NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1 ( starting)

A Sweet Villa Exist
Aurora pov...
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aishh! i am tired by working all day🤧
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Should i say to boss....
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ಥ_ಥ I want to go... soon this place will be dark... even though i don't believe in ghost and all... but still i am scared.. in this middle of forest... Damn...
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Nope... now time to go homeeee....
Aurora opens the door
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
*knocks *
Someone:Come in
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Yes( deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Um.. Boss my work is done.. so i am thinking to go back to my home
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
soon it will get dark.. so
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Are u afraid from Dark..
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
No, no.. i am not... not at all
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( why he always hide his face.. it's been more then a month.. but still he didn't show his face)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( i am curious to see his face)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Don't forget you r here to work ( deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ahh.. ya sorry Boss
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( is he mind reader?)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Nope, i don't have time for this( deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( he is for sure😶)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Don't u want to go back to ur home? if u don't , then come i have more works for u
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Na na, boss... my mom just called me.. she is waiting for me
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
gotta go.. byeeee( turn and runaway)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
( emotionless)
Author Anya
Author Anya
okiee bbyee my dear cupcakes...
Author Anya
Author Anya
my new chat story.. don't forget to like and subscribe
Author Anya
Author Anya
shower ur love to me... and bless me for my exams
Author Anya
Author Anya

Episode 2

At Vanice
Aurora home
It's early morning... she is in deep sleep.. after all by working whole day, she will get tired it's obvious... and she is kinda lazy too
Someone knock on the door
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Aaru... Aaru wake-up..
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
umm.. mom.. give me some more minutes( in sleepy voice)
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
you r waking up or not? nor i will send ur father to wake u up
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
mumma, no naa
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
imma tired naaಥ_ಥ
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
promise only 10 min...
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Aishh.. ok
Nia left from there
After 10 min... Nia send Aurora father to wake her up
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( she used to call him papa)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Yes beta, now wakeup.. it's getting late
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
leave ur bed right now... nor i will splash bucket of water on ur face🙂
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Papaaaa( sulking)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
i am coming
Daniel left from there... then Aurora come downstairs after getting fresh up
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Good morning🌞 Grandma
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
Good morning Aurora 😊
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
U r looking so thin.. eat more
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
😶😶( i am already 57 kg but still my grandma thinks i am thinಥ_ಥ..what should i do)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
No grandma.. if she eat more, then she will get fat.. and if she gets fat then I will not get brother in law.. and if i didn't get brother in law, then she will live here.. and she will not let me live peacefully forever
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
😒😒😒Noah choah u brat
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
i hate u
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Aurora, Noah 😑
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
( silent)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( silent)
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Come here u both... and have ur breakfast now
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
ok mom
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ok mummaa
they both had their breakfast
while having breakfast.. they did little bit chit chat
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Btw Aurora today's ur holiday right
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Yes papa... today is my holiday.. so today i will sleep and take rest whole dayyyyyy
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Don't be happy this much.. soon u will get call from ur boss and ur day will ruined
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aeeee, don't say like this na... it's not going to happen
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
r u sure???
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
i am damn sure
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
ok.. then let's make a bet
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
nah papa, let him
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
if he calls u, then U will do 2 things, whatever i say.. it's not necessarily that i will say right now... i will use it later
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
but if he didn't then, i will take ur video games forever and u have to delete all ur mobile and pc games
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
😇😂Good Aurora
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
😶🥲ok fine
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
now he have to call u..
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
nope he will n~
Aurora phone start buzzing
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
( smirks)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( dumbfounded)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
she picks his call
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
hello boss 📱
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Hello ( deep voice) Miss Alessia there r some works left, which needs to complete today so u have to come here as soon as possible 📱
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
But boss u know that it's so far , it will take 2-3 hour in public transportation 📱
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
I am sending my chopper 📱
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
oh ok boss, i will be there soon 📱
he hang up the call
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Aaru, go get ready fast
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
ya go fast
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
ya ya go.. i am winner🏆🎉🏆🏆🎉🏆🏆🎉🏆
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
don't fight, go get ready baby
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ok grandma
soon aurora get ready, and left from there
Dense forest
soon she arrive there
Knocks on the door
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Come in ( deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Boss, u call me
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Yeah.. there r some work
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
today Sam is here too...
Soon Sam arrive there
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Come in Sam
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
yes boss..
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Hey Aurora
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Hey Sam
they both did handshake
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
You both knows right, u both r my most trustworthy person...
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
yes boss
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
yes boss
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
we both r only, who can come here.. no one has right to come here . Even as ur employe or something..
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
or we both r only, who seen u in real...
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
For this world, u r unknown and mystery
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
That's good, u both knows that( deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
But i didn't understand, why u hide ur face from us..??? why don't u let us see
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( ****, **** i say it louder.. i messed up again.. shoot someone kill me)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
I have my own reason miss. Aurora ( dark deep voice) and you keep forgetting things that you are here to work... my face is not so related to ur computer works.. ( Deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Sorry boss.
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Don't be so curious, i will show u both when time will come
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
yes boss
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
yes boss
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Now, don't forget what is our actual moto is..
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
yes boss..
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Sam u can go now and continue working and miss. Alessia show me the file u prepared yesterday
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
yes boss
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
yes boss
sam left from there
Aurora start showing, and explaining about the file and mission
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
ok.. U need to work more
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
🥲Yes boss
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
boss i have one question... what's ur name?
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
( she again)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Miss.. Alessia is there is password, or code in ur computer? which is asking about my name?
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ah.. no no boss
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
i am sorry boss, i am just little curious to know...
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
u don't need to know, u will get to know when time will come
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ok boss
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
you may leave now
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ok boss
then she left from there
Author Anya
Author Anya
okay cupcakes.. time for little Introduction
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia ( Fl) Age= 27 She is = CA and handle most of the business of ADL.. she is kind of his secretary too she is bold, loves freedom.. kind of innocent.. good from heart.. had 2 relationship before.. right now she is single
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr. ADL age = 30 he is calm from nature, don't get angry easily, loves peace.. Intelligent, hacker, Boss his face and name is hidden.. people knows him as Mr. ADL he is BOSS
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia ( Fl brother)
Noah Alessia.. fl brother Age=25 Caring, big brat, naughty, intelligent handsome single
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno ADL, trustworthy person age = 26 Single hacker, understanding
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Nia ( fl mother)
Fl mother, Nia Alessia kind, caring, understanding
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Daniel ( Fl father)
Fl father.. Daniel Alessia kind, understanding, bold, loving
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother
Fl grandmother kind, understanding, loving, caring
Soon u will meet more characters
now, this for today
Author Anya
Author Anya
Bbyee, dear readers.. show me ur love.. and join my gc.. somewhere here
Author Anya
Author Anya
Don't forget to like and subscribe

episode 3

Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Sam And miss Alessia
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
You both remember, That tomorrow we will take one more step towards our mission
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
yes boss
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
yes boss
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
You both r prepared? be prepared, i don't want any single mistake.. keep that in your mind...
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
and don't ever judge a book by its covers... do u both understand what i mean
yes boss both said together
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ok, so here the things
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
that, tomorrow's party is going to be in high levels, all the Big party will be present there.. and the security is very tight there
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
boss I already hack their security codes and I have a map.. that how we will enter there
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
hmm.. Aurora u have invitation card right?
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
yes boss, I already make it
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
I have done some changes... But remember our tomorrow mission is to catch Mr. Esposito.. and his all crimes with proof
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Don't think, he is easy to catch... remember our plan, and act normally
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
ok boss
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
ok boss, btw everyone have to enter with partners
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
yeah, u and aurora will be the partner , and i will enter from backside.. sam make sure, That no single mistake should be done.
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Yes boss, i will give my best
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Now go and take rest a little then start preparing
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
they both left, as aurora already inform at her home, that she will be back after 2 days
Next Day
Everyone get ready
sam comes their after getting ready
Mr ADL comes too
while putting his gun inside
he is all prepared for today
but Aurora, the big lazy ass🥲
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
When she will come here?
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
i don't know, boss.. girls always takes longer time to get ready
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Finally, Aurora came there
she was looking so beautiful
in her white faded long frock... which is chosen by Mr. ADL
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Aurora, from the next time don't be late
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
yes boss sorry
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Aurora u looking fabulous 🥂
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Thankyou sam ( smiles) u r looking handsome tooo✨😗
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Ok now, you both r prepared
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Aurora, where is ur gun?
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
oh, that inside my frock
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
now let's go
they all left
Aurora and Sam arrive there, and ADL left from there.. as he was going to enter from the back side
Mansion was beautifully decorated🎀
Everything is arranged in order, well Disciplined staff, Arrangements were Awesome
Aurora and Sam enter there, with fake invitation
They both greet all the business Partners, politely
after sometimes later, sam got msg
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
Aurora i have to go, boss is calling me( whisper near her ear)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Okay, u go . i will handle here
Sam Bruno
Sam Bruno
okay be safe
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
You too
sam left from there
Song started
everyone was enjoying there
Aurora, was also enjoying, by thinking what is going to happen next
Sam clear ADL ways, to come inside
at Aurora side
Someone approach her
Mr. Deka
Mr. Deka
Hey beautiful, where's ur partner?
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
😑His health is not so good, so he is taking rest Mr.
Mr. Deka
Mr. Deka
well, why don't you dance with me?
Mr. Deka
Mr. Deka
I am alone too
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
huh? I
Suddenly all the lights get off
Mr. Deka heard someone deep voice
as lights were off, so he, wasn't able to saw his face
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
I am here, she is not alone( deep voice)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
miss, Aurora.. Will you dance with me? ( deep voice)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( for the first time he is calling me Aurora with his knowing)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
oh, yea sure
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Mr.ADL ( Boss)
Let's go, dear
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
Aurora Alessia (FL)
( this act)
Author Anya
Author Anya
bbyee dearrrrrr
Author Anya
Author Anya
don't forget to like

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