NovelToon NovelToon

Ways To Protect My Villainous Twin Brother

Ep 1 - Prologue —

Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
I reincarnated...into a novel....? *scanning herself*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
White Silver like curly long hair sparking in sunlight Red ruby like eyes bloody yet enchanting Pale white smooth skin
There is no doubt....this is.....Ariana De Callistio!
Holy God! This is a disaster!
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Now I am that unlucky and miserable Ariana De Callistio who lead a miserable life and died right after her twin brother! ) *internal screaming*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( No I can't die! In order to survive I have to protect my "villain" twin brother! )
But how!?
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
You will protect my brother and I will be your eye to spy on duke....*raises her eyebrows*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Is this a deal and why should I accept it? *scoff*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Because...*comes near*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Interesting....*rubs his chin*
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Alright Ariana...De Callistio.... the deal is on...and if anything goes wrong....your head will be mine...*snicker*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Right....I took a risky step.... ) *nervous*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
First plan complete now next....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
I am back....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( this...time it's not the heir you bought... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( ....your doom )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Next is to insure that the male lead doesn't kill my brother.... )
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
What are you staring at.... *munching*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Nothing.... ( kids are easy to please )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( You surely won't kill ypur benefactor brother right? )
5 years later-------
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( What...what the going on...??? )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Why....
The male lead who was supposed to hate me and my brother is now....
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
This time I will protect you my queen *places a gentle kiss*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
...this people...
And the cold and stern archduke is now defending me?
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
As long as I am alive no one can touch this kid *pats on head*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
...not following the plot!? )
Not just that....
My twin brother who was obsessed with male lead is now....obsessed with me!?
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
If you want your head intact your body don't even think about my sister *glare*
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Heyyyy you can't be villain again! )
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
How about I just kill you then *smirk*
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
Edmund Von Ophelia [ Crown Prince ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( I will die tooo you dumbasses! )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]'s too soon.....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
....I....I...can't....di...die....yet *drowning*
: Ariana De say this is a novel so....what is your real name...?
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Wha...what do I...?
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( strange....why....why can't...I remember my own name....????? )
: That's right you can't remember cause you are....
Ariana De Callistio
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Is this....not a novel !?
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
Arthur De Marintize [ Archduke ]
It's time she remembers that....she....
To Be Continued
Lazy Author
Lazy Author
Hello! Namaste! Assalamu alaikum! Bonjour!
Lazy Author
Lazy Author
to my all readers from this lazy author
Lazy Author
Lazy Author
this is my new chat story with collaboration with my friend Crazy Author!
------applause sound------
Crazy Author
Crazy Author
Crazy Author
Crazy Author
I am crazy- no wait I am normal why had you give me that name 😐
Lazy Author
Lazy Author
Hoho cause I wanted to make rhyming (σ≧▽≦)σ
Crazy Author
Crazy Author
You are crazy one here 😐
Lazy Author
Lazy Author
We know we know~
Lazy Author
Lazy Author
So my dear readers please support my new chat story love you lots 😘😘

Ep 2 - I am just dreaming

◇ Episode 1 ◇
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Yoohoooo today is finally day off~
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
*jumps on bed* I can finally chill~
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Hmm but what should I do~ *thinking hard*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Oh right I will read the novel that my colleague gave!
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Where did I keep it...? *rummaging her bag*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Found it!
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
" His 100th life "
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
BL novel~ *drooling*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Let's read!
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
*turns first page*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Huh? There is some kind of warning in the book? *puzzled*
⚠️ Treat this book right ⚠️
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
🙄 What kind of warning is even this
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Duh I won't share it with anyone *flips another page*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
In a shimmering kingdom of Ophelia
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
...took place a forbidden love story that was untold....and never known *reading*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
The main character of this story was a persom blessed by great hair with sapphire like purple eyes....Edmund Von Ophelia
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Who was chased out and haunted by his own uncle who started rebellion against his own brother and stabbed on his back....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ? the prince kept low profile and stayed hidden in Duke's mansion....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Then there was entry of the villain of this story....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Robertson De Callistio
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
And his twin older sister....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Ariana De Callistio...
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
The twins were adopted by the Duke..
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
While his twin sister was receiving the heirs training from the duke to protect his brother from harsh and cruel treatment of the Duke....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Suffered all the burden alone....the tormenting duke...
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
....the insulting and eyes looking down upon her every time....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Even servants treated her like a low-born and casted aside...
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
But she took it all to protect her twin little brother, but she didn't knew the fact....that her brother....
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
...had become a villain....
Few hours later
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
THIS IS NONSENSE !! *throws book*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
Why does the villain's sister keeps dying after that villain death! *frustrated*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
This story keeps repeating with no ending *irked*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
I am going to sleep this book just destroyed my mood
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
*lays down*
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
( I it feels when no one sees your effort....and looked down must have felt that too.... )
? ¿ ?
? ¿ ?
( Ariana... ) *closes eye*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
*opens eye*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
How long did I sleep for *stretches hand*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
hmm? ( why I feel my hands are small? ) ( ・∇・)
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( wh...why is this face so smoll ) *touches her face*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
What happened Ari ? *approaches*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
WHO ARE YOU!? *shocked*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
A..and what did you call me??? *shocked x 2*
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
You are Ariana, and I am Robert your twin....sister....did you eat something wrong again.... *poke*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Ariana?.... Robert...? )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( .... Weren't this characters in "His 100th Life" )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Oh I am just dreaming let me go back to sleep again....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
*goes back to sleep*
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
She finally lost her last brain cells (ーー;)
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
◇ To Be Continued ◇

Ep 3 - Has it started...?

◇ Episode 2 ◇
Next morning-------
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( So you are telling me....right now.... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( That I am that miserable and unfortunate Ariana who keept dying in her all life !!! )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( though there is no doubt.... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( ....that this is Ariana.... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( ....the character I related to the most...sister of... )
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Aria water is ready you will take bath first ?
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( .....the villain....who tormented the male lead and made his life a living hell.... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
*glaces* ( ....why would such a kid...turn out this way...? )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
I will go take bath first....
Leaving that all according to the data I collected right now...
The duke haven't yet adoptet us and we are still leaving in this orphanage....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( This orphanage is even stranger.... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Right now my main goal is to survive! )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( It's good that Aria always was a strange character and not too much connected to her twin that's why yesterday he didn't find anything strange... )
The main story will start after the rebellion takes place....
Soon the male lead uncle will start a rebellion...and chase out the prince....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
I can't think of anything....*mumbling*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Robert will start tormenting the male lead right after meeting him...
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Meet him....
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
RIGHT! *jumps*
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Aria are you again playing while bathing *from outside*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
(ーー;) No no...I just slipped....( ....what kind of character she even had.... )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
But I got it....*mumbling*
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
If this both never meets then he won't ever be a villain and if he won't be a villain then he won't die
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
and if he doesn't die I won't die too!
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Yea yea I am coming out (ーー;)
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
*comes out*
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
What were you even doing in that long....*hands crossed*
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
Robertson De Marintize [FL twin brother]
*sigh* Never mind the dean is calling us let's go
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
The dean?
Ariana you insisted that you wanted to be adopted along with your twin brother
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( That was what past Ariana wanted.... )
So congratulations
There is someone who agreed to adopt you both!
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Wait don't tell's.... )
You know you should feel honoured you are both being adopted
By the Great Duke!!
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
! !
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( Have it....have it already...started....? )
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
Ariana De Callistio [ FL ]
( No... )
I can feel...those moments....
I feel....
◇ To Be Continued ◇

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