Lu Ning was leaving the airport with her suitcase when she received a call from the Lù family’s chauffeur, Old Zhu.

“Young Miss, where are you? Did you just get off the plane?”

Hearing this, Lu Ning realized he might have called the wrong person.

Her tone was gentle and deliberate. “Old Zhu, you dialed the wrong number. You no longer have to pick me up.”

Old Zhu went silent for a moment before he hurriedly added, “I’m sorry Young Miss, no, no, I mean Miss Lu. I’m simply… used to it.”

Lu Ning was not upset, and her voice remained gentle. “It’s alright. I’m hanging up.”

She was about to put the phone away when she heard Old Zhu’s voice again.

“Young Miss!”

Lu Ning brought the phone close to her ear and indicated softly that she was listening.

“Take care.”

Old Zhu’s solemn voice came from the phone.

Lu Ning was silent for a moment. Then, she said, “Okay.”

After hanging up, Lu Ning stared at her cell phone in a daze.

Habits can be quite scary sometimes.

More than two months ago her surname was still Lù. Now, her surname is Lu. They shared the same pronunciation, yet they were two different surnames and were also two different lives.

Before she had realized she was not a member of the Lù family, Old Zhu was her chauffeur. He had picked her up since she was young, for almost 18 years. Now, even though she was no longer the young miss of the Lù family, Old Zhu could not change his habit of picking her up, while for the time being she had not changed her habit of having to correct her signature as Lu instead of Lù.

She was deep in thought within her memories, but before she could continue reminiscing someone suddenly bumped into her. Her body leaned back and she almost fell over, but fortunately someone caught her.

As Lu Ning looked up, she was met with Huo Jinyan’s jet-black eyes.

She hurriedly steadied herself, and Huo Jinyan quickly retracted his hand from her waist and politely kept a distance.

“Thank you, Mr. Huo.”

Huo Jinyan nodded at her, his demeanor still cold and distant.

When Huo Jinyan’s assistant, Chu Ting, saw Lu Ning, he quickly apologized, “Miss Lù! I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to realize he had called her by the wrong surname. However, after thinking about it, he thought there was no difference whether he corrected it or not, so he swallowed the words he wanted to say.

“It’s no problem.”

Huo Jinyan did not give them the chance to continue the conversation as he had already walked past Lu Ning. Chu Ting hurriedly bowed an apology to Lu Ning before chasing after Huo Jinyan.

His legs were long and his steps were fast; Chu Ting was afraid that if he tarried any longer he would have to run to catch up to him.

However, after taking a few steps he heard Lu Ning’s voice from behind.

“Mr. Huo.”

Lu Ning did not want to hold Huo Jinyan back, so she trotted over and bowed to him conscientiously.

Subsequently, she straightened up and looked at him. “Mr. Huo, thank you for last time, and thank you again for today.”

When she saw Huo Jinyan frown she quickly added, “I won’t take up any more of your time. I only want to thank you.” She paused. “Goodbye.”

Then, she turned around and left, pulling her suitcase along.

She had heard that Huo Jinyan was very obsessed with cleanliness; Huo Jinyan would probably remember her for the rest of his life from the last time she had thrown up all over him. He was obviously upset just now, perhaps from recalling that scene. Had she not left she might have been beaten up.

As he watched Lu Ning leave, Chu Ting could not help but sigh.

“Miss Lu seems lonelier than ever.”

Huo Jinyan stared at the departing Lu Ning without saying a word. The next moment, he turned around and strode away.

Chu Ting, having come to his senses, hurried after him.

Some people are certainly born different from others, how could some people’s legs be so long!


When Lu Ning reached the airport entrance, her cell phone started ringing. She picked it up and took a look—the display showed an unknown number. She frowned slightly as her temples throbbed.


She resigned herself and accepted the call. A loud voice immediately rang out from the other end. “Boss! You here yet? Are you home yet? Did your real parents treat you well? Were you bullied?”

She was instantly bombarded with questions.

Lu Ning was used to this. She chuckled, but still replied earnestly, “I just got off the plane, I’m not home yet.”

She was standing at the waiting area outside the airport when, in the next moment, she saw a familiar car drive past her.

That was the Lù family’s car.

She knew that after they had swapped, the real young lady of the Lù family had been taken overseas by her biological parents for a holiday—and she was also returning today. This was also the reason why Old Zhu had called her to pick her up.

Lu Ning was a little out of it, but she was jolted back to reality by the unrestrained wails and howls coming from the phone.

“How can you be so heartless! You just left and you’re already ignoring me! Boss…”


Lu Ning rubbed her throbbing temples and quickly said, “I’m not ignoring you, I’m just looking at something.”

She was afraid that if she did not speak up, she would be sent away with a howl.

The other party paused when he heard her. “Boss, call us if you’re bullied at your new home! We’ll get rid of anyone in our way and rush over to support you!”


After responding, she immediately hung up.

If she allowed him to continue asking questions, she would probably end up wasting all her time here.

The words which Gu Zi just mentioned echoed in Lu Ning’s mind, and images of her biological parents appeared before her eyes.

It was not the first time she had seen them, but from now on she would be interacting with them under a different identity. Lu Ning still felt a little uneasy.

There had been too much change in the past two months. Nevertheless, she was not afraid of a little trouble. Since she was here, she would take things as they came; there was nothing to be afraid of.

A black sedan came to a stop in front of Lu Ning. A young man in a suit got out of the driver’s seat and looked at Lu Ning, flashing a service smile.

“May I ask if you are Miss Lu Ning? I’m Xiao Zou, a driver from Tujing Premier Taxis. Mr. Lu had requested for me to pick you up.”

With that, he made clear the reason he was here. Lu Ning looked at him, glanced at the logo on the car, and nodded. She had thought it might have been a taxi which her biological father had arranged for her.

Xiao Zou very courteously helped Lu Ning load her suitcase into the car, while Lu Ning opened the door and got in.


When he had driven past earlier, Old Zhu clearly saw that it was Lu Ning standing at the airport entrance.

He glanced over at the backseat.

Shi Qingyue held Lù Yue’an’s hand while saying something. Both mother and daughter looked quite happy, and Lù Chuan would also respond to them from time to time. It seemed like a heartwarming scene of a family of three.

Old Zhu thought for a moment but did not say anything. He looked at the road ahead and drove silently, though inwardly he felt immeasurably sorry for Lu Ning.

He had chauffeured Lu Ning for so many years, but not once had he seen Lu Ning being treated as warmly as this.

The Lù family’s parents had never accompanied Lu Ning much since she was young. However, after finding their biological daughter and being reprimanded by the Old Master—coupled with their guilt of so many years—they treated their biological daughter who had just arrived better than anything. Yet, they never stopped to think that Lu Ning was the one who was always being hurt, nor was their compensation directed towards Lu Ning; nobody had bothered to ask about her psychological damage, and so the damage remained.

Granted, now that Lù Ning had become Lu Ning, she was no longer their responsibility.

However, people like him, who had watched Lu Ning grow up, did not come to accept this so quickly.

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