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The Mystical Princess's First Love



Natalie my grandmother called hide here and never come out until all the noises and movements have stopped remember to always keep your gem never let anyone know about the gem that is embedded in your forehead that is protecting you from danger whether if it poisons in your food or someone trying to claim your life, I promise that you will be safe goodbye my lovely darling for this may just be my final farewell.

      After that my Nana left, I stayed there in the hidden room quivering in fear because of the commotion I had been hearing from the outside. I could smell smoke and blood, and I could hear people and women screaming at the top of their lungs for mercy because they were in agonizing pain.

      I heard the knights cackle as they slaughtered my family, friends and my servants who I had adored I hated this gut-wrenching feeling of pain and sadness, I hated that everyone I loved was being killed on the other side of this brick wall, I hated that I couldn't do anything because of how weak my powers are as of now, but I could only pray.

I prayed for everyone to rest well even after being killed in vain and having a merciless death, I hoped that as they passed on that they could be happy and well.

    After the knights moved out of the castle they sent in the slaves to set the castle and its rooms on fire.When things had died down I went out of the room and discovered that most of the slaves had died due to suffocation, and only a little girl maybe around three or four years old with a baby attached to her back were alive, but she was in a corner trying to fend of the flames using her hands. Enraged by the sight of this merciless act, I used my power of Mystique to drown out the flames, took the girl's hand and hurried out the room to escape smokes residue.

      I found out that the girl's name was challis, i did not like the name because it resembled that of what I called a goblet which someone drinks from, so I renamed her Fiona. It turned out that it was not just one baby Fiona was carrying on her back, but two..... but due to the smoke I could not have seen it quite well, I took one of the babies and held him in my hands then I asked Fiona what was his name, she told me that he doesn't have a name since their mother was ravaged until she died while in the process of taking four men, I was taken a back because a three year old should not know or much less speak of such words they shouldn't even be around when stuff like that was happening!. Her mother died a humiliating death at the age of sixteen, but she raised her children well even though they had to grow up in such an environment and had to watch her perform these nightly acts every time up to the point where she died.

     I turned to Fiona and with tears in my eyes and I said, my dear little sister Fiona, I will not pity you ,neither will I ever speak about or bring about your past, I will show you love and give you and my little brothers happiness and I will treat you as my own.

While wiping her tears and mine I told her that she has to promise me to become a proper young lady, one that will show kindness to others, be proud of who she is and one who would show love and care to those who are her own and for who are not but needs a friend to rely on.

       After our little  emotional discussion, went took the stairs which ventured  to  the family room but on the way down we encountered Margaret, Theodore and Hansel, they were my brother's butler, maid and dinner servant/bestfriend who he loved and adored, Margaret and Theodore were dead but Hansel Margaret's son was on the brink of death he stretch out his hand an gave me a note and also a box he said this is from Niel the closed his eyes  I quickly extended my hand and said Restore and water engulfed Hansels body and started  to heal his wounds. Meanwhile I read the letter and it said;


Dear Big sis Nat,

     I have been saved by Han he rescued me from being Skewered. He used an instant teleportation spell to send me to the capital of peridot which is located in NoEn I only got to write this letter because of the barrier Margaret put around me before I was sent off.

If you are still alive, and you get to read this letter please come and find me.

P.s. Also just before I left Margaret told me Theodore transported elder brother Nate into this capital as well so I will look for him.

xoxo Nathaniel


I wept in relief  to know that both my brothers were alive but the capital  in which they were both transported to was ruled by King Leon he was the new king of NoEn and took the throne at the ripe age of 22 year due to his father's passing  from hypertension. He was said to be a good king and it has also been a year since he took on his duty as king.

The people of Peridot also have good things to say about him so he must be a fine king who looks after his people so I trust that my brothers will be well.

After  healing Hansel we continued  down the stairs and arrived at the family room, I opened the door, and dropped  to my knees. I whaled at the sight of my beloved mother and grandmother laying motionless on the floor, after I got up, and I spotted feet behind the some seats which  were directly below the royal seal I walked closer and saw my elder sister flora, I was shocked.... realization hit me hard blood covered almost every  corner  of the room I was so distraught that I started  banging my fist on the ground and screaming while holding  the Kason in my arm, but Hansel and Fiona comforted me.

Hansel collected Nana's and lady Flora's gem stones and placed them  in my hand, then proceeded to get my mother's gem stone, but.. like me, her gem was embedded into her forehead, so I had to use Melrose another power of mine to retreive it, this power allowed me to shape or pass water through surfaces and withdraw objcets which are inside without damaging of hurting it. I got mother's gem, kissed my grandmother on her forehead and left the family room.

           Out of everyone in the castle besides mother, Nathaniel and big bro Nathan and Flora, my Nana loved me and treated the best. She loved every little thing I did no matter how bad or how horrible of a thing I did, she loved my siblings and I dearly but it honestly hurt that she had to leave me so soon, but I won't cry I hope she rests peacefully in the afterlife.

With the gems that Hansel retrieved for me I implanted one of each into Fiona, Malcolm, Kason and Hansel.


leaving the castle

After giving my new-found siblings and Hansel a gem, we decided to leave the castle which was now in ruins for the better.

While the distance between the castle of Garnnet and my comrades and I grew, I noticed  that the little ones  could not manage another day or so without  rest,shelter, and food to eat so Hansel and I decided to go to the city of Aquafineska, to look for a place of we could live in.

Big sis Nat, Fiona called, how are we going to get to Aquafineska? , if we were to walk it would  tak at least  four days but if we took one of the carriages the goat beard man drive we would  arrive  by tomorrow  afternoon. It only to a couple of seconds  before I could let what fiona said sink in but giat bearded man, who......I thought  to myself, Um Fiona who might I ask is the goat bearded man you are speaking about? , to which fiona answered, the tall goldfish man who has a horse  and carriage business , he drives the carriages along with his sons Lukas and Jonathan. Then it finally clicked Lukas and Jonathan were Mr. Lutrell's son he was the has a carriage  business  near the capital of Garnnet, Hansel,  Fiona come along since we are already  in the capital  of Garnnet which  was I knew as Jasper , it's a very popular place where the most exquisite cuisine is served,  the music is a pleasantry to the ears of country and town's folk and it is also a place  where the most profits are generated .

No wonder Mr.Lutrells business  is so popular, just look at how beautiful this place  is , I'm quite jealous  of  the  people  who get to live here and see this amazing city capital, for I have only been here once and that was when i was 6 years of age. After regaining my composure and I had stopped being so awe struck by my country's capital I recalled what I came here to do I rounded up the children and then ran as fast as physically possible as I was able to do as myself to the carriage business, but bythe time we arrived at Mr. Lutrell's business  place called Trivia Horse and carting, it was already five noon, I hurriedly knocked on the door and asked for the owner of the establishment and  gave my royal code name to which Mr. Lutrell came out almost  immediately when he realized who came to pay him a visit he smiled brightly for princess Natalie was patiently awaiting his arrival on the other side of the door.

Uncle Lute I really need to get to Aquafineska, I have urgent business  awaiting me there  please if you can, give us a ride to a place that we may have both food and shelter.  Uncle  Lute thought for a while before  saying  yes, so does "us" include  the three  little one's and Hansel?, he asked , yes yes the three children, Hansel and I please . Uncle Lute took us to the back and gave us a ride to Aquafineska in one of the best carriage's he had. We arrived at our destination point in 15 hours .

On the way to Aquafineska I told him about what had happened and how I managed to escape all while rescuing the children and healing their wounds. Whhen Uncle Lute heard that Nana aka the former Queen Liliana his best friend had died his face grew bitter and silence prolonged him but although he went silent I continued to speak about bout the death of my elder sister and my mother the now deceased Queen of Garnett. So hold a minute Natty who in the world did this to your family?' why didn't they choose to ruin the kingdom instead?, I find it strange that the secretly caused calamity in the castle but did not touch the captain and the people of Garnnet, I find it Reaalllll strange my dear but, I do hope that whatever you may be plotting to do to revive or to help your kingdom please be safe and beeee.... Precise ok my dear, Yes Uncle Lute I'll have to find my brother's first for my plan to commence that's if those old dodder head kings don't come and try to claim me as a bride after destroying my castle and leaving it in ruins. I hope it doesn't come to that for if it does it'll be the day I'll off myself and also the day the people who once smiled with me would cry. Oh my look at that while we were conversing about trivial matters the children have all gone to sleep hahahaha hey uncle doesn't this scene feel familiar to you and he nodded his head in agreement and chuckled saying well would you look at that reminds me of when you and my boys would join me in mini adventures in the castle when you lot were younger oh look at how time flies.

Shortly after remenessing with Uncle Lute, I found that I myself was also getting tired and took a short nap.

I woke up to the sound of Hansel shouting, FINALLLLYY we are here he said rejoicingly, we can now look for the eldest and youngest prince and also princess Nat can we also look for a proper place to stay, where we wont be drawing attention to ourselves. well I knew Hansel was a intelligent but he was only 12 years old, but what he did say was true we dont need anyone knowing that a princess is residing in the king of NoEn's territory how awful would that be.

Uncle Lute thankyou for bringing us here it's all thanks to you that we have made it this far. but before he left he gave my 1.6 billion cheroks or 2.4 billion dollars in Aquafineskan dollars gave me a thumbs up and left.

Uncle Lute dropped us of on scallion road where vendors populated it as if there was carnival was happening.

I told Hansel to hold Fiona's hand while I held the boys In my hand we walked down scallion road admiring the set up of the vendor they offered us fish to buy, jewelry, makeup and other gadgets gizmos and pets. At the end of the road we I bumped into an old man who was carrying water buckets and I asked him if he knew of any Inn's that would house the five of us or more and the old man said I'll show you the way but you , can you help me carry these buckets of water to my home which I did agree to help him I gave baby Kason to Hansel and baby Malcolm to his sister and I told them to watch the babies and stick together , DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE STRANGE and do not care for if anyone not trustworthy has to say to you.

The old man whose name was Naomi had twelve more buckets of water to carry home it only took 10 minutes for me to finish carrying the buckets along he thanked me but giving the children and I something to drink for it was hot and then he showed me the way to the inn I thanked him then he left.

The Innkeeper told me that it was 12 aqua dollars per night but 250 aqua dollars per month, I had more than enough money to stay here for a whole year the innkeeper also said that break fast will be served each morning at 7 a.m no added charges the bath is on the second floor on the left for women and children. The bathes will be open until 12 midnight and the doors to the inn will be closed at 11 p.m sharp and will not be opened until 6:30 a.m the next day. I paid the innkeeper 1500 checkrockes which amounted to 3000 aqua dollars to stay in Aquafineska for 1year.

The innkeep gave us a nice room it had three bedrooms, the first bedroom had 2 beds and a clothes closet in it, the second roome had two baby beds and a really big bed in it which could hold 5 people in it it also had a close closet , two windows, the third bedroom had two large beds and it was the largest room but aside from having bedrooms we had a kitchen and a dining room. I thanked the innkeeper once again and then sat down and rested until the next day.

the plan

The next day........

Good morning prin...shhhhh remember I'm not "Princess " refer to me by my other name. Ririright goodmorning Glenda Fiona and I ate already  but since you and the babies  were sleeping  we decided  to bring breakfast to the three of you . Milk for the boys and Bread with a side of bacon sausage cheese tomatoes lettuce  and a chocolate muffin for you with some soursop bush tea.

  Thankyou Hansen thankyou very much.

As of now since the kingdom and most of the capital  knows alot about  the princess of Garnnet and her servants  Hansel and I had to change our names so I'm am now know as Glenda and hannah is now known as Hansen.

When we were finished eating,  when we were alone I told  told Hansel that I have decided to look around town. I honestly wanted a job because although we had money I still needed clues about  where my brother exactly  location  was, and I needed a job that has a lot of customers coming in and out. As I was just about to close the front  door I said Hansen

I am leaving you now see you when I get back and dmDO NOT LET ANYONE IN!!!!! unless it's me or the in keeper I'll knock on the door using my 2 fist five times while calling one of the twins names.

As I was approaching  the main exit I greeted  the in keeper and left to find a job.

In town I was greeted by the same old gentleman whom I once helped, with a bright smile I said good day to you kind sir have a stupendous day he nodded and  with a crooked smile he waved good bye. I  was walking  a long valley lane which was a mother populated street  it had more popular stores  than street  vendors.

The first store  on my left was a fish market and although I  dont mind doing hard work I could  last long  with the fishy smell it made me sick I was only in there  for 5 minutes until  my stomach decided it wanted to throw  away its breakfast. (>_<). I turned  around  and walked out the next story was a carpentry center I wasn't to good at carpentry and  and only good at making dolly houses so I went to a third store with was an upper  class women's clothing store  I went in and was graced  by the ranger's presence  she spoke and dressed  like a noble and was a beautiful lady. She offered  me so tea and biscuits ,then she asked me "what is it that you would like, young lady", I told her that I wanted to  work at her establishment.

I said, My name is Glenda Lancelot I am 17 years old, I am very hardworking, diligent and intelligent and my strongest talent is clothing & textile and cooking or home economics and i................ your hired.

Um…. I'm…ii… I'm…hired you said um thank you madame, Thankyou very much, I'll work really hard and do my best to make you proud and also to bring in customers just leave it to me.

That day I left the store happy with a skip in each step that I walked. I was so happy and excited for new job that I skipped all the way home Hansen, Fifi, I'm home, then I knock on the door they way I told Hansel that I would and he when he opened the door I hugged him and told him the good news Fifi locked the door and then joined Hansel and me while I was telling the good news.


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