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Ikemen Sengoku, (Fanfiction)

Introductions of the Oda Troop and MC

Otoka Shina
Otoka Shina
Otoka Shina
Otoka Shina
A university student who's a very devoted ottaku that can possibly kill you with the moves she learned from watching anime. She lives alone in an apartment in Kyoto. Her parents are black belts in karate. Owns like 14 katanas and knows how to sew too. (For cosplaying). Age: 22.
The Oda Troop:
Nobunaga Oda
Nobunaga Oda
Nobunaga Oda
Nobunaga Oda
Very sadistic. Acts like a boss, is a boss. Is the leader of the Oda Troop. Wants to unify Japan under his rule. Is feared by all. Known to be ruthless and commanding. Nickname: Devil King of the 6th Heaven.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Nobunaga's personal retainer. Fiercely loyal to Nobunaga.(Is a simp for Nobunaga.) Known to be charming and reliable. Nickname: The Eloquent Altruist.
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Acts very strong and doesn't pay attention to the ones weaker then him. Is the youngest yet the rudest. Can't stand Mitsunari one bit. Known to be ambitious and cheeky. Nickname: The Indomitable Visionary.
Mitsunari Ishida
Mitsunari Ishida
Mitsunari Ishida
Mitsunari Ishida
The most sweetest and naive out of everyone. Is a literal angel and a simp for Ieyasu. Known to be smoldering and brilliant. Nickname: The Resourceful Tactician.
Mitsuhide Akechi
Mitsuhide Akechi
Mitsuhide Akechi
Mitsuhide Akechi
Nobunaga's right-hand man. Is a literal fox. Hideyoshi actively distrusts him. Some say he has been meeting the enemy in secret. While he is aware of these rumors, he doesn't really care. Known to be mysterious and scheming. Nickname: The Secretive Schemer.
Masamune Date
Masamune Date
Masamune Date
Masamune Date
A warrior who loves a good thrill as much as a good battle. Strongly believes that it's his duty to live a life worthy of the title of military commander. Known to be innovative and wild. Nickname: The One-eyed Dragon.
Ranmaru Mori
Ranmaru Mori
Ranmaru Mori
Ranmaru Mori
Extremely sweet. Is also an angel. Seems very energetic, but is very depressed on the inside. Is rumored to have a connection with someone outside of the Oda troop. Known to be angelically devilish. Nickname: The Fatal Star.
Keiji Maeda
Keiji Maeda
Keiji Maeda
Keiji Maeda
Has a reputation for being a strange warlord. Flashy, friendly and knows how to have fun. Changes persona's when pissed of. Known to be two-faced and flashy. Nickname: The Dauntless Daredevil.

Introductions of the Uesugi-Takeda Troop

Uesugi Troop:
Kenshin Uesugi
Kenshin Uesugi
Kenshin Uesugi
Kenshin Uesugi
Called "The God of War" due to his thirst for battle, his natural charisma has gained him many followers. Has a strong sense of duty and always keeps his promises. Cold to women for some odd reason. Known to be charismatic and intense. Nickname: The God of War.
Sasuke Sarutobi
Sasuke Sarutobi
Sasuke Sarutobi
Sasuke Sarutobi
Originally a post-graduate student of theoretical astrophysics. Managed to get into a wormwhole and accidentally took Otoka with him. (Is a simp for Otoka) Becomes a ninja and now works for Kenshin after arriving in the Sengoku period. Currently researching how to return to the present. Known to be cool and composed. Nickname: The Swift Striking Storm.
Kanetsugu Naoe
Kanetsugu Naoe
Kanetsugu Naoe
Kanetsugu Naoe
Handsome, eloquent, strong and smart-- there's nothing wrong with Kenshin's right-hand man... except his personality. A bit too proud at times and hates losing. Full of curiosity, loves mysterious things and conducting experiments. Known to be stoic and impationete. Nickname: The Burnished Blade.
Shingen Takeda
Shingen Takeda
Shingen Takeda
Shingen Takeda
A warrior known to many as "The Tiger of Kai". He seeks to restore power back to the Takeda family. Open and accepting to his vassals, equally cold to his enemies. He's a known lady-killer with mature tastes and a sweet tooth. Is also extremely tall. Known to be mature and flirtatious. Nickname: The Tiger of Kai.
Yukimura Sanada
Yukimura Sanada
Yukimura Sanada
Yukimura Sanada
Seeks revenge against Nobunaga. Is the same age as Ieyasu. He is a devoted follower of Shingen Takeda, who he met when he was young. Absolutely can't talk to women whatsoever. Is the best friend of Sasuke. Known to be proud and stubborn. Nickname: The Peerless Warrior.
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Yoshimoto Imagawa
A distant relative of Shingen and the head of the Imagawa clan that Nobunaga led to ruin. Has no interest in battle. Is a big fan of art, architecture and design. Known to be sensual and ephemeral. Nickname: The Ephemeral Dreamer.
NOTE: The Uesugi Troop and Takeda Troop has formed an alliance and they live under the same roof. Before that they used to be enemies.

Introductions of the Side Characters

His name is recorded in history as a woman. Desires for the warring era to last for eternity. His actions are nothing short of extreme. Seems to know things about the future of Japan. Known to be dotting and a perfectionist. Nickname: The Mysterious Mastermind.
A monk who holds a deep resentment for Nobunaga. There is no end to the lengths he would go to exact his revenge. Though he knows it's a futile act, he always clasps his hands in prayer after offing an opponent. Known to be callous and vengeful. Nickname: The Vengeful Monk.
Motonari Mouri
Motonari Mouri
Motonari Mouri
Motonari Mouri
A warlord who has a great army of pirates at his beck. He's known by some as the scourge of the seas, the master of strategy and deception. He'll befriend a comrade and betray them in the same breath. His mission is to wreak havoc on the world. Known to be a black-hearted pirate. Nicknames: God of Deception, Scourge of the Seas.
Story shall start from chapter 4
NOTE: There might be more introductions if I decide to add more characters.

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