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My Baby's Mumma


In a bright sunny day. The road was busy. The sound of car honking was louder than the chirping of the birds.
A male was walking on the busy street as he sighed.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Another shitty day.
But then something very interesting happened. He saw a small boy with blond hair running towards him.
But while running the cute bubble fell down and his his eyes got teary.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Oh no.
He walked to that boy and made him stand. He brushed his clothes which were dirty.
All this time the boy was looking at Arthur with teary eyes.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Are you hurt somewhere?
The boy pointed at his knees which were bleeding.
Arthur picked him up.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
What is your name?
He wasn't good with kids. He didn't know exactly what to do. He just wanted his parent to come and take him.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Rave was still staring at him.
Arthur sat down on a bench and took out a water bottle from his bag.
Then he poured the clean water on his knee to clean the blood.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
I am sorry. It will be okay. Just bare it a bit.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
It's okay. Don't worry. I am a strong boy.
Arthur chuckled.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Yes you are a strong boy.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Don't laugh.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Okay I won't laugh. But where is your mother or father?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
I don't have a mom and my father is at work.
Arthur was surprised to know that this cute bubble didn't have a mom.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Then whom did you come with?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
The guard uncles.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Where are the guard uncles?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
I don't know.
Arthur sighed. He got up with Rave in his arms and walked in the grocery shop.
He buys bandaid and medicine.
He payed and went outside. Then he again sat on the same bench and applied medicine and bandaids his knee.
Like I said, he was damn confused about what to do as he was never in this situation.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
What is your name?
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
You can call Arthur.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
(Mom...) Arthur.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
That's right.
Well, isn't he fast.
Then three men in black came running, pushing through the crowd. They looked very worried and scared.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Guard uncles!!
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Huh... where?
Then Rave pointed at the men's. Just that moment the guards saw Rave and came towards him.
Young master!! I told you not to run like that!
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
(Seems like he is rich.)
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
I am sorry.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Ahem... he fell down while running and got hurt, I already treated him so don't worry.
Thank you.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
It's okay.
The guard took Rave in his arms.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Don't run like that again okay. You might get lost and hurt.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Good boy.
He ruffled his hair and left.
Rave kept looking at him. His clumsy yet gentle manner, he liked those.
Shall we go young master. Master is waiting for you.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Let's go.❄️
Oo... what a big surprise.
Arthur, he is a capable and very famous Engineer. He is now in front of the company he works.
He sighed and walked inside.

Cutie Kid

He kept his cold aura as other employees who knew him greeted him. Everyone admired him in the company. Many girls have a crush on him as he is handsome.
But he doesn't care about those. He doesn't have much interest in love now. Three years back he was in a relationship with a girl.
But she broke up with him and left him broken. Ever since then he hates the word "LOVE".
He went inside his cabin and closed the door behind him. He flopped on the chair.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
I want to sleep.
He might look like one but he is actually a lazy person.
Since he had to wake up early in the morning because their boss is coming, he is in a grumpy mood.
It was almost time for the meeting. He walked to meeting room and took seat. Other employees also came one by one.
He didn't care. Then the boss came inside. The CEO of this company, Robinson Crusoe came inside.
He had pale white skin and black hair. The first thing Arthur thought after seeing him was,
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
(Is he a vampire?)
Robin sat on his chair with a none expressed face.
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
Start the meeting.❄️
The meeting started.
Arthur was feeling damn bored. He puts his hand on his mouth and yawned secretly as he couldn't control it anymore. But his eyes got a bit teary.
Then finally the meeting ended.
Robin went out first then the other employees. Arthur was also on his way back to his cabin but suddenly a small creature hugged his legs. His height was around Arthur's legs.
He looked down and saw that it Rave, the kid he met this morning. He was looking at him with doe eyes.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Rave nodded his head cutely. Who would have thought that Arthur will meet him again, at least Arthur didn't think he will meet this little kid again.
He bend down to his height and patted his head.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
What are you doing here?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Your dada works here?
He nods his head.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Then you should go to him.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Dada busy.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
(I also have some work.) Um...
Then Arthur saw a man in black suit running. Calling his young master.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
See, this uncle is here to take you.
Master let's go.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Rave hugs Arthur tightly and hides his face in his nape.
But master is looking for you.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Dada busy.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
He must be worried not to see you there Rave.
But he still didn't let go of Arthur. Arthur sighed and stood up holding Rave in his arms.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Can you inform his father that he is with me, since he won't let me go.
I will speak to him.
The guard sighs and left. Arthur looked at Rave who was smiling at him cutely. He chuckled and pinched his cheeks.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Such a cutie.
Rave giggled.
Then Arthur went to his cabin.
Rave was sitting on his lap as he was working on his laptop. He was surprisingly very obedient. He was staring at Arthur and at his laptop sometimes.
Which Arthur found very cute.

Gummy Smile

The guard walked to Robin's cabin and knocked on the door. He went inside after having the permission from Robin.
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
What is it? Where is Rave?❄️
That... young master didn't want to come with me and insisted on staying with an employee here.
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
What is that employee's name?❄️
I do not know.
Robin clicked his tongue. The guard was feeling more nervous now.
Robin stood up from his seat and took his coat which was hanging behind the chair and wore it. He fixed his tie.
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
Robinson Crusoe (ML)
Take me where you saw that employee.❄️
Yes master.
Then they went out of the office and were walking down the hallways. The guard took Robin to the place where Rave went with Arthur.
Just near was Arthur's cabin. Robin walked forward and he saw his son sitting on Arthur's lap while Arthur was working on his laptop through the glass door.
He noticed how Rave was looking at Arthur. He was looking at him with gentle eyes. He also noticed that Rave's face wasn't expressionless like he always saw. Happiness was visible on his face even though he wasn't saying anything.
Rave's face wasn't cold like it always stays when he is around him. He was happy to see his son like that but he was also shocked. Finally he looked at Arthur's face.
He didn't do anything. He didn't went inside the cabin nor he knocked on the door or tried to draw their attention. He just turned and left.
It was now lunch time. Arthur looked at Rave who was still on his lap all this time. He didn't mind having him on his lap. He was cute. His legs were numb but he didn't mind.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Rave, are you hungry?
Rave nodded his head in agreement. Arthur smiled at him.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Let's go and grab something to eat.
Arthur got up from his seat with Rave in his arms. He stood there for a minute as his legs were numb. He saw that Rave was looking at him with his doe eyes.
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
What happened?
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Ah... it's nothing.
Arthur was now standing in front of the elevator with Rave in his arms. He was actually very curious about who his father is.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Rave, what is your father's name?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Robinson Crusoe.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
(Isn't it our boss's name!! He is my boss's son!!)
He finally then noticed Rave's facial expression. His face seemed expressionless. It was as if he hated talking about his father.
Arthur then went inside the elevator and went to the 1st floor. Then he went to the restaurant in front of the company. He just couldn't let his boss's son eat in the canteen now can he?
They took their seat beside the window. Rave was now sitting in front of Arthur. Arthur smiled at him warmly.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Rave, do you have any allergies?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Is there any type of dish that you don't like?
Rave Crusoe (ML
Rave Crusoe (ML's son)
I am not a picky eater.
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Arthurian Gio (MC)
Oh that's very good. Rave is a good boy.
Rave looked at Arthur and gave his gummy smile.
There was one person who was watching them from a distance. It was Robin. He smiled looking at his son's gummy smile.

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