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In Love With The Killer(Bts V Ff)


name:kim taehyung

bio:kim is the richest family in southkorea taehyung is the eldest and he has a little brother jungkook.they both study at university

info:taehyung has sufferd something in the past to make him a killer.he kills whoever anoys him or just for fun

name:park y/n

bio:y/n is from a normal family she lives with her aunt because her parents died when she was 5 years old.she transfres in taehyung's university

info:y/n is really nice and kind she never hurts any one she likes to study hard and become a sucsessful person


bio:is a cute little bunny likes to play games and drink banana milk😂

info:unlike taehyung he is cheerful and happy but he knows about taehyungs obbsetion of killings taehyung never hurts him but jungkook knows how to make taehyung happy


name:park jimin

bio:also from a rich family

info:he knows a secret about what happend in the past he is taehyung's best friend

name: seokjin

bio:from a rich family always talks about his face😂

info:he doesn't know about taehyung's obbsetion taehyung's best friend


bio:from a rich family

info:studies a lot has 148 iq he also don't knows about taehyungs condition

name:min yoongi

bio:yes,he is from a rich family

info:yes,he ia taehyungs friend and don't knows about his condition

name:jung hoseok

bio:from a rich family and is cute

info:he knows about taehyungs thing he is always happy and likes to spread hope he knows what made happend in taehyung's past but acts like he doesn't

at first sight taehyung likes her.he will alwas stalk her everywhere.he becomes more intersted in her.then he kidnaps her to make her love him but y/n just hates him.she becomes more and more intersted in him she says she will never fall in love with him but in the end she loves him so much that she don't wanna leave him she tries her best to make him a good person but just get more pain in return. y/n finds out more about taehyung and jungkook but it gets even worse taehyung don't know how to love her properly he keeps getting more and more intersted in her untill he is ready to give his life for her

{~aunthor p.o.v~}

this is my first time writing this kinds of ffs.i got all my story ideas from my sis.i know its kinda of a boring story.i don't know if this story is similar to the ones in mangatoon i tried my best🙁.i will update this on friday if i can who knows. btw i have written two more stories.and one of them is bts texts pls check that out if you can and support me and my sis byeeeeeeee

announcment + ep1

guys its me, i don't think i will post on friday cause my stomac is in so much pain i can die right now i have to go to the hospital they might need to do a surgery(jk)but it still hurts😭😭😭.i will be writing half of the episode in this cause mangatoon won't let me post untill tere are 500 words🙄i mean like, duh🙄


episode 1:

*bang bang*

security:sir pls clam down

man1:no we won't leave till we see him

security2:but sir is asleep



•??? p.o.v•


i was sleeping peacefully untill i heard someone screaming in front of my mansion...bunch of trash......

???: hyung! hyung?

i looked over to see my little brother jungkook

???: tae hyung get up we have to go

taehyung: go where?

jungkook: of course to the university

taehyung:ugh! i don't want to

jungkook: you have to!

taehyung: is there any problem with there

jungkook: no but today is sports day and i am participating you have to come and watch

taehyung: ok fine

jungkook: YAY!

said a little bunny jumping up and down

taehynug: yah! get off of me you smell bad

jungkook: what no you are the smelly one


jungkook:get ready fast! hyung

taehyung: wait who were the people screaming out side

jungkook: oh they are saying you stole his gf.should i ask them to leave?

taehyung smirked

taehyng:no why let them come in since they want to see me this much*smirk*

jungkook under stand what taehyung meant

jungkook:ok i will

jungkook said as he went out of the room


¤¤*aunthor* p.o.v¤¤

. ~•°~°time skipe°~°•~


taehyung got ready and went soon as he went down he saw those two people one of them grabed taehyung by his collar

man1: you fucking bastard how dare you talk to my girlfriend!!?

man2: we will kill you if you look at them again!!!

taehyung stood there clam

taehyung: you are angry because i talked to them? then what if i.......

taehyung came near his ear and said

taehyung: slept with them too?(not true)

taehyung said to make them angry

man1: YOU SON OF A BIT--


* bang *

the man fell down cause tae hyung shot him on his forehead the other guy was so shocked that he started to run but taehyung shot him too

taehyung: jungkook you know what to do

jungkook signaled the guards to pick those two dead bodies

taehyung: trash......

•°•°•°at y/n house•°•°•°

y/n: todays my first day omg.i am nervouse

^Δ^|y/n p.o.v|^Δ^

i have to transfer because of my aunts work gosh i hope today will be a good day

•°•°•°•°time skipe•°•°•°•°

i went down to eat breakfast.but i saw my uncle and aunt...they look serious....

aunt: y/n we want to tell you something

y/n: what is it aunt?

y/n said nervously and your uncle are going on a vacation!!!

thay said happily..while y/n stood there frozen

y/n: then what about me.....? DO I HAVE TO STAY ALONE???



y/n: are you guys saying i have to stay alone???


y/n:ok....hiw long are you guys going?

aunt: hmmmm.... for 5 months

y/n: what for five months?!

uncle: yeah....dont worry we will be back soon

y/n:ok fine....when are you guys leaveing?

aunt: right now!

y/n: what!!!

uncle: we have to go our flight will go soon

aunt:y/n take care of your self ok?

y/n: then how will get money for my expences

aunt: oh right...we have settled a job for you on the supermarket

uncle: they will pay you 500 won a week

i stood there dumbfounded

aunt&uncle: bye take care!

then they left with thier car

y/n : what just happend.......wait i am going to be late


ΠΔ^Δ time skip Δ^ΔΠ

<¤auntor p.o.v¤\>


when taehyung entered every one gather around they were surprised to see him

girl1: omg taehyung oppa your back!

girl2: how are you?

but taehyung just walk past them and jungkook too

???: yah taehyung

said a voice

jungkook: hi jin hyung

taehyung: hey

jin: it been a millon years

taehyung: -_-||

jungkook: -_-||

???: hi jungkook and taehyung

jungkook: namjoon hyung!

taehyung:hi hyung

namjoon: you finally came

taehyng: yeah only because jungkook forced me


???: hi jungkook and tae

all of them looked at those two people

taehyung: hi jimin hyung you look shorter than usaull

jungkook: yeah really short

jimin: yah you brats!

jimin hit them palyfully

taehyung: its been long yoongi hyung

yoongi: yeah how are you

taehyung: i'm fine


√•√°√time skip√•√°

in the class


teacher: class be quite


taecher: we have a transfered student joining us today

y/n entered the room

teacher: this is y/n please introduce yourself

y/n: hi guys my name y/n i am new pls treat me well*bows*

teacher: pls go seat there

y/n: ok

y/n walks to her seat.she sits down and looks around

y/n:every one looks normal..i hope i can make new friends

the taecher starts the class.y/n focuses on the class untill she notices some one is looking at her she turns her head in the back to see a hand some boy look at her

y/n: *thinks* why is he looking at me???but he os hot..wait y/n focus

she turns her head on the other direction

but she still feels like she is being watched.she looks back again to see the same boy look at her but this time he is watching her deeply

y/n: *thinks* omg he is making a bit uncomfurtable

•°••°taehyung p.o.v •°••°

i was looking some where else untill the teacher comes in with a girl i look her closely.she is soo hot and cute at the same time wow..who is she? her name is y/n? what a cute name... she just sits in front of me i start to examine her body......

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