NovelToon NovelToon

Your Turn To Chase Me

Chpt 1 - Betrayal

Hey Readers , This Is My Third Chat Story 😁
I Hope You Readers Will Like This Story and Support Me Like My Other Two Stories 😄
Okay...Why Wait ?! 😉
Let's Start 😙
. . .
That Word Gives Us A Kind Of Special Feeling And The Warmth Of Happiness When That Person Whom We Love In Our Life....
If Love Give Us Happiness Means, It Can Gives Us The Feeling Of Hurt , Pain Too....
THEODORE KINGSTON , The Man Whom I Love The Most For 7 Years , He Became The Reason Of My Happiness...
But , He Is The Reason For I Felt The Pain Of Hurting and Betrayal Too...
In College
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theo , I Love You 😄 *gives him a rose*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Will You Be My Boyfriend ? 😄
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*took that rose from her*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
He drops in the floor and crashing with his shoe
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Why theo ? 😢 *💔*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
First don't call me by first name ❄️
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
We're not that close ❄️
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Also don't think about i will love a clingy bîtch like you ❄️ *said rudely and left*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
One Day
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*grips her neck*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahhh...Leave me theo 😢 *being choked*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
You successfully made me marry you using my parent's compulsion even after knowing i fvcking hate you ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
What a cunning bîtch you are ? ❄️
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*leaves her neck harshly*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
You will regret for marrying me ❄️ *left*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*slide down and crying*
Some Another Day
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahhh...Theo...Please😭 *môaning in pain*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )îtch... *thrûsting like a beast*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahhhhh....I...didn't 😭
One Day
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theo, Let me tell you a good news 😊
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theo , I am pregnant 😊 *shows the pregnancy kit*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
We are going to be mom and dad 😁
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
I am so happy 😁
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Do you want boy or girl ? 😊
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
I want boy and you ? 😁
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*emotionless face*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Done ? ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Huh...? 😃
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Are you done your blabbering nonsense ? ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theo...What happened to you ? 🙁
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Aren't you be happy for being a dad ? 🙁
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Maybe I will be happy if the baby in your womb is mine ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
What...? *shocked and heartache*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
No...No , It's yours theo 😢
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Please don't doubt on me 😭
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Like i believe your acting ? 😒❄️ *said and left*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theo , Please believe me it's yours ! 😭
But...One Day
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*slapped her*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahhhh... *touch her cheek*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Brother...Please don't slap sister lia...😥
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
How couldn't i myra ? ❄️
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
WHY...?! ❄️
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
I...didn't...*hic*someone*hic* from the stairs...😭
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
*smirks internally*
One Day
In Abandoned Place
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*lying on the floor unconscious*
When that time , Someone splashes the water on her face
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*flinched and awake*
She felt someone is standing infront of her
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Who...Who are you ? *says weakly*
Oops my bad...My sister didn't recognize me 😔
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
M..Myra ? *shocked*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Yes sister , You recognized me 😁
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Finally , My dream is going to be true 😁
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
What are you talking ?
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
What happened to you ?
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
*bend down and grips her hair*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahhh... *in pain*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
You what to know why I am so happy sister ? 😃
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Because I am going to be a madam of Kingston Family 😄
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
I and Theodore going to be marry tomorrow 😄
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Wh...What ? 😢 *shocked*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
No..No..It can't be...😢
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
I am still his wife 😭
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
*slaps her hard*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahh... *turns her face*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Who said ? 🤔
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Did you forget sister ?
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Do you remember that On the day of your wedding night, theo asked you to sign an empty paper ? 😏
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*looks at her*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
That empty paper is turned into a divorce paper 😏
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Now , You and Theo is already divorced 😁
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*can't believe and crying*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Sister , You know what...
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
I fvcking hate you from the core of my heart *slaps her*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Ahh... *turns her face*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl ) hate much ? 😢
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
What have I done to you ? 😢
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Why from our childhood everyone loves you ?
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
How can you be the heir of smith family ?
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
You are married the man whom i love !
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Why not me ? *slaps her again*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
But...Now I am the heir of smith and the madam of kingston family 😏
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Sister , You know one secret 😉
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
I am the one who set the bomb in your parent's car 😂
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Also i am the one who pushed you from the stairs and made you miscarriage 😂
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*shocked and angry*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Don't shout at me bîtch 😠 *slaps her hardly*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
*Heard Footsteps Sounds*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Do what i say ❄️ *to kidnappers*
Okay mam 👍
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
*tore her own dress and sat in the corner*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*didn't notice anything and crying silently*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
MYRA ! *enters inside with bangs door*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Bro...Brother theo 😢 *starts acting*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theo...You come ? 😢 *little hope*
He noticed amelia and ignores while went towards myra
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Myra , Are you okay ? 😟 *covers her with his coat*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Who did this all ? 😟
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Brother...Sister amelia...did this...😭 *hugs him and crying*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*looking at her with angry*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
No...No theo , I am not 😭
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Pls believe me, she is lying 😭
Few men of theodore entered inside and caught all the kidnappers & put gun on their head
Please please sir , leave us 🙏
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Then , Tell me who told you did this ? ❄️
I'll tell you sir , it's that girl *point towards amelia*
She paid us and told us to kidnap this girl myra
Also told us to rãpe her
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
No...No , it's not true 😭
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
I didn't tell them to do that theo 😭
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*giving very disgusting look at amelia*
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Never in my life , I saw a disgusting woman like you ❄️❄️
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
*smirking while looking at her* 😏
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Never in my life , don't come infront of me ever ❄️
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
*left with myra*
His men also dragged that kidnappers away
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*totally broken*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*tear drops falling*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
AHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭 *crying loudly*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*wipes her tears*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*went to the top floor of the building*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Theodore Kingston , Now i realised Loving you was my biggest mistake whom i committed in my life *saying with emotionless face*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*lying on the road while head bleeding heavily*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Mom , Dad , Baby....I am coming to you *smiles sadly*
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
*close her eyes slowly and dead*
. . . . . . .
Your Author
Your Author
Why I am crying ? 😢🤧
. . . . . . . . .
Your Author
Your Author
Hey friends , if you like our story , please stay tuned for updates more 😉
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Past Fl )
Don't forget to subscribe and like our story 😊
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Past Ml )
Do Comment in our story ☺️
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Past )
Keep support us and share our story 😊
Your Author
Your Author
Let's meet in next episode 😉

Chpt 2 - Reborn Again ?

. . .
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*opens her eyes with breathing heavily*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*noticed herself on the bed*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Whe..Where am i...? *saw the surrounding*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I am in hospital ? But How ? *confused*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Did someone save me ?
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
But...Didn't i died already ?
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Hiss....My head *felt pain*
A nurse entered inside and saw amelia awake
Nurse : Oh miss , You are awake ? Then I'll go and call your family *left*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
But , They were already died 🙁
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Princess 😟 *enters inside*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Amelia 😟 *enters inside*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Mom....Dad....You...😢 *saw them and emotional*
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Princess , You awake ? 😟
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*didn't say anything and hugs them*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Mom...Dad...I am sorry 😭 *crying*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I should have listen you 😭
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Thank God , I saw you both again 😭
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Princess , What happened to you suddenly ? 😟
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Why are talking weird ? 🙁
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Nothing mom and dad , I am fine 😊 *wipes her tear*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Mom , Dad...Why i am in hospital ? 😕
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Amelia , Did you forget ?
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
You and Myra went to the lake for fishing but suddenly you fell in the lake and got hit in the rock
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* Went fishing with myra....?
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* but...didn't that incident happened 5 years ago ? *confused*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Mom , Dad...Which year this is ?
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
This is 2023 princess
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* What 2023 ?! *shocked*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* It means , I am came into 5 years back *can't believe*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* It's means I AM REBORN !!
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* Thank you God...You giving me second chance to live my life again
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*crying with grateful emotion*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Ame , What happened baby ? 😧
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Princess , Why are you crying ? 😟
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Does it hurting anywhere ? 😟 *worried*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
No dad...I am just happy , because nothing happened to me 🥺
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Yes , because my ame is strong girl 😊 *pats her head*
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Obviously , she is my gene 🤥
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Hubby...Did you forget , I am her mom 😇
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
*gulps* Yes honey 😅
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* Mom , Dad...I am sorry for not listening your words
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* I was hurt you both so badly in the name of my love 🙂
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* But...I promise , I won't let anything happen to you 🙂
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
My baby ame 😟 *enters inside with worried*
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Dear 😟 *enters inside with worried*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Uncle , Aunt ? 😊 *saw them and happy*
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Here comes the old couple 😒
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Look who is saying 😒
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Yeah , 25 Years young man 😒
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
You deserve it honey 🤭
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*happy seeing them like this*
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Baby ame , How are you ? 😟
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Dear , Does it hurting anywhere ? 😟
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Uncle and Aunt , don't worry...I am perfectly fine 😄
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Okay baby 😊 *felt relieved*
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
I know you are my strong girl 😊
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
*humph* Your girl ? Oldman she is my daughter 😒 *jealous*
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Oldman , Don't forget she is soon to my daughter in law 😒
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Yes 😏
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Amelia smiling face changed when she hears about daughter in law
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Theresa , Where is theo ? 😕
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
I think he is coming here martha 😊
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Oh okay 😊
Note : Ml and Fl parents are best friends from high school .
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*enters inside and saw her*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*looks at him with emotionless face*
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theo , Go and talk *in low voice*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*tsk in mind*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*sign and nods*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*going to ask something*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*looks away*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Sister 😟 *enters inside with acts worried*
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Lia baby 😟 *same*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*saw myra and eyes darkened*
When looking at Myra , Amelia wants to slaps her till she died but controls her inner emotions
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* Myra , You will definitely pay for killing my parents and my unborn baby 😡
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*in mind* Shît...I thought this bîtch will die 😬
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
*in mind* why this bîtch didn't die ? 😬
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
*rolls his eyes*
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
*didn't say anything*
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Sister , I am so sorry 😢 *acts sad and cry*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
I should have be careful when you fell into the lake 😢
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*in mind* In my last life , I thought you pushed me accidentally so i didn't say anything but not now
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
But , You should have helped me Myra ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
You already knew how to swim but ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Instead of helping me , You were just saw i was drowning into the lake ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
If i am in your place , I would definitely help you even if i don't know swimming ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
But you...I never expected this from you myra ❄️
Everyone were shocked at her cold tone because till now amelia didn't even speak in cold tone
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
WHAT ?! ❄️ *shocked*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*in mind* What happened to this bîtch suddenly ? 😰 *fear*
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
*in mind* How this bîtch talking to us like this ? 😰 *anxious*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*shocked by her cold tone*
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Is that true myra ? ❄️
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
You know swimming ? ❄️
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*flinched* Y...Yes uncle
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Then why didn't you help my princess when she was drowning in the lake ? ❄️
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*in mind* No...No , I have to do something 😰
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*sob* *sob* Uncle...I am sorry , I was scared when that time 😭
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
My whole body became numb in fear 😭
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
That's why , I can't help sister 😭
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Brother in law...Please forgive my daughter 😢
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*in mind* Myra told me that she don't know about swimming but amelia knows swimming very well *confused*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*in mind* I thought amelia was acting for attention again but she don't know
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Mom , Dad , Uncle , Aunty *got cut*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I am tired , Can i take some rest ? 🙂
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*in mind* What happened to her ?
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Yes princess...😊
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Yes baby ame , Take rest well 😊
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Okay dear , We're leaving 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Okay guys 😊 *laid on the bed*
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Felix Kingston ( Ml Dad )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Theresa Kingston ( Ml Mom )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*left while looks at her once*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*didn't look at him while turns her face*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
You two leave now *in bit cold tone*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
My daughter will talk some rest
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
O..Okay sister 😊 *left*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Okay aunty 😅 *left*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Don't think about anything , Just sleep now *kiss her forehead*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
If you want anything , just call me
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Mom is waiting outside 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Okay mom 😊
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
*smiles and left*
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your Author
Your Author
Hey friends , if you like our story , please stay tuned for updates more 😉
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
don't forget to subscribe and like our story 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Do Comment in our story ☺️
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Keep support us and share our story 😊
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Let's meet in next episode 😉

Chpt 3 - Regret For Loving You

. . .
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Theodore Kingston *says with loveless emotion*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
In my last Life , I was changed myself for you
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I heard you like nerd girl from myra , so i was changed myself into a nerd
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Aunty theresa said , You like a girl who knows cooking , so i just learnt how to cooking for you....
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I heard you like a girl who speaks more than 3 languages...On next day , I was start learning 4 languages...
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
My mom and dad asked me to take care of the company , but i refused just because I want to be wife for you and take care with beside you...
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Whenever you have little fever , i was taking care of you all the night . Next day , I was expect you will atleast thank me with little smile but...You give me a annoyed look and left from there
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
You always called me bîtch , slût , whôre....But i still don't know why would you call me by that names
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Just because for you and your love...I throws all my self respect , dignity , everything
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Each and Everything , I was did the best to impress you , but all were in vein....My efforts everything was went vein
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
All I just expect your bit of love and care only...
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
But...What i got in return for loving you ?
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Pain , Hurt , Betrayal , Cold Shoulder....
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
In the end , I lost my baby *tear falls while touching her stomach*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Why i had faced this all...?
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Just because loving you ?
After few minutes of crying....
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*wipes her tears*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Theodore Kingston ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I , Amelia Smith , Never Ever Love You Again In This Life ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
And Myra Thompson , I will definitely get revenge on you for killed my unborn baby and betrayed me ❄️
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*close her eyes and sleep after sometime*
At Night
In Kingston Mansion
Ml Room
Currently , he is lying on the bed while thinking about amelia
He remembers her eyes which filled only love and care on him....
But , It became fully emotionless now...There is no sign of love and happiness in her eyes when he saw her today
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Amelia , What happened to you suddenly ? *mumbles*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
When i saw her emotionless eyes , I don't know why I felt sad....
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
What the hell am i thinking about her *shakes his head*
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Maybe , she must be tired that's why she was looking at me like that
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
She will cling on me once she will recover
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
*close his eyes and sleep after sometime*
In Myra's Room
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Myra , What happened to this bîtch suddenly ?
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
I also don't know mom 💢
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Mom , I think she had angry on me for didn't help her *thinking*
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
That's why she talked me like that...
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Maybe possible baby
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Don't forget , she is our puppet and money bank
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
We should control her like before
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Don't worry mom , she is just an emotional fool 😏
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
I will take care of her 😏
On Next Day
Fl parents completed the discharge process and took her to the Smith mansion
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Mom Dad , I am going to my room 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Call me when lunch is over 😊
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Okay princess 😊
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Okay dear 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*smiles and left*
In Amelia's Room
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*enters inside and saw her room*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I missed my room so much *says while trails her hand on the wall*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I missed you too my bed *plops on the bed*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Wait...Tomorrow , Kingston family will come here for lunch *remembers*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
When that time , dad asked me to take care of the company but i was refused
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
So , Alice aunty convinced dad to give smith company to that myra
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
But , this time i won't refuse to take care the company
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Tomorrow , I want to see my friends...
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Liana and Liam....My best friends
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I was cut off the friendship last month for they scold myra 🙂
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
I will ask them to forgive me 🙂
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*close her eyes and sleep after sometime*
Next Day Morning
Sun rays hits on her face while birds are chipping
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*woke up from the sleep*
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Good morning me 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*got up from bed and goes washroom*
In Dining Table
Fl dad , Fl mom , Myra and her mom were sitting & having breakfast
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Honey , Go and call our princess for breakfast
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Okay honey 😊
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Uncle , Looks like she is still sleeping 🤭
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Yes brother in law , You should tell her to wake up early
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
This is a bad habit
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
*going to say something*
Who said , I am still sleeping ? ❄️
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
*turns around and stunned*
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*turns around and shocked*
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Princess , It's you 😲
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Ame , I can't belive this is you 😲
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Good Morning Mom and Dad 😊
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Good morning princess 😊
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Good morning ame 😊
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*in mind* Damn it...Why this bîtch isn't in nerd ? 😬
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
*in mind* damn ! This bîtch indeed beautiful than my daughter 😬
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Good morning sister 😊
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
Good morning ame 😊
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Good morning ❄️
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
Myra Thompson ( Fl Cousin / Villian )
*clenching her fist in silent*
Alice Thompson ( Myra
Alice Thompson ( Myra's Mom / Fl Aunt )
*in mind* Mannerless brat 💢
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
*came and sat beside asher*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your Author
Your Author
Hey friends , if you like our story , please stay tuned for updates more 😉
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Amelia Smith ( Fl )
Don't forget to subscribe and like our story 😊
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Theodore Kingston ( Ml )
Do Comment in our story ☺️
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Asher Smith ( Fl Dad )
Keep support us and share our story 😊
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Martha Smith ( Fl Mom )
Let's meet in next episode 😉

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