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Officer's Lost Love


Welcome Everyone!!!!

As promised, this is the second season of 'True Love Waits'.

This is the story of our 2 Leads, Blair and Wesley.

And I know I did a shitty job in writing the description but I am sure you will love the story.

For those who have not read season 1, it's okay. There is no hard and fast rul to read it first definitely. But it would be better if you would give a read so as to understand the characters and many scenes in a better way.

You will understand what's going on, but it would be better to understand why is it happening.

Hope you love it as much as you love first season.

Thank you for the love. 💝🫂


Blair had heard about Wesley long before they met. Everyone thought he was a hero. In Blair's eyes, he was a superhero.

Blair was luckier than Wesley's other fans because her uncle was his superior. A few loving words were all it took, and her uncle told her anything she wanted to know about the man she had a crush on.

Even so, Blair had never asked her uncle to introduce her. She believed in fate, and somehow, she firmly believed that they would eventually be together.

Shock of shocks, she was right. She met him not long after.

But their first meeting was not a fun one.

That year, Blair was nineteen years old and Wesley was twenty-three.

Blair was a college student, and her college was in the same city as her home. But she seldom came home. Whenever she did, she always saw her parents fighting.

But sometimes, she had to come home. Just like today.

It was the holidays. Her roommates all went home. Blair stood in front of the villa with a small suitcase. It was a beautiful villa, but hardly warm.

She typed in the code at the entrance. "Beep!" The door to the villa opened.

"Look at you! I'm sick of you! Why did you come back? Get out of here!" a woman shrieked—she was Blair's mom, Grace Ji. Blair sighed helplessly as she realized that her mom was yelling at her dad again.

Judging from her name, you could tell that Grace Ji's parents wanted her to be a graceful woman.

And she worked to live up to that name. Even now, she was soft and elegant in public. Everyone believed that her name reflected her inner beauty.

But she was a totally different woman in front of Jacob Jing, Blair's father.

Blair knew why—it was because of life.

Life had ground her kind-hearted and gentle mom down. She became bitter and angry.

Blair put on her slippers and entered the living room. Before she could greet her parents, she heard a loud bang and flames sprang up to the ceiling.

By the way, Jacob Jing was a Professor of Chemistry, but his degree hadn't made him much money.

The man couldn't stand his wife any longer, and couldn't see any other way out. He decided to destroy himself along with her.

The explosive was homemade. After all, he was good at chemistry. Blair couldn't tell the police what the man used, or how he'd done it. Her dad might have been a chemistry genius, but she didn't inherit any of his skill or natural talent.

Later, the police told her that this was suicide. Her father brought explosives home, in an attempt to kill his wife and himself.

In the explosion, Blair flew backwards, hitting the living room wall. She was knocked senseless. When she opened her eyes again, every bone in her body ached.

The villa was a mess—flames and debris everywhere. Her parents' faces were contorted in pain, their mouths open. But Blair couldn't hear anything but a powerful ringing in her ears.

The explosion had robbed her of her hearing.

She wanted to rush in and save her parents, but the blazing fire ripped through the whole villa. She tried, and was forced back by the heat.

'I must do something, ' she thought.

She wanted to call the fire department, but she couldn't find her phone. Probably it didn't matter anyway, because she couldn't hear anything they might ask her.

"Dad! Mom!" Her head went blank. She could do nothing but call them.

Even though she could hear nothing, she still called out at the top of her lungs, "Dad! Mom!"

Suddenly, she saw a figure burst into view, barreling through the fire and wreckage. It was her dad, wreathed in flames. He wore an expression of extreme pain—but paradoxically, also, relief.

Blair lay on the floor, unable to move.

She saw him mouth to her, "Run! Run!"

Blair shook her head; she just couldn't run for her life. This was everything she ever knew, and now she watched it burn before her.

The fire alarm in the villa kept ringing. It was, after all, a high-class housing estate. Soon, a crowd gathered outside the villa.

Ignoring the pain, Blair struggled to stand and stagger towards her parents.

They were already swallowed by the fire. As she moved, she felt a sharp pain. Her hand flew to the wound instinctively. She felt something sharp and withdrew her hand, her head turning to look. A sharp piece of metal was lodged in her arm, and blood flowed freely down her sleeve, dyeing it a wet crimson color.

At this moment, she realized that if she didn't leave the villa now, she might never be able to.

But she didn't want to live if her parents were dead.

People on the ground were throwing rocks through the windows, trying to help anyone who might be trapped in there. Blair wanted to go to the kitchen to help put out the fire, but the temperature was too high. She felt like she had been walking forever, but she'd only covered a short distance.

Her face was burning hot, and her clothes were drenched in sweat.

The air was thick with acrid smoke from the fire. She didn't know what to do.

The fire engines were approaching, sirens announcing their presence minutes before they arrived.

A man entered the villa through a broken window to search for people trapped inside. He waded through the blaze and saw Blair standing there in a daze. He grabbed her wrist, dragging her to the entrance.

"Mom! Dad!" The man opened the door and dragged Blair out o the villa. She accidentally raises her head. To her surprise, she saw a familiar face.

It was none other than Wesley.

Wesley came to her rescue and pulled her away from the sea of flames.

Blair had inhaled a lot of smoke, and could barely breathe. Every breath was punctuated by a fit of coughing. She managed to gasp, "My mom...and dad are in them...please."

The fire was uncontrollable. Even after Blair was out of the villa, a second explosion rocked the complex.

The firefighters wanted to rush in to save them, but it was simply too dangerous.

Firemen, Policemen, EMTs, and their vehicles splashing coloures light over the crowd. The villa was surrounded by people.

The fire was finally put out after an hour. The villa had been burnt to a blackened husk. Anyone that was still in there was merely char and ashes.

Adalson Ji, who was in green uniform, quatted down before Blair. Eyes full of sorrow, he said softly, Blair, come with me." Standing beside Adalson Ji was a man in a camo suit--- Wesley.

Confusion was written all over Blair's face. "Uncle, why did they abandoned me?"

The question brought a lump to this throat. That was his sister and brother-in-law, and he couldn't save them. He stroke her hair as of comforting a child. "They didn't abandoned you. You're still their daughter, no matter what."

"Uncle, I was in the villa too, but I didn't die." Blair clenched her fists tightly, her face as pale as sheet. "I couldn't save them. I'm I a murderer?"

She watched as her parents died. She was so guilty that she thought she was responsible for their death.

Adalson Ji felt rather sorry for her. "No! That's not it. You're still a sweet kid. You had nothing to do with this," he coax her.

'I'm almost nineteen. Not really a kid.' she thought.

Adalson Ji got a call over his radio. He stepped away to make a report. Wesley and Blair were left alone.

Wesley passed a bottle of water to the girl, who stared blankly at the ground. "Have a drink. It'll help your throat," he said.


Adalson and Blair lived in the same housing estate. Wesley just happened to be visiting Adalson today. After he left the house and was in his car, he heard the explosion. Without hesitation, he changed direction and raced toward the source of the sound. That was why Wesley was able to save Blair.

Staring at the bottle of water in Wesley's hand, Blair murmured, "Wesley, am I a murderer?"

'People seem to think he's honest. He won't lie to me, ' she thought.

Wesley was stunned for a moment. 'She knows me?'

He squatted down before her and looked the girl in the eye. If he was his usual self, he would tell her, "You're not a kid. Why didn't you call the police or the fire department? And why did you stay in the house instead of trying to get out?"

However, he couldn't just say that. The girl's parents died in the fire. He had to be a little more sensitive, despite the fact that he didn't quite know how. "Don't blame yourself. The fire was blazing. Even firefighters failed to get inside. You couldn't have done anything."

A smile appeared on Blair's pale face. "Wesley, can you give me a hug?" Her heart was aching fiercely. She desperately wanted someone to hug her and comfort her.

Wesley was at a loss for words. 'Do I look like a kind person?' he asked himself.

However, he sighed in defeat under her hopeful expression. After a moment's pause, he looked around, screwed the cap back on the bottle, put it on the ground and took the girl in his arms.

Blair held his waist and burst out crying. Her waist trembled against his, her body racked by sobs.

Her birthday was in two months, and now she was an orphan.

A year later

At Hillside Apartments

After the moving company dropped off the last piece of furniture, one of the staff told Blair, "It's done, Miss Jing."

Blair, who was unpacking her things in the bedroom, came to the living room to finish things up. "Thank you, guys," she beamed.

"You're welcome, Miss Jing. We're leaving now."

"Okay. Bye!" Blair accompanied them to the door. Before she closed it, she looked at the closed door opposite her apartment and flashed a knowing smile.

Having lived in the Hillside Apartments for half a month, Blair finally saw her new neighbor.

Ding! The elevator came to a halt on the 16th floor. Blair walked out and strolled towards her apartment, humming a song.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a tall figure. Elated, she stopped humming and exclaimed, "Wesley!"

Wesley had just locked the door to his apartment. Upon seeing the girl, he recognized her immediately and nodded at her indifferently. "Hi," he said.

After the accident, he had seen her twice in Adalson's home.

Blair straightened herself and gave him a sweet smile. "Nice to meet you, Officer Li. I'm your new neighbor. I may have to trouble you in the future."

'Trouble me? Another girl trying to hit on me?' he thought to himself. "I'm almost never home. So don't expect too much. Gotta go!" Indifference was written all over his face.

Blair didn't mind his attitude at all—she knew he was a cold man. 'Maybe he'll be nicer after he gets to know me, ' she thought.

Wesley didn't know why, but Blair's simple hello seemed like a magical spell that haunted him.

Whenever he had a free moment, her voice would come unbidden to his mind saying, "Nice to meet you, Officer Li. I'm your new neighbor..."

Maybe Wesley was telling the truth when he said he was seldom home. Blair hadn't seen him for a long time since their last meeting. But fate was amazing. It would eventually bring people together.

At the beginning of Blair's third year in college, the freshmen were going to have their military training.

Before the military training program even started, a piece of exciting news spread like wildfire across the entire campus.

Wesley and his men would be conducting the training program.

Those freshmen couldn't wait to register even though the new semester was a month away.

In the past, they only had twenty percent enrollment. This year, they had ninety.

Blair, of course, found out before anyone else.

After all, her uncle was Wesley's superior.

And he was not dumb—he knew that she had a crush on Wesley. So he'd help her out when he could.

Of course, her uncle wouldn't tell her anything about Wesley's classified missions. That was strictly prohibited.

On the first day, the playground was packed with people. Other than the freshmen, other students of different grades were there as well. Their goal was simple—to observe Wesley in real life.

Blair was a crazy fan of Wesley, but she chose to stay in her dorm and play on her phone. It was not that she didn't want to meet him. It was hot this summer, and there were so many people on the playground. There was no way he'd be able to spot her in the crowd.

Blair would rather wait until this evening. Her uncle told her Wesley would stay at his own apartment. Wesley's hometown was in A Country, and he lived in Hillside Apartment when he stayed in Y City.

She could see him from time to time.

She would not tell the others about this. Her best friend, Joslyn Zhu, was an exception.

At dusk, Blair and Joslyn Zhu had supper at the school cafeteria. Then they said goodbye to each other. "Joslyn, I'm going back home. You probably need to get back to your dorm," she said.

Joslyn Zhu was playing a game on her phone. Without raising her head, she simply answered, "Okay. Good luck!" Then, she realized something and raised her head to look at Blair. "If he really doesn't like you, why not introduced us?" she said playfully.

Blair fastened her hands around her friend's neck, pretending to strangle her. "Hey! Never mess with your friend's crush!"

"Let me go, Blair! What if I get killled? My teammates will get mad!" She was playing a MOBA game.

Blair let go of her helplessly. "Okay, Okay. Just watch where you are going! Gotta go!"

"All right. Bye Mom!" she teased.

Blair rolled her eyes and left the campus.

After leaving the metro station, she got to her own apartment in two minutes or so. The moment she entered the estate, she saw a military vehicle driving towards the underground parking garage.

She speed up ran as fast as she could. Luckily, she was about to stop the elevator on the first floor in time.

When the doors opened, she saw the man she was expecting to see--- Wesley, who had just emerged from the underground car park.

Gasping for air, she gave him a broad smile and said, "What a coincidence!"

Wesley stared at her face for a few seconds and then nodded his head without saying a word.

Blair was a bit frustrated. 'He's really a man of few words. Fine I'll try and find something interesting to talk about.' However, when she saw her reflection in the wall of the elevator, her eyes widened in shock.

Her hair was a mess. Her face was as red as tomato. The thing that stuck out most was a black mark on her face. She looked down at her hands, and found that her index finger was dirty. She had stained her face when she had adjusted her hair. 'How embarrassing!'

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