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My Sweet Dream

Blooming After Nine Years....

 I couldn't believe it for the first five minutes.

I never want to forget this beautiful dreamlike moment ever again.

I am Arya Sen, a junior doctor from the cardiology department at Swatvik Hospital. Somehow, I managed to anger my senior, for which my punishment was to lead a health care camp organized by AD group in the Tresa village. Most of the people there are ill, and I have been chosen by Swatvik Hospital as the head doctor for this program. On the surface, it seems like an opportunity, but I must tell you that Tresa village lacks internet, electricity, clean drinking water, and essential daily supplies. Tresa village is situated amidst jungles and hills. The AD group wants to establish a factory there, hence the health of the people there is crucial.

"All the packing is done, did you miss anything?

Why do you need to go there? I'm telling you, decline it."

Mom was making breakfast with a sad face and repeatedly putting something or the other in my suitcase.

"Oh, Mom, don't worry, I'm not going alone."

Dad, "Take care of yourself, have your meals on time, and keep calling.

Don't go to deserted places, Shrishti is going too, right? Stay with her, and listen..."

"Dad, wait a moment, let me catch my breath."

Mom, "Don't joke, remember everything I've told you."

"Yes, yes, I'll remember everything. Now, let me have breakfast."

Dad, "Did you take the power bank and all the necessary things?"

"Yes, Dad."

As I was leaving home, I had an intense urge to cry...

My team and I had to reach the company for this program, and the organizer of this program, who is from AD, would take us to the Tresa village.

Holding back my tears, I reached the company with my team.

But upon reaching there and seeing what I saw, it was far from my believe.

I couldn't believe my own eyes. That scene was like a beautiful dream, I couldn't even blink my eyelids.

He was standing right in front of me, his big eyes, bright pupils and long lashes and the sparkle in his eyes.

"Arya you", his eyes widened in surprise.

Hiding my inner excitement, I said, "yes, I am Dr. Arya Sen, Chief of the Health Care Program from Swatvik Hospital".

"Hi, I am Drishya Mittal, the organizer of this program and the vice president of AD Group.

Do you remember me?"

I couldn't understand what to say; my heartbeat started racing. "Y...yes, I remember you. I didn't think that we would meet like this after so many years."

He came closer to me......

A warm blush graced my cheeks.

"I was absolutely sure that we would definitely meet.", he said.

It was all felt like a dream, a beautiful dream that I never wanted to step out of.

My long-held desire was about to come true, like a sweet dream slowly turning into reality, perhaps.......

Heart's First Spring

 It was autumn, the sky was clear and the wind was blowing. The morning sun wasn't too intense.

It was late August, and I got admission to a new school in the 5th grade. I was a bit nervous and very excited for my new school.

"Dad, Mom, look..."

"Wow! Arya is looking like a fairy," I came out of the room in my new school uniform, so Dad sitting at the dining table said with a smile.

"Come, fairy, have your breakfast," Mom was making 'aloo paratha' and explaining, "Look, don't fight with anyone, listen to the teachers, and definitely have your lunch during lunchtime. Don't wander around here and there."

"Yes, Mom, I know all this. I'm not a little kid."

"Yes, Grandma, have your breakfast quickly. Your dad is getting late," said Mom.

"Make good friends and stay away from naughty kids like yourself," Dad teased.

"Dad... I'm not naughty," I got a little annoyed, and then Mom Dad started laughing.

The teacher was already sitting in the classroom, and the students were chatting among themselves. The classroom was a bit empty at the moment because it was before the morning prayer.

I felt very nervous as I entered my classroom.

"May I come in, ma'am?" Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach, and the teacher seemed a bit strict.

"Come in... a new admission?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"What's your name?" the teacher asked with a smile, and that brought me some relief.

"Good morning ma'am. My name is Arya Sen."

"Your admission has come in very late. Your syllabus is quite behind now... Kiran, will you help Arya catch up on the work?" The teacher turned to the class monitor, Kiran.

"Sure, ma'am... Arya, come sit next to me." Kiran said with a smile, and I went to sit beside her. She was a really nice girl.

My first day at school was good.

Most of the students at school were nice, and I made a lot of friends.

 A few weeks later, the computer teacher called both section A and section B to the computer lab together because there weren't many students in both sections that day.

Kiran and I, who were good friends by then, were playing a video game together. The computer teacher noticed and separated us, making us sit with the smart students from section A.

I felt sad, but when I looked at my seat partner... his enchanting face...

"Are you the late admission from section B?" he asked, "What's your name? and Have you completed your pending syllabus?"

"Yes, it's me, Arya Sen," I said while looking into his eyes and asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Drishya Mittal... but why did you join so late? Did they kick you out of your previous school?" His eyes held a hint of curiosity.

"No, it's just that my dad got transferred suddenly," I replied with an innocent tone, for some reason choosing to answer his indirect question straightforwardly.

His sparkling eyes and disheveled hair were preventing me from looking in any other direction.

Even though it was the autumn season outside but a flower of spring was blooming in my heart.....

A Lone Library

 *"Do you know why that room is always locked?"

"Which room?"

*"Oh, that room near the 12th-grade science classroom."

"Yeah, that's our old library! It was closed a few months ago because our library was moved to a bigger space."

*"No, that's not the truth. In that room, during the last summer vacation, a 10th-grade student had committed suicide. That's why the library was relocated."

"During lunchtime, the kids were gossiping and chatting..."

"And what's going on?" I asked.

"Arya, do you know, there's a student's spirit in our old library, and that's why our library was moved?" Kiran, with fear in her eyes, started telling me.

"My dad says ghosts don't exist; you are all fools," I said, trying to sound brave.

"Oh, really? Haven't you watched 'Fear Files'?"

"Sameer told me that a ghost lives there. Sameer is the class topper, and he never lies." Kiran said with such conviction that anyone would be ready to believe her.

But I wasn't backing down from my stand. I also promised to go to that room alone.

"Fear Files and all that are nonsense. And Sameer, is he some kind of a god that whatever he says will be true? If you guys don't believe me, I'm ready to go there alone, even at night."

Everyone was taken back by my words, as if they had actually seen a ghost.

Next day there is a sports meet in school, most of the children participated. Preparations were going on in the school since morning, all the teachers and seniors were very busy.

On one hand the whole school was busy preparing for the sports meet and on the other hand something else was brewing in our class.

"Then it is agreed that tonight at nine o'clock when Principal Sir will give his speech, you will go to the old library alone and take photographs, okay?"

“Yes okay, today I'll show you all that there are no ghosts at all”, I was ready for my mission with full enthusiasm.

Kiran was repeatedly trying to dissuade me, “Arya, think once again… I am saying don’t go”, the threat was clearly visible in her eyes.

But I can't get my nose cut now, I encouraged her and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

I was also feeling a little scared from inside, but I was not going to back down because now it was about my nose.

Principal Sir's speech was going to be long and this was the time to execute the mission.

"Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman..."

I was slowly moving towards the library, my legs started trembling, once I thought, let it be, but then I thought of my pride.

I opened the door of the library taking the name of God, the atmosphere inside started strengthening my fearful thoughts.

'Dark room, scattered books, broken furniture, dust and spiderwebs all around'.

I raised the phone with my trembling hands to take pictures and then someone put a hand on my shoulders from behind...............

my heart is about to spill out.

I started screaming loudly without looking back......

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa.........", screams came from behind.

It was Drishya?

"You absolutely scared me", He asked surprisingly, "Miss. Late Admission! What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here", I also looked at him with detective eyes.

"I... I saw the door open, so I went to see," he said hesitantly, and started asking, "But what are you doing here?"

"I came here to see ghosts."

"There is no ghost here, just a rumor spread by the seniors students so that no child should come here because this place is not safe, there are a lot of broken furniture kept here", he said with a serious face.

"ooo! But how you know that?", I asked excitedly

Shrugging his head proudly, he said, "My senior friends told me

And all these ghosts etc. are things that scare children, I don't believe in all this."

His big talks were attracting me towards him and that's how I got my first crush while searching for the ghost..........

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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